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The Stereographs Project
The Stereographs Photographer Project
Information on stereo photographers is widely scattered and this project brings it together into a coherent series of datasets.
PLEASE NOTE: The names shown here are only for testing purposes and more complete listing will be added as soon as possible. If you have ANY datasets on stereo photographers please let me know: let's make this a collaborative project.
R. C. G.
R., C.W. - Cantril, IA, US
R.B. Crossmeyer's City Studio SEE: Crossmeyer, R.B. - South Bend, IN, US
RS - France
RT - France
RVS SEE: Schönstein, Otto - Nürnberg (Nuremberg), Germany
Rabal, S. - Evanston, IL, US
Rabending & Monckhoven - Wien (Vienna), Austria
Rabending & Monckhoven SEE: Monckhoven - Wien (Vienna), Austria
Rabending SEE: Rabending & Monckhoven - Wien (Vienna), Austria
Rabineau, C.S. - Albany, NY, US
Radcliffe & Stewart - Auckland, New Zealand
Radcliffe & Stewart SEE: Radcliffe, F.G. - Auckland, New Zealand
Radcliffe SEE: Radcliffe & Stewart - Auckland, New Zealand
Radcliffe, F.G. SEE: Radcliffe & Stewart - Auckland, New Zealand
Radcliffe, F.G. - Auckland, New Zealand
Radex Co. - Los Angeles, CA, US
Radiguet & Fils - Paris, France
Radiguet & Fils SEE: Radiguet - Paris, France
Radiguet SEE: Wacquez & Radiguet, A. - Baden-Baden, Germany:Paris, France
Radiguet SEE: Radiguet & Fils - Paris, France
Radiguet - Paris, France
Radoult, Arthur - Paris, France
Rae, A. - Banff, Alberta. Canada
Rae, James - Dumfries, Dumfriesshire, Scotland, UK
Raeze, H. - New Holland, PA, US
Rafael - Brunn, Austria
Raffaelli - Los Angeles, CA, US
Raffin, J.D. - Manchester, Lancashire, England, UK
Ragan & Shannon - Kansas City, KS, US
Ragan & Shannon SEE: Shannon - Kansas City, MO, US
Ragan & Winans - Kansas City, MO, US
Ragan SEE: Ragan & Shannon - Kansas City, KS, US
Ragan SEE: Ragan & Winans - Kansas City, MO, US
Ragsdale, M.C. - Belton, TX, US:Fort Concho, TX, US:San Angelo, TX, US
Ragsdale, McArthur Cullen SEE: Ragsdale, M.C. - Belton, TX, US:Fort Concho, TX, US:San Angelo, TX, US
Rail, Walter - Deposit, NY, US
Raitt & Hopkin SEE: Raitt, T.G. - Ashland, WI, US
Raitt & Hopkins - Ashland, WI, US
Raitt SEE: Raitt & Hopkins - Ashland, WI, US
Raitt, T.G. SEE: Raitt & Hopkins - Ashland, WI, US
Raitt, T.G. - Ashland, WI, US
Rajputana Stereoscopic Co. - Ajmere, India
Ralph, S.A. - Leeds, MA, US
Ralph, Wm. - Ulverston, Lancashire, England, UK
Ralston, P. - Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland, UK
Ramann, F. - Trieste, Austria
Rambo, William B.G. - York, PA, US
Ramon y Cajal SEE: Ramón y Cajal, Santiago - Barcelona, Spain:Madrid, Spain
Ramon y Cajal, Santiago - Barcelona, Spain:Madrid, Spain
Ramsdell, H.M. - North Adams, MA, US
Ramsdell, N.R. - ME, US
Ramsden, J.W. - Leeds, Yorkshire, England, UK
Ramsour & Hinson - Lenoir, NC, US
Ramsour SEE: Ramsour & Hinson - Lenoir, NC, US
Ramsour, L.A. - Morganton, NC, US:Manhattan, KS, US
Rand & Bird - Boston, MA, US
Rand & Bird SEE: Bird, H.A. - South Boston, MA, US
Rand & Bird SEE: Rand, H.M. - Boston, MA, US:Bridgewater, MA, US:Cambridge, MA, US
Rand & Latto - Boston, MA, US:Weymouth, MA, US:Milton Lower Falls, MA, US:South Boston, MA, US
Rand & Latto SEE: Latto, J.C. - South Boston, MA, US:Weymouth Landing, MA, US
Rand, George T. SEE: Rand & Latto - Boston, MA, US:Weymouth, MA, US:Milton Lower Falls, MA, US:South Boston, MA, US
Rand, H.M. - Boston, MA, US:Bridgewater, MA, US:Cambridge, MA, US
Rand, Henry M. SEE: Rand & Bird - Boston, MA, US
Rand, Henry M. SEE: Rand, H.M. - Boston, MA, US:Bridgewater, MA, US:Cambridge, MA, US
Randall & Whiteman - Providence, RI, US
Randall Bros. - Natick, MA, US
Randall SEE: Merrill, Randall & Co. - St. Paul, MN, US
Randall SEE: Randall & Whiteman - Providence, RI, US
Randall, Stephen - Los Angeles, CA, US:San Diego, CA, US
Rander, Norbert & Phyllis - US
Rander, Norbert SEE: Rander, Norbert & Phyllis - US
Rander, Phyllis SEE: Rander, Norbert & Phyllis - US
Randolph Bros. - Washington, DC, US
Ranger & Austen - Syracuse, NY, US
Ranger & Austen SEE: Austen, J. - Oswego, NY, US:Syracuse, NY, US
Ranger & Austen SEE: Ranger, Ward V. - Syracuse, NY, US
Ranger & Elton - Palmyra, NY, US
Ranger & Elton SEE: Elton, G.M. - Palmyra, NY, US
Ranger & Elton SEE: Ranger, Ward V. - Syracuse, NY, US
Ranger & Frazee - Syracuse, NY, US
Ranger & Frazee SEE: Frazee, Benjamin C. - Syracuse, NY, US
Ranger & Frazee SEE: Ranger, Ward V. - Syracuse, NY, US
Ranger & Whitmore - Clyde, NY, US
Ranger & Whitmore SEE: Ranger, Ward V. - Syracuse, NY, US
Ranger & Whitmore SEE: Whitmore - Clyde, NY, US
Ranger SEE: Ranger & Austen - Syracuse, NY, US
Ranger SEE: Ranger & Elton - Palmyra, NY, US
Ranger SEE: Ranger & Frazee - Syracuse, NY, US
Ranger SEE: Ranger & Whitmore - Clyde, NY, US
Ranger SEE: Ward & Ranger - Syracuse, NY, US
Ranger, W.M. SEE: American Stereoscopic Exchange Club - Washington, DC, US
Ranger, W.M. - Fort Edward, NY, US
Ranger, Ward V. SEE: Judd & Ranger - Syracuse, NY, US
Ranger, Ward V. SEE: Ranger & Austen - Syracuse, NY, US
Ranger, Ward V. SEE: Ranger & Elton - Palmyra, NY, US
Ranger, Ward V. SEE: Ranger & Frazee - Syracuse, NY, US
Ranger, Ward V. SEE: Ranger & Whitmore - Clyde, NY, US
Ranger, Ward V. - Syracuse, NY, US
Rank & Co., J.F. - Van Wert, OH, US
Rankin, A.K. - Woburn, MA, US:Taunton, MA, US
Rankin, Alexander K. SEE: Battelle & Rankin - Taunton, MA, US
Rankin, Alexander K. SEE: Rankin, A.K. - Woburn, MA, US:Taunton, MA, US
Rankin, F.A. - Eugene City, OR, US
Rankin, Frank A. SEE: Rankin, F.A. - Eugene City, OR, US
Rankin, R.J. - Martinsburg, WV, US
Ransom, R.C. - London, England, UK
Ransom, R.W. - St. Paul, MN, US
Raposo, A.J. - San Miguel, Azores, Portugal
Rasmussen, J.C. - Rock Island, IL, US
Rast, M.J.D. - Hot Springs, AR, US
Rathburn, Georgina Willa SEE: Rathburn, Mrs. G.W. - Pawrucket, RI, US:Central Falls, RI, US
Rathburn, Mrs. G.W. - Pawrucket, RI, US:Central Falls, RI, US
Rathkin Photo Studio - East St. Louis, IL, US
Rathsach, C. - Hilleröd, Denmark
Rathsacks, C. - Frederiksborg, Denmark
Ratkowsky, R. - Neu-Ruppin, Germany
Rau, William H. SEE: Bell & Rau - Philadelphia, PA, US
Rau, William H. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Rau, William Herman SEE: Rau, William H. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Raudnitz, J. SEE: JR - Paris, France
Raudnitz, J. - Paris, France
Raudnitz, Jules SEE: Raudnitz, J. - Paris, France
