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The Stereographs Project
The Stereographs Photographer Project
Information on stereo photographers is widely scattered and this project brings it together into a coherent series of datasets.
PLEASE NOTE: The names shown here are only for testing purposes and more complete listing will be added as soon as possible. If you have ANY datasets on stereo photographers please let me know: let's make this a collaborative project.
W - US
W.H.M. SEE: Metcalf, W.H. - Milwaukee, WI, US
W.W. SEE: Warner, W. Harding - Ross, Crom.
Wacquez & Radiguet, A. - Baden-Baden, Germany:Paris, France
Wacquez & Radiguet, A. SEE: Radiguet - Paris, France
Wacquez SEE: Wacquez & Radiguet, A. - Baden-Baden, Germany:Paris, France
Wacquez, A. SEE: Wacquez & Radiguet, A. - Baden-Baden, Germany:Paris, France
Waddell SEE: Detlor & Waddell - Bradford, PA, US
Waddell SEE: West & Waddell - Bradford, PA, US
Wade Bros. - Clinton, Ontario, Canada:Goderich, Ontario, Canada:Seaforth, Ontario, Canada
Wade SEE: Wilcox & Wade - Stafford Springs, CT, US
Wade, B.J. SEE: Wade Bros. - Clinton, Ontario, Canada:Goderich, Ontario, Canada:Seaforth, Ontario, Canada
Wade, C.A. - Parkersburg, WV, US
Wade, Charles Amos SEE: Wade, C.A. - Parkersburg, WV, US
Wade, H.F. - Ware, MA, US:Monson, MA, US:Danielsonville, CT, US:East Killingly, CT, US
Wade, Henry F. SEE: Wilcox & Wade - Stafford Springs, CT, US
Wade, Henry F. SEE: Wade, H.F. - Ware, MA, US:Monson, MA, US:Danielsonville, CT, US:East Killingly, CT, US
Wade, W.W.W. SEE: Wade Bros. - Clinton, Ontario, Canada:Goderich, Ontario, Canada:Seaforth, Ontario, Canada
Wadsworth, Mrs. William B. - Franklin, NH, US
Wager & Crowell - Erie, PA, US
Wager & Crowell SEE: Crowell - Erie, PA, US
Wager & Crowell SEE: Wager, S.D. - Erie, PA, US
Wager SEE: Churchill & Wager - Erie, PA, US
Wager SEE: Wager & Crowell - Erie, PA, US
Wager, S.D. SEE: Churchill & Wager - Erie, PA, US
Wager, S.D. SEE: Wager & Crowell - Erie, PA, US
Wager, S.D. - Erie, PA, US
Waggener, Jr, James - Vancouver, WA, US
Wagoner, J.H. - Boonesboro, MD, US:Hagerstown, MD, US
Wagoner, John H. SEE: Wagoner, J.H. - Boonesboro, MD, US:Hagerstown, MD, US
Wahlstab SEE: Herold & Wahlstab - Lüneburg (Luneberg), Germany
Wahlstrom, Clara - Linkoping, Sweden
Wait SEE: Brown & Wait - Sioux City, IA, US
Waite SEE: Brainard & Waite - Troy, NY, US
Waite, E.O. - Dalton, MA, US:Lancaster, MA, US:Bolton, MA, US:Worcester, MA, US
Waite, Edward O. SEE: Waite, E.O. - Dalton, MA, US:Lancaster, MA, US:Bolton, MA, US:Worcester, MA, US
Waite, J. - Torquay, Devon, England, UK
Waite, S.H. - Hartford, CT, US
Waite, T. - Hartford, CT, US
Waite, W.M. SEE: Brainard & Waite - Troy, NY, US
Waite, W.M. - Troy, NY, US
Wakefield and Twitchell - Lebanon, NH, US
Wakefield SEE: Wakefield and Twitchell - Lebanon, NH, US
Wakefield, F.L. - Lebanon, NH, US
Wakefield, L.H. - Portland, OR, US
Wakefield, Lemuel H. SEE: Wakefield, L.H. - Portland, OR, US
Wakely, G.D. SEE: Wakely, George D. - Omaha, NE, US:Washington, DC, US:Leadville, CO, US:Denver, CO, US
Wakely, George D. - Omaha, NE, US:Washington, DC, US:Leadville, CO, US:Denver, CO, US
Wakeman, J.H. - Rockford, IL, US
Wakeman, Jeheil H. SEE: Wakeman, J.H. - Rockford, IL, US
Wakerfield, F.L. - Lebanon, NH, US
Walasek, Otto - Sonoma, CA, US
Walbridge, H.S. - North Bennington, VT, US
Walch & Son - Berchtesgaden, Germany
Walch SEE: Walch & Son - Berchtesgaden, Germany
Walch, M. SEE: Walch & Son - Berchtesgaden, Germany
Walcott, J.E. - Boston, MA, US
Waldack, C. - Cincinnati, OH, US
Waldack, Charles - Cincinnati, OH, US
Waldack, Chas. SEE: Waldack, Charles - Cincinnati, OH, US
Waldron and Wilson - Keokuk, IA, US:Marion, IA, US
Waldron SEE: Waldron and Wilson - Keokuk, IA, US:Marion, IA, US
Waldron - Skibbereen, Ireland
Waldron, George F. SEE: Waldron and Wilson - Keokuk, IA, US:Marion, IA, US
Wales, H.R. - Rome, NY, US
Walker & Boyle - New York, NY, US
Walker & Fagersteen - Stockton, CA, US:Yosemite, CA, US
Walker & Fagersteen SEE: Fagersteen, Gustavus - Merced, CA, US:Yosemite Valley, CA, US:Madera, CA, US:Fresno, CA, US
Walker & Mancel - New Orleans, LA, US:Pensacola, FL, US
Walker & Mancel SEE: Mancel, Henry - Pensacola, FL, US:New Orleans, LA, US
Walker & Mancel SEE: Walker, John A. - Pensacola, FL, US
Walker & Sons, W. - London, England, UK
Walker SEE: Barron & Walker - Sarnia, Ontario, Canada
Walker SEE: Rose & Walker - Poughkeepsie, NY, US
Walker SEE: Walker & Fagersteen - Stockton, CA, US:Yosemite, CA, US
Walker SEE: Walker & Boyle - New York, NY, US
Walker SEE: Walker & Mancel - New Orleans, LA, US:Pensacola, FL, US
Walker SEE: Young & Walker - Athens, PA, US
Walker - Kansas City, KS, US
Walker, A. - Waterloo, IA, US
Walker, A.W.H. - Harrogate, Yorkshire, England, UK
Walker, Alfred - Utica, NY, US
Walker, C.L. - Grinnell, IA, US
Walker, Cecil - Eureka Springs, AR, US
Walker, Charles L. SEE: Walker, C.L. - Grinnell, IA, US
Walker, F. - Maryport, Cumberland, England, UK
Walker, G.H. - South Londonderry, VT, US
Walker, H.H. - Wilmington, OH, US
Walker, I.A. - Waterford, Ireland
Walker, J. - Croydon, Surrey, England, UK
Walker, J.S. - Trenton, NJ, US:Mt. Holly, NJ, US
Walker, John A. SEE: Walker & Mancel - New Orleans, LA, US:Pensacola, FL, US
Walker, John A. - Pensacola, FL, US
Walker, L.E. - Washington, DC, US:Warsaw, NY, US
Walker, Lewis E. SEE: Walker, L.E. - Washington, DC, US:Warsaw, NY, US
Walker, S.C. SEE: Walker & Fagersteen - Stockton, CA, US:Yosemite, CA, US
Walker, S.L. SEE: Rose & Walker - Poughkeepsie, NY, US
Walker, S.L. - Poughkeepsie, NY, US
Walker, S.R. - Chicago, IL, US
Walker, Sela Clarence SEE: Walker & Fagersteen - Stockton, CA, US:Yosemite, CA, US
Walker, W. SEE: Walker & Sons, W. - London, England, UK
Walker, William SEE: Walker & Sons, W. - London, England, UK
Walker's Scenic Art Co. - Wilmington, OH, US
Walkinton, W.M. - Fenny, Staffordshire, England, UK
Wallace Brothers - Benton Harbor, MI, US
Wallace SEE: Reed & Wallace - Mobile, AL, US
Wallace - Washington, DC, US
Wallace, H.C. - Manchester, NH, US
Wallace, Harry E. SEE: Reed & Wallace - Mobile, AL, US
Wallace, J.H. - Fort Fairfield, ME, US
Wallach - Washington, DC, US
Wallach, E. - Washington, DC, US
Wallach, J. - Washington, DC, US
Wallach, John SEE: Wallach, J. - Washington, DC, US
Waller & Schrader - Brooklyn, NY, US
Waller SEE: Waller & Schrader - Brooklyn, NY, US
Waller, E. - Jersey City, NJ, US
Waller, J. - Whitby, Yorkshire, England, UK
Wallin, C.E. - Fort Wayne, IN, US
Wallin, Charles E. - York, PA, US
Wallin, Charles E. - Montgomery, AL, US
Walline, A.L. - Ogden, IA, US:Gowrie, IA, US:Clarion, IA, US
Walline, Andrew Larson SEE: Walline, A.L. - Ogden, IA, US:Gowrie, IA, US:Clarion, IA, US
Wallis & Young - Salem, MA, US
Wallis SEE: Wallis & Young - Salem, MA, US
Wallis, G.D. - Whitby, Yorkshire, England, UK
Wallis, J.D. SEE: Wallis, James D. - Ottawa, Ontario, Canada:Kingston, Ontario, Canada
Wallis, James D. - Ottawa, Ontario, Canada:Kingston, Ontario, Canada
Walowsky, J.K. - Warsaw, Russia
Walp, I.R. - Allentown, PA, US
Walsch, M. - Berchtesgaden, Germany
Walshe, Dr. S. - London, England, UK
