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The Stereographs Project
The Stereographs Photographer Project
Information on stereo photographers is widely scattered and this project brings it together into a coherent series of datasets.
PLEASE NOTE: The names shown here are only for testing purposes and more complete listing will be added as soon as possible. If you have ANY datasets on stereo photographers please let me know: let's make this a collaborative project.
C - Paris, France
C.B. Edit. Photog. SEE: CB - Marseilles, France
C.C.W. - New York City, NY, US
C.D. Fredricks y Daries SEE: Fredricks, Charles DeForest - New York City, NY, US
C.G. SEE: Gerard, Charles - Paris, France
C.H. Shute & Son - Edgartown, MA, US
C.H. Wheeler & Co. SEE: Wheeler, C.H. - Boston, MA, US
C.L. Edit. Paris SEE: CL - Paris, France
C.L.C. SEE: CLC - France
C.P. - Boston, MA, US
C.P. SEE: Ponti, Carlo - Venice, Italy
CA - France
CB - Marseilles, France
CB - Salop, Shropshire, England, UK
CC - France
CC - Pau, France
CF SEE: Ferrier, Claude-Marie - Paris, France
CG - Paris, France
CG SEE: Gaudin, Charles - Paris, France
CG SEE: Gerard, Charles - Paris, France
CL - Paris, France
CL SEE: Lallemand, Charles - Strasbourg, France
CLC - France
CP - Paris, France
CS - Paris, France
CS SEE: Soulier, Charles - Paris, France
Caddy & Davis - Johnstown, PA, US
Caddy & Davis SEE: Davis, James - Johnstown, PA, US
Caddy SEE: Caddy & Davis - Johnstown, PA, US
Cade, H.C. - Carson City, NV, US
Cade, R. - Ipswich, E. Suffolk, England, UK
Caderan, A.W. - Bonham, TX, US
Cades - Boston, MA, US
Cadman, A.W. - Jacksonville, IL, US
Cadman, Albert W. SEE: Cadman, A.W. - Jacksonville, IL, US
Cadwallader Bros. - Detroit, MI, US
Cadwallader Bros. SEE: Cadwallader, John - Detroit, MI, US:Marietta, OH, US:Indianapolis, IN, US:Parkersburg, WV, US
Cadwallader and Loomis SEE: Cadwallader, John - Detroit, MI, US:Marietta, OH, US:Indianapolis, IN, US:Parkersburg, WV, US
Cadwallader, James D. SEE: Cadwallader Bros. - Detroit, MI, US
Cadwallader, James Dallas SEE: Cadwallader Bros. - Detroit, MI, US
Cadwallader, John SEE: Cadwallader Bros. - Detroit, MI, US
Cadwallader, John - Detroit, MI, US:Marietta, OH, US:Indianapolis, IN, US:Parkersburg, WV, US
Cadwallader's Bee Hive Gallery SEE: Cadwallader, John - Detroit, MI, US:Marietta, OH, US:Indianapolis, IN, US:Parkersburg, WV, US
Cadwell, M. - Flatonia, TX, US
Cadwell, Moses SEE: Cadwell, M. - Flatonia, TX, US
Cady SEE: Darlot & Cady - Paris, France
Cady SEE: Wells & Cady - Cambridge, NY, US
Cady, H.B. - Waitsfield, VT, US:Burlington, VT, US
Cady, J. - Brandon, VT, US
Cady, W.J. - Hinsdale, NH, US:Springfield, VT, US
Caesber, F.Y. - Beaver Falls, PA, US
Cahen, Olivier - Gif sur Yvette, France
Cahill, S.J. - PA, US
Caille SEE: Caille-Schiemer Co. - Detroit, MI, US
Caille-Schiemer Co. - Detroit, MI, US
Cain, C.T. - Owenstown, KY, US
Cain, W.C. - Wroxeter, Ontario, Canada:Owen Sound, Ontario, Canada
Caldesi SEE: Caldesi, Blanford & Co. - London, England, UK
Caldesi, Blanford & Co. - London, England, UK
Caldesi, Blanford & Co. SEE: Blanford - London, England, UK
Caldwell - Fall River, MA, US:Brockton, MA, US
Caldwell, Warren H. SEE: Caldwell - Fall River, MA, US:Brockton, MA, US
Caldwell, Wm. A. - Indianapolis, IN, US
Calfee & Catlin - Bozeman, MT, US
Calfee, H.B. SEE: Calfee & Catlin - Bozeman, MT, US
Calfee, H.B. - Bozeman, MT, US:WY, US
Calhoun & Drake - Farmer City, IL, US
Calhoun SEE: Calhoun & Drake - Farmer City, IL, US
California & Colorado - US
California & New England Stereoscopic Co. - Brandon, VT, US
California Art Foto Co. SEE: California Art Photo Co. - Los Angeles, CA, US:Oakland, CA, US:San Francisco, CA, US
California Art Gallery SEE: Grime, Cicero - Globe, AZ, US
California Art Photo Co. - Los Angeles, CA, US:Oakland, CA, US:San Francisco, CA, US
California Camera Artists, Inc. - Santa Barbara, CA, US
California Foto Art Co. SEE: California Art Photo Co. - Los Angeles, CA, US:Oakland, CA, US:San Francisco, CA, US
California Laboratory Supply Co. - Berkeley, CA, US
California Laboratory Supply Company SEE: California Laboratory Supply Co. - Berkeley, CA, US
California Mountain Scenery - US
California Stereoscopic View Co. - Los Angeles, CA, US
California Studio - Salem, OR, US
Calisti SEE: Monaldini & Calisti - Roma (Rome), Italy
Call - Pithole, PA, US:Mohawk, NY, US
Call - Manchester, NH, US
Callaghan SEE: Mayer & Callaghan - Portland, OR, US
Callahan, Dennis - Eureka Springs, AR, US:Hot Springs, AR, US
Callahan, Warren - Puyallup, WA, US
Callahan's Travelling Gallery SEE: Callahan, Dennis - Eureka Springs, AR, US:Hot Springs, AR, US
Callamer SEE: Condit & Collamer - Wilkes-Barre, PA, US
Callander & Dixon - Whitehaven, Westmoreland, England, UK
Callander SEE: Callander & Dixon - Whitehaven, Westmoreland, England, UK
Callarman - Skagway, AK, US
Callender, J.H. - Ripon, WI, US
Calley, Jno. - Baltimore, MD, US
Callisher & Co., D.L. - Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Callison SEE: Duganne & Callison - Gainesville, FL, US
Callison - Gainesville, FL, US
Calliste, W. - Douglas, Isle of Man, England, UK
Callisti - Venezia (Venice), Italy
Caloe, C. - Sheffield, Yorkshire, England, UK
Calohan Bros. - Eureka Springs, AR, US
Calohan - Nevada, OH, US
Calohan, C.W. SEE: Calohan Bros. - Eureka Springs, AR, US
Calohan, C.W. - Hot Springs, AR, US:Hannibal, MO, US
Calohan, George R. SEE: Calohan Bros. - Eureka Springs, AR, US
Calohan, George R. - Eureka Springs, AR, US
Calpini - Mexico City, Mexico
Calvert & King - Sterling, IL, US
Calvert SEE: Calvert & King - Sterling, IL, US
Calvert, Cal - Salem, OR, US
Calvert, J.P. - Mooresville, IN, US
Calvert, James - Manchester, Lancashire, England, UK
Calvert, Justin P. SEE: Calvert, J.P. - Mooresville, IN, US
Calvert, Walter S. - New London, CT, US
Calvin, N. SEE: NC - Paris, France
Calzolari, I. - Lodi, Italy:Milano (Milan), Italy
Calzolari, Icilio SEE: Calzolari, I. - Lodi, Italy:Milano (Milan), Italy
Camerascope - London, England, UK
Cameron SEE: Erb & Cameron - St. John, New Brunswick, Canada
Cameron, W.L. SEE: Erb & Cameron - St. John, New Brunswick, Canada
Camm, N.C. - Hinckley, Leicestershire, England, UK
Cammack SEE: Stubbs & Cammack - Marshalltown, IA, US
Camp SEE: Campbell & Camp - Mansfield, OH, US
Camp, D.S. - Hartford, CT, US
Camp, Daniel S. SEE: Camp, D.S. - Hartford, CT, US