Raumbild Albums SEE: Schönstein, Otto - Nürnberg (Nuremberg), Germany
Raumbild-Verlag SEE: Schönstein, Otto - Nürnberg (Nuremberg), Germany
Raus, P.C. - Helsingborg, Sweden
Rauscher, Henry SEE: Downing, Rea & Rauscher - Santa Rosa, CA, US
Rauthrauff, A.T. - San Francisco, CA, US
Ravell, C.H. - Lyons, NY, US
Ravis, Charles F. - Bristol, Gloucestershire, England, UK
Ravizza, Max - München (Munich), Germany
Rawlings SEE: George & Rawlings - Indianapolis, IN, US
Rawlings, E.W. SEE: George & Rawlings - Indianapolis, IN, US
Rawlings, E.W. - Chicago, IL, US
Rawlins, W.J. - Wooster, OH, US
Rawson SEE: Meske, Gilman & Rawson - Sharon Springs, NY, US
Rawson, D.W.S. SEE: Bowman & Rawson - Ottawa, IL, US:LaSalle, IL, US:Peru, IL, US
Rawson, D.W.S. SEE: Rawson's Stereoscopic Publishing House - Peru, IL, US
Rawson, D.W.S. - LaSalle, IL, US:Ottawa, IL, US:Peru, IL, US
Rawson, E.E. - Lyndon, VT, US
Rawson's Stereo. Pub. House - Peru, IL, US
Rawson's Stereoscopic Publishing House - Peru, IL, US
Ray SEE: Claudius & Ray - Auburn, NY, US
Ray SEE: Ernsberger & Ray - Auburn, NY, US
Ray, William SEE: Halifax Photographic Co. - Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Raymond & Co., George J. - Boston, MA, US
Raymond & Stern - Meadville, PA, US
Raymond & Stern SEE: Stern - Meadville, PA, US
Raymond Bros. - Boston, MA, US
Raymond SEE: Baker & Raymond - Austin, TX, US
Raymond SEE: Raymond & Stern - Meadville, PA, US
Raymond - Pasadena, CA, US
Raymond, G.J. - Boston, MA, US
Raymond, George J. SEE: Raymond, G.J. - Boston, MA, US
Raymond, George J. SEE: Raymond & Co., George J. - Boston, MA, US
Rayner, J. - Newington, Oxfordshire, England, UK
Re, Gustav - St. Petersburg, Russia
Rea & Co., T.L. SEE: Rea, T.L. - Santa Rosa, CA, US:Healdsburg, CA, US:Santa Barbara, CA, US
Rea, T.L. - Santa Rosa, CA, US:Healdsburg, CA, US:Santa Barbara, CA, US
Rea, Thomas L. SEE: Downing, Rea & Rauscher - Santa Rosa, CA, US
Rea, Thomas L. SEE: Rea, T.L. - Santa Rosa, CA, US:Healdsburg, CA, US:Santa Barbara, CA, US
Rea, W.J. - Santa Barbara, CA, US:St. Joseph, MO, US
Read SEE: Smith & Read - Osceola, IA, US
Read, J.W. - Johannesburg, South Africa
Read, L.C. - Atlin, British Columbia, Canada
Read, Luther B. SEE: Hoot & Read - Waterloo, IA, US
Read, W.F. - Vandalia, IL, US:Anna, IL, US
Reading & Bonine - Lancaster, PA, US
Reading & Bonine SEE: Bonine, A.F. - Lancaster, PA, US:Wilcox, PA, US
Reading & Bonine SEE: Reading, J.T. - Lancaster, PA, US
Reading, J.T. SEE: Reading & Bonine - Lancaster, PA, US
Reading, J.T. - Lancaster, PA, US
Readman Bros. - Norwalk, CT, US
Readman SEE: Readman Bros. - Norwalk, CT, US
Ready, J. - Boonville, NY, US
Ready, Jno. SEE: Ready, J. - Boonville, NY, US
Realistic Travels - US
Ream, J.I. - Lima, OH, US
Reay, J. - St. Bees Head, Cumbria, England, UK
Recher, E.M. - Hagerstown, MD, US
Recher, Elias M. SEE: Recher, E.M. - Hagerstown, MD, US
Reck, L.M. - Galion, OH, US
Reck, Lemuel M. SEE: Reck, L.M. - Galion, OH, US
Reckling, W.A. - Rome, GA, US:Columbia, SC, US
Record & Epler - Saratoga, NY, US
Record & Epler SEE: Epler - Saratoga, NY, US
Record View Co. - Sherwood, MI, US
Record SEE: Baker & Record - Saratoga Springs, NY, US
Record SEE: Record & Epler - Saratoga, NY, US
Redhofer Art Publishing Co. - Chicago, IL, US
Redmond, Mrs. A.C. - Washington, DC, US
Reed & McKenney - Central City, CO, US:Denver, CO, US
Reed & McKenney SEE: McKenney, Albert S. - Black Hawk, CO, US:Georgetown, CO, US:Central City, CO, US
Reed & McKenney SEE: Reed, William H. - Tacoma, WA, US:Central City, CO, US
Reed & Preble - Brunswick, ME, US
Reed & Preble SEE: Preble, A.L. - Bingham, ME, US
Reed & Wallace - Mobile, AL, US
Reed & Wallace SEE: Reed, W.A. - Selma, AL, US:Mobile, AL, US
Reed Bros. - Andover, MA, US:Newburyport, MA, US
Reed Bros. SEE: Reed, V. - Andover, MA, US:Lawrence, MA, US:Newburyport, MA, US
Reed SEE: Reed & Wallace - Mobile, AL, US
Reed SEE: Storer & Reed - Brunswick, ME, US
Reed - Cleveland, OH, US
Reed, A.O. SEE: Pierce & Reed - Brunswick, ME, US
Reed, Amos O. SEE: Reed & Preble - Brunswick, ME, US
Reed, B. - Kokomo, IN, US
Reed, D.T. & S.C. - Newburyport, MA, US
Reed, D.T. & S.C. SEE: Reed, S.C. - Newburyport, MA, US:Georgetown, MA, US
Reed, D.T. - Newburyport, MA, US
Reed, Daniel T. SEE: Reed, D.T. - Newburyport, MA, US
Reed, Daniel T. SEE: Reed, D.T. & S.C. - Newburyport, MA, US
Reed, E. - Franklin, MA, US:Newburyport, MA, US
Reed, Edgar SEE: Reed, E. - Franklin, MA, US:Newburyport, MA, US
Reed, Geo. W. - Berkeley, CA, US
Reed, George W. SEE: Reed, Geo. W. - Berkeley, CA, US
Reed, H.J. - Worcester, MA, US
Reed, Henry C. - Warren, IL, US
Reed, Henry J. SEE: Reed, H.J. - Worcester, MA, US
Reed, J.H. - Fulton, IL, US
Reed, J.H. - Clinton, IA, US
Reed, James H. SEE: Reed, J.H. - Clinton, IA, US
Reed, Mrs. W.A. SEE: Reed, Mrs. Warren A. - Quincy, IL, US
Reed, Mrs. Warren A. - Quincy, IL, US
Reed, S.C. - Newburyport, MA, US:Georgetown, MA, US
Reed, Selwyn C. SEE: Reed, D.T. & S.C. - Newburyport, MA, US
Reed, Selwyn C. SEE: Reed, S.C. - Newburyport, MA, US:Georgetown, MA, US
Reed, Sullivan SEE: Reed Bros. - Andover, MA, US:Newburyport, MA, US
Reed, V. - Andover, MA, US:Lawrence, MA, US:Newburyport, MA, US
Reed, Vellado S. SEE: Reed Bros. - Andover, MA, US:Newburyport, MA, US
Reed, Vellado S. SEE: Reed, V. - Andover, MA, US:Lawrence, MA, US:Newburyport, MA, US
Reed, Vellado SEE: Reed Bros. - Andover, MA, US:Newburyport, MA, US
Reed, W.A. - Selma, AL, US:Mobile, AL, US
Reed, William Albert SEE: Reed & Wallace - Mobile, AL, US
Reed, William Albert SEE: Reed, W.A. - Selma, AL, US:Mobile, AL, US
Reed, William H. SEE: Reed & McKenney - Central City, CO, US:Denver, CO, US
Reed, William H. - Tacoma, WA, US:Central City, CO, US
Reed-Tandler Engraving Co. - Grand Rapids, MI, US
Rees, C.R. - Richmond, VA, US:Petersburg, VA, US
Rees, Charles R. SEE: Rees, C.R. - Richmond, VA, US:Petersburg, VA, US
Rees, David - London, England, UK
Rees, E.J. - Petersburg, VA, US
Rees, Henry E. - Hartford, CT, US
Rees, N.B. - Lincoln Center, KS, US
Reese, Georg. SEE: Reese, George - Hannover, Germany
Reese, George - Hannover, Germany
Reese, M.A. - Santa Cruz, CA, US
Reese, Martin A. SEE: Reese, M.A. - Santa Cruz, CA, US
Reeve, J.C. - Lambertville, NJ, US
Reeve, L. - UK
Reeve, Lovell SEE: Reeve, L. - UK
Reeve's Grand Photographic Gallery SEE: Reeve, J.C. - Lambertville, NJ, US
Reeves SEE: Reeves, Lovell & Co. - London, England, UK