Walter, C. - Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Walter, C.E. - Lansing, MI, US:Cascade, MI, US:Quincy, MI, US:Agricultural College, MI, US
Walter, Carl SEE: Walter, C. - Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Walter, Charles SEE: Walter, C. - Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Walter, H.L. - Manchester, IA, US
Walter, Harvey L. SEE: Walter, H.L. - Manchester, IA, US
Walter, J.P. - Rochester, NY, US
Walter, James Pumpelly SEE: Walter, J.P. - Rochester, NY, US
Walter, Jerry - Los Angeles, CA, US
Walter, T. - Norfolk, VA, US
Walter, Thomas SEE: Walter, T. - Norfolk, VA, US
Waltermire, Phil. C. - Ashland, NE, US:Lincoln, NE, US:Sioux City, NE, US
Walton & Snyder - Philadelphia, PA, US
Walton & Snyder SEE: Walton, J.E. - New Brighton, PA, US
Walton SEE: Walton & Snyder - Philadelphia, PA, US
Walton, Bill C. - Columbus, GA, US
Walton, J.E. SEE: Walton & Snyder - Philadelphia, PA, US
Walton, J.E. - New Brighton, PA, US
Walvady, W. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Walz, John H. - Baltimore, MD, US
Walzl, R. SEE: Walzl, Richard E. - Baltimore, MD, US
Walzl, Richard E. - Baltimore, MD, US
Walzl, Richard Edmund SEE: Walzl, Richard E. - Baltimore, MD, US
Walzl, Richard SEE: Walzl, Richard E. - Baltimore, MD, US
Wampler, W.P. - York, PA, US
Wane, Marshall - Douglas, Isle of Man, England, UK
Warcham, C.H. - Fort Scott, KS, US
Ward & Ivimey SEE: Ivimey & Ward - London, England, UK
Ward & Munsey - Lake Village, NH, US
Ward & Ranger - Syracuse, NY, US
Ward SEE: Cox & Ward - Baltimore, MD, US
Ward SEE: Hurd & Ward - North Adams, MA, US
Ward SEE: Ivimey & Ward - London, England, UK
Ward SEE: Ward & Munsey - Lake Village, NH, US
Ward SEE: Ward & Ranger - Syracuse, NY, US
Ward SEE: Ward, J.M. & E.D. - Lake Village, NH, US
Ward, A.L. - Fall River, MA, US:Marlboro, MA, US:Taunton, MA, US
Ward, A.R. - Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Ward, Albert Leonidas SEE: Ward, A.L. - Fall River, MA, US:Marlboro, MA, US:Taunton, MA, US
Ward, E.D. - Lake Village, NH, US
Ward, E.D. SEE: Ward, J.M. & E.D. - Lake Village, NH, US
Ward, E.W. - Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Ward, H.D. - North Adams, MA, US
Ward, Henry D. SEE: Hurd & Ward - North Adams, MA, US
Ward, Henry D. SEE: Ward, H.D. - North Adams, MA, US
Ward, J. - Cairo, Egypt
Ward, J.M. & E.D. - Lake Village, NH, US
Ward, J.M. SEE: Ward, J.M. & E.D. - Lake Village, NH, US
Ward, Joseph - Boston, MA, US
Ward, Mr. & Mrs. - Brixton, Devon, England, UK
Ward, V.C. - New York, NY, US
Ward, W.H. SEE: Cook & Ward - Wilkes-Barre, PA, US
Warden, C.P. - Los Angeles, CA, US
Wardley - Lytham, Lancashire, England, UK
Wardner, W.H. - North Hector, NY, US
Wardwell & Co., E.J. - Rochester, NY, US
Wareham, C.H. - Freeport, IL, US
Warfel, A.B. - Cadiz, OH, US
Warfel, Alvin B. - Cadiz, OH, US:Canton, OH, US
Wark, J. - Kent, OH, US
Wark, James - Kent, OH, US
Warn, W.W.R. - Poole, Dorset, England, UK
Warner & Co., C.J. - Lewisburg, WV, US
Warner - Ogden, UT, US
Warner - San Bernadino, CA, US
Warner, A.M. - Providence, RI, US
Warner, Amos M. SEE: Warner, A.M. - Providence, RI, US
Warner, C.J. SEE: Warner & Co., C.J. - Lewisburg, WV, US
Warner, H. - Applegate, OR, US
Warner, H.D. - Worcester, MA, US
Warner, Henri SEE: Warner, H. - Applegate, OR, US
Warner, J. - London, England, UK
Warner, John SEE: Warner, J. - London, England, UK
Warner, Julian - New York, NY, US
Warner, M.P. - Holyoke, MA, US:Springfield, MA, US
Warner, Milan P. SEE: Warner, M.P. - Holyoke, MA, US:Springfield, MA, US
Warner, P.H. - Hopkinton, IA, US
Warner, Peter H. SEE: Warner, P.H. - Hopkinton, IA, US
Warner, T.B. - Richmondville, NY, US
Warner, W. Harding - Ross, Crom.
Warnstrom - Jonkoping, Sweden
Warren & Son, W.E. - San Jose, CA, US
Warren SEE: Brownell & Warren - Fall River, MA, US
Warren SEE: Phillips & Warren - Philadelphia, PA, US
Warren SEE: Williams & Warren - Salem, OR, US
Warren - Cambridgeport, MA, US
Warren, C.J. - Rome, GA, US:Columbus, GA
Warren, H.F. SEE: Warren, Henry F. - Boston, MA, US:Waltham, MA, US
Warren, Henry F. - Boston, MA, US:Waltham, MA, US
Warren, Joseph W. SEE: Brownell & Warren - Fall River, MA, US
Warren, Joseph W. - Fall River, MA, US:Edgartown, MA, US:Cottage City, MA, US
Warren, Joseph SEE: Brownell & Warren - Fall River, MA, US
Warren, Roger - San Francisco, CA, US
Warren, S.K. - Geneva, WI, US
Warren, W.E. - Bath, NY, US
Warren, W.E. SEE: Warren & Son, W.E. - San Jose, CA, US
Warren, W.S. - Boston, MA, US
Warrington, A.W. - Oskaloosa, IA, US
Warrington, Asa W. SEE: Warrington, A.W. - Oskaloosa, IA, US
Warwick SEE: Kile & Warwick Co. - Dayton, OH, US:Miamisburg, OH, US
Warwick, J.A. - Derby, Derbyshire, England, UK
Wasgatt, L. - Cherryfield, ME, US:Millbridge, ME, US
Washbourne, Thomas J. - Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Washbourne, Thomas Jeston SEE: Washbourne, Thomas J. - Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Washburn & Bennett - Red Wing, MN, US
Washburn & Kilgore - ME, US
Washburn & Kilgore SEE: Kilgore, Henry L. - Belfast, ME, US
Washburn SEE: Ronne & Washburn - Buffalo, NY, US
Washburn SEE: Washburn & Bennett - Red Wing, MN, US
Washburn, George L. - Castile, NY, US
Washburn, L.S. - Louisville, KY, US
Washburn, Leonidas Simpkins SEE: Washburn, L.S. - Louisville, KY, US
Washburn, W.B. SEE: Washburn & Kilgore - ME, US
Washburn, W.W. - Cresco, IA, US
Washer, Ed. L. - Dunmore, PA, US
Wasson, C.L. SEE: American Sugar Refining Co. - Houston, TX, US
Wasson, C.L. SEE: International View Co. - Chicago, IL, US:Decatur, IL, US:Lincoln, IL, US:Norwalk, OH, US
Wasson, C.L. - Decatur, IL, US
Wasson, Charles L. SEE: Wasson, C.L. - Decatur, IL, US
Water Bros. - Guelph, Ontario, Canada
Waterman SEE: Silver & Waterman - New York, NY, US
Waterman, H.G. - New Nork City, NY, US
Waters, G. - Bowness on Windermere, Westmoreland, England, UK
Watertown Stereoscopic & View Co. - Watertown, NY, US
Waterworth, Henry T. - Sydney, New South Wales, Australia:Burnie, Tasmania, Australia:Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
Wathne, J. - Mandal, Norway
Watkins & Simmons - Pittsfield, MA, US
Watkins SEE: Watkins & Simmons - Pittsfield, MA, US
Watkins, C.E. SEE: Watkins, Carleton E. - San Francisco, CA, US
Watkins, Carleton E. - San Francisco, CA, US
Watkins, Carleton Eugene SEE: Watkins, Carleton E. - San Francisco, CA, US
Watkins, Carleton SEE: Watkins, Carleton E. - San Francisco, CA, US
Watkins, Charles SEE: Watkins, John & Charles - London, England, UK
Watkins, John & Charles - London, England, UK
Watkins, John SEE: Watkins, John & Charles - London, England, UK
Watkins, Russell C. SEE: Price & Watkins - Pittsfield, MA, US
Watkins, Russell C. SEE: Watkins & Simmons - Pittsfield, MA, US
Watkins's Yo-semite Art Gallery SEE: Cook, J.J. - San Francisco, CA, US
Watkins's Yosemite Art Gallery SEE: Cook, J.J. - San Francisco, CA, US
Watson & Wedd - Mt. Gambier, South Australia, Australia
Watson & Wedd SEE: Wedd, W. - Jamestown, South Australia, Australia
Watson SEE: Watson & Wedd - Mt. Gambier, South Australia, Australia
Watson - Jacksonville, FL, US
Watson, A. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Watson, E.T. - Hull, Yorkshire, England, UK
Watson, J. - Stonehaven, Kincar.