Camp, Joseph P. SEE: McIntosh & Camp - Middletown, CT, US
Campbell & Camp - Mansfield, OH, US
Campbell SEE: Alvord, Kellogg & Campbell - Jacksonville, FL, US
Campbell SEE: Barnum & Campbell - Portland, OR, US
Campbell SEE: Campbell & Camp - Mansfield, OH, US
Campbell SEE: Foster, Campbell & Co. - Richmond, VA, US
Campbell, A.S. SEE: International View Co. - Chicago, IL, US:Decatur, IL, US:Lincoln, IL, US:Norwalk, OH, US
Campbell, A.S. SEE: Campbell, Alfred S. - New York City, NY, US:Elizabeth, NJ, US
Campbell, Alf SEE: International View Co. - Chicago, IL, US:Decatur, IL, US:Lincoln, IL, US:Norwalk, OH, US
Campbell, Alf SEE: Campbell, Alfred S. - New York City, NY, US:Elizabeth, NJ, US
Campbell, Alfred S. - New York City, NY, US:Elizabeth, NJ, US
Campbell, D. - Ayr, Ayrshire, Scotland, UK
Campbell, David SEE: Campbell, D. - Ayr, Ayrshire, Scotland, UK
Campbell, E.S. - Baton Rouge, LA, US
Campbell, G. - Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland, UK
Campbell, J. - Pottstown, PA, US
Campbell, J.E. - Attica, IN, US
Campbell, James W. - New York City, NY, US
Campbell, Thomas G. - Naracoorte, South Australia, Australia
Campbell, Thomas SEE: Notman & Campbell - Boston, MA, US
Campbell, Vere E - Williamsport, PA, US
Campbell, W.H. - Clarks, NE, US
Campbell, Will - Beckley, WV, US
Campion, J.W.H. - Lancaster, PA, US
Canada View Co. - Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Educational Pictures - Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Pacific Railway - Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Canadian Scenery - Canada
Canadian Stereo Photo Co. - Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Canadian Stereoscopic View Co. - Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
Canadian View Co. - Galt, Ontario, Canada:London, England, UK
Canaris - Long Beach, WA, US
Canfield, E.H. - Milwaukee, WI, US
Canfield, G.J. - Bay City, MI, US
Canfield, J.E. - New Milford, CT, US
Canfield, James E. - Hudson, NY, US
Canning & Rust - Hastings, MN, US
Canning SEE: Canning & Rust - Hastings, MN, US
Cannon & Rhymgh - Poughkeepsie, NY, US
Cannon & Rhymgh SEE: Cannon - Poughkeepsie, NY, US
Cannon SEE: Cannon & Rhymgh - Poughkeepsie, NY, US
Cannon - Poughkeepsie, NY, US
Cannon, J. - Liverpool, Lancashire, England, UK
Cannon, M. - Rochester, NY, US
Cannon, M. - Salt Lake City, UT, US
Cannon, Marsena SEE: Cannon, M. - Salt Lake City, UT, US
Canova, Antonio - Paris, France
Cant, William - Boston, MA, US
Capen, F. - Boston, MA, US
Capen, Francis SEE: Capen, F. - Boston, MA, US
Capen, N.S. - Brandon, VT, US
Capon, J.G. - London, England, UK
Capper, J.M. - Troy, NY, US
Caprani, J. - Åbenrå (Aabenraa), Denmark:Kolding, Denmark
Capron, C.P. - Millerton, NY, US
Capron, G. - Rouen, France
Caradine & Cumming - Corsicana, TX, US:Sherman, TX, US
Caradine & Cumming SEE: Caradine - Sherman, TX, US
Caradine & Cumming SEE: Cumming, M. - Corsicana, TX, US:Dallas, TX, US
Caradine - Sherman, TX, US
Caradine, James N. SEE: Caradine & Cumming - Corsicana, TX, US:Sherman, TX, US
Caradine, James N. SEE: Caradine - Sherman, TX, US
Carbutt, J. SEE: Carbutt, John - Chicago, IL, US:Philadelphia, PA, US
Carbutt, John - Chicago, IL, US:Philadelphia, PA, US
Card, B.F. - Emporia, KS, US
Card, B.F. - Leon, IA, US
Carden SEE: Hansard & Carden - Fayetteville, AR, US
Carder SEE: Harlan & Carder - Eaton, OH, US
Cardon, Gerard - Paris, France
Cardon, T.B. - Logan, UT, US
Cardon, Thomas Barthelemy SEE: Cardon, T.B. - Logan, UT, US
Cardwell SEE: Buchtel & Cardwell - Portland, OR, US
Carey & Hollowbush SEE: Hollowbush & Carey - Philadelphia, PA, US
Carey & Parker - Burlington, VT, US
Carey & Parker SEE: Carey, E.M. - St. Albans, VT, US
Carey & Parker SEE: Parker Jr., J. - Newport, NH, US:Claremont, NH, US:St. Albans, VT, US:Sheldon, VT, US:Hartford, VT, US:Morrisville, VT, US:Newbury, VT, US:Welles River, VT, US
Carey SEE: Hollowbush & Carey - Philadelphia, PA, US
Carey, E.M. SEE: Carey & Parker - Burlington, VT, US
Carey, E.M. - St. Albans, VT, US
Carey, R. - Beverly, MA, US:Rockport, MA, US
Carey, Robert SEE: Carey, R. - Beverly, MA, US:Rockport, MA, US
Cargo, R.M. - Pittsburgh, PA, US:Allegheny, PA, US
Carilla & Bruzon - Gibraltar, Gibraltar
Carilla SEE: Carilla & Bruzon - Gibraltar, Gibraltar
Carleton, C.G. - Waterville, ME, US
Carleton, Horace - Haverhill, NH, US
Carleton, W. Wellington - Saco, ME, US
Carley, A.G. - Northampton, MA, US
Carli, C.H. - Groton, SD, US
Carlier, F. - Paris, France
Carling, R.H. - South Shields, County Durham, England, UK:Stoughton-on-Tees, County Durham, England, UK
Carlisle - York, PA, US
Carlisle, G.M. - Fall River, MA, US:Providence, RI, US
Carlisle, George M. SEE: Carlisle, G.M. - Fall River, MA, US:Providence, RI, US
Carlisle, Nelson - Wilmington, DE, US
Carlisle's Art Parlors SEE: Carlisle - York, PA, US
Carlson, J.G. - Rochelle, IL, US
Carlton, S.L. - Portland, ME, US
Carlyle, R. - Grasmere, Westmoreland, England, UK
Carlzen, S.M. - Willmar, MN, US
Carman, Charles - Delhi, NY, US:Andes, NY, US
Carmody, J.D. - Madison, WI, US
Carnall SEE: Bacon & Carnall - Rochester, NY, US
Carnall, W.F. SEE: Carnall, William F. - Rochester, NY, US
Carnall, William F. SEE: Bacon & Carnall - Rochester, NY, US
Carnall, William F. - Rochester, NY, US
Carnell, J.P. - Burlington, WV, US
Carnelli, E.A. - New Radnor, Shropshire, England, UK
Carnes, Carnes - Brandon, VT, US:Montpelier, VT, US
Carpenter & Co., A.C. - Tacoma, WA, US
Carpenter & Ebeling - Wien (Vienna), Austria
Carpenter & Ebeling SEE: Ebeling - Wien (Vienna), Austria
Carpenter & Hall - Adrian, MI, US
Carpenter & Hall SEE: Carpenter, Frank W. - Adrian, MI, US
Carpenter & Johnson - Hanover, NH, US
Carpenter & Mullen - Lexington, KY, US
Carpenter & Mullen SEE: Carpenter, W.J. - Lexington, KY, US
Carpenter & Stoddard - Lake George, NY, US
Carpenter & Stoddard SEE: Carpenter, J.H. - Lake George, NY, US
Carpenter SEE: Brown & Carpenter - Kilburn, Derbyshire, England, UK
Carpenter SEE: Carpenter & Stoddard - Lake George, NY, US
Carpenter SEE: Carpenter & Ebeling - Wien (Vienna), Austria
Carpenter, A.O. - Ukiah, CA, US
Carpenter, Aurelius Ormando SEE: Carpenter, A.O. - Ukiah, CA, US
Carpenter, C.C. - Racine, WI, US
Carpenter, Frank W. SEE: Carpenter & Hall - Adrian, MI, US
Carpenter, Frank W. - Adrian, MI, US
Carpenter, Harlan - Strafford, VT, US
Carpenter, J.H. SEE: Carpenter & Stoddard - Lake George, NY, US