Reeves, H. - Cleveland, OH, US:Newburgh, OH, US
Reeves, W. - New London, CT, US:New Haven, CT, US
Reeves, Lovell & Co. - London, England, UK
Reger - Altoona, PA, US
Regnault - France
Rehn & Co. SEE: Rehn, Isaac A. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Rehn Gallery of Photography SEE: Rehn, Isaac A. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Rehn, Isaac A. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Rehn, Isaac SEE: Rehn, Isaac A. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Rehner & Son, Richard SEE: Rehner, R. - Indianola, TX, US
Rehner, R. - Indianola, TX, US
Rehner, Richard SEE: Rehner, R. - Indianola, TX, US
Reichard & Lindner - Berlin, Germany
Reichard & Lindner SEE: Lindner, O. - Berlin, Germany:Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Reichard SEE: Reichard & Lindner - Berlin, Germany
Reichenbach, A. - Champigny-sur-Marne, France
Reid Bros. - Capetown, South Africa
Reid SEE: Kennedy & Reid - Hot Springs, AR, US
Reid, A. - Dundee, Angus, Scotland, UK
Reid, E.L. SEE: Kennedy & Reid - Hot Springs, AR, US
Reid, E.L. - Hot Springs, AR, US
Reid, J. - Paterson (Patterson), NJ, US
Reid, J.S. - Orange, IN, US
Reid, John SEE: Reid, J. - Paterson (Patterson), NJ, US
Reid, W.A. - New York City, NY, US:Glen Ridge, NJ, US
Reid, W.R. - Cleveland, OH, US
Reif, Herman - Detroit, MI, US
Reiff, Arenson W. - Aurora, IL, US
Reiff, J.F. - West Aurora, IL, US
Reilly & Hazeltine - Stockton, CA, US:Yosemite Valley, CA, US
Reilly & Hazeltine SEE: Reilly, J.J. - Marysville, CA, US:Yosemite, CA, US:San Francisco, CA, US:Stockton, CA, US:Niagara Falls, NY, US
Reilly & Hazeltine SEE: Hazeltine, M.M. - Stockton, CA, US:Yosemite, CA, US:Baker City, OR, US:Boise City, ID, US
Reilly & Ormsby - Stockton, CA, US
Reilly & Ormsby SEE: Ormsby, E.D. - Stockton, CA, US:Oakland, CA, US:San Francisco, CA, US
Reilly & Ormsby SEE: Reilly, J.J. - Marysville, CA, US:Yosemite, CA, US:San Francisco, CA, US:Stockton, CA, US:Niagara Falls, NY, US
Reilly & Son, J.J. SEE: Reilly, J.J. - Marysville, CA, US:Yosemite, CA, US:San Francisco, CA, US:Stockton, CA, US:Niagara Falls, NY, US
Reilly & Spooner - Stockton, CA, US:Salt Lake City, UT, US
Reilly & Spooner SEE: Reilly, J.J. - Marysville, CA, US:Yosemite, CA, US:San Francisco, CA, US:Stockton, CA, US:Niagara Falls, NY, US
Reilly & Spooner SEE: Spooner, J. Pitcher - Stockton, CA, US:San Francisco, CA, US
Reilly SEE: Reilly & Hazeltine - Stockton, CA, US:Yosemite Valley, CA, US
Reilly SEE: Reilly & Ormsby - Stockton, CA, US
Reilly, J.J. SEE: Reilly & Hazeltine - Stockton, CA, US:Yosemite Valley, CA, US
Reilly, J.J. SEE: Reilly & Spooner - Stockton, CA, US:Salt Lake City, UT, US
Reilly, J.J. - Marysville, CA, US:Yosemite, CA, US:San Francisco, CA, US:Stockton, CA, US:Niagara Falls, NY, US
Reilly, John James SEE: Reilly & Hazeltine - Stockton, CA, US:Yosemite Valley, CA, US
Reilly, John James SEE: Reilly & Ormsby - Stockton, CA, US
Reilly, John James SEE: Reilly & Spooner - Stockton, CA, US:Salt Lake City, UT, US
Reilly, John James SEE: Reilly, J.J. - Marysville, CA, US:Yosemite, CA, US:San Francisco, CA, US:Stockton, CA, US:Niagara Falls, NY, US
Reiman & Gatch - Cincinnati, OH, US
Reiman & Gatch SEE: Reiman, Joseph - Cincinnati, OH, US
Reiman & Gatch SEE: Gatch, William M. - Colorado Springs, CO, US
Reiman SEE: Reiman & Gatch - Cincinnati, OH, US
Reiman, Joseph SEE: Reiman & Gatch - Cincinnati, OH, US
Reiman, Joseph - Cincinnati, OH, US
Reinau, Chr. - Copenhagen, Denmark:Kalundborg, Denmark
Reinberg, J.J. - Helsingfors, Finland
Reiner, Prof. J. - Klagenfurt, Austria
Reiterman - Findlay, OH, US
Reiterman, W.R. - Cleveland, OH, US
Reiterman, William - Sturgis, MI, US
Reitmeyer SEE: Fisk & Reitmeyer - Troy, NY, US
Reitmeyer, J.S. - Bethlehem, PA, US
Rejlander, Gustav SEE: Rejlander, Oscar Gustave - Wolverhampton, Staffordshire, England, UK:London, England, UK
Rejlander, O.G. SEE: Rejlander, Oscar Gustave - Wolverhampton, Staffordshire, England, UK:London, England, UK
Rejlander, Oscar G. SEE: Rejlander, Oscar Gustave - Wolverhampton, Staffordshire, England, UK:London, England, UK
Rejlander, Oscar Gustaf SEE: Rejlander, Oscar Gustave - Wolverhampton, Staffordshire, England, UK:London, England, UK
Rejlander, Oscar Gustav SEE: Rejlander, Oscar Gustave - Wolverhampton, Staffordshire, England, UK:London, England, UK
Rejlander, Oscar Gustave - Wolverhampton, Staffordshire, England, UK:London, England, UK
Relf Bros. - Decorah, IA, US
Relf, James T. SEE: Relf Bros. - Decorah, IA, US
Relf, William SEE: Relf Bros. - Decorah, IA, US
Relling & Co., I.T. - Chicago, IL, US
Relling, I.T. SEE: Relling & Co., I.T. - Chicago, IL, US
Relling, J.T. - Chicago, IL, US
Relvas, Carlos - Lisboa (Lisbon), Portugal
Remington SEE: Coleman & Remington - Providence, RI, US
Renauld - Gerardmer, France
Renner, J.R. - Berkeley, CA, US
Rennison, C.R. - Chicago, IL, US
Reppen, Nils Olsson
Reppen, Nils SEE: Reppen, Nils Olsson
Reseman, E. - Marysville, CA, US
Resslar, J.J. - Marathon, NY, US
Restall, George - Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire, England, UK
Reulbach, E. - München (Munich), Germany
Reutlinger SEE: Reutlinger, Charles - Paris, France
Reutlinger, Ch SEE: Reutlinger, Charles - Paris, France
Reutlinger, Charles - Paris, France
Reuvers & Scarff - Pella, IA, US:New Sharon, IA, US:Marion, IA, US
Reuvers, J.H. SEE: Reuvers & Scarff - Pella, IA, US:New Sharon, IA, US:Marion, IA, US
Reyman SEE: Reymann & Pricam - Genève (Geneva), Switzerland
Reymann & Pricam - Genève (Geneva), Switzerland
Reymann & Pricam SEE: Pricam - Genève (Geneva), Switzerland
Reymann SEE: Reymann & Pricam - Genève (Geneva), Switzerland
Reynolds & Co. - Harlan, IA, US
Reynolds & Co. SEE: Reynolds, A.C. - Griswold, IA, US
Reynolds & Co. SEE: Reynolds, Frank M. - Des Moines, IA, US:Nevada City, CA, US
Reynolds, A.C. - Griswold, IA, US
Reynolds, Albert C. SEE: Reynolds & Co. - Harlan, IA, US
Reynolds, Albert C. SEE: Reynolds, A.C. - Griswold, IA, US
Reynolds, F.F. - South Royalton, VT, US
Reynolds, Frank F. SEE: Reynolds, F.F. - South Royalton, VT, US
Reynolds, Frank M. SEE: Reynolds & Co. - Harlan, IA, US
Reynolds, Frank M. - Des Moines, IA, US:Nevada City, CA, US
Reynolds, H.M. - Alden, IA, US
Reynolds, Hugh M. SEE: Reynolds, H.M. - Alden, IA, US
Reynolds, J. - London, England, UK
Reynolds, John SEE: Reynolds, J. - London, England, UK