Watson, J.E. - Detroit, MI, US
Watson, J.W. - Bury, Lancashire, England, UK
Watson, O.W. - Spokane, WA, US:Portland, OR, US
Watson, Orrin William SEE: Watson, O.W. - Spokane, WA, US:Portland, OR, US
Watson, W. - Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Watts, W.H. - US
Waugh - Monmouth, Monmouthshire, Scotland, UK
Wawra SEE: Miethke & Wawra - Wien (Vienna), Austria
Way & Sons - Torquay, Devon, England, UK
Way SEE: Way & Sons - Torquay, Devon, England, UK
Way, F.B. - Ashtabula, OH, US
Wayne SEE: Merrill, Wayne & Co. - Grand Rapids, MI, US
We-Us View Co., The - Shabbona Grove, IL, US
Weane, D.W. - Weld, ME, US
Wearn & Hix - Columbia, SC, US
Wearn & Hix SEE: Hix - Columbia, SC, US:Newberry, SC, US
Wearn & Hix SEE: Wearn, Richard - Columbia, SC, US
Wearn SEE: Wearn & Hix - Columbia, SC, US
Wearn, Richard SEE: Wearn & Hix - Columbia, SC, US
Wearn, Richard - Columbia, SC, US
Weatherford & Swann - West Baden, IN, US
Weatherford SEE: Weatherford & Swann - West Baden, IN, US
Weatherington SEE: Williams & Weatherington - Lampasas, TX, US
Weatherly, C.L. & J.A. - Iowa City, IA, US
Weatherly, C.L. SEE: Weatherly, C.L. & J.A. - Iowa City, IA, US
Weatherly, J.A. SEE: Weatherly, C.L. & J.A. - Iowa City, IA, US
Weaver (Mr), Hanson E. SEE: American Stereoscopic Exchange Club - Washington, DC, US
Weaver (Mrs), Hanson E. SEE: American Stereoscopic Exchange Club - Washington, DC, US
Weaver SEE: Crouer, Lin & Weaver - Findlay, OH, US
Weaver SEE: Weaver, P.S. & H.E. - Hanover, PA, US
Weaver, Hanson E. - Washington, DC, US:Gettysburg, PA, US:Hanover, PA, US
Weaver, Hanson E. SEE: Weaver, P.S. & H.E. - Hanover, PA, US
Weaver, Orland F. - Chicago, IL, US
Weaver, P.S. & H.E. - Hanover, PA, US
Weaver, P.S. - Hanover, PA, US
Weaver, Peter S. SEE: Weaver, P.S. - Hanover, PA, US
Weaver, Peter S. SEE: Weaver, P.S. & H.E. - Hanover, PA, US
Weaver, S. - Gettysburg, PA, US
Weaver, Samuel SEE: Weaver, S. - Gettysburg, PA, US
Weaver's Skylight Gallery SEE: Weaver, P.S. & H.E. - Hanover, PA, US
Webb SEE: Blackburn & Webb - Youngstown, OH, US
Webb SEE: James & Webb - Wilmington, DE, US
Webb SEE: Prince & Webb - Dublin, Ireland
Webb, A.P. SEE: Blackburn & Webb - Youngstown, OH, US
Webb, A.P. - Youngstown, OH, US
Webb, Emily SEE: James & Webb - Wilmington, DE, US
Webb, W.H. SEE: Halifax Photographic Co. - Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Webber SEE: Deming & Webber - Oil City, PA, US
Webber, J. - Wells, Somerset, England, UK
Weber & Sederstrom - Colesburg-Kopji, South Africa
Weber SEE: Weber & Sederstrom - Colesburg-Kopji, South Africa
Weber, H. - Cornwall, Ontario, Canada
Weber, H.W. SEE: Weber, H. - Cornwall, Ontario, Canada
Weber, Henry W. SEE: Weber, H. - Cornwall, Ontario, Canada
Webster & Albee - Rochester, NY, US
Webster Bros. - Beaumaris, Anglesey, Wales, UK
Webster, A.G. - Bucksport, ME, US
Webster, Charles R. SEE: Webster & Albee - Rochester, NY, US
Webster, J.N. - Barton, VT, US
Webster, W.T. - Lynn, MA, US
Webster, William T. SEE: Webster, W.T. - Lynn, MA, US
Webster, Wm. T. SEE: Webster, W.T. - Lynn, MA, US
Webster's Photographic Studios - Norwich, CT, US
Wedd SEE: Watson & Wedd - Mt. Gambier, South Australia, Australia
Wedd, W. SEE: Watson & Wedd - Mt. Gambier, South Australia, Australia
Wedd, W. - Jamestown, South Australia, Australia
Weed, Jarvis E. SEE: Mayo & Weed - Mexico City, Mexico:US:Canada
Weeks SEE: Angell & Weeks - Litchfield, MN, US
Weeks, R.E. - Lawrence, KS, US
Wehrli, A.-G. - Zurich, Switzerland
Weick, A.D. - Saint-Die‚ France
Weick, Adolphe SEE: Weick, A.D. - Saint-Die‚ France
Weighert, Carl - Leoben, Austria
Weil, P.F. - New York, NY, US
Weil, Peter F. SEE: Weil, P.F. - New York, NY, US
Weill, Mme. V. - Strasbourg, France
Weiner, A. - Wien (Vienna), Austria
Weipper, A.E. SEE: Port Allegany View Co. - Port Allegany, PA, US
Weir, D.H.H. - Adelaide, South Australia, Australia
Weise, Emil - Eisenach, Germany
Weitfle, Charles - Denver, CO, US:Central City, CO, US:Newark, NJ, US:Dover, NJ, US
Weitfle, Chas. SEE: Weitfle, Charles - Denver, CO, US:Central City, CO, US:Newark, NJ, US:Dover, NJ, US
Weitzinger, Ferd. - Marburg, Germany
Welch, M.C. SEE: Bailey & Welch - Jefferson, OH, US
Welch, M.C. - Chagrin Falls, OH, US
Welch, W.K. - Wellington, New Zealand
Weld & Son, E.G. - Cazenovia, NY, US
Weld, E.G. SEE: Weld & Son, E.G. - Cazenovia, NY, US
Weld, Ezra Greenleaf SEE: Weld & Son, E.G. - Cazenovia, NY, US
Weld, J.A. - Penn Yan, NY, US:Oneonta, NY, US
Weld, Mrs. J.A. - Penn Yan, NY, US
Weldon SEE: Burnite & Weldon - Harrisburg, PA, US
Welldon SEE: Metcalf & Welldon - Boston, MA, US
Welldon, John A. SEE: Metcalf & Welldon - Boston, MA, US
Weller, F.G. SEE: Littleton View Company - Littleton, NH, US
Weller, F.G. - Littleton, NH, US
Welling, Edouard - France
Wells & Cady - Cambridge, NY, US
Wells, C.H. - Denver, CO, US
Wells, E.D. SEE: Great Sunny South Picture Concern - Halsellville, SC, US:Toledo, OH, US
Wells, F.R. - Hastings, East Sussex, England, UK:St. Leonards, Sussex, England, UK
Wells, H.M. SEE: Wells & Cady - Cambridge, NY, US
Wells, H.M. - Cambridge, NY, US
Wells, J.D. - Wilkes Barre, PA, US
Wells, Mrs. E.D. SEE: Great Sunny South Picture Concern - Halsellville, SC, US:Toledo, OH, US
Wendell SEE: Fenton & Wendell - Mackinaw, MI, US
Wenderoth SEE: Wenderoth, Taylor & Brown - Philadelphia, PA, US
Wenderoth, F.A. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Wenderoth, Frederick A. SEE: Wenderoth, Taylor & Brown - Philadelphia, PA, US
Wenderoth, Frederick August SEE: Wenderoth, F.A. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Wenderoth, Taylor & Brown - Philadelphia, PA, US
Wenderoth, Taylor & Brown SEE: Wenderoth, F.A. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Wendt, Julius M. - Albany, NY, US
Wengierski, Count - West Malvern, Worcestershire, England, UK
Wennberg - Tromsö, Norway
Wenzel SEE: Baker & Wenzel - Columbus, OH, US
Wereld-Tourist - Haarlem, Netherlands
Werner & Son, L. - Dublin, Ireland
Werner, L.R. - Amsterdam, Netherlands
West & Waddell - Bradford, PA, US
West & Waddell SEE: West, J. - Pleasantville, PA, US:Bradford, PA, US
West of England Photographic Co. - Hereford, Hertfordshire, England, UK
West SEE: Duval & West - West Chester, PA, US
West SEE: Penfield & West - Bristol, CT, US
West SEE: West & Waddell - Bradford, PA, US
West, J. - Pleasantville, PA, US:Bradford, PA, US
West, West SEE: West & Waddell - Bradford, PA, US
Westendorp, Carl - Köln (Cologne), Germany
Westerman, W. - Åbenrå (Aabenraa), Denmark:Holbak, Denmark:Vejile, Denmark
Western View Co. - Rock Island, IL, US
Westman SEE: Sanftleben & Westman - Quincy, IL, US
Weston SEE: Foltz & Weston - Bedford, PA, US
Weston SEE: Stem & Weston - Pocomoke City, MD, US
Weston, Brent D. SEE: Stem & Weston - Pocomoke City, MD, US
Weston, Brent D. - Baltimore, MD, US
Weyde, J. Vander SEE: Bate y Cía - Montevideo, Uruguay:London, England, UK:Habana, Cuba
Wharton, J. - Wabash, IN, US
Whatmough & Co., D. - Belleville, Ontario, Canada
Whatmough, D. SEE: Whatmough & Co., D. - Belleville, Ontario, Canada
Whatmough, David SEE: Whatmough & Co., D. - Belleville, Ontario, Canada
Wheat & Ford - Lincoln, NE, US
Wheat & Ford's Gallery SEE: Wheat & Ford - Lincoln, NE, US
Wheat SEE: Wheat & Ford - Lincoln, NE, US
Wheatstone, Charles
Wheatstone, Sir Charles SEE: Wheatstone, Charles
Wheelden, G.R. - Bangor, MA, US:Hamden, MA, US:Brewer, MA, US:South Orrington, ME, US:Winterport, ME, US
Wheeldin SEE: Wheelden, G.R. - Bangor, MA, US:Hamden, MA, US:Brewer, MA, US:South Orrington, ME, US:Winterport, ME, US
Wheeldon SEE: Wheelden, G.R. - Bangor, MA, US:Hamden, MA, US:Brewer, MA, US:South Orrington, ME, US:Winterport, ME, US
Wheele, C.H. - Boston, MA, US
Wheeler & Barton - Boston, MA, US
Wheeler & Barton SEE: Wheeler, C.H. - Boston, MA, US
Wheeler & Barton SEE: Barton, George L.D. - Boston, MA, US
Wheeler & Billows - Ottawa, IL, US
Wheeler & Co., C.H. - Boston, MA, US