Carpenter, J.H. - Lake George, NY, US
Carpenter, J.J. - Albany, NY, US
Carpenter, L.W. - Painesville, OH, US
Carpenter, Louis W. SEE: Carpenter, L.W. - Painesville, OH, US
Carpenter, Lucelia - Parkersburg, IA, US
Carpenter, M. - Cincinnati, OH, US
Carpenter, R.J. - Paris, KY, US:Richmond, KY
Carpenter, W. - Weston, MA, US
Carpenter, W.J. SEE: Carpenter & Mullen - Lexington, KY, US
Carpenter, W.J. - Lexington, KY, US
Carr & Morrill - Concord, NH, US
Carr & Morrill SEE: Carr, B. - Concord, NH, US
Carr, A.B. - Oldtown, ME, US:Orono, ME, US
Carr, A.B. - Farmington, MN, US
Carr, B. SEE: Carr & Morrill - Concord, NH, US
Carr, B. - Concord, NH, US
Carr, Benjamin SEE: Carr & Morrill - Concord, NH, US
Carr, Benjamin SEE: Carr, B. - Concord, NH, US
Carr, E.L. - West Burke, VT, US
Carr, H.G. - Mechanicsburg, PA, US
Carr, June H. - Gaffney, SC, US
Carr, Mrs. R.E. SEE: American Art Gallery - Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Carr, Mrs. R.E. - Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Carr, Rosetta E. SEE: Carr, Mrs. R.E. - Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Carr, W.R. - Providence, RI, US
Carr, Walter R. - Putnam, CT, US:Mossup, CT, US
Carrick, Vassili SEE: Carrick, William - St. Petersburg, Russia
Carrick, W. SEE: Carrick, William - St. Petersburg, Russia
Carrick, William - St. Petersburg, Russia
Carriel, W. - Cuba, NY, US
Carriel, Willard SEE: Carriel, W. - Cuba, NY, US
Carroll, J. - Wilmington, OH, US
Carroll, J.S. - Johnson City, TN, US
Carroll, John W. - Sandborn, IN, US
Carroll, Lewis - Oxford, Oxfordshire, England, UK
Carruth, F. - LaPort, IN, US
Carruthers, J. - Harrow, Middlesex, England, UK
Carson & Graham - Hillsdale, MI, US
Carson & Graham SEE: Carson, William A. - Hillsdale, MI, US
Carson, C.R. - Troy, PA, US
Carson, J. - Bucyrus, OH, US
Carson, J. - Geneseo, NY, US
Carson, William A. SEE: Andrew & Carson - Hillsdale, MI, US
Carson, William A. SEE: Carson & Graham - Hillsdale, MI, US
Carson, William A. - Hillsdale, MI, US
Carson, Wm. - Downingtown, PA, US
Carswell, Robert - Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Carter - Salem, OR, US
Carter, C.W. - Salt Lake City, UT, US
Carter, Charles William SEE: Carter, C.W. - Salt Lake City, UT, US
Carter, Charles SEE: Carter, C.W. - Salt Lake City, UT, US
Carter, F.M. - Granville, OH, US
Carter, G.W. - Lowville, NY, US
Carter, J. - Middlesboro, Yorkshire, England, UK
Carter, J.L. SEE: Carter - Salem, OR, US
Carter, J.L. - Union Mills, PA, US::Union City, PA, US
Carter, J.P. - Denver, CO, US
Carter, Milton T. - Worcester, MA, US
Carter, N.H. - Inverness, Invern.
Carter, R.R. - Basil, OH, US
Carter, William P. - Albuquerque, NM, US
Carvalho, S.N. SEE: Carvalho, Law & Co. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Carvalho, Solomon Nunes SEE: Carvalho, Law & Co. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Carvalho, Law & Co. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Carver, E.M. - Tracy, MN, US
Cary, C.H. - Wilkes-Barre, PA, US
Cary, C.L. - Plattsmouth, NE, US
Casabo-Miret, Wilh. - Bremen, Germany
Case & Draper - Sitka, AK, US
Case & Getchell - Boston, MA, US
Case & Getchell SEE: Getchell, W.H. - Boston, MA, US
Case & Lott - Key West, FL, US
Case Photograph Co., Fred R. SEE: Case, Fred R. - New York City, NY, US
Case SEE: Case & Draper - Sitka, AK, US
Case SEE: Case & Lott - Key West, FL, US
Case, Fred R. - New York City, NY, US
Case, Fred R. - Nassau, Bahamas
Case, J.S. - Norfolk, VA, US
Case, John G. SEE: Black & Case - Boston, MA, US
Case, John G. SEE: Case & Getchell - Boston, MA, US
Case, William - Herkimer, NY, US
Casewell, D. - Providence, RI, US
Cass, Ausmus - US
Cass, W. - Grand Haven, MI, US
Cassedy, A.J. - Wooster, OH, US
Casselberry & Rothengatter - Philadelphia, PA, US
Casselberry SEE: Casselberry & Rothengatter - Philadelphia, PA, US
Cassey & Whitney - Lansing, MI, US
Cassey & Whitney SEE: Cassey, H.G. - Lansing, MI, US
Cassey & Whitney SEE: Whitney, Joel E. - St. Paul, MN, US:Lansing, MI, US
Cassey SEE: Cassey & Whitney - Lansing, MI, US
Cassey, H.G. SEE: Cassey & Whitney - Lansing, MI, US
Cassey, H.G. - Lansing, MI, US
Cassino & Gardner - Salem, MA, US
Cassino SEE: Cassino & Gardner - Salem, MA, US
Casson, W.A. - Richmond, Surrey, England, UK
Castner Stereo Transparencies SEE: Castner, Samuel J. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Castner, Samuel J. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Caswell & Davy - Duluth, MN, US:Fargo, DT, US
Caswell SEE: Caswell & Davy - Duluth, MN, US:Fargo, DT, US
Caswell - Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Caswell, J.H. - Bridgton, MA, US:Holyoke, MA, US
Caswell, S. - Holyoke, MA, US
Caswell, W. - Grand Forks, DT, US
Caswell, William M. SEE: Caswell, W. - Grand Forks, DT, US
Caswell, William SEE: Duffin & Caswell - Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Catharine, A.F. - Sanderstead, Surrey, England, UK
Cathcart, N.H. - Flint, MI, US
Catherall & Pritchard - Chester, Cheshire, England, UK
Catherall SEE: Catherall & Pritchard - Chester, Cheshire, England, UK
Catlin & Williams - Jacksonville, FL, US
Catlin SEE: Calfee & Catlin - Bozeman, MT, US
Catlin SEE: Catlin & Williams - Jacksonville, FL, US
Catterlin & Hicks - Salem, OR, US:Eugene, OR, US
Catterlin & Sussier - Salem, OR, US
Catterlin SEE: Catterlin & Hicks - Salem, OR, US:Eugene, OR, US
Catterlin SEE: Catterlin & Sussier - Salem, OR, US
Catterlin, F.J. SEE: Pickerill & Catterlin - Salem, OR, US
Catterlin, F.J. - Salem, OR, US:Eugene, OR, US
Catterlin, W.H. - Salem, OR, US:Eugene, OR, US
Catterly, Chas. - Terre Haute, IN, US
Catterly's Studio SEE: Catterly, Chas. - Terre Haute, IN, US
Catton SEE: Rothrock & Catton - Phoenix, AZ, US
Catton, C.W. - Tacoma, WA, US
Cauch & Squire - Amboy, IL, US
Cauch SEE: Cauch & Squire - Amboy, IL, US
Cauche, E. - Le Creusot, France
Caufman & Bishop - Harrisburg, PA, US
Caufman SEE: Caufman & Bishop - Harrisburg, PA, US
Caulfall - Fond du Lac, WI, US
Cavalli, Mauri A. - Napoli (Naples), Italy
Cavanders, Ltd. - London, England, UK
Cavitt & Thurber - Westerly, RI, US
Cavitt SEE: Cavitt & Thurber - Westerly, RI, US
Cawston, W. - Launceston, Tasmania, Australia
Cawthorn, J.B. - Portland, OR, US:Palouse, WA, US
Cayol Bros. - Marseilles, France
Celery City View Co. - Kalamazoo, MI, US
Cella, L. - Boston, Lincolnshire, England, UK
Centennial Exhibition Co.