Reynolds, Mrs. R.A. - Carlisle, PA, US
Reynolds, W. Brooks - Farington, Yorkshire, England, UK
Reynolds, W. - London, England, UK
Rhea, W.J. SEE: Rea, W.J. - Santa Barbara, CA, US:St. Joseph, MO, US
Rhine, G.C. - Fort Worth, TX, US
Rhine, Gustave C. SEE: Rhine, G.C. - Fort Worth, TX, US
Rhoads, W.H. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Rhoads, W.H. - Melrose, FL, US
Rhoads, William H. SEE: Rhoads, W.H. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Rhode Island View Co. - Newport, RI, US:Natick, RI, US
Rhoderick, G.C. - Middletown, MD, US
Rhodes, H.W. - Ilkley, Yorkshire, England, UK
Rhodes, J.P. - Flushing, MI, US:Reading, MI, US
Rhymgh SEE: Cannon & Rhymgh - Poughkeepsie, NY, US
Ribeyre - Vals, France
Ricalton, James - Maplewood, NJ, US
Ricci, L. - Milano (Milan), Italy:Ravenna, Italy
Rice & Thompson - Chicago, IL, US
Rice & Thompson SEE: Rice, C.F. - Chicago, IL, US
Rice & Thompson SEE: Thompson, John A. - Chicago, IL, US
Rice SEE: Bicknell & Rice - Holyoke, MA, US
Rice SEE: Rice & Thompson - Chicago, IL, US
Rice, C.F. SEE: Rice & Thompson - Chicago, IL, US
Rice, C.F. - Chicago, IL, US
Rice, Charles F. SEE: Rice & Thompson - Chicago, IL, US
Rice, Charles F. SEE: Rice, C.F. - Chicago, IL, US
Rice, D.S. - East Jaffrey, NH, US:Harrisville, NH, US
Rice, Dr. Frank E. - US
Rice, George M. Rice SEE: Fitton & Rice - Worcester, MA, US
Rice, H.B. - Lovilia, IA, US
Rice, J.N. - Bridgetown, Nova Scotia, Canada
Rice, Joseph Newcombe SEE: Rice, J.N. - Bridgetown, Nova Scotia, Canada
Rice, Lewis - Windsor, Nova Scotia, Canada:Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Canada
Rice, M.D. & M.P. - Washington, DC, US
Rice, M.D. & M.P. SEE: Rice, Moses P. - Washington, DC, US
Rice, M.D. SEE: Rice, M.D. & M.P. - Washington, DC, US
Rice, M.J. - Boston, MA, US
Rice, M.P. SEE: Rice, Moses P. - Washington, DC, US
Rice, Moses P. SEE: Rice, M.D. & M.P. - Washington, DC, US
Rice, Moses P. - Washington, DC, US
Rice, T.J. - Rockport, MO, US
Rice's News Room - Pueblo, CO, US
Rich - Kingston, Ontario, Canada
Rich, H.W. - Colebrook, NH, US
Rich, J.E. - Charles City, IA, US
Rich, James E. SEE: Rich, J.E. - Charles City, IA, US
Richard Beard Studio SEE: Beard, Richard - London, England, UK
Richard Sohn, T. SEE: Richard, T. - Maennedorf, Switzerland
Richard, F. - Genève (Geneva), Switzerland
Richard, F. - Heidelberg, Germany
Richard, Franz SEE: Richard, F. - Heidelberg, Germany
Richard, T. - Maennedorf, Switzerland
Richard, Traugott SEE: Richard, T. - Maennedorf, Switzerland
Richards & Betts - Philadelphia, PA, US
Richards & Betts SEE: Richards, Frederick DeBourg - Philadelphia, PA, US
Richards & Pittman - Springfield, IL, US
Richards SEE: Richards & Betts - Philadelphia, PA, US
Richards SEE: Richards & Pittman - Springfield, IL, US
Richards, Albert G. - Ann Arbor, MI, US
Richards, F. De B. SEE: Richards, Frederick DeBourg - Philadelphia, PA, US
Richards, F.D.B. SEE: Richards & Betts - Philadelphia, PA, US
Richards, F.D.B. SEE: Richards, Frederick DeBourg - Philadelphia, PA, US
Richards, Frederick DeBourg SEE: Richards & Betts - Philadelphia, PA, US
Richards, Frederick DeBourg - Philadelphia, PA, US
Richards, George A. SEE: Betz & Richards - Lancaster, PA, US
Richards, Robt. - Warwick, RI, US
Richards, S.S. - Newark, NY, US
Richards, S.Y. - Carbondale, PA, US
Richardson & Clark - Oneida, NY, US
Richardson & Clark SEE: Richardson, W.T. - Oneida, NY, US
Richardson Bros - Sparta, WI, US
Richardson SEE: Parsons & Richardson - Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Richardson, A.M. - Teaneck, NJ, US
Richardson, A.S. - Ticonderoga, NY, US
Richardson, C.A. - Leominster, MA, US:Orange, MA, US
Richardson, C.F. SEE: American Stereoscopic Exchange Club - Washington, DC, US
Richardson, C.F. - Reading, MA, US:North Bridgewater, MA, US:Wakefield, MA, US
Richardson, Charles F. SEE: Richardson, C.F. - Reading, MA, US:North Bridgewater, MA, US:Wakefield, MA, US
Richardson, E.P. - Whitehall, NY, US
Richardson, E.P. - Boston, MA, US:Marlboro, MA, US
Richardson, Edward P. SEE: Richardson, E.P. - Boston, MA, US:Marlboro, MA, US
Richardson, F. - Sparta, WI, US
Richardson, J. - Auckland, New Zealand
Richardson, J.C. - Fall River, MA, US:Boston, MA, US:Marlboro, MA, US
Richardson, J.G. - St. Albans, VT, US
Richardson, James - Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Richardson, Josiah C. SEE: Richardson, J.C. - Fall River, MA, US:Boston, MA, US:Marlboro, MA, US
Richardson, L.A. - Ashland, MA, US:Boston, MA, US:Leominster, MA, US
Richardson, Lucius A. SEE: Richardson, L.A. - Ashland, MA, US:Boston, MA, US:Leominster, MA, US
Richardson, O.B. - Boston, MA, US
Richardson, Orlando B. SEE: Richardson, O.B. - Boston, MA, US
Richardson, T.G. - St. Albans, VT, US
Richardson, V.L. - Lima, Peru
Richardson, W.P. - US
Richardson, W.S. - Sparta, PA, US
Richardson, W.T. SEE: Richardson & Clark - Oneida, NY, US
Richardson, W.T. - Oneida, NY, US
Richardson, Wilson T. SEE: Richardson & Clark - Oneida, NY, US
Richardson, Wilson T. SEE: Richardson, W.T. - Oneida, NY, US
Richardson's Studio SEE: Richardson, F. - Sparta, WI, US
Richardson's Sunlight Studio SEE: Richardson, E.P. - Whitehall, NY, US
Richebourg, A. SEE: Richebourg, Pierre-Ambroise - Paris, France
Richebourg, Pierre-Ambroise - Paris, France
Richer - Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Richer, Charles A. - Lakeview, MI, US
Richey SEE: Bittman & Richey - Wamego, KS, US
Richmond, J.E. - Honesdale, PA, US
Richmond, J.L. - Campbellford, Ontario, Canada:Port Hope, Ontario, Canada
Richmond, John L. SEE: Richmond, J.L. - Campbellford, Ontario, Canada:Port Hope, Ontario, Canada
Richter - Napoli (Naples), Italy
Rickard - Deposit, NY, US
Ridderhof, N.L. - Los Angeles, CA, US
Riddle, A.J. - Macon, GA, US
Riddle, Andrew Jackson SEE: Riddle, A.J. - Macon, GA, US
Riddle, J.R. - Fairview, PA, US:Topeka, KS, US:Kansas City, KS, US:Loveland, CO, US
Riddle, James R. SEE: Riddle, J.R. - Fairview, PA, US:Topeka, KS, US:Kansas City, KS, US:Loveland, CO, US
Rideout & McFadden - Lewiston, ME, US
Rideout & McFadden SEE: McFadden, J.A. - Lewiston, ME, US:Bath, ME, US
Rideout & McFadden SEE: Rideout, Wm. C. - Portland, ME, US
Rideout SEE: Barlow & Rideout - Petrolia, PA, US
Rideout SEE: McKenney & Rideout - Willimantic, CT, US
Rideout SEE: Shaw & Rideout - Boston, MA, US
Rideout, Wm. C. SEE: Rideout & McFadden - Lewiston, ME, US
Rideout, Wm. C. - Portland, ME, US