Wheeler & Day - Oxford, Oxfordshire, England, UK
Wheeler & Day SEE: Day, R. - Oxford, Oxfordshire, England, UK
Wheeler & Day SEE: Wheeler - Oxford, Oxfordshire, England, UK
Wheeler & Plecker - Salem, VA, US
Wheeler & Plecker SEE: Plecker, A.H. - Lynchburg, VA, US:Salem, VA, US
Wheeler & Spenning - Oxford, NY, US
Wheeler & Wilcox - Ottawa, IL, US
Wheeler & Wilcox SEE: Wheeler, W.S. - Chicago, IL, US:Ottawa, IL, US
Wheeler Applied Arts Co. - Seattle, WA, US
Wheeler SEE: Brown & Wheeler - Cowes, Isle of Wight, England, UK
Wheeler SEE: Kuhn & Wheeler - Del Norte, CO, US
Wheeler SEE: Luke & Wheeler - Leadville, CO, US:Cameron, CO, US
Wheeler SEE: Thomas & Wheeler - Racine, WI, US
Wheeler SEE: Wheeler & Billows - Ottawa, IL, US
Wheeler SEE: Wheeler & Day - Oxford, Oxfordshire, England, UK
Wheeler SEE: Wheeler & Plecker - Salem, VA, US
Wheeler SEE: Wheeler & Spenning - Oxford, NY, US
Wheeler SEE: Wheeler & Wilcox - Ottawa, IL, US
Wheeler SEE: Wren & Wheeler - Newberry, SC, US
Wheeler - Oxford, Oxfordshire, England, UK
Wheeler - Pittsfield, MA, US
Wheeler - Del Norte, CO, US:Grand Junction, CO, US:San Juan, CO, US:Colorado Springs, CO, US:Lake City, CO, US
Wheeler, A.H. - Wauwatosa, WI, US
Wheeler, A.J. - Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Wheeler, Alonzo D. SEE: Crawford & Wheeler - Fort Worth, TX, US
Wheeler, C.H. SEE: Wheeler & Barton - Boston, MA, US
Wheeler, Charles H. SEE: Wheeler & Co., C.H. - Boston, MA, US
Wheeler, D.M. SEE: Thomas & Wheeler - Racine, WI, US
Wheeler, D.N. SEE: Wheeler - Del Norte, CO, US:Grand Junction, CO, US:San Juan, CO, US:Colorado Springs, CO, US:Lake City, CO, US
Wheeler, D.W. - Milwaukee, WI, US
Wheeler, Danforth N. SEE: Barnhouse & Wheeler - Lake City, CO, US:Grand Junction, CO, US
Wheeler, Danforth N. SEE: Luke & Wheeler - Leadville, CO, US:Cameron, CO, US
Wheeler, Dansford Noble SEE: Wheeler - Del Norte, CO, US:Grand Junction, CO, US:San Juan, CO, US:Colorado Springs, CO, US:Lake City, CO, US
Wheeler, F. - West Meriden, CT, US
Wheeler, F.W. - Richford, VT, US
Wheeler, Frank SEE: Wheeler, F. - West Meriden, CT, US
Wheeler, Jason - Detroit, MI, US
Wheeler, L.F. - Tecumseh, MI, US
Wheeler, Lavern F. SEE: Wheeler, L.F. - Tecumseh, MI, US
Wheeler, Luther - New London, NH, US
Wheeler, M. - Frankfort, NY, US
Wheeler, Mamie SEE: Wheeler, M. - Frankfort, NY, US
Wheeler, P.H. SEE: Wren & Wheeler - Newberry, SC, US
Wheeler, P.H. - Greenville, SC, US:Laurens, SC, US:Newberry, SC, US
Wheeler, R. - Unadilla, NY, US
Wheeler, S.S. - Otsego, NY, US
Wheeler, S.S. SEE: Wheeler - Pittsfield, MA, US
Wheeler, W.S. SEE: Wheeler & Wilcox - Ottawa, IL, US
Wheeler, W.S. - Chicago, IL, US:Ottawa, IL, US
Wheeler, Willard Samuel SEE: Wheeler, W.S. - Chicago, IL, US:Ottawa, IL, US
Whiddit, W.W. - Newburgh, NY, US
Whincup, W.C. - Rochester, NY, US
Whipple & Barnard - North Troy, VT, US
Whipple & Barnard SEE: Barnard, George C. - North Troy, VT, US:Springfield, MA, US
Whipple & Black SEE: Whipple, J.A. - Boston, MA, US
Whipple & Black SEE: Black, James Wallace - Waltham, MA, US:Boston, MA, US:Newport, RI, US
Whipple & Smith - Salem, MA, US:Boston, MA, US
Whipple SEE: Whipple & Barnard - North Troy, VT, US
Whipple SEE: Whipple & Smith - Salem, MA, US:Boston, MA, US
Whipple SEE: Winsor & Whipple - Olean, NY, US
Whipple, G.M. SEE: Whipple & Smith - Salem, MA, US:Boston, MA, US
Whipple, J.A. - Boston, MA, US
Whipple, J.P. - White Water, WI, US
Whipple, John A. SEE: Whipple, J.A. - Boston, MA, US
Whipple, John Adams SEE: Whipple, J.A. - Boston, MA, US
Whipple, John SEE: Whipple, J.A. - Boston, MA, US
Whirry, H.E. - Los Angeles, CA, US
Whitaker - US
Whitaker, G.B. - Bradford, VT, US
Whitaker, G.C. - Leavenworth, KS, US
Whitaker, R.B. - Liberty, NY, US
Whitcomb, I.A. - Lawrence, MA, US
Whitcraft, W.A. - Cambridge, OH, US
White & Co., F SEE: White, F. - Lancaster, NH, US
White & Co., H.C. - North Bennington, VT, US:New York, NY, US
White & Co., J.M. SEE: White, James M. - Port Huron, MI, US
White & Colpas - Raton, NM, US
White & Colpas SEE: White, W.A. - Rosita, CO, US:Wet Mountain Valley, CO, US:Denver, CO, US:Canon City, CO, US:Florence, CO, US:Querida, CO, US:Raton, NM, US:OK, US
White & Leach - Raton, NM, US
White & Leach SEE: White, W.A. - Rosita, CO, US:Wet Mountain Valley, CO, US:Denver, CO, US:Canon City, CO, US:Florence, CO, US:Querida, CO, US:Raton, NM, US:OK, US
White & Minckler - Fort Wayne, IN, US
White Bros. - Lancaster, NH, US
White Brothers SEE: White, F. - Lancaster, NH, US
White Brothers SEE: White, L. - Montpelier, VT, US:Springfield, MA, US:Boston, MA, US
White Co., H.C. SEE: White, H.C. - Philadelphia, PA, US
White Company, H.C. SEE: White, H.C. - Philadelphia, PA, US
White SEE: Douglas & White - KS, US
White SEE: Hilton & White - Danbury, CT, US
White SEE: Jenney & White - Detroit, MI, US
White SEE: Prescott & White - Willimantic, CT, US:Tariffville, CT, US:Rockville, CT, US:Canton, CT, US:Collinsville, CT, US:Hartford, CT, US
White SEE: Surdam & White - New York, NY, US
White SEE: White & Minckler - Fort Wayne, IN, US
White - Devall's Bluff, AR, US
White - Cincinnati, OH, US
White, A.D. - Jacksonville, FL, US
White, E.F. - Hollidaysburg, PA, US
White, F. SEE: White Bros. - Lancaster, NH, US
White, F. - Lancaster, NH, US
White, Franklin SEE: White, F. - Lancaster, NH, US
White, H.C. - Philadelphia, PA, US
White, H.C. SEE: White & Co., H.C. - North Bennington, VT, US:New York, NY, US
White, H.G. - Milwaukee, WI, US:Monroe, WI, US
White, H.R. - Bradford, PA, US
White, Hawley C. SEE: White, H.C. - Philadelphia, PA, US
White, Hawley C. SEE: White & Co., H.C. - North Bennington, VT, US:New York, NY, US
White, Henry
White, Isaac SEE: Prescott & White - Willimantic, CT, US:Tariffville, CT, US:Rockville, CT, US:Canton, CT, US:Collinsville, CT, US:Hartford, CT, US
White, Isaac - Hartford, CT, US
White, J. - Green Cove Springs, FL, US
White, J.M. SEE: White, James M. - Port Huron, MI, US
White, James M. SEE: Gray & White - Port Huron, MI, US
White, James M. SEE: Jenney & White - Detroit, MI, US
White, James M. - Port Huron, MI, US
White, Jasper SEE: White, J. - Green Cove Springs, FL, US
White, John - Salford, Lancashire, England, UK
White, L. SEE: White Bros. - Lancaster, NH, US
White, L. - Montpelier, VT, US:Springfield, MA, US:Boston, MA, US
White, Luther SEE: White, L. - Montpelier, VT, US:Springfield, MA, US:Boston, MA, US
White, P.O. - US
White, Stan - St. George, Ontario, Canada
White, T.E.M. - New Bedford, MA, US
White, Thomas Edward Mullikin SEE: White, T.E.M. - New Bedford, MA, US
White, W.A. SEE: White & Leach - Raton, NM, US
White, W.A. - Rosita, CO, US:Wet Mountain Valley, CO, US:Denver, CO, US:Canon City, CO, US:Florence, CO, US:Querida, CO, US:Raton, NM, US:OK, US
White, W.S. - Kalamazoo, MI, US
White, Wallace S. SEE: White, W.S. - Kalamazoo, MI, US
White, William A. SEE: White & Colpas - Raton, NM, US
White, William A. SEE: White & Leach - Raton, NM, US
White, William A. SEE: White, W.A. - Rosita, CO, US:Wet Mountain Valley, CO, US:Denver, CO, US:Canon City, CO, US:Florence, CO, US:Querida, CO, US:Raton, NM, US:OK, US
White, William - Weymouth, Dorset, England, UK
Whiteford, J.H. - Paisley, Renfrewshire, Scotland, UK
Whitehead & Armour - St. Lucie, FL, US:Jupiter, FL, US
Whitehead & Dewey - Hamilton, OH, US
Whitehead SEE: Whitehead & Armour - St. Lucie, FL, US:Jupiter, FL, US
Whitehead SEE: Whitehead & Dewey - Hamilton, OH, US
Whitehead, Fred SEE: Whitehead & Armour - St. Lucie, FL, US:Jupiter, FL, US
Whitehead, J.J. - Elkton, KY, US
Whitehead, W.H. - Pittsburgh, PA, US
Whitehead, Willis SEE: Letton & Whitehead - Jacksonville, IL, US
Whitehurst, J.H. SEE: Whitehurst, Jesse Harrison - Washington, DC, US
Whitehurst, Jesse H. SEE: Whitehurst, Jesse Harrison - Washington, DC, US
Whitehurst, Jesse Harrison - Washington, DC, US
Whitehurst, Prof. J.H. SEE: Whitehurst, Jesse Harrison - Washington, DC, US