Centennial Exposition Co. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Centennial Photographic Co. of 76, SEE: Adams, W.I. - New York City, NY, US
Centennial Photographic Co. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Central City View Co. - Syracuse, NY, US
Central Gallery SEE: Brown, A.V. - Middlebury, VT, US:Springfield, MA, US:Boston, MA, US
Central Park Views - New York City, NY, US
Century Photo Novelty Co. - Milwaukee, WI, US
Century Photo-View Co. - Midland, MI, US:Saginaw, MI, US:Traverse City, MI, US
Ch.B. - Paris, France
Ch.G. SEE: CG - Paris, France
ChD - Paris, France
ChG SEE: Gaudin, Charles - Paris, France
Chadwick SEE: Berry, Kelley & Chadwick - Augusta, GA, US:Chicago, IL, US:Dallas, TX, US:Philadelphia, PA, US
Chadwick SEE: Kelley & Chadwick - Chicago, IL, US
Chadwick, W.I. - UK
Chain & Hardy - Denver, CO, US
Chain SEE: Chain & Hardy - Denver, CO, US
Chalfant, A.B. - Beaver Falls, PA, US
Challis SEE: Cobb & Challis - Woolwich, London, England, UK
Chalmers, J.R. - London, England, UK:Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland, UK
Chalponin, R. - St. Petersburg, Russia
Chamberlain SEE: Shaw & Chamberlain - Boston, MA, US
Chamberlain - Webster, MA, US
Chamberlain - Greene, NY, US
Chamberlain - Shullsburg, WI, US
Chamberlain, Don - Winona, MI, US
Chamberlain, E. - Arlington, MA, US:Weymouth Landing, MA, US:Ayer, MA, US:Medfield, MA, US:Westboro, MA, US:Millbury, MA, US
Chamberlain, E.H. - Worcester, MA, US
Chamberlain, Ephraim SEE: Chamberlain, E. - Arlington, MA, US:Weymouth Landing, MA, US:Ayer, MA, US:Medfield, MA, US:Westboro, MA, US:Millbury, MA, US
Chamberlain, Harrison B. SEE: Chamberlain - Shullsburg, WI, US
Chamberlain, J.N. - Franklin, MA, US:Spencer, MA, US:Webster, MA, US:Cottage City, MA, US:Southbridge, MA, US:Woonsocket, RI, US
Chamberlain, J.N. - Putnam, CT, US:Woonsocket, RI, US
Chamberlain, John N. SEE: Chamberlain, J.N. - Franklin, MA, US:Spencer, MA, US:Webster, MA, US:Cottage City, MA, US:Southbridge, MA, US:Woonsocket, RI, US
Chamberlain, Joseph M. SEE: Shaw & Chamberlain - Boston, MA, US
Chamberlain, T.D. - Bangor, ME, US
Chamberlain, W.G. - Denver, CO, US:Central City, CO, US:Chicago, IL, US
Chamberlain, William G. SEE: Chamberlain, W.G. - Denver, CO, US:Central City, CO, US:Chicago, IL, US
Chamberlain, William Gunnison SEE: Chamberlain, W.G. - Denver, CO, US:Central City, CO, US:Chicago, IL, US
Chamberlin - New York City, NY, US
Champ, W.M. - Geneseo, NY, US
Champaigne, A.C. - Paris, France
Champeaux, A. SEE: Chevalier & A. Champeaux, F. - Paris, France
Chancellor - Dublin, Ireland
Chandlee - Eureka Springs, AR, US
Chandlee, I.G. - Bridesburg, PA, US
Chandler & Estes - Lewiston, ME, US
Chandler & Lomer - Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Chandler & Lomer SEE: Lomer, Albert - Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Chandler & Lomer SEE: Chandler, Andrew - Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Chandler & Scheetz - Philadelphia, PA, US
Chandler SEE: Chandler & Estes - Lewiston, ME, US
Chandler SEE: Chandler & Scheetz - Philadelphia, PA, US
Chandler SEE: Fyler & Chandler - Eureka Springs, AR, US
Chandler - Madison, IN, US
Chandler, Andrew SEE: Chandler & Lomer - Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Chandler, Andrew - Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Chandler, J.W. - Bangor, ME, US
Chandler, M. - Marshfield, MA, US
Chandler, Martin SEE: Chandler, M. - Marshfield, MA, US
Chandler, W.D. - St. Albans, NY, US
Chandless, C. - Lyndhurst, Hampshire, England, UK
Channel, Ralph F. - Phoenixville, PA, US
Chapin & Penfield - Albany, NY, US
Chapin SEE: Chapin & Penfield - Albany, NY, US
Chapin - Chicago, IL, US
Chapin, C.R. - Mohawk, NY, US
Chapin, George H. - St. Augustine, FL, US
Chapin, M.W. - Stanton, MI, US
Chapin, W.P. - Walpole, NH, US
Chapman, A. - Adel, IA, US
Chapman, A. - Omaha, NE, US
Chapman, C.A. - Norwich, CT, US
Chapman, Charles A. SEE: Chapman, C.A. - Norwich, CT, US
Chapman, G.C. - North Brookfield, MA, US
Chapman, George L. - Barre, MA, US:Brookfield, MA, US:Turners Falls, MA, US:Westfield, MA, US
Chapman, H.P. - Carlisle, PA, US
Chapman, H.P. - Milford, DE, US
Chapman, Henry A. - Swansea, Glam.
Chapman, Henry P. SEE: Chapman, H.P. - Milford, DE, US
Chapman, Isaac O. - Stanton, MI, US
Chapman, James S. - Sacramento, CA, US
Chapman, James
Chapman, M.V. - Attica, IN, US
Chappell, L.B. - Emlenton, PA, US
Chappell, Mrs. E.B. - Sturgis, MI, US
Chappuis, P.E. - London, England, UK
Chappuis, Paul Emile SEE: Chappuis, P.E. - London, England, UK
Charles - Birmingham, Warwickshire, England, UK:Royan, France
Charles, D.R. - Lafayette, IN, US
Charles, J. - Winchester, IN, US
Charles, O. - Knightstown, IN, US
Charles, Orville SEE: Charles, O. - Knightstown, IN, US
Charles, T. - St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada
Charles, Thomas SEE: Charles, T. - St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada
Charlet & Jacotin - Paris, France
Charlet SEE: Charlet & Jacotin - Paris, France
Charmbury, T.H.J. - Prince Albert, Sask.
Charmbury, Theodore Henry James SEE: Charmbury, T.H.J. - Prince Albert, Sask.
Charnall, W.F. - Rochester, PA, US
Charnaux Frères Ed. SEE: Charnaux, F. - Genève (Geneva), Switzerland
Charnaux Frères et Cie SEE: Charnaux, F. - Genève (Geneva), Switzerland
Charnaux, F. - Genève (Geneva), Switzerland
Charnay, Claude-Joseph Désiré SEE: Charnay, Désiré - Paris, France
Charnay, Desire SEE: Charnay, Désiré - Paris, France
Charnay, Désiré - Paris, France
Charnay, P. - France
Charrier, E. - Joigny, France
Charron, William SEE: Charron, Wm. - Pembroke, Ontario, Canada
Charron, Wm. - Pembroke, Ontario, Canada
Chartier - Nice, France
Chase & Bachrach - Baltimore, MD, US
Chase & Bachrach SEE: Bachrach, D. - Baltimore, MD, US
Chase & Bachrach SEE: Chase, W.M. - Baltimore, MD, US
Chase & DeWitt - Portland, ME, US
Chase & Egbert - Davenport, IA, US
Chase & Egbert SEE: Egbert, W.P. - Atlantic, IA, US:Davenport, IA, US
Chase & Lewis - Ouray, CO, US
Chase & Lewis SEE: Chase, D.B. - Pueblo, CO, US:Canon City, CO, US:Trinidad, CO, US:Alma, CO, US:Del Norte, CO, US:Garland, CO, US:Denver, CO, US:Colorado Springs, CO, US:Santa Fe, NM, US:Raton, NM, US:Springer, NM, US:Cimarron, NM, US
Chase & Town - Philadelphia, PA, US
Chase & Wolcott - Trinidad, CO, US
Chase & Wolcott SEE: Chase, D.B. - Pueblo, CO, US:Canon City, CO, US:Trinidad, CO, US:Alma, CO, US:Del Norte, CO, US:Garland, CO, US:Denver, CO, US:Colorado Springs, CO, US:Santa Fe, NM, US:Raton, NM, US:Springer, NM, US:Cimarron, NM, US
Chase SEE: Chase & DeWitt - Portland, ME, US
Chase SEE: Chase & Egbert - Davenport, IA, US