Rider - Chicago, IL, US
Rider, J.A. - Hornellsville, NY, US:Wellsville, NY, US
Rider, John A. SEE: Rider, J.A. - Hornellsville, NY, US:Wellsville, NY, US
Ridgeway SEE: Barnum & Ridgeway - St. Louis, MO, US
Ridgeway, I.A. - Portage, WI, US
Ridings, Harry J. - Marquette, MI, US
Ridley & Sons, E. - New York, NY, US
Ridley, E. SEE: Ridley & Sons, E. - New York, NY, US
Rieck, E.W. - Albany, NY, US
Ried & Hills - Detroit, MI, US
Ried & Hills SEE: Hills & Co., B.C. - Detroit, MI, US
Ried SEE: Ried & Hills - Detroit, MI, US
Rieder, M. - Los Angeles, CA, US
Riege, M.J. - Easton, PA, US
Riemer, G. - Berlin, Germany
Rifenburg, Alonzo G. SEE: Kilborn & Rifenburg - Cedar Rapids, IA, US
Riggs, J.W. - Ashland, OR, US
Riggsbee - Raleigh, NC, US
Riggsbee, William Henry SEE: Riggsbee - Raleigh, NC, US
Riis, Charles - Helsingfors, Finland:Copenhagen, Denmark
Riis, Jacob - Denmark
Riise, Fred. - Copenhagen, Denmark
Rile, H.F. SEE: Rile, Harry Franz - Santa Monica, CA, US
Rile, Harry Franz - Santa Monica, CA, US
Riley Brothers - Boston, MA, US
Riley SEE: Brown & Riley - Winona, MN, US
Riley, E. - Cross Roads, DT, US
Rinehart, A.E. - Denver, CO, US
Rinehart, Alfred Evans SEE: Rinehart, A.E. - Denver, CO, US
Rinehart, F.A. SEE: Rinehart, Frank - Omaha, NE, US
Rinehart, Frank A. SEE: Rinehart, Frank - Omaha, NE, US
Rinehart, Frank Albert SEE: Rinehart, Frank - Omaha, NE, US
Rinehart, Frank - Omaha, NE, US
Ringe SEE: Thrane & Ringe - Minneapolis, MN, US
Ringgold, Mrs. J.H. - Quincy, IL, US
Rinman, Olga - Göteborg (Gothenburg), Sweden
Rinn, M. - Lawrence, MA, US
Rinn, Marcus SEE: Rinn, M. - Lawrence, MA, US
Rino, A. - St. Louis, MO, US
Rino, August SEE: Rino, A. - St. Louis, MO, US
Ripley, J.C. - Norwich, CT, US
Rippel Bros. - Milton, PA, US:Sunbury, PA, US
Rippel SEE: Rippel Bros. - Milton, PA, US:Sunbury, PA, US
Rippel SEE: Uhlman & Rippel - St. Joseph, MO, US
Rippel, J. - Milton, PA, US
Rishel, W.H. - Mahanoy City, PA, US
Rising, H.C. - Lafayette, IN, US
Risse, Wilhelm - Marburg, Austria
Risser - Strasburg, IL, US
Ritcher, W.C. - Sioux City, IA, US
Ritcher, William C. SEE: Ritcher, W.C. - Sioux City, IA, US
Ritchey, L. - Lovington, NM, US
Ritzmann, Charles L. - New York, NY, US
Riva, Giacomo - Caloze, Italy
Rivas, A. - Madrid, Spain
Rive Stabilimento Fotografico SEE: Rive, Robert
Rive SEE: Rive, Robert
Rive, Julius SEE: Rive, Robert
Rive, Robert
Rive, Roberto SEE: Rive, Robert
Rives, C. - Napoli (Naples), Italy
Rivet, J. - Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Rivet, Joseph SEE: Rivet, J. - Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Rixon SEE: Gihon & Rixon - Philadelphia, PA, US
Robbins, A.S. - Cleveland, OH, US
Robbins, Everman - Molalla, OR, US
Robbins, F. - Titusville, PA, US:Oil City, PA, US:Bradford, PA, US
Robbins, Frank SEE: Robbins, F. - Titusville, PA, US:Oil City, PA, US:Bradford, PA, US
Robbins, Frank - Keene, NH, US:Westerly, RI, US
Robbins, W.S. - Plymouth, MA, US
Robbins, William S. SEE: Locke & Robbins - Plymouth, MA, US
Robbins, William S. SEE: Robbins, W.S. - Plymouth, MA, US
Roberts & Fellows - Philadelphia, PA, US
Roberts & Fellows SEE: Fellows, Charles T. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Roberts & Fellows SEE: Roberts, H.L. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Roberts & Roberts - Urbana, OH, US
Roberts, Benjamin - Washington, DC, US
Roberts, G.H. - Machias, ME, US
Roberts, G.P. - St. John, New Brunswick, Canada
Roberts, George P. SEE: Roberts, G.P. - St. John, New Brunswick, Canada
Roberts, H.L. SEE: Roberts & Fellows - Philadelphia, PA, US
Roberts, H.L. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Roberts, J.B. - Clyde, NY, US:Rochester, NY, US
Roberts, L.W. - Urbana, OH, US
Roberts, R.H. - Ware, MA, US
Roberts, R.L. - Canton, MA, US:Farmington, ME, US
Roberts, Reuben - Dayton, OH, US
Roberts, Robin L. SEE: Bonney & Roberts - Machias, ME, US
Roberts, Robin L. SEE: Roberts, R.L. - Canton, MA, US:Farmington, ME, US
Robertson & Beato SEE: Beato, Felice - London, England, UK
Robertson & Beato SEE: Robertson, James
Robertson & Co. - Dublin, Ireland
Robertson & Farrelly - Austin, IL, US
Robertson SEE: Hardy, Denison, & Robertson - Fergus Falls, MN, US
Robertson SEE: Millard & Robertson - Dublin, Ireland
Robertson SEE: Robertson & Co. - Dublin, Ireland
Robertson SEE: Robertson & Farrelly - Austin, IL, US
Robertson, A. - Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland, UK
Robertson, A.D. - St. John, New Brunswick, Canada
Robertson, Archibald
Robertson, George - Austin, TX, US
Robertson, James D. SEE: Robertson, James
Robertson, James
Robertson, L.D. - Franklin, KY, US
Robertson, W.T. - Asheville, NC, US
Robie SEE: DeLong & Robie - Cooperstown, NY, US
Robinson & Beato - London, England, UK
Robinson & Cherrill - Tunbridge Wells, Kent, England, UK
Robinson & Cherrill SEE: Robinson, Henry Peach - London, England, UK
Robinson & Co., Joseph - Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Robinson & Shipler - Denver, CO, US
Robinson & Thompson - Liverpool, Lancashire, England, UK
Robinson Bros. - Haverhill, MA, US
Robinson SEE: Cole & Robinson - Hillsdale, MI, US
Robinson SEE: Golder & Robinson - New York City, NY, US
Robinson SEE: McClurg & Robinson - Pittsburgh, PA, US
Robinson SEE: Robinson & Beato - London, England, UK
Robinson SEE: Robinson & Shipler - Denver, CO, US
Robinson SEE: Robinson & Thompson - Liverpool, Lancashire, England, UK
Robinson - Oakland, ME, US
Robinson - Richfield Springs, NY, US
Robinson - Kansas City, KS, US
Robinson, Augustus A. SEE: Holton & Robinson - Boston, MA, US
Robinson, C.C. - Newark, NJ, US
Robinson, Dr. A.H. - Highgate Hill, London, England, UK
Robinson, E. Kay - UK
Robinson, F.N. - Howard, DT, US
Robinson, F.P. - Morrisville, VT, US
Robinson, Frank P. SEE: Robinson, F.P. - Morrisville, VT, US
Robinson, G.C. - Lynn, MA, US:Haverhill, MA, US
Robinson, G.W. - Baltimore, MD, US
Robinson, George C. SEE: Robinson, G.C. - Lynn, MA, US:Haverhill, MA, US
Robinson, George W. - Wheeling, WV, US
Robinson, H.N. - Reading, MA, US:Bridgewater, MA, US:Brockton, MA, US:Dixfield, ME, US:Hartford, ME, US
Robinson, H.P. SEE: Robinson, Henry Peach - London, England, UK
Robinson, Henry P. SEE: Robinson, Henry Peach - London, England, UK
Robinson, Henry Peach SEE: Robinson & Cherrill - Tunbridge Wells, Kent, England, UK
Robinson, Henry Peach - London, England, UK