Whiteley, J.H. SEE: Whitley, J.H. - Elmira, NY, US
Whitely, J.H. - Elmira, NY, US
Whitely, J.H. SEE: Whitley, J.H. - Elmira, NY, US
Whiteman SEE: Randall & Whiteman - Providence, RI, US
Whiteman, E. - Hastings, East Sussex, England, UK
Whiten, G.E. - Orillia, Ontario, Canada
Whiten, George E. SEE: Whiten, G.E. - Orillia, Ontario, Canada
Whitesides SEE: Bailey & Whitesides - Marquette, MI, US
Whitesides SEE: Brubaker & Whitesides - Marquette, MI, US
Whitesides, William SEE: Bailey & Whitesides - Marquette, MI, US
Whitesides, William SEE: Whitesides, Wm. - Ashland, WI, US:Duluth, MN, US:Marquette, MI, US
Whitesides, Wm. SEE: Brubaker & Whitesides - Marquette, MI, US
Whitesides, Wm. - Ashland, WI, US:Duluth, MN, US:Marquette, MI, US
Whitfield SEE: Lock & Whitfield - Brighton, East Sussex, England, UK:London, England, UK
Whitfield - London, England, UK
Whitfield, George C. SEE: Lock & Whitfield - Brighton, East Sussex, England, UK:London, England, UK
Whitfield, George C. SEE: Whitfield - London, England, UK
Whiting Bros. - New York, NY, US
Whiting View Co. - Cincinnati, OH, US
Whiting SEE: Whiting Bros. - New York, NY, US
Whiting - Solomons Gap, PA, US
Whiting, Benj. - Lynn, MA, US
Whiting, R.R. SEE: Whiting View Co. - Cincinnati, OH, US
Whiting, Richard R. - Cincinnati, OH, US
Whiting, S. - Chesterfield, Derbyshire, England, UK
Whiting, Thomas H. - Chicago, IL, US
Whitley, J.H. - Elmira, NY, US
Whitlo, A. - Manchester, Lancashire, England, UK
Whitlock, H.J. - Birmingham, Warwickshire, England, UK
Whitlock, L.L. - New York City, NY, US
Whitman, Mrs. M.E. - Chester, VT, US
Whitmore SEE: Ranger & Whitmore - Clyde, NY, US
Whitmore - Clyde, NY, US
Whitmore, Ruhlon M. SEE: Ranger & Whitmore - Clyde, NY, US
Whitney & Adams - Springfield, MA, US
Whitney & Beckwith - Norwalk, CT, US
Whitney & Beckwith SEE: Whitney, E.T. - Stamford, CT, US:Wilton, CT, US:Norwalk, CT, US
Whitney & Co., E.T. SEE: Whitney, E.T. - Stamford, CT, US:Wilton, CT, US:Norwalk, CT, US
Whitney & Paradise - New York, NY, US
Whitney & Zimmerman - St. Paul, MN, US
Whitney & Zimmerman SEE: Whitney, Joel E. - St. Paul, MN, US:Lansing, MI, US
Whitney SEE: Cassey & Whitney - Lansing, MI, US
Whitney SEE: Towne & Whitney - Ashburnham, MA, US:Northfield, MA, US:West Gardner, MA, US
Whitney SEE: Whitney, Beckwith & Paradise - New York, NY, US
Whitney SEE: Whitney & Adams - Springfield, MA, US
Whitney SEE: Whitney & Beckwith - Norwalk, CT, US
Whitney SEE: Whitney & Paradise - New York, NY, US
Whitney SEE: Whitney & Zimmerman - St. Paul, MN, US
Whitney - Rochester, NY, US
Whitney, Alma F. SEE: Towne & Whitney - Ashburnham, MA, US:Northfield, MA, US:West Gardner, MA, US
Whitney, E.T. - Stamford, CT, US:Wilton, CT, US:Norwalk, CT, US
Whitney, Edward T. SEE: Whitney & Beckwith - Norwalk, CT, US
Whitney, Edward T. SEE: Whitney, E.T. - Stamford, CT, US:Wilton, CT, US:Norwalk, CT, US
Whitney, Edward Tompkins SEE: Whitney - Rochester, NY, US
Whitney, Hartley - Hampshire, England, UK
Whitney, J.E. SEE: Whitney, Joel E. - St. Paul, MN, US:Lansing, MI, US
Whitney, Joel E. SEE: Cassey & Whitney - Lansing, MI, US
Whitney, Joel E. SEE: Whitney & Zimmerman - St. Paul, MN, US
Whitney, Joel E. - St. Paul, MN, US:Lansing, MI, US
Whitney, Joel Emmons SEE: Cassey & Whitney - Lansing, MI, US
Whitney, Joel Emmons SEE: Whitney & Zimmerman - St. Paul, MN, US
Whitney, Joel Emmons SEE: Whitney, Joel E. - St. Paul, MN, US:Lansing, MI, US
Whitney, N.L. - Rustic, FL, US:Lake Eustis, FL, US
Whitney, W.H. SEE: Kuykendall & Whitney - Silver Cliff, CO, US:Lake City, CO, US:Ouray, CO, US
Whitney, W.H. - Ouray, CO, US
Whitney's Gallery SEE: Whitney, Joel E. - St. Paul, MN, US:Lansing, MI, US
Whitney, Beckwith & Paradise - New York, NY, US
Whitney, Beckwith & Paradise SEE: Beckwith, E.A. - Chatham, NY, US
Whittaker & Stiler - Rapid City, DT, US
Whittaker SEE: Whittaker & Stiler - Rapid City, DT, US
Whittaker - Rapid City, DT, US
Whittaker, R.B. - Liberty, NY, US
Whittemore, A.J. - Old Orchard, ME, US:Rochester, NH, US
Whittemore, H. - New Orleans, LA, US:Apalachicola, FL, US:New York, NY, US
Whittemore, Henry SEE: Whittemore, H. - New Orleans, LA, US:Apalachicola, FL, US:New York, NY, US
Whitter SEE: McKirrahn & Whitter - Georgetown, CO, US:Leadville, CO, US
Whitter, Jake SEE: McKirrahn & Whitter - Georgetown, CO, US:Leadville, CO, US
Whittier, J. - Freeport, IL, US
Whittle, G. - Oxford, Oxfordshire, England, UK
Whittlesley - Tower City, DT, US
Whittmore SEE: Whittemore, A.J. - Old Orchard, ME, US:Rochester, NH, US
Wiburd, A. - Australia
Wickenden, James W. - Dundee, MI, US
Wickes SEE: Haines & Wickes - Albany, NY, US
Wide Awake Views - US
Widger, W. - Torquay, Devon, England, UK
Widley, O.H. - Skaneateles, NY, US
Widmayer SEE: Mey & Widmayer - Germany
Widmayer, E. - Buenos Aires, Argentina
Widmayer, W. SEE: Mey & Widmayer - Germany
Widmayer, W. - München (Munich), Germany
Wiedmayer & Blum - Stuttgart, Germany
Wiedmayer SEE: Wiedmayer & Blum - Stuttgart, Germany
Wiener Photographen - Association, Verlag der - Wien (Vienna), Austria
Wigand Sohn - Berlin, Germany
Wiggins - Winona, MN, US:Cedar Rapids, IA, US
Wiggins, S.T. - Winona, MN, US
Wiggins, Silas T. SEE: Wiggins - Winona, MN, US:Cedar Rapids, IA, US
Wight SEE: Dole & Wight - Bangor, ME, US
Wight, E.N. - Waldoboro, ME, US:Belfast, ME, US
Wight, Edward N. SEE: Dole & Wight - Bangor, ME, US
Wight, Edward N. SEE: Wight, E.N. - Waldoboro, ME, US:Belfast, ME, US
Wijs, Hugo de - Vianen, Netherlands
Wiklund, J.O. - Karlstad, Sweden:Ljusdal, Sweden:Hudisvall, Sweden
Wilber SEE: Decker & Wilber - Cleveland, OH, US
Wilber, E. - Franklin, PA, US
Wilcke, August - Innsbruck, Austria
Wilcox & Wade - Stafford Springs, CT, US
Wilcox & Wade SEE: Wilcox, George W. - Rockville, CT, US:Stafford Springs, CT, US
Wilcox & Wade SEE: Wade, H.F. - Ware, MA, US:Monson, MA, US:Danielsonville, CT, US:East Killingly, CT, US
Wilcox SEE: Wheeler & Wilcox - Ottawa, IL, US
Wilcox SEE: Wilcox & Wade - Stafford Springs, CT, US
Wilcox, George W. SEE: Wilcox & Wade - Stafford Springs, CT, US
Wilcox, George W. - Rockville, CT, US:Stafford Springs, CT, US
Wilcox, George - Warwick, RI, US
Wilcox, H. - Bristol, Gloucestershire, England, UK
Wilcox, S. - Scituate, RI, US:Kingstown, RI, US
Wilcox, Jnr., Solomon SEE: Wilcox, S. - Scituate, RI, US:Kingstown, RI, US
Wilczek, Count von - Paris, France
Wilde, H.A. - South Africa
Wilde, J.W.F. - Selma, AL, US:Demopolis, AL, US
Wilder & Williamson - Rochester, NY, US
Wilder SEE: Jordan & Wilder - Boston, MA, US
Wilder SEE: Wilder & Williamson - Rochester, NY, US
Wilder, E.A. - North Platte, NE, US
Wilder, Edwin A. - Durango, CO, US:Rico, CO, US
Wilder, W.L. - Laconia, NH, US
Wilder, William L. SEE: Wilder, W.L. - Laconia, NH, US
Wilder, William W. SEE: Jordan & Wilder - Boston, MA, US
Wildey, O.H. - Homer, NY, US:Skaneateles, NY, US
Wilding, J.R. - San Francisco, CA, US
Wildman, A.H. - Monticello, IL, US
Wiles & Bliven - Fremont, OH, US
Wiles & Bliven SEE: Bliven, R.H. - Elmore, OH, US:Rochester, NY, US
Wiles SEE: Wiles & Bliven - Fremont, OH, US
Wiles, A.D. SEE: Wiles & Bliven - Fremont, OH, US
Wiley & Halstead - New York, NY, US
Wiley SEE: Wiley & Halstead - New York, NY, US
Wiley, E. - Tarport, PA, US:Kendall Creek, PA, US
Wiley, F. - Kendall Creek, VA, US
Wilkes, D.J. - Baltimore, MD, US
Wilkes, David J. SEE: Wilkes, D.J. - Baltimore, MD, US
Wilkin SEE: Gilbert & Wilkin - Cedar Falls, IA, US
Wilkin, G.T. SEE: Gilbert & Wilkin - Cedar Falls, IA, US
Wilkin, G.T. - Charles City, IA, US:Clinton, IA, US
Wilkins & Co. SEE: Wilkins, J. - Suncook, NH, US
Wilkins, C.E. - Delavan, WI, US
Wilkins, J. - Suncook, NH, US
Wilkins, Joseph W. SEE: Wilkins, J. - Suncook, NH, US
Wilkins, O.E. - Fond du Lac, WI, US
Wilkinson, F.A. - Hudderfield, Yorkshire, England, UK:Halifax, Yorkshire, England, UK:Sheffield, Yorkshire, England, UK:Birmingham, Warwickshire, England, UK
Wilkinson, J.