Chase SEE: Chase & Lewis - Ouray, CO, US
Chase SEE: Chase & Town - Philadelphia, PA, US
Chase SEE: Chase & Wolcott - Trinidad, CO, US
Chase SEE: Young & Chase - Lincoln, NE, US
Chase - Cassville, WI, US
Chase, A.F. - Stapleton, NY, US
Chase, C.B. SEE: Nowack & Chase - Minneapolis, MN, US
Chase, C.B. - Minnehaha Falls, MN, US:Minneapolis, MN, US
Chase, D.B. - Pueblo, CO, US:Canon City, CO, US:Trinidad, CO, US:Alma, CO, US:Del Norte, CO, US:Garland, CO, US:Denver, CO, US:Colorado Springs, CO, US:Santa Fe, NM, US:Raton, NM, US:Springer, NM, US:Cimarron, NM, US
Chase, Dana B. SEE: Chase & Lewis - Ouray, CO, US
Chase, Dana B. SEE: Chase & Wolcott - Trinidad, CO, US
Chase, Dana B. SEE: Chase, D.B. - Pueblo, CO, US:Canon City, CO, US:Trinidad, CO, US:Alma, CO, US:Del Norte, CO, US:Garland, CO, US:Denver, CO, US:Colorado Springs, CO, US:Santa Fe, NM, US:Raton, NM, US:Springer, NM, US:Cimarron, NM, US
Chase, E.B. - Salisbury, MA, US:Boston, MA, US:Lowell, MA, US:Lawrence, MA, US:Amesbury, MA, US:Newburyport, MA, US
Chase, Erza B. SEE: Chase, E.B. - Salisbury, MA, US:Boston, MA, US:Lowell, MA, US:Lawrence, MA, US:Amesbury, MA, US:Newburyport, MA, US
Chase, F.R. SEE: Young & Chase - Lincoln, NE, US
Chase, G.B. - Scranton, PA, US
Chase, Geo. W. - Newark, OH, US
Chase, H.L. SEE: Chase, Henry L. - Keene, NH, US:Honolulu, HI, US:Hamilton, Bermuda
Chase, Henry L. - Keene, NH, US:Honolulu, HI, US:Hamilton, Bermuda
Chase, J.M. - Newburyport, MA, US
Chase, J.W. - Chicago, IL, US
Chase, James M. SEE: Chase, J.M. - Newburyport, MA, US
Chase, Jason W. SEE: Chase, J.W. - Chicago, IL, US
Chase, John D. - Brooklyn, NY, US
Chase, John Dewees SEE: Chase, John D. - Brooklyn, NY, US
Chase, L.G. - Boston, MA, US
Chase, Lorenzo G. SEE: Chase, L.G. - Boston, MA, US
Chase, M.E. SEE: Scoggin & Chase - Urbana, IL, US
Chase, R.F. - Damariscotta, ME, US:Gardiner, ME, US
Chase, S.J. - Foxcroft, ME, US
Chase, W. - Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Chase, W.M. - Baltimore, MD, US
Chase, Wellington SEE: Chase, W. - Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Chase, William M. SEE: Chase & Bachrach - Baltimore, MD, US
Chase, William Moody SEE: Chase, W.M. - Baltimore, MD, US
Chatfield & Allen - Keokuk, IA, US
Chatfield & Allen SEE: Allen - Keokuk, IA, US
Chatfield SEE: Chatfield & Allen - Keokuk, IA, US
Chatterton Bros. - Woonsocket, RI, US
Chatterton, H.D. - Centerville, IA, US:Villisca, IA, US
Chatterton, J.T. SEE: Chatterton Bros. - Woonsocket, RI, US
Chatterton, J.T. - Woonsocket, RI, US
Chatterton, N.D. SEE: Chatterton Bros. - Woonsocket, RI, US
Chatterton, N.D. - Woonsocket, RI, US
Cheap John - US
Cheeseman, J.F. & Luther R. - Trenton, NJ, US
Cheeseman, J.F. & Luther R. SEE: Cheeseman, Luther R. - Trenton, NJ, US
Cheeseman, J.F. SEE: Cheeseman, J.F. & Luther R. - Trenton, NJ, US
Cheeseman, Luther R. SEE: Cheeseman, J.F. & Luther R. - Trenton, NJ, US
Cheeseman, Luther R. - Trenton, NJ, US
Chemer, James - Philadelphia, PA, US
Cheney & Clapp - Brattleboro, VT, US
Cheney & Clapp SEE: Cheney, C.B. - Orford, NH, US:Newport, NH, US:Stowe, VT, US:Waterbury, VT, US
Cheney & Grimm - Scotts Mill, OR, US
Cheney SEE: Cheney & Grimm - Scotts Mill, OR, US
Cheney, C.B. - Orford, NH, US:Newport, NH, US:Stowe, VT, US:Waterbury, VT, US
Cheney, Charles B. SEE: Cheney & Clapp - Brattleboro, VT, US
Cheney, Charles B. SEE: Cheney, C.B. - Orford, NH, US:Newport, NH, US:Stowe, VT, US:Waterbury, VT, US
Cherrill & Robinson SEE: Robinson & Cherrill - Tunbridge Wells, Kent, England, UK
Cherrill, N.K. SEE: Robinson & Cherrill - Tunbridge Wells, Kent, England, UK
Cherrill, Nelson K. SEE: Robinson & Cherrill - Tunbridge Wells, Kent, England, UK
Cherrill, Nelson King SEE: Robinson & Cherrill - Tunbridge Wells, Kent, England, UK
Cherrington Bros. - Salem, OR, US
Cherry, George - Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
Chesbro - Toledo, OH, US
Chesebro - Calistoga, CA, US
Chesebro, E.C. SEE: Chesebro - Calistoga, CA, US
Chesley, G.W. - Owatonna, MN, US
Chester & Handy - Cape May, NJ, US:Washington, DC, US
Chester SEE: Chester & Handy - Cape May, NJ, US:Washington, DC, US
Chevalier & A. Champeaux, F. - Paris, France
Chevalier, Felix SEE: Chevalier & A. Champeaux, F. - Paris, France
Chevalier, M.C. - France
Chevreton & Bottini - Roma (Rome), Italy
Chevreton SEE: Chevreton & Bottini - Roma (Rome), Italy
Cheyne, Wm. - Yarrow, Selkirk, Scotland, UK
Chianese, G. - Napoli (Naples), Italy
Chicago Book & Picture Co. - Chicago, IL, US
Chicago Portable Gallery SEE: Barber, A.S. - Willimantic, CT, US
Chicago Stereogram Co. - Chicago, IL, US
Chick, E.D. - Exeter, NH, US
Chickering, Roydon - Detroit, MI, US
Chiesa, Peter - Rochester, NY, US
Chikiris, Michael - Pittsburgh, PA, US
Child - Grinnell, IA, US
Child, R.H. - Taunton, MA, US
Child, Robert H. SEE: Child, R.H. - Taunton, MA, US
Child, W. - Leeds, Yorkshire, England, UK:Wolverhampton, Staffordshire, England, UK
Childers, B.L. - Boulder, CO, US
Childs and Brown - Hanover, NH, US
Childs SEE: Childs and Brown - Hanover, NH, US
Childs SEE: Kimball & Childs - Manchester, NH, US
Childs, A.A. - Boston, MA, US
Childs, Alfred A. SEE: Childs, A.A. - Boston, MA, US
Childs, B.F. - Ishpeming, MI, US:Houghton, MI, US:Marquette, MI, US
Childs, Bernard Freemont SEE: Childs, B.F. - Ishpeming, MI, US:Houghton, MI, US:Marquette, MI, US
Childs, Brainard F. SEE: Childs, B.F. - Ishpeming, MI, US:Houghton, MI, US:Marquette, MI, US
Childs, H.A. - New Richmond, WI, US
Chillman & Brother - Philadelphia, PA, US
Chillman, H.R. - Philadelphia, PA, US:Downingtown, PA, US
Chillman, P.E. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Chillman, Philip Edward SEE: Chillman, P.E. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Chinneck, Wm.C. - Erie, PA, US
Chisholm, C.R. - Quebec, Quebec, Canada:Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Chit, F. SEE: Chit, Francis - Bangkok, Siam
Chit, Francis - Bangkok, Siam
Chivers, W.J. - Sutton, Surrey, England, UK
Chiverton & Bossemeyer - Dixon, IL, US
Chiverton & Bossemeyer SEE: Chiverton, A. - Dixon, IL, US
Chiverton, A. - Dixon, IL, US
Chiverton, Arthur A. SEE: Keyes & Chiverton - Dixon, IL, US
Chiverton, Arthur A. SEE: Chiverton, A. - Dixon, IL, US
Chiverton, Arthur SEE: Chiverton & Bossemeyer - Dixon, IL, US
Chiverton, Arthur SEE: Chiverton, A. - Dixon, IL, US
Choate, J.N. SEE: Choate, John N. - Carlisle, PA, US
Choate, John N. - Carlisle, PA, US
Choate, John Nicholas SEE: Choate, John N. - Carlisle, PA, US
Choate, S.C. - Cumberland, MD, US
Choate, Samuel C. SEE: Choate, S.C. - Cumberland, MD, US
Choate, W.W. - Holden, MO, US
Christensen, Chr. - Copenhagen, Denmark