Robinson, Horatio N. SEE: Robinson, H.N. - Reading, MA, US:Bridgewater, MA, US:Brockton, MA, US:Dixfield, ME, US:Hartford, ME, US
Robinson, J.B. - Exeter, NH, US
Robinson, J.C. - Blandford, MA, US
Robinson, J.I. - Friern Barnet, London, England, UK
Robinson, J.N. - Baskingridge, NJ, US
Robinson, J.W. - Franklin, NE, US
Robinson, James V. - Dublin, Ireland
Robinson, M.L. - Baltimore, MD, US
Robinson, Martin L. SEE: Robinson, M.L. - Baltimore, MD, US
Robinson, Mrs. Amanda - Ashton (Ashton-on-Lyne), Lancashire, England, UK
Robinson, Mrs. J.C. SEE: Robinson, J.C. - Blandford, MA, US
Robinson, Mrs. J.C. - Blandford, MA, US
Robinson, Mrs. N.A. SEE: Robinson, N.A. - Hillsboro, IL, US
Robinson, Mrs. SEE: Robinson, Mrs. Amanda - Ashton (Ashton-on-Lyne), Lancashire, England, UK
Robinson, N.A. - Hillsboro, IL, US
Robinson, R.A. - Chicago, IL, US
Robinson, T.D. - Wheeling, WV, US
Robinson, W.T. - Nunda, NY, US:Asheville, NC, US
Roblin, Frank F. - Ackley, IA, US:Spirit Lake, IA, US
Rocchi SEE: Marsigli & Rocchi - Bologna, Italy
Roche, T.C. SEE: Roche, Thomas C. - New York, NY, US
Roche, Thomas C. - New York, NY, US
Rocher, H. - Chicago, IL, US
Rocher, Henry SEE: Rocher, H. - Chicago, IL, US
Rochester Views - Rochester, NY, US
Rochwite, Seton - Loveland, CO, US:Wauwatosa, WI, US
Rockafellow SEE: Hamilton & Rockafellow - Deadwood, DT, US
Rockstead, S.N. - Durand, WI, US:Blanchardville, WI, US
Rockwell SEE: Dayton & Rockwell - Towanda, PA, US
Rockwell, D.W. - Elyria, OH, US
Rockwood & Co. - New York City, NY, US
Rockwood & Co. SEE: Rockwood, George Gardner
Rockwood, G.G. SEE: Rockwood & Co. - New York City, NY, US
Rockwood, G.G. SEE: Rockwood, George Gardner
Rockwood, George Gardner SEE: Rockwood & Co. - New York City, NY, US
Rockwood, George Gardner
Rodenbaker - Lyons, NY, US
Rodgers & Co. - Washington, DC, US
Rodgers SEE: Crowe & Rodgers - Stirling, Stirlingshire, Scotland, UK:Montrose, Angus, Scotland, UK
Rodgers, H.J. - Hartford, CT, US:Orange, CT, US
Rodgers, Hart J. SEE: Rodgers, H.J. - Hartford, CT, US:Orange, CT, US
Rodgers, Miss Edeline - Campton Village, NH, US
Rodgers, W. SEE: Crowe & Rodgers - Stirling, Stirlingshire, Scotland, UK:Montrose, Angus, Scotland, UK
Rodgers, W. - Montrose, Angus
Rodgers, W.J. - St. Louis, MO, US
Rodman, Dr. Geo. H. - East Sheen, Surrey, England, UK
Rodman, W. - Belfast, Ireland
Rodocker & Blanchard - Deadwood, DT, US
Rodocker & Blanchard SEE: Blanchard - Deadwood, DT, US
Rodocker SEE: Rodocker & Blanchard - Deadwood, DT, US
Roe SEE: Barron & Roe - Chicago, IL, US
Roesler & Flach - Königsberg, Germany
Roesler SEE: Roesler & Flach - Königsberg, Germany
Rogan - Whitehall, WI, US
Roger, G.F. - Dundee, Angus, Scotland, UK:Broughty Ferry, Angus, Scotland, UK
Roger, George Ferris SEE: Roger, G.F. - Dundee, Angus, Scotland, UK:Broughty Ferry, Angus, Scotland, UK
Rogers & North - Springfield, MA, US
Rogers & North SEE: North, F.E. - Meriden, CT, US:New Britain, CT, US:Rockville, CT, US:Waltham, MA, US:Westboro, MA, US:Springfield, MA, US
Rogers & North SEE: Rogers, I.L. - Springfield, MA, US
Rogers Bros. - Waynesburg, PA, US
Rogers SEE: Farmer & Rogers - London, England, UK
Rogers SEE: Rothwell & Rogers - Washington, PA, US
Rogers SEE: Young & Rogers - Washington, PA, US
Rogers - Washington, PA, US
Rogers - Wichita, KS, US:Eldorado, KS, US
Rogers, A.H. - Santa Barbara, CA, US
Rogers, A.S. - Plymouth, Devon, England, UK
Rogers, C.H. SEE: Locke & Rogers - Boston, MA, US
Rogers, C.H. - Plymouth, MA, US
Rogers, Charles H. SEE: Locke & Rogers - Boston, MA, US
Rogers, Charles H. SEE: Rogers, C.H. - Plymouth, MA, US
Rogers, Early - Gainesville, GA, US
Rogers, F.H. - Los Angeles, CA, US
Rogers, Fairman SEE: Rogers, Prof. F. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Rogers, H.F. - Hamilton, OH, US
Rogers, H.J. - Hartford, CT, US
Rogers, I.L. SEE: Rogers & North - Springfield, MA, US
Rogers, I.L. - Springfield, MA, US
Rogers, J. - New York, NY, US
Rogers, J.H. - Waynesburg, PA, US
Rogers, J.S. - Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Rogers, John S.E. - Gloucester, MA, US
Rogers, John - New York City, NY, US
Rogers, Joseph S. SEE: Rogers, J.S. - Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Rogers, Joseph Stetson SEE: Rogers, J.S. - Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Rogers, Prof. F. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Rogers, S. - Tarrytown, NY, US
Rogers, S.G. & T.W. - Carmichaels, PA, US
Rogers, S.G. SEE: Rogers, S.G. & T.W. - Carmichaels, PA, US
Rogers, T.W. SEE: Rogers, S.G. & T.W. - Carmichaels, PA, US
Rogers, W.D. - Hood River, OR, US
Rogers, Wm. P. - Albany, NY, US
Rohloff, W. - Germany
Rohmer, M. - Leipzig, Germany
Rohrbach, S. - Millbury, MA, US
Roikjer, C.W. - Helsingör, Denmark:Copenhagen, Denmark:Malmö, Sweden
Rolinson, E.G. - Michigan City, IN, US
Rollins - Cape Ann, MA, US:Georgetown, MA, US
Rollins, E.G. - Rockport, MA, US:Gloucester, MA, US
Rollins, Erastus G. SEE: Rollins, E.G. - Rockport, MA, US:Gloucester, MA, US
Rollins, G.E. - Lebanon, NH, US
Rollins, Wm. H. - Lawrence, MA, US
Roloson, W.H. SEE: McPherson, Roloson, & Graves - Delavan, WI, US
Roloson, W.H. SEE: McPherson & Roloson - Darien, WI, US
Roloson, W.H. - Beloit, WI, US
Romanet SEE: Duriette & Romanet - Amiens, France
Romenta, M. - Trondheim, Norway
Romer - Pike Co., PA, US
Rominger, G.T. - Spokane, WA, US:Portland, OR, US
Romo - Paris, France
Ronne & Washburn - Buffalo, NY, US
Ronne SEE: Ronne & Washburn - Buffalo, NY, US
Rood & Emerson - New York, NY, US
Rood & Emerson SEE: Emerson, Edwin - Troy, NY, US
Rood & Emerson SEE: Rood, Prof. O.N. - Troy, NY, US
Rood SEE: Rood & Emerson - New York, NY, US
Rood, F.M. - Poultney, VT, US
Rood, Ogden Nicholas SEE: Rood & Emerson - New York, NY, US
Rood, Ogden Nicholas SEE: Rood, Prof. O.N. - Troy, NY, US
Rood, Prof. O.N. - Troy, NY, US
Rood, Prof. Ogden Nicholas SEE: Rood & Emerson - New York, NY, US
Rood, Prof. Ogden Nicholas SEE: Rood, Prof. O.N. - Troy, NY, US
Rood, William I. SEE: Rood, Wm. I. - Spencer, IA, US
Rood, Wm. I. - Spencer, IA, US
Roogle, M. - Bellefonte, OH, US
Rookledge, John - Easingwold, Yorkshire, England, UK
Roorbach - Green Lake, NJ, US
Roos SEE: Snow & Roos - San Francisco, CA, US
Root & Co., J.W. - Pittsfield, MA, US
Root & Cutter - Dubuque, IA, US
Root & Cutter SEE: Root, S. - Dubuque, IA, US
Root & Son - Monmouth, IL, US
Root, Emerson A. SEE: Root & Son - Monmouth, IL, US
Root, Henry E. SEE: Root & Son - Monmouth, IL, US