Wilkinson, J.W. - Ironton, MO, US
Wilkinson, O.A. - Factory Point, VT, US
Wilkinson, O.R. - Medford, MA, US
Wilkinson, Oliver R. SEE: Wilkinson, O.R. - Medford, MA, US
Wilkinson, T. - Dover, DE, US
Willard Bros. - Orford, NH, US
Willard SEE: Willard Bros. - Orford, NH, US
Willard, C.T. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Willard, J.H. - Westfield, MA, US
Willard, O.H. - Cape May, NJ, US:Philadelphia, PA, US
Willard, Oliver H. SEE: Willard, O.H. - Cape May, NJ, US:Philadelphia, PA, US
Willard, Oliver Harvey SEE: Willard, O.H. - Cape May, NJ, US:Philadelphia, PA, US
Willett, C.G. - Topeka, KS, US:Emporia, KS, US
William Henry Kent SEE: Hennah & Kent - Brighton, East Sussex, England, UK
William J., Fell SEE: Fell & Son - Sandy Creek, NY, US
William Notman Studio SEE: Notman, William - Albany, NY, US:Boston, MA, US:Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Williams & Bro. - Denver, CO, US
Williams & Co., Alfred - Raleigh, NC, US
Williams & Hansford - Carthage, IL, US
Williams & McDonald - Denver, CO, US
Williams & Thomas - Kansas City, MO, US
Williams & Warren - Salem, OR, US
Williams & Weatherington - Lampasas, TX, US
Williams Brothers - Zion City, IL, US
Williams SEE: Bundy & Williams - Middletown, CT, US:New Haven, CT, US
Williams SEE: Catlin & Williams - Jacksonville, FL, US
Williams SEE: Greene & Williams - Cleveland, OH, US
Williams SEE: Williams Brothers - Zion City, IL, US
Williams SEE: Williams, Brown & Earle - Philadelphia, PA, US
Williams SEE: Williams & Bro. - Denver, CO, US
Williams SEE: Williams & Hansford - Carthage, IL, US
Williams SEE: Williams & McDonald - Denver, CO, US
Williams SEE: Williams & Thomas - Kansas City, MO, US
Williams SEE: Williams & Warren - Salem, OR, US
Williams SEE: Williams & Weatherington - Lampasas, TX, US
Williams - Cape May, NJ, US
Williams - Portsmouth, RI, US
Williams, A.A. - Columbus, GA, US
Williams, Alfred SEE: Williams & Co., Alfred - Raleigh, NC, US
Williams, B.L. - Doylestown, OH, US
Williams, B.S. - Manson, IA, US
Williams, Butler S. SEE: Williams, B.S. - Manson, IA, US
Williams, C.C. - Middletown, NY, US:Oneonta, NY, US
Williams, Dr. A. - Margate, Kent, England, UK
Williams, Earl - Chicago, IL, US
Williams, F.A. - Skowhegan, ME, US
Williams, Frank H. - Central Falls, RI, US
Williams, G.T. - Columbus, GA, US
Williams, J.A. - Newport, RI, US:Portsmouth, RI, US
Williams, J.H. - Dartmouth, MA, US:South Scituate, MA, US:Norwell, MA, US:Nantucket, MA, US:Haverhill, MA, US
Williams, James H. SEE: Williams, J.H. - Dartmouth, MA, US:South Scituate, MA, US:Norwell, MA, US:Nantucket, MA, US:Haverhill, MA, US
Williams, John Roderick - Safford, AZ, US:Globe, AZ, US
Williams, Joshua Appleby SEE: Williams, J.A. - Newport, RI, US:Portsmouth, RI, US
Williams, L.B. SEE: Mundy & Williams - Utica, NY, US
Williams, L.B. - Utica, NY, US
Williams, L.M. SEE: Lesher & Williams - Columbia, PA, US
Williams, L.M. SEE: Williams, Brown & Earle - Philadelphia, PA, US
Williams, L.M. - Columbia, PA, US
Williams, Louisa - St. Agnes, Cornwall, England, UK
Williams, Mrs. H.R. - Bath, Somerset, England, UK
Williams, N.L. - Columbus, OH, US
Williams, N.P. - Prince Arthur's Landing, Ontario, Canada
Williams, O. - Bradford, OH, US
Williams, R. Tudor - Monmouth, Gwent, Wales, UK
Williams, Roderick - Globe, AZ, US
Williams, S.M. - Minneapolis, MN, US
Williams, Simeon SEE: Bundy & Williams - Middletown, CT, US:New Haven, CT, US
Williams, Sophus
Williams, T.R. SEE: London Stereoscopic Company - London, England, UK:New York City, NY, US
Williams, T.R. - London, England, UK
Williams, Thomas R. SEE: Williams, T.R. - London, England, UK
Williams, Thomas Richard SEE: Williams, T.R. - London, England, UK
Williams, W. Wirt - Houston, TX, US:Austin, TX, US:Dallas, TX, US:Corsicana, TX, US
Williams, William Archibald SEE: Williams, Wm. A. - Newport, RI, US
Williams, William SEE: Williams, Wm. A. - Newport, RI, US
Williams, Wm. A. - Newport, RI, US
Williams, Brown & Earle - Philadelphia, PA, US
Williams, Brown & Earle SEE: Brown, J.C. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Williams, Brown & Earle SEE: Earle, James S. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Williams, Brown & Earle SEE: Williams, L.M. - Columbia, PA, US
Williamson & Sons, C.F. - Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland, UK
Williamson SEE: Shipler & Williamson - Denver, CO, US:Mercer, PA, US
Williamson SEE: Wilder & Williamson - Rochester, NY, US
Williamson, C.F. SEE: Williamson & Sons, C.F. - Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland, UK
Williamson, C.H. - Brooklyn, NY, US
Williamson, Charles H. SEE: Williamson, C.H. - Brooklyn, NY, US
Williamson, Chas. H. SEE: Williamson, C.H. - Brooklyn, NY, US
Williamson, W. - Port Hope, Ontario, Canada
Williamson, William SEE: Williamson, W. - Port Hope, Ontario, Canada
Williamson, William - Stayner, Ontario, Canada:Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Willis & Fisher - Milford, MA, US:Woonsocket, RI, US
Willis & Fisher SEE: Willis, Edwin Lewis - Milford, MA, US
Willis & Schaffer - Philadelphia, PA, US
Willis & Sons - Portsmouth, OH, US
Willis SEE: Beckett & Willis - Scarborough, Yorkshire, England, UK
Willis SEE: Willis & Fisher - Milford, MA, US:Woonsocket, RI, US
Willis SEE: Willis & Schaffer - Philadelphia, PA, US
Willis SEE: Willis & Sons - Portsmouth, OH, US
Willis, E.L. - Milford, MA, US
Willis, Edwin Lewis SEE: Willis & Fisher - Milford, MA, US:Woonsocket, RI, US
Willis, Edwin Lewis - Milford, MA, US
Willis, F.E. - Windsor, VT, US
Willis, George SEE: Beckett & Willis - Scarborough, Yorkshire, England, UK
Willis, George - Whitby, Yorkshire, England, UK:Scarborough, Yorkshire, England, UK
Willis, J. - Carleton Place, Ontario, Canada:Ottawa, Ontario, Canada:Prescott, Ontario, Canada
Williscraft, W.H. - Prescott, AZ, US
Williscraft, William Hamilton SEE: Williscraft, W.H. - Prescott, AZ, US
Williston, B.T. - Somerville, MA, US
Willke, Mark - Portland, OR, US
Wills, H. SEE: Wills, W.D. & H. - UK
Wills, W.D. & H. - UK
Wills, W.D. SEE: Wills, W.D. & H. - UK
Willyoung SEE: Arnold & Willyoung - Detroit, MI, US
Willyoung, J. SEE: Arnold & Willyoung - Detroit, MI, US
Willyoung, J. - Detroit, MI, US
Wils, Oscar - Kolding, Denmark
Wilson - Bridgeport, CT, US
Wilson & Adams - Philadelphia, PA, US
Wilson & Adams SEE: Wilson, Edward L. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Wilson & Adams SEE: Adams, F.G. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Wilson & Co. SEE: Wilson, J.N. - Savannah, GA, US:Waycross, GA, US
Wilson & Davis - Bridgeport, CT, US
Wilson & Davis SEE: Wilson, D.W. - Bridgeport, CT, US
Wilson & Davis SEE: Davis, Samuel P. - Bridgeport, CT, US:Danielson, CT, US
Wilson & Havens - Savannah, GA, US
Wilson & Havens SEE: Wilson, J.N. - Savannah, GA, US:Waycross, GA, US
Wilson & Havens SEE: Havens, O. Pierre - Sing Sing, NY, US:Savannah, GA, US:Jacksonville, FL, US
Wilson & Palmer - Savannah, GA, US
Wilson & Palmer SEE: Palmer, J.A. - Savannah, GA, US:Aiken, SC, US
Wilson & Palmer SEE: Wilson, J.N. - Savannah, GA, US:Waycross, GA, US
Wilson SEE: Dow & Wilson - Ogdensburg, NY, US
Wilson SEE: Forsyth & Wilson - Kingston, NY, US
Wilson SEE: Kresge & Wilson - New York City, NY, US
Wilson SEE: Miller & Wilson - Lancaster, NH, US
Wilson SEE: Waldron and Wilson - Keokuk, IA, US:Marion, IA, US
Wilson SEE: Wilson, Hood & Co. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Wilson SEE: Wilson & Havens - Savannah, GA, US
Wilson SEE: Wilson & Palmer - Savannah, GA, US
Wilson, A.B. - Waterbury, CT, US
Wilson, Alexander - Leamington, Warwickshire, England, UK
Wilson, D.W. - Bridgeport, CT, US
Wilson, David W. SEE: Pomeroy & Wilson - Bridgeport, CT, US
Wilson, David W. SEE: Wilson & Davis - Bridgeport, CT, US
Wilson, David W. SEE: Wilson, D.W. - Bridgeport, CT, US
Wilson, E. SEE: Centennial Photographic Co. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Wilson, E.L. SEE: Wilson, Edward L. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Wilson, E.T. - Barton, VT, US
Wilson, Edward L. SEE: Wilson & Adams - Philadelphia, PA, US
Wilson, Edward L. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Wilson, Edward Livingston SEE: Wilson, Hood & Co. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Wilson, Edward Livingston SEE: Wilson, Edward L. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Wilson, Edward Livingstone SEE: Bannerman & Wilson - Philadelphia, PA, US
Wilson, Edward Livingstone SEE: Wilson, Edward L. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Wilson, Fred - Gravity, IA, US
Wilson, G. - St. Marys, Ontario, Canada
Wilson, G.W. - Paterson (Patterson), NJ, US
Wilson, G.W. SEE: Wilson, George Washington - Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, UK