Christensen, L. - Nakskov, Denmark
Christensen, L.N. - Haderslev, Denmark
Christensen, Roar - Copenhagen, Denmark
Christian, W.K. - Richmond, VA, US
Christiansen, Marius L. - Denmark
Christiansen, Niels - Skalskör, Denmark
Christie, Siebet - Wolcotville, CT, US
Christmann, S.P. - Berlin, Germany:Paris, France
Christmas & Downing - Mansfield, OH, US
Chromoplast SEE: Chromoplastbild - Stuttgart, Germany:Berlin, Germany
Chromoplast-Verlag SEE: Chromoplastbild - Stuttgart, Germany:Berlin, Germany
Chromoplastbild - Stuttgart, Germany:Berlin, Germany
Chuck, T.F. - Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Church, F.T. - Belfast, Ireland
Church-Craft Corp. - St. Louis, MO, US:Ridgeton, MO, US
Churchill & Denison - Albany, NY, US
Churchill & Denison SEE: Churchill, R.E. - Albany, NY, US
Churchill & Katell - Lowell, MA, US
Churchill & Katell SEE: Churchill, L.O. - Lowell, MA, US:Reading, MA, US:Gloucester, MA, US:Montpelier, VT, US:Waterbury, VT, US:Dublin, NH, US
Churchill & Sullivan - Montpelier, VT, US
Churchill & Sullivan SEE: Churchill, L.O. - Lowell, MA, US:Reading, MA, US:Gloucester, MA, US:Montpelier, VT, US:Waterbury, VT, US:Dublin, NH, US
Churchill & Wager - Erie, PA, US
Churchill & Wager SEE: Churchil - Erie, PA, US
Churchill & Wager SEE: Wager, S.D. - Erie, PA, US
Churchill SEE: Churchill & Wager - Erie, PA, US
Churchill - Erie, PA, US
Churchill, G. - Eastbourne, East Sussex, England, UK
Churchill, L.O. - Lowell, MA, US:Reading, MA, US:Gloucester, MA, US:Montpelier, VT, US:Waterbury, VT, US:Dublin, NH, US
Churchill, Lucius O. SEE: Churchill & Katell - Lowell, MA, US
Churchill, Lucius O. SEE: Churchill & Sullivan - Montpelier, VT, US
Churchill, Lucius O. SEE: Churchill, L.O. - Lowell, MA, US:Reading, MA, US:Gloucester, MA, US:Montpelier, VT, US:Waterbury, VT, US:Dublin, NH, US
Churchill, R.E. SEE: Churchill & Denison - Albany, NY, US
Churchill, R.E. - Albany, NY, US
Churchill, Rensselaer Emmett SEE: Churchill, R.E. - Albany, NY, US
Churchill, W.D. - Breckenridge, CO, US
Churchley SEE: Cousin & Churchley - Salem, OR, US
Churchley - Salem, OR, US
Chute & Brooks - US
Chute & Brooks - Montevideo, Uruguay:Buenos Aires, Argentina
Chute SEE: Chute & Brooks - US
Chute SEE: Chute & Brooks - Montevideo, Uruguay:Buenos Aires, Argentina
Chute, R.J. - Boston, MA, US:Lynn, MA, US:Melrose, MA, US
Chute, Robert J. SEE: Chute, R.J. - Boston, MA, US:Lynn, MA, US:Melrose, MA, US
Cinder, Warren - Canterbury, Kent, England, UK
Cinquini - Lucca, Italy
Cist, L.J. - UK
City Gate Studio - St. Augustine, FL, US
City Stereoscopic Depot - London, England, UK
Civiale, Aimé - Paris, France
Claflin SEE: Ingraham & Claflin - Indianapolis, IN, US
Claflin - Toledo, OH, US
Claflin - Worcester, MA, US
Claflin, Charles R.B. SEE: Claflin - Worcester, MA, US
Claflin's Gallery SEE: Claflin - Worcester, MA, US
Claggett, Fred - Frederick, MD, US
Clapp & Lewis - Portland, IN, US
Clapp & North - Augusta, ME, US
Clapp & Prew - Springfield, MA, US
Clapp & Prew SEE: Clapp, E.H. - Springfield, MA, US
Clapp SEE: Cheney & Clapp - Brattleboro, VT, US
Clapp SEE: Clapp & Lewis - Portland, IN, US
Clapp SEE: Clapp & Prew - Springfield, MA, US
Clapp, E.H. - Springfield, MA, US
Clapp, Edward SEE: Clapp & Prew - Springfield, MA, US
Clapp, Edward SEE: Clapp, E.H. - Springfield, MA, US
Clapp, W.G. - Spencer, NY, US
Clapper, J..M. - Troy, NY, US
Clapperton - Sarum, Wiltshire, England, UK
Clapperton, R. - Selkirk, Selkirk
Claremont Stationery Co. - Claremont, NH, US
Clarendon & Co. - Kingstown, Surrey, England, UK
Clark - Narragansett, RI, US
Clark & Co., James H. - Rockford, IL, US
Clark & Holmes - Troy, NY, US
Clark & Holmes SEE: Clark, C.R. - Troy, NY, US
Clark & Ingram - Cleveland, OH, US
Clark & Lindsay - Laconia, NH, US
Clark & Lingo - Lafayette, IN, US
Clark & Wise SEE: Wise & Clark - Springfield, OH, US:Xenia, OH, US
Clark Bros. - Rockford, IL, US
Clark SEE: Clark & Ingram - Cleveland, OH, US
Clark SEE: Clark & Lindsay - Laconia, NH, US
Clark SEE: Clark & Lingo - Lafayette, IN, US
Clark SEE: Corwin & Clark - Ottawa, KS, US
Clark SEE: Gano & Clark - Springfield, OH, US
Clark SEE: Gregg & Clark - Streator, IL, US
Clark SEE: Ingham, Clark & Co. - Cleveland, OH, US
Clark SEE: Richardson & Clark - Oneida, NY, US
Clark SEE: Wise & Clark - Springfield, OH, US:Xenia, OH, US
Clark - Wakefield, RI, US
Clark - Cleveland, OH, US
Clark - Oneida, NY, US
Clark - Indiana, PA, US
Clark - South Kingstown, RI, US
Clark, A. - Bangor, Caernarfon, Wales, UK
Clark, A.J. - Ypsilanti, MI, US
Clark, Albert H. SEE: Morgan & Clark - New London, CT, US
Clark, C.H. - Denver, CO, US:Gunnison, CO, US:Salida, CO, US:Colorado Springs, CO, US
Clark, C.R. SEE: Clark & Holmes - Troy, NY, US
Clark, C.R. - Troy, NY, US
Clark, Charles Henry SEE: Clark, C.H. - Denver, CO, US:Gunnison, CO, US:Salida, CO, US:Colorado Springs, CO, US
Clark, D. - New Brunswick, NJ, US
Clark, D.L. - High Point, NC, US
Clark, D.R. - Indianapolis, IN, US:Lafayette, IN, US
Clark, E.A. - New York City, NY, US:Margaretville, NY, US:Prattsville, NY, US
Clark, E.H. - Wanganui, New Zealand
Clark, Edward A. SEE: Clark, E.A. - New York City, NY, US:Margaretville, NY, US:Prattsville, NY, US
Clark, F - Pittsfield, MA, US
Clark, F. - Belvidere, IL, US
Clark, Forester SEE: Clark, F - Pittsfield, MA, US
Clark, Frank SEE: Joslin's Old Stand - Gilman, IL, US
Clark, Frank - Gilman, IL, US
Clark, Fred - Harrisburg, PA, US:Middletown, PA, US
Clark, G.W. - Ionia, MI, US
Clark, G.W. - Morgan County, IL, US
Clark, G.W. - Boston, MA, US
Clark, G.W. - Lockport, NY, US:Jacksonville, IL, US
Clark, George W. SEE: Clark, G.W. - Boston, MA, US
Clark, George W. SEE: Clark, G.W. - Lockport, NY, US:Jacksonville, IL, US
Clark, George - Los Angeles, CA, US
Clark, H.D. - Vineland, NJ, US
Clark, H.S. - Greenville, MI, US
Clark, Henry H. SEE: Evans & Clark - Washington, DC, US
Clark, J.B. - Cardington, OH, US
Clark, J.W. - Mendota, IL, US
Clark, James B. - Cardington, OH, US
Clark, James H. SEE: Clark, Lake & Co. - Rockford, IL, US
Clark, James H. SEE: Clark & Co., James H. - Rockford, IL, US
Clark, John - Matlock, Derbyshire, England, UK
Clark, L. - Webster City, IA, US
Clark, Lyman SEE: Clark, L. - Webster City, IA, US
Clark, Rezin - Bolivar, OH, US
Clark, Samuel SEE: Wise & Clark - Springfield, OH, US:Xenia, OH, US
Clark, Samuel - Philadelphia, PA, US
Clark, T.B. - Indiana, PA, US
Clark, Thos. - London, England, UK
Clark, W. - Bristol, Gloucestershire, England, UK
Clark, W.S. - Chicago, IL, US
Clark, W.S. - Rockford, IL, US
Clark, Winfield S. SEE: Clark, W.S. - Chicago, IL, US
Clark, Lake & Co. - Rockford, IL, US
Clarke, C.C. - Alfred Center, NY, US