Root, M.A. SEE: Root, Marcus Aurelius - Philadelphia, PA, US:Mobile, AL, US
Root, Marcus Aurelius - Philadelphia, PA, US:Mobile, AL, US
Root, S. - Dubuque, IA, US
Root, Samuel SEE: Root & Cutter - Dubuque, IA, US
Root, Samuel SEE: Root, S. - Dubuque, IA, US
Ropes & Co., H. - New York City, NY, US
Ropes, D.N. - New York, NY, US
Ropes, H. SEE: Ropes & Co., H. - New York City, NY, US
Rose & Walker - Poughkeepsie, NY, US
Rose & Walker SEE: Rose, R.H. - Princeton, NJ, US
Rose & Walker SEE: Walker, S.L. - Poughkeepsie, NY, US
Rose SEE: Rose & Walker - Poughkeepsie, NY, US
Rose - Grand Rapids, MI, US
Rose, C. - Mühlenthal, Germany
Rose, E. - Wernigerode, Germany
Rose, Frank A. - Brightview, NJ, US
Rose, G.L. - Pasadena, CA, US
Rose, Geo. SEE: Rose, George - Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Rose, George L. SEE: Rose, G.L. - Pasadena, CA, US
Rose, George - Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Rose, J.A. - Hillsdale, MI, US
Rose, P.H. - Paris, KY, US
Rose, P.H. - Galveston, TX, US
Rose, Philip H. SEE: Blessing & Rose - Galveston, TX, US
Rose, Philip H. SEE: Rose, P.H. - Galveston, TX, US
Rose, R.H. SEE: Rose & Walker - Poughkeepsie, NY, US
Rose, R.H. - Princeton, NJ, US
Rosebaum, A.E. - Mt. Healthy, OH, US
Rosenberg, Holger - Denmark
Rosenblatt & Co., H.M. - Chicago, IL, US
Rosenblatt, H.M. SEE: Rosenblatt & Co., H.M. - Chicago, IL, US
Rosencrantz, P. - Tarentum, PA, US
Rosenkrantz SEE: Fenton & Rosenkrantz - Jamestown, NY, US
Roshon, C.S. SEE: Greene & Roshon - Huntingdon, PA, US:Johnstown, PA, US
Roshon, C.S. - Harrisburg, PA, US:Milton, PA, US
Rosins Boghandel, Kaj - Aarhus, Denmark
Rosling, A. - London, England, UK
Rospini, C. Jos. SEE: Rospini, C.J. - Wien (Vienna), Austria:Graz, Austria
Rospini, C.J. - Wien (Vienna), Austria:Graz, Austria
Ross & Co., A.J. - Pictou, Nova Scotia, Canada
Ross & Ifland - Sedan, KS, US
Ross & Lawrence - St. Louis, MO, US
Ross & Ormsby - Petaluma, CA, US
Ross & Ormsby SEE: Ormsby, E.D. - Stockton, CA, US:Oakland, CA, US:San Francisco, CA, US
Ross & Ormsby SEE: Ross, George L. - Petaluma, CA, US
Ross & Pringle SEE: Ross, James
Ross & Thomson SEE: Ross, James
Ross Bros. - Truro, Nova Scotia, Canada:Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada
Ross SEE: Ross & Ifland - Sedan, KS, US
Ross SEE: Ross & Lawrence - St. Louis, MO, US
Ross SEE: Ross & Ormsby - Petaluma, CA, US
Ross, A.C. - Zanesville, OH, US
Ross, A.J. SEE: Ross & Co., A.J. - Pictou, Nova Scotia, Canada
Ross, Alexander J. SEE: Ross & Co., A.J. - Pictou, Nova Scotia, Canada
Ross, C.C. - Willimantic, CT, US
Ross, E.H. - Boston, MA, US
Ross, Eamonn H. SEE: Ross, E.H. - Boston, MA, US
Ross, G.L. - Lake Geneva, WI, US
Ross, George L. SEE: Ross & Ormsby - Petaluma, CA, US
Ross, George L. - Petaluma, CA, US
Ross, George SEE: Ross, George L. - Petaluma, CA, US
Ross, J. - Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Ross, James
Ross, John SEE: Ross Bros. - Truro, Nova Scotia, Canada:Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada
Ross, John SEE: Ross & Co., A.J. - Pictou, Nova Scotia, Canada
Ross, John SEE: Ross, J. - Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Ross, L.G. - Newport, NH, US
Ross, P.F. - St. Louis, MO, US:Tipton, MO, US
Ross, T. - Dunedin, New Zealand
Ross, W.J. - Kentville, Nova Scotia, Canada
Ross, William James SEE: Ross, W.J. - Kentville, Nova Scotia, Canada
Ross' Photographic Gallery SEE: Ross, George L. - Petaluma, CA, US
Rossi, Giulio - Genoa (Genova), Italy:Milano (Milan), Italy
Rossier, P. SEE: Rossier, Pierre Joseph - Fribourg, Switzerland:Couret, Switzerland
Rossier, Pierre Joseph - Fribourg, Switzerland:Couret, Switzerland
Rossier, Pierre SEE: Rossier, Pierre Joseph - Fribourg, Switzerland:Couret, Switzerland
Rossiter, H.J. - Mackinac Island, MI, US
Rotary Photo Co. - US
Rotary Photographic Co. - London, England, UK
Rote, F.A. - Lancaster, PA, US
Rote, Fred A. SEE: Rote, F.A. - Lancaster, PA, US
Rote, S.A. - Syracuse, NY, US:Philadelphia, PA, US:Ridgeway, PA, US
Rote, Samuel Arrhaus SEE: Rote, S.A. - Syracuse, NY, US:Philadelphia, PA, US:Ridgeway, PA, US
Roth, E.H. - Strawberry Point, IA, US
Roth, J. - Freehold, NJ, US
Roth, M.J. - New York, NY, US
Rothbacker, Anton - Kitzbhl, Austria
Rothengatter & Dillon - Philadelphia, PA, US
Rothengatter SEE: Casselberry & Rothengatter - Philadelphia, PA, US
Rothengatter SEE: Rothengatter & Dillon - Philadelphia, PA, US
Rothengatter, A.W. SEE: Casselberry & Rothengatter - Philadelphia, PA, US
Rothengatter, A.W. SEE: Rothengatter & Dillon - Philadelphia, PA, US
Rothrock & Barnett - Phoenix, AZ, US
Rothrock & Barnett SEE: Barnett, C.W. - Mesa, AZ, US:Phoenix, AZ, US:Tempe, AZ, US
Rothrock & Barnett SEE: Rothrock, George H. - Bakersfield, CA, US:Phoenix, AZ, US:Tempe, AZ, US:Prescott, AZ, US
Rothrock & Catton - Phoenix, AZ, US
Rothrock & Catton SEE: Rothrock, George H. - Bakersfield, CA, US:Phoenix, AZ, US:Tempe, AZ, US:Prescott, AZ, US
Rothrock, G.H. SEE: Rothrock, George H. - Bakersfield, CA, US:Phoenix, AZ, US:Tempe, AZ, US:Prescott, AZ, US
Rothrock, George H. SEE: Rothrock & Barnett - Phoenix, AZ, US
Rothrock, George H. SEE: Rothrock & Catton - Phoenix, AZ, US
Rothrock, George H. - Bakersfield, CA, US:Phoenix, AZ, US:Tempe, AZ, US:Prescott, AZ, US
Rothrock, George SEE: Rothrock, George H. - Bakersfield, CA, US:Phoenix, AZ, US:Tempe, AZ, US:Prescott, AZ, US
Rothwell & Rogers - Washington, PA, US
Rothwell & Rogers SEE: Rogers - Washington, PA, US
Rothwell & Rogers SEE: Rothwell, S.W. - Washington, PA, US
Rothwell SEE: Rothwell & Rogers - Washington, PA, US
Rothwell, S.W. SEE: Rothwell & Rogers - Washington, PA, US
Rothwell, S.W. - Washington, PA, US
Rothwell, Samuel - Douglas, Isle of Man, England, UK
Rottman SEE: Gebhardt, Rottmann, & Co. - London, England, UK
Rottmann - London, England, UK
Rottmayer, J.A. - Berchtesgaden, Germany
Rouch SEE: Burfield & Rouch - London, England, UK
Rounds, A.A. - Sioux Falls, DT, US
Rouss Stereoscopic Co. - Erie, PA, US
Row, J. - Utica, OH, US
Rowbotham, D. - New York City, NY, US:Brooklyn, NY, US
Rowbotham, Daniel SEE: Rowbotham, D. - New York City, NY, US:Brooklyn, NY, US
Rowe, A.J. - Norway, ME, US
Rowe, J. - Jenolan Caves, New South Wales, Australia
Rowe, W.O. - TX, US
Rowell SEE: Mundy & Rowell - Utica, NY, US
Rowell, C.C. SEE: Billings and Rowell - Hanover, NH, US
Rowell, C.C. - Hanover, NH, US:Newport, NH, US
Rowell, E. - Boston, MA, US