Wilson, George L. SEE: Wilson, G. - St. Marys, Ontario, Canada
Wilson, George W. SEE: Wilson, George Washington - Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, UK
Wilson, George Washington - Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, UK
Wilson, Grace - New York, NY, US
Wilson, H.G. - Mauch Chunk, PA, US
Wilson, H.G. - Chicago, IL, US
Wilson, H.G. - Allentown, PA, US:Mauch Chunk, PA, US
Wilson, J. - Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland, UK
Wilson, J.C. - Cherokee, IA, US
Wilson, J.G. - Colorado Springs, CO, US:Cripple Creek, CO, US
Wilson, J.J. - New York, NY, US
Wilson, J.N. SEE: Florida Club, The - St. Augustine, FL, US
Wilson, J.N. - Harrisburg, PA, US
Wilson, J.N. - Savannah, GA, US:Waycross, GA, US
Wilson, Jerome N. SEE: Wilson & Havens - Savannah, GA, US
Wilson, Jerome N. SEE: Wilson & Palmer - Savannah, GA, US
Wilson, Jerome N. SEE: Wilson, J.N. - Savannah, GA, US:Waycross, GA, US
Wilson, Jerome Nelson SEE: Wilson, J.N. - Savannah, GA, US:Waycross, GA, US
Wilson, John C. SEE: Wilson, J.C. - Cherokee, IA, US
Wilson, John SEE: Batchelder & Co. - Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Wilson, L.E. - Peterborough, NH, US
Wilson, M.W. - Liverpool, Lancashire, England, UK
Wilson, R.B. - Boston, MA, US
Wilson, R.G. - Lookout Mountain, TN, US
Wilson, Robert B. SEE: Wilson, R.B. - Boston, MA, US
Wilson, Robert - Dumfries, Dumfriesshire, Scotland, UK
Wilson, Stewart - Mayfield, NY, US
Wilson, T.T. - Union City, IN, US
Wilson, Thomas B. - Washington, IL, US
Wilson, William M. SEE: Waldron and Wilson - Keokuk, IA, US:Marion, IA, US
Wilson, Hood & Co. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Wilson, Hood & Co. SEE: Wilson, Edward L. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Wilt - Franklin, PA, US
Wilt, H.C. SEE: Wilt - Franklin, PA, US
Wilt, L.T. SEE: Wilt - Franklin, PA, US
Wiltse, G.G. - Red Wing, MN, US
Wimer, J.M. - Lewistown, PA, US
Winans SEE: Mereness & Winans - Oneonta, NY, US
Winans SEE: Ragan & Winans - Kansas City, MO, US
Winchester, D. - Empire, OR, US
Winchester, Dave SEE: Winchester, D. - Empire, OR, US
Windeat, W. - Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Windeat, William SEE: Windeat, W. - Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Windell - Dayton, WA, US
Winder, J.W. SEE: American Stereoscopic Exchange Club - Washington, DC, US
Winder, J.W. - Cincinnati, OH, US
Winder, John W. SEE: Winder, J.W. - Cincinnati, OH, US
Window & Grove - London, England, UK
Window, Frederick Richard SEE: Window & Grove - London, England, UK
Windsor, E.G. - Providence, RI, US
Wing & Beach - Castile, NY, US
Wing & Bush - Castile, NY, US
Wing & Ellis - Worcester, MA, US
Wing SEE: Wing & Beach - Castile, NY, US
Wing SEE: Wing & Bush - Castile, NY, US
Wing SEE: Wing & Ellis - Worcester, MA, US
Wing, Paul - Hingham, MA, US
Wing, S. - Cambridge, MA, US:Boston, MA, US:Waterville, ME, US
Wing, Simon SEE: Wing, S. - Cambridge, MA, US:Boston, MA, US:Waterville, ME, US
Wingard, Frederick - Chicago, IL, US
Wingfield, S. - UK
Wingrabe, J. - Coventry, Warwickshire, England, UK
Wingren, O.J. - La Conner, WA, US
Wings, S. - Waterville, ME, US
Winkelmann, A. - Berlin, Germany
Winkle, J. - Wild Rose, WI, US
Winkler, C. - Fort Sill, OK, US
Winkler, John - Pettau, Austria
Winner, J.L. - Shickshinny, PA, US
Winnie, M.A. - Topeka, KS, US
Winslow, L.B. - Charles City, IA, US:Osage, IA, US
Winsor & Whipple - Olean, NY, US
Winsor SEE: Hurd & Winsor - Greenwich, NY, US
Winsor SEE: Winsor & Whipple - Olean, NY, US
Winsor, C.A. - Hennipen, IL, US:Galesburg, IL, US
Winston, J. - Memphis, TN, US
Winter & Pond - Juneau, AK, US
Winter & Sons - Beverley, Yorkshire, England, UK
Winter SEE: Porter & Winter - Cincinnati, OH, US
Winter SEE: Winter & Pond - Juneau, AK, US
Winter SEE: Winter & Sons - Beverley, Yorkshire, England, UK
Winter, F. - Kansas City, MO, US
Winter, J.A. - Albany, OR, US:Eugene City, OR, US
Winter, John A. SEE: Winter, J.A. - Albany, OR, US:Eugene City, OR, US
Winter, Lloyd V. SEE: Winter & Pond - Juneau, AK, US
Winter, M.L. - Carlsbad, Austria
Winters, D.C. - Kenton, OH, US
Winther SEE: Doerr & Winther - San Antonio, TX, US
Winther, N. - San Antonio, TX, US:San Marcos, TX, US:New Braunfels, TX, US
Winther, Nicholas SEE: Doerr & Winther - San Antonio, TX, US
Winther, Nicholas SEE: Winther, N. - San Antonio, TX, US:San Marcos, TX, US:New Braunfels, TX, US
Wires - Milford, MA, US
Wires, Ephraim L. SEE: Wires - Milford, MA, US
Wires, W.M. - Milford, MA, US:Lynn, MA, US
Wires, William M. SEE: Wires, W.M. - Milford, MA, US:Lynn, MA, US
Wise & Clark - Springfield, OH, US:Xenia, OH, US
Wise & Prindle - San Francisco, CA, US:Woodland, CA, US
Wise SEE: Wise & Clark - Springfield, OH, US:Xenia, OH, US
Wise SEE: Wise & Prindle - San Francisco, CA, US:Woodland, CA, US
Wise, G.D. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Wise, George D. SEE: Wise, G.D. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Wise, H. Alfred SEE: Wise & Clark - Springfield, OH, US:Xenia, OH, US
Wise, S.H. - West Liberty, IA, US:Wilton, IA, US
Wise, Samuel H. SEE: Wise, S.H. - West Liberty, IA, US:Wilton, IA, US
Wiseman - Southampton, Hampshire, England, UK
Wiskin, A.R. - Ilford, London, England, UK
Wisonmeyer, Philip - Port Williams, WA, US
Wispa SEE: Yelton & Wispa - Cripple Creek, CO, US
Wisslet, J.S. - Canton, OH, US
Wit, S. - Fayal, Azores
Withington, A.E. - Danielsonville, CT, US
Withington, Eliza W. SEE: Withington, Mrs. E.W. - Amador City, CA, US:Ione City, CA, US
Withington, Mrs. E.W. - Amador City, CA, US:Ione City, CA, US
Wittberg, Olivia - Hemse, Sweden
Witte, W.F. - Camden, NJ, US:Springtown, PA, US
Witter, A.G. - Hartford, CT, US
Witter, Jacob - Freeport, IL, US
Wittick & Bliss - Santa Fe, NM, US
Wittick & Bliss SEE: Wittick, Ben - Moline, IL, US:Rock Island, IL, US:Santa Fe, NM, US:Gallup, NM, US:Fort Wingate, NM, US:Albuquerque, NM, US
Wittick & Bliss SEE: Bliss, W.P. - Santa Fe, NM, US:Albuquerque, NM, US
Wittick & Burge - AZ, US
Wittick & Burge SEE: Wittick, Ben - Moline, IL, US:Rock Island, IL, US:Santa Fe, NM, US:Gallup, NM, US:Fort Wingate, NM, US:Albuquerque, NM, US
Wittick & Burge SEE: Burge, J.C. - Phoenix, AZ, US:Globe, AZ, US:Prescott, AZ, US:Flagstaff, AZ, US:El Paso, TX, US
Wittick & Russell - Albuquerque, NM, US
Wittick & Russell SEE: Wittick, Ben - Moline, IL, US:Rock Island, IL, US:Santa Fe, NM, US:Gallup, NM, US:Fort Wingate, NM, US:Albuquerque, NM, US
Wittick SEE: Wittick & Bliss - Santa Fe, NM, US
Wittick SEE: Wittick & Burge - AZ, US
Wittick SEE: Wittick & Russell - Albuquerque, NM, US
Wittick, Ben SEE: Wittick & Bliss - Santa Fe, NM, US
Wittick, Ben SEE: Wittick & Russell - Albuquerque, NM, US
Wittick, Ben - Moline, IL, US:Rock Island, IL, US:Santa Fe, NM, US:Gallup, NM, US:Fort Wingate, NM, US:Albuquerque, NM, US
Wittick, G. Ben SEE: Wittick, Ben - Moline, IL, US:Rock Island, IL, US:Santa Fe, NM, US:Gallup, NM, US:Fort Wingate, NM, US:Albuquerque, NM, US
Wittick, G.B. SEE: Wittick, Ben - Moline, IL, US:Rock Island, IL, US:Santa Fe, NM, US:Gallup, NM, US:Fort Wingate, NM, US:Albuquerque, NM, US
Wittick, George B. SEE: Wittick, Ben - Moline, IL, US:Rock Island, IL, US:Santa Fe, NM, US:Gallup, NM, US:Fort Wingate, NM, US:Albuquerque, NM, US
Wittick, George Ben SEE: Wittick, Ben - Moline, IL, US:Rock Island, IL, US:Santa Fe, NM, US:Gallup, NM, US:Fort Wingate, NM, US:Albuquerque, NM, US
Wittick, George Benjamin SEE: Wittick & Bliss - Santa Fe, NM, US
Wittick, George Benjamin SEE: Wittick & Burge - AZ, US
Wittick, George Benjamin SEE: Wittick & Russell - Albuquerque, NM, US
Wittick, George Benjamin SEE: Wittick, Ben - Moline, IL, US:Rock Island, IL, US:Santa Fe, NM, US:Gallup, NM, US:Fort Wingate, NM, US:Albuquerque, NM, US
Wixey, J.E. - Ward End, Birmingham, Warwickshire, England, UK
Wixson & McCourt - Escanaba, MI, US
Wixson & McCourt SEE: Wixson, Joseph T. - Escanaba, MI, US
Wixson SEE: Wixson & McCourt - Escanaba, MI, US
Wixson, Joseph T. SEE: Wixson & McCourt - Escanaba, MI, US
Wixson, Joseph T. - Escanaba, MI, US
Wm. Notman & Son SEE: Notman, William - Albany, NY, US:Boston, MA, US:Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Wodell SEE: Hanchett & Wodell - Richmond, IL, US
Wolbach, T.D. - Wadsworth, OH, US
Wolcott SEE: Chase & Wolcott - Trinidad, CO, US
Wolcott, C.S. - Seneca Falls, NY, US
Wolcott, Charles S. - Coldwater, MI, US
Wolever, A.W. - Delphi, IN, US
Wolf, G. - Konstanz, Germany
Wolf, J. - Breslau, Germany
Wolfe, Fay O. - Milledgeville, IL, US
Wolfe, Frank E. - Nordhoff, CA, US
Wolfe, Georg - Hamburg, Germany
Wolfe, M. - Dayton, OH, US
Wolfe, M. - Richmond, IN, US
Wolfe, Paul J. - US
Wolfe, R.N. - Lititz, PA, US