Clarke, Edw. SEE: American Stereoscopic Co. - New York City, NY, US
Clarke, Edw. - New York City, NY, US
Clarke, F. - Warkworth, Ontario, Canada
Clarke, G. & W. - Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Clarke, G. & W. SEE: Clarke, W.J. - Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Clarke, George W. SEE: Clarke, G. & W. - Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Clarke, J.R. - Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Clarke, J.S. - Peterborough, Northamptonshire, England, UK
Clarke, John - New Orleans, LA, US
Clarke, L.H. - Narragansett, RI, US
Clarke, O.B. - Brookfield, NY, US
Clarke, S. - Reading, PA, US:Downingtown, PA, US
Clarke, S.A. - Pittsburgh, PA, US
Clarke, W.J. - Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Clarke, W.T. - Conrad, PA, US
Clarke, William J. SEE: Clarke, G. & W. - Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Clarke, William J. SEE: Clarke, W.J. - Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Clarkson - Amesbury, MA, US:Salisbury, MA, US
Clarkson, Franklin SEE: Clarkson - Amesbury, MA, US:Salisbury, MA, US
Clarkson, J.F. - Caro, MI, US
Clarkson, R.H. - Norristown, PA, US
Clary & Urie - Hot Springs, AR, US
Clary & Urie SEE: Clary - Hot Springs, AR, US
Clary & Urie SEE: Urie - Hot Springs, AR, US
Clary SEE: Clary & Urie - Hot Springs, AR, US
Clary - Hot Springs, AR, US
Clary, J.W. SEE: Balch & Clary - Hot Springs, AR, US
Clary, J.W. SEE: Clary & Urie - Hot Springs, AR, US
Clary, J.W. SEE: Clary - Hot Springs, AR, US
Clary, J.W. - Selma, AL, US
Clary, John W. SEE: Clary, J.W. - Selma, AL, US
Claude, M. - France
Claudel, E. - New Orleans, LA, US
Claudel, Emile SEE: Claudel, E. - New Orleans, LA, US
Clauder, C.H. - Lebanon, PA, US
Clauder, H.T. - Bethlehem, PA, US
Clauder, Henry T. SEE: Clauder, H.T. - Bethlehem, PA, US
Claudet, Antoine François Jean SEE: Claudet, Antoine - Paris, France:London, England, UK
Claudet, Antoine - Paris, France:London, England, UK
Claudet, Antoine-François-Jean SEE: Claudet, Antoine - Paris, France:London, England, UK
Claudet, F.G. - New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada
Claudet, Frances George SEE: Claudet, F.G. - New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada
Claudius & Ray - Auburn, NY, US
Claudius SEE: Claudius & Ray - Auburn, NY, US
Claudius, W.F. SEE: Lindsly & Claudius - Auburn, NY, US
Clausen, A.J. - St. Ansgar, IA, US
Clausen, Axel J. SEE: Clausen, A.J. - St. Ansgar, IA, US
Clausen, C.M. - St. Ansgar, IA, US
Clausen, Christian M. SEE: Clausen, C.M. - St. Ansgar, IA, US
Clauser, W.H. - Jacksonville, IL, US
Clauser, William H. SEE: Clauser, W.H. - Jacksonville, IL, US
Clausnitzer, C. - San Luis Potosi, Mexico
Clausson & Co., O.A. SEE: Clausson, O.A. - Baltic, SD, US:Great Falls, MN, US
Clausson, O.A. - Baltic, SD, US:Great Falls, MN, US
Clawson, C. - Los Angeles, CA, US
Clawson, H.T. - Raleigh, NC, US
Clayton, W. - London, England, UK
Cleaveland, E.C. - Franklin, MA, US
Cleavr, S. - NY, US
Clegg, E.T. - North Harpersfield, NY, US
Clegg, J.L. - Niagara Falls, NY, US
Clegg, Joshua L. SEE: Clegg, J.L. - Niagara Falls, NY, US
Clegg, L.F. - Niagara Falls, NY, US
Clegg, Leaman F. SEE: Clegg, L.F. - Niagara Falls, NY, US
Clemens, J.M. - Lansdale, PA, US
Clemens, John R. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Clement - Exeter, NH, US
Clement - Fullertown, PA, US
Clement, E.L. - Chicago, IL, US:Oak Park, IL, US:Downer's Grove, IL, US:Marshalltown, IA, US
Clement, Eban L. SEE: Clement, E.L. - Chicago, IL, US:Oak Park, IL, US:Downer's Grove, IL, US:Marshalltown, IA, US
Clement, Elwood SEE: Clement - Fullertown, PA, US
Clement, Frank M. SEE: Clemente, F.M. - Berlin Falls, NH, US:Colebrook, NH, US:Haverhill, NH, US
Clement's Gallery SEE: Clement - Exeter, NH, US
Clemente, F.M. - Berlin Falls, NH, US:Colebrook, NH, US:Haverhill, NH, US
Clements, E.G. - Phelps, NY, US
Clements, E.G. - Lincoln, NE, US:Wahoo, NE, US
Clements, Ephraim G. SEE: Clements, E.G. - Lincoln, NE, US:Wahoo, NE, US
Clements, J.W. - St. Thomas, Virgin Islands
Clements, M. - Sheboygan, WI, US
Clench, F.B. - Lockport, NY, US
Clench, R.J. - Towanda, NY, US
Clendenning & Nichols - IL, US
Clendenning SEE: Clendenning & Nichols - IL, US
Clendenny - Elmira, NY, US
Clercq, Louis-Constant-Henri-François de SEE: de Clercq, Louis - France
Clercq, Louis-Constantin-Henri-François-Xavier de SEE: de Clercq, Louis - France
Clerq, Louis De SEE: de Clercq, Louis - France
Click, C.F. - Columbia City, IN, US
Click, M.E. - Columbia City, IN, US
Clifford & Gibson - Milwaukee, WI, US
Clifford & Gibson SEE: Clifford, R.A. - Milwaukee, WI, US
Clifford & Son - Newton, IA, US
Clifford, C. - Newton, IA, US
Clifford, C.E. - London, England, UK
Clifford, Charles SEE: Clifford, C. - Newton, IA, US
Clifford, Charles
Clifford, D.A. - Boston, MA, US:Salem, MA, US:St. Johnsbury, VT, US
Clifford, Daniel A. SEE: Clifford, D.A. - Boston, MA, US:Salem, MA, US:St. Johnsbury, VT, US
Clifford, H.M. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Clifford, Henry M. SEE: Clifford, H.M. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Clifford, R.A. SEE: Clifford & Gibson - Milwaukee, WI, US
Clifford, R.A. - Milwaukee, WI, US
Clifford, S. - Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
Clifford, Samuel SEE: Clifford, S. - Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
Clifton Fine Arts Photographic Co. - Bristol, Gloucestershire, England, UK
Clifton - Athens, GA, US
Climax View Co. - New York City, NY, US
Climo, J.S. - St. John, New Brunswick, Canada
Climo, John Saunders SEE: Climo, J.S. - St. John, New Brunswick, Canada
Clinch, Willis A. - San Jose, CA, US:Grass Valley, NV, US
Cline, D.A. - Nebraska City, NE, US:Lincoln, NE, US
Clinedienst, B.M. - Washington, DC, US:Staunton, VA, US
Clinedienst, Barnell M. SEE: Clinedienst, B.M. - Washington, DC, US:Staunton, VA, US
Clinedinst SEE: Clinedienst, B.M. - Washington, DC, US:Staunton, VA, US
Clinton SEE: Rudy & Clinton - Colorado Springs, CO, US:Cascade Canon, CO, US
Clinton, J.L. - Colorado Springs, CO, US
Clipper, G. - Cincinnati, OH, US
Clippinger SEE: Boone & Clippinger - Akron, OH, US
Clippinger SEE: Diebolt & Clippinger - Akron, OH, US
Clippinger SEE: Greenwald & Clippinger - Wooster, OH, US
Clocker, J. - Vincennes, IN, US
Clough & Kimball - Beverly, MA, US:Concord, NH, US
Clough & Kimball SEE: Clough, A.F. - Springfield, MA, US:Beverly, MA, US:Warren, NH, US:Orford, NH, US
Clough & Kimball SEE: Kimball, H.A. - Concord, NH, US
Clough SEE: Clough & Kimball - Beverly, MA, US:Concord, NH, US
Clough, A.F. SEE: Lefavour & Clough - Beverly, MA, US
Clough, A.F. - Springfield, MA, US:Beverly, MA, US:Warren, NH, US:Orford, NH, US
Clough, Amos F. SEE: Clough & Kimball - Beverly, MA, US:Concord, NH, US
Clough, Amos F. SEE: Morrison & Clough - Haverhill, NH, US
Clough, Amos Francis SEE: Clough, A.F. - Springfield, MA, US:Beverly, MA, US:Warren, NH, US:Orford, NH, US
Clouzard & Soulier - Paris, France
Clouzard & Soulier SEE: Clouzard, A. - Paris, France
Clouzard & Soulier SEE: Soulier, Charles - Paris, France
Clouzard, A. SEE: Clouzard & Soulier - Paris, France
Clouzard, A. - Paris, France
Clute, Fayette J. - San Francisco, CA, US
Clute, N.J. - Clyde, OH, US
Clutter & Daft - Newton, IA, US
Clutter, D. SEE: Clutter & Daft - Newton, IA, US
Co-operative League of Photo Art, The - Galesburg, IL, US
Co-operative View Co. - St. Paul, MN, US
Co-operative View Co. - Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Coan, Leander S. - US
Coatsworth - Scranton, PA, US
Cobb & Challis - Woolwich, London, England, UK
Cobb & Challis SEE: Cobb, William - Woolwich, London, England, UK
Cobb & Hempstead - Susquehanna Depot, PA, US
Cobb & Hempstead SEE: Cobb, George N. - Binghampton (Binghamton), NY, US:Montrose, PA, US
Cobb & Locke - Kirwin, KS, US
Cobb & Locke SEE: Cobb, C.S. - Kirwin, KS, US
Cobb, C.S. SEE: Cobb & Locke - Kirwin, KS, US
Cobb, C.S. - Kirwin, KS, US
Cobb, David SEE: Edouart & Cobb - San Francisco, CA, US
Cobb, David - Grass Valley, CA, US:San Francisco, CA, US
Cobb, George N. SEE: Cobb & Hempstead - Susquehanna Depot, PA, US
Cobb, George N. - Binghampton (Binghamton), NY, US:Montrose, PA, US
Cobb, William SEE: Cobb & Challis - Woolwich, London, England, UK
Cobb, William - Woolwich, London, England, UK
Cobb, Andrews & Co. - Cleveland, OH, US
Cobban, C.G. - Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Cobber, E.G. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Cobden, A. - Troy, NY, US
Coble, J. - Newport, PA, US
Coburn & Co. SEE: Coburn, E. & A. - Oswego, NY, US
Coburn, A. SEE: Coburn, E. & A. - Oswego, NY, US
Coburn, E. & A. - Oswego, NY, US
Coburn, E. SEE: Coburn, E. & A. - Oswego, NY, US
Cochran, J. - Meadville, PA, US
Cochran, N.C. - Fairmount, WV, US
Cochrane, C.S. - Brantford, Ontario, Canada:Hamilton, Ontario, Canada:Paris, Ontario, Canada
Cochrane, Charles S. SEE: Cochrane, C.S. - Brantford, Ontario, Canada:Hamilton, Ontario, Canada:Paris, Ontario, Canada
Cochrane, Harry H. - Monmouth, ME, US
Cockburn, John - Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland, UK
Codding, E. - Knoxville, WI, US:Rocklake, WI, US
Coddington & Alsbach - Middletown, OH, US
Coddington & Alsbach SEE: Alsbach - Middletown, OH, US
Coddington & Alsbach SEE: Coddington, G.W. - Hamilton, OH, US
Coddington & Davidson - Warsaw, NY, US
Coddington SEE: Coddington & Davidson - Warsaw, NY, US
Coddington, G.W. SEE: Coddington & Alsbach - Middletown, OH, US
Coddington, G.W. - Hamilton, OH, US
Coddington's Catholic Photographs - New York City, NY, US
Codman - Jacksonville, IL, US
Cody, S. - SC, US
Coe, Albert E. - Norwich, Norfolk, England, UK
Coe, Alfred - Bradford, Yorkshire, England, UK
Coen & Figlio, C. - Venezia (Venice), Italy:Trieste, Italy
Coen, C. SEE: Coen & Figlio, C. - Venezia (Venice), Italy:Trieste, Italy
Coff, O.S. - Bismarck (Bismark), DT, US
Coffee, William - Norwich, VT, US
Coffin & Jacobs - Dutch Flat, CA, US
Coffin & Jacobs SEE: Coffin, I.T. - Snelling, CA, US:Dutch Flat, CA, US
Coffin & Jacobs SEE: Jacobs, James M. - Auburn, CA, US:Dutch Flat, CA, US:Forest Hill, CA, US
Coffin, Emery O. - Winthrop, ME, US
Coffin, I. - Freeport, ME, US
Coffin, I.T. - Snelling, CA, US:Dutch Flat, CA, US
Coffin, Ira S. SEE: Coffin, I. - Freeport, ME, US
Coffin, Isaac Tibbets SEE: Coffin & Jacobs - Dutch Flat, CA, US
Coffin, Isaac Tibbets SEE: Halsey & Coffin - Dutch Flat, CA, US
Coffin, Isaac Tibbets SEE: Coffin, I.T. - Snelling, CA, US:Dutch Flat, CA, US
Coffin, J.H. - St. Peter, MN, US
Coffin, T.W. - Devonport, Devon, England, UK
Coffman - Columbia Furnace, VA, US
Coffrin, W.M. SEE: Coffrin, William - Plymouth, NH, US:Claremont, NH, US
Coffrin, William - Plymouth, NH, US:Claremont, NH, US
Cogan & Burgess - Detroit, MI, US
Cogan & Burgess SEE: Cogan, W.P. - Detroit, MI, US
Cogan, W.P. SEE: Cogan & Burgess - Detroit, MI, US
Cogan, W.P. - Detroit, MI, US
Cogerty - London, England, UK
Coggeshall, F.P. - Lowell, MA, US
Coggeshall's Excelsior Photographic Car - MA, US
Coghill, John Joscelyn - Dublin, Ireland
Coghill, Sir John Joscelyn SEE: Coghill, John Joscelyn - Dublin, Ireland
Cohen SEE: Levy & Cohen - Philadelphia, PA, US
Cohen, Harald - Copenhagen, Denmark
Cohen, Samuel SEE: Garden City Photo Co. - Los Angeles, CA, US
Cohill, George - Philadelphia, PA, US
Cohn SEE: Kongsbak & Cohn - Copenhagen, Denmark
Cohocksink Gallery - Cohocksink, PA, US
Coke, A.L. - Newton Abbot, Devon, England, UK
Colardeau, E. - France
Colburn Jr., Walter - West Dedham, MA, US
Colburn, E.J. - Bay City, MI, US
Colburn, L. - Portchester, NY, US
Colby, C.H. SEE: Bracy & Colby - Ashland, NH, US:Meredith, NH, US
Colby, C.H. SEE: Florida Club, The - St. Augustine, FL, US
Colby, C.H. - Meredith, NH, US:Ocala, FL, US
Colby, Charles Harrison SEE: Colby, C.H. - Meredith, NH, US:Ocala, FL, US
Colby, J.R. - Boston, MA, US
Colby, J.T. - Springfield, NH, US
Colby, James T. SEE: Colby, J.T. - Springfield, NH, US
Colby, L.W. - Manchester, NH, US
Coldevin - Mosjoen, Norway
Cole & Robinson - Hillsdale, MI, US
Cole & Robinson SEE: Colby, J.R. - Boston, MA, US
Cole SEE: Pelot & Cole - Augusta, GA, US
Cole, A.G. - Brockville, Ontario, Canada
Cole, Alexander G. SEE: Cole, A.G. - Brockville, Ontario, Canada
Cole, B.F. - Biddeford, ME, US
Cole, D.S. - Hot Springs, DT, US
Cole, F. - Ready, PA, US
Cole, Frank - Philadelphia, PA, US
Cole, Frederick - London, England, UK
Cole, H.P. - Dayton, OH, US
Cole, Henry H. - Pekin, IL, US:Peoria, IL, US
Cole, J.K. - New York City, NY, US
Cole, J.R. SEE: Cole & Robinson - Hillsdale, MI, US
Cole, J.R. - Hillsdale, MI, US
Cole, J.W. - Brampton, Ontario, Canada
Cole, John Ward SEE: Cole, J.W. - Brampton, Ontario, Canada
Cole, N.R. - Salem, IN, US
Coleman & Remington - Providence, RI, US
Coleman & Remington SEE: Coleman, W.W. - Providence, RI, US
Coleman & Taggart Bros. - Shawville, Quebec, Canada
Coleman SEE: Coleman & Remington - Providence, RI, US
Coleman SEE: Coleman & Taggart Bros. - Shawville, Quebec, Canada
Coleman SEE: Kemp & Coleman - Tombstone, AZ, US
Coleman, M.O.T. - Westfield, MA, US
Coleman, M.R. - Kidder's Ferry, NY, US
Coleman, W.W. SEE: Coleman & Remington - Providence, RI, US
Coleman, W.W. - Providence, RI, US
Colesworthy, S.H. - Portland, ME, US
Collagan, C.H. - Boston, MA, US:Plymouth, MA