Rowell, Frank SEE: Allen & Rowell - Boston, MA, US
Rowell, Frank - Boston, MA, US
Rowland - Frankfort, KY, US
Rowles, Brandt - Havana Glen, NY, US
Rowley, E.A. - Oregon, IL, US:Rockford, IL, US
Rowley, Loren A. - East Marion, NY, US
Rox, E. - Wernigerode, Germany
Royal Geographical Society - London, England, UK
Royal Photograph Gallery SEE: Forrest & Lozo - Belleville, Ontario, Canada:Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Royce, P. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Royer & Aufiere - Paris, France
Royer SEE: Royer & Aufiere - Paris, France
Royle, V. - Paterson (Patterson), NJ, US
Royle, Vernon SEE: Royle, V. - Paterson (Patterson), NJ, US
Roys, J.A. - Detroit, MI, US
Roys, Wm. J. - Cornwall, Ontario, Canada
Rubenstein & David - New York, NY, US
Rubenstein, Dr. H.S. SEE: Rubenstein & David - New York, NY, US
Rudd y Penny - San Jos‚ Costa Rica
Rudd SEE: Armstrong & Rudd - Saginaw City, MI, US
Rudd SEE: Rudd y Penny - San Jos‚ Costa Rica
Rudd, Harrison N. SEE: Armstrong & Rudd - Saginaw City, MI, US
Rude, C.G. - Drammen, Norway
Rudin and Max Rudin, H. - Alejuela‚ Costa Rica:San Jos‚ Costa Rica
Rudin, H. SEE: Rudin and Max Rudin, H. - Alejuela‚ Costa Rica:San Jos‚ Costa Rica
Rudin, Max SEE: Rudin and Max Rudin, H. - Alejuela‚ Costa Rica:San Jos‚ Costa Rica
Rudolph SEE: Mayer, Rudolph & Co. - Belfast, Ireland
Rudy & Clinton - Colorado Springs, CO, US:Cascade Canon, CO, US
Rudy & Clinton SEE: Clinton, J.L. - Colorado Springs, CO, US
Rudy & Clinton SEE: Rudy, W. Ira - Colorado Springs, CO, US
Rudy SEE: Rudy & Clinton - Colorado Springs, CO, US:Cascade Canon, CO, US
Rudy, F.M. SEE: Blizzard & Rudy - Bellefonte, OH, US
Rudy, F.M. - Bellefonte, OH, US
Rudy, W. Ira - Colorado Springs, CO, US
Rue, A.B. - Danville, KY, US
Ruehlman & Co., R. - Easton, PA, US
Ruehlman, R. SEE: Ruehlman & Co., R. - Easton, PA, US
Rugg SEE: Judd & Rugg - Port Henry, NY, US
Rugg, A.B. SEE: Secret Order of Scientific Photographers - Minneapolis, MN, US
Rugg, A.B. - Athol, MA, US:Fitchburg, MA, US
Rugg, Arthur B. SEE: Rugg, A.B. - Athol, MA, US:Fitchburg, MA, US
Ruggles & Co. - Three Rivers, MA, US
Ruggles SEE: Plimpton & Ruggles - Lockport, NY, US
Ruggles SEE: Smith & Ruggles - New Haven, CT, US
Ruggles, Charles M. SEE: Smith & Ruggles - New Haven, CT, US
Ruggles, J.F. - West Burke, VT, US
Rulofson, William H. SEE: Rulofson, William - San Francisco, CA, US
Rulofson, William Herman SEE: Bradley & Rulofson - San Francisco, CA, US
Rulofson, William Herman SEE: Rulofson, William - San Francisco, CA, US
Rulofson, William SEE: Bradley & Rulofson - San Francisco, CA, US
Rulofson, William - San Francisco, CA, US
Rulofson, Wm. H. SEE: Rulofson, William - San Francisco, CA, US
Rumine, Gabriel de - Moskva (Moscow), Russia
Rummel, C. - Landau, Germany
Rump, Hugh R. - Norfolk, Norfolk, England, UK
Rumsey - Cortland, NY, US
Rumsey, H.D. - Homer, NY, US
Rumsey, Henry D. SEE: Rumsey, H.D. - Homer, NY, US
Rumsey, Henry David SEE: Rumsey, H.D. - Homer, NY, US
Rundel SEE: Woodward & Rundel - Rochester, NY, US
Rundel, Morton W. SEE: Woodward & Rundel - Rochester, NY, US
Rundel, Morton W. - Rochester, NY, US
Rundell, H.P. - Rochester, NY, US
Rundell, R.R. - Owego, NY, US
Runicles, Rev. W. - Windsor, Berkshire, England, UK
Runion - Gouverneur, NY, US
Runstedt, Oscar - Stockholm, Sweden
Rupp, W. - Prague, Austria
Rush, E.W. - Glen Gardner, NJ, US
Rush, Mira B. - Olney, IL, US
Rushton & Co., James - Eaton Rapids, MI, US
Rushton, James SEE: Rushton & Co., James - Eaton Rapids, MI, US
Rushville Art Gallery - Rushville, NE, US
Russel & Co., B.B. - Boston, MA, US
Russel, B.B. SEE: Russel & Co., B.B. - Boston, MA, US
Russel, Benjamin B. SEE: Russel & Co., B.B. - Boston, MA, US
Russell & Luke - Colorado Springs, CO, US:Leadville, CO, US
Russell & Stone - Boston, MA, US
Russell & Stone SEE: Stone, George M. - Westboro, MA, US:Newton, MA, US:South Dedham, MA, US
Russell & Stone SEE: Russell, R.J. - Boston, MA, US
Russell SEE: Russell & Luke - Colorado Springs, CO, US:Leadville, CO, US
Russell SEE: Russell & Stone - Boston, MA, US
Russell SEE: Wittick & Russell - Albuquerque, NM, US
Russell, A.J. - Omaha, NE, US:New York City, NY, US
Russell, Andrew J. SEE: Russell, A.J. - Omaha, NE, US:New York City, NY, US
Russell, Andrew Joseph SEE: Russell, A.J. - Omaha, NE, US:New York City, NY, US
Russell, E.L. SEE: Beeles & Russell - Blossburg, PA, US
Russell, E.L. - Blossburg, PA, US
Russell, F. - Lawrence, MA, US
Russell, Frank SEE: Russell, F. - Lawrence, MA, US
Russell, J. - Chichester, West Sussex, England, UK
Russell, James SEE: Russell, J. - Chichester, West Sussex, England, UK
Russell, R.J. - Boston, MA, US
Russell, R.W. SEE: Wittick & Russell - Albuquerque, NM, US
Russell, Randall J. SEE: Russell & Stone - Boston, MA, US
Russell, Randall J. SEE: Russell, R.J. - Boston, MA, US
Rust SEE: Canning & Rust - Hastings, MN, US
Rust, T.D. SEE: World Stereoscopic Co. - Meadville, PA, US
Rutan, H.K. - Paterson (Patterson), NJ, US
Rutback, Hanna - Lulea, Sweden
Ruthard SEE: Amsler & Ruthard - Berlin, Germany
Rutherford & Boardman - Seneca Falls, NY, US
Rutherford & Co. - Atlantic City, NJ, US
Rutherford SEE: Rutherford & Boardman - Seneca Falls, NY, US
Rutherford - Sea Cliff, NY, US:Long Island, NY, US
Rutherford, J. - Sault St. Marie, MI, US
Rutherford, James SEE: Rutherford, J. - Sault St. Marie, MI, US
Rutherford, W. - Bath, NY, US
Rutherford, Wm. - Hammonton, NJ, US
Rutherfurd, L.M. SEE: Rutherfurd, Lewis M. - New York, NY, US
Rutherfurd, Lewis M. - New York, NY, US
Rutherfurd, Lewis Morris SEE: Rutherfurd, Lewis M. - New York, NY, US
Rutledge, C.A. - Rockville, IN, US
Rutter & Nesbitt - Glendale, MT, US
Rutter & Nesbitt SEE: Rutter, Thos. H. - Glendale, MT, US:Wickes, MT, US:Deer Lodge City, MT, US:Butte City, MT, US
Rutter SEE: Rutter & Nesbitt - Glendale, MT, US
Rutter, Thomas H. SEE: Rutter & Nesbitt - Glendale, MT, US
Rutter, Thomas H. SEE: Rutter, Thos. H. - Glendale, MT, US:Wickes, MT, US:Deer Lodge City, MT, US:Butte City, MT, US
Rutter, Thos. H. - Glendale, MT, US:Wickes, MT, US:Deer Lodge City, MT, US:Butte City, MT, US
Rux, Alberto - Roma (Rome), Italy
Ryan, D.J. - Savannah, GA, US
Ryan, Daniel J. SEE: Ryan, D.J. - Savannah, GA, US
Ryder, James F. - Cleveland, OH, US
Ryon & Son, W.E. - Panama, NY, US
Ryon, W.E. SEE: Ryon & Son, W.E. - Panama, NY, US


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