Wolfe, S.A. - San Francisco, CA, US:Sacramento, CA, US
Wolfe, Samuel A. SEE: Wolfe, S.A. - San Francisco, CA, US:Sacramento, CA, US
Wolfenstein, Valentin - Los Angeles, CA, US:Stockholm, Sweden
Wolfersberger, W.A. SEE: Coonley & Wolfersberger - Savannah, GA, US:Philadelphia, PA, US
Wollensach, R. - New York, NY, US
Wolp - AZ, US
Wolter - Nantes, France
Wonders, L. - Alliance, OH, US
Wonders, Lafe SEE: Wonders, L. - Alliance, OH, US
Wood & Bickel - Jacksonville, FL, US
Wood & Bickel SEE: Wood, R.L. - Jacksonville, FL, US
Wood & Brother - Albany, NY, US
Wood & Co., G.W. - Lansing, MI, US
Wood & Murray - Chicago, IL, US
Wood & Murray SEE: Wood, D.C. - Aurora, IL, US
Wood SEE: Masterson & Wood - Port Jervis, NY, US
Wood SEE: Perkins & Wood - Hillsborough County, NH, US
Wood SEE: Wood & Bickel - Jacksonville, FL, US
Wood SEE: Wood & Brother - Albany, NY, US
Wood SEE: Wood & Murray - Chicago, IL, US
Wood - Suspension Bridge, NY, US
Wood, D.C. SEE: Wood & Murray - Chicago, IL, US
Wood, D.C. - Aurora, IL, US
Wood, D.F. - Boston, MA, US
Wood, E.B. - Brentwood, NH, US
Wood, F.D. - Greene, NY, US
Wood, G.W. SEE: Broadwell & Wood - Lansing, MI, US
Wood, G.W. SEE: Wood & Co., G.W. - Lansing, MI, US
Wood, Geo. H. SEE: Wood, George H. - Towanda, PA, US
Wood, George H. - Towanda, PA, US
Wood, H.H. - Deposit, NY, US
Wood, J. Page - St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada
Wood, R.E. - Marysville, CA, US:Tahoe, CA, US:Santa Cruz, CA, US
Wood, R.L. - Jacksonville, FL, US
Wood, R.O. - Saratoga Springs, NY, US
Wood, Richard L. SEE: Wood & Bickel - Jacksonville, FL, US
Wood, Richard L. SEE: Wood, R.L. - Jacksonville, FL, US
Wood, Romanso E. SEE: Wood, R.E. - Marysville, CA, US:Tahoe, CA, US:Santa Cruz, CA, US
Wood, T.E. - Portsmouth, NH, US
Wood, T.M. - The Dalles, OR, US:Silver City, ID, US
Wood, Thomas E. SEE: Wood, T.E. - Portsmouth, NH, US
Wood, Thomas E. - Ashtabula, OH, US:Chicago, IL, US:St. Louis, MO, US:Goshen, NY, US:Port Jervis, NY, US:Middletown, NY, US
Wood, Thomas M. SEE: Wood, T.M. - The Dalles, OR, US:Silver City, ID, US
Wood's Bazaar - Syracuse, NY, US
Wood, Jr., H. - New York City, NY, US
Woodard & Co., C. - Portland, OR, US
Woodard, A.B. - Olympia, WA, US
Woodard, C. SEE: Woodard & Co., C. - Portland, OR, US
Woodard, Clark SEE: Woodard & Co., C. - Portland, OR, US
Woodard, E.A. - Fair Oaks, CA, US
Woodburn, J.R. - St. Johns, New Brunswick, Canada
Woodburn, James R. SEE: Woodburn, J.R. - St. Johns, New Brunswick, Canada
Woodbury, Francis - Buitenzorg, Java
Woodbury, Walter - Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Woodcock, E. - Brighton, East Sussex, England, UK
Woodhead, H.C. - Kinmount, Ontario, Canada
Woodley, Gilmer - Harpersville, VA, US
Woodley, Knight C. - Washington, DC, US
Woods, A. - Marysville, CA, US:Oakland, CA, US
Woods, Amos SEE: Woods, A. - Marysville, CA, US:Oakland, CA, US
Woods, D.H. - Marysville, CA, US
Woods, David Holmes SEE: Woods, D.H. - Marysville, CA, US
Woods, J.S. - Troy, NY, US
Woods, William J. - Troy, NY, US:Jacksonville, FL, US
Woodward & Albee - Rochester, NY, US
Woodward & Albee SEE: Woodward, C.W. - Rochester, NY, US
Woodward & Rundel - Rochester, NY, US
Woodward & Rundel SEE: Woodward, C.W. - Rochester, NY, US
Woodward & Rundel SEE: Rundel, Morton W. - Rochester, NY, US
Woodward & Son - Taunton, MA, US
Woodward Stereoscopic Co. - Rochester, NY, US
Woodward Stereoscopic Co. SEE: Woodward, C.W. - Rochester, NY, US
Woodward SEE: Woodward & Albee - Rochester, NY, US
Woodward SEE: Woodward & Rundel - Rochester, NY, US
Woodward SEE: Woodward & Son - Taunton, MA, US
Woodward, C.W. - Rochester, NY, US
Woodward, Charles W. SEE: Woodward & Albee - Rochester, NY, US
Woodward, Charles W. SEE: Woodward & Rundel - Rochester, NY, US
Woodward, Charles Warren SEE: Woodward & Albee - Rochester, NY, US
Woodward, Charles Warren SEE: Woodward & Rundel - Rochester, NY, US
Woodward, Charles Warren SEE: Woodward, C.W. - Rochester, NY, US
Woodward, J. Fletch SEE: Woodward, J. Fletcher - McMinville, TN, US
Woodward, J. Fletcher - McMinville, TN, US
Woodward, James A. SEE: Woodward & Son - Taunton, MA, US
Woodward, R.B. - San Francisco, CA, US
Woodward, William Finley SEE: Woodward & Son - Taunton, MA, US
Woodward, William - Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, England, UK
Woodward's American Scenery SEE: Woodward, C.W. - Rochester, NY, US
Woodworth, A.A. - St. Joseph, MI, US:Homosassa, FL, US:Sarasota, FL, US
Woodworth, Albert A. SEE: Woodworth, A.A. - St. Joseph, MI, US:Homosassa, FL, US:Sarasota, FL, US
Woodworth, J.P. - Geneva, OH, US
Wooley, J.S. - Ballston Spa, NY, US:Saratoga Springs, NY, US
Wooley, Jesse Sumner SEE: Wooley, J.S. - Ballston Spa, NY, US:Saratoga Springs, NY, US
Worcester View Co. - Worcester, MA, US
Worden, N.R. - New Britain, CT, US
Worden, Nicholas Ramsay SEE: Worden, N.R. - New Britain, CT, US
Work SEE: Frampton & Work - Punxsutawney, PA, US
Work, David P. - Detroit, MI, US
Work, Frank P. - Warren, MA, US:North Brookfield, MA, US
Work, Frank Pearce SEE: Work, Frank P. - Warren, MA, US:North Brookfield, MA, US
Work, J.D. - Detroit, MI, US
Work, W. - Brunswick, ME, US
Workman, D.S. - US
World Stereoscopic Co. - Meadville, PA, US
World View Co. - North Star, OH, US
World Wide View Co. - Chicago, IL, US
World in the Stereoscope, The - Chicago, IL, US
World's Columbian Exposition, The - Chicago, IL, US
Wormald, E. - Leeds, Yorkshire, England, UK
Wormell & Morse - Burlington, VT, US
Wormell & Morse SEE: Wormell, E.O. - Burlington, VT, US
Wormell, E.O. SEE: Wormell & Morse - Burlington, VT, US
Wormell, E.O. - Burlington, VT, US
Wormell, E.S. - New Berne, NC, US:Portland, ME, US
Wortham & Bowly - Winchester, VA, US
Wortham SEE: Wortham & Bowly - Winchester, VA, US
Worthen, D.W. - Salisbury Point,, MA, US
Worthing SEE: Drew & Worthing - Boston, MA, US
Worthley, W.E.G. - Lewiston, ME, US
Wray, Polly - Los Angeles, CA, US
Wren & Wheeler - Newberry, SC, US
Wren & Wheeler SEE: Wheeler, P.H. - Greenville, SC, US:Laurens, SC, US:Newberry, SC, US
Wren SEE: Wren & Wheeler - Newberry, SC, US
Wrenshall & Wrenshall - Bandon, OR, US:Coquille City, OR, US
Wright & Co. - Richmond, VA, US
Wright & Co. - Quebec, Quebec, Canada
Wright View Co. - Hartford, KS, US
Wright SEE: Graeber & Wright - Philadelphia, PA, US
Wright - Kenyon, MN, US
Wright - Richmond, VA, US
Wright, B.L. - Canton, PA, US
Wright, C.H. - Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Wright, C.J. SEE: Bay & Wright - Houston, TX, US
Wright, C.J. - Houston, TX, US:El Paso, TX, US
Wright, Charles H. SEE: Wright, C.H. - Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Wright, Charles J. SEE: Barr & Wright - Houston, TX, US
Wright, Charles J. SEE: Wright, C.J. - Houston, TX, US:El Paso, TX, US
Wright, D.H. - Terre Haute, IN, US
Wright, G. Wallace SEE: Wright, G.W. - Greeley, CO, US
Wright, G.W. - Greeley, CO, US
Wright, J.S. - Orilla, Ontario, Canada:Collingwood, Ontario, Canada
Wright, James S. SEE: Wright, J.S. - Orilla, Ontario, Canada:Collingwood, Ontario, Canada
Wright, L. - Providence, RI, US
Wright, Lorenzo SEE: Wright, L. - Providence, RI, US
Wright, M. - Burnley, Lancashire, England, UK
Wright, M.E. SEE: Excelsior Stereoscopic Co. - Burnley, Lancashire, England, UK
Wright, R. - King's Lynn, Norfolk, England, UK
Wright, William - Anstruther, Fife, Scotland, UK
Wright's Gallery SEE: Wright, D.H. - Terre Haute, IN, US
Wright's Gallery SEE: Adams, J.H. - Elmore, OH, US
Wrightman, E.B. - Fentonville, MI, US
Writer, J.W. - Gloucester, MA, US
Wulz, G. - Trieste, Austria
Wulz, Giuseppe SEE: Wulz, G. - Trieste, Austria
Wurst, O.C. - McGrawville, NY, US
Wurthle & Spinnhirn - Salzburg, Austria
Wurthle SEE: Würthle & Spinnhirn - Salzburg, Austria
Wurthle, F. - Salzburg, Austria
Wurthle, Franz SEE: Würthle, F. - Salzburg, Austria
Wurthle, Friedrich SEE: Baldi & Würthle - Salzburg, Austria
Wusolki SEE: Benon & Wusolki - Winterthur, Switzerland
Wyant, S. - Schenectady, NY, US
Wyatt & Phillips - Brattleboro, VT, US
Wyatt SEE: Emery & Wyatt - Brattleboro, VT, US
Wyatt SEE: Wyatt & Phillips - Brattleboro, VT, US
Wybrandt, F. - Louisville, KY, US
Wyckoff, J.H. - Ripon, WI, US
Wyer SEE: Hover & Wyer - Decorah, IA, US
Wyer SEE: Kuester & Wyer - Yonkers, NY, US
Wyer, H.S. SEE: Kuester & Wyer - Yonkers, NY, US
Wyer, H.S. - Yonkers, NY, US
Wyke's Gallery of Art SEE: Wykes, Warren - Grand Rapids, MI, US
Wykes, J.W. - Aurora, IL, US:Quincy, IL, US
Wykes, James W. SEE: Wykes, J.W. - Aurora, IL, US:Quincy, IL, US
Wykes, Warren - Grand Rapids, MI, US
Wyles, B. SEE: Bourne Portrait Studio - Bournemouth, Hampshire, England, UK
Wyman SEE: Strohmeyer & Wyman - New York, NY, US
Wynne, Courtenay - Brompton, London, England, UK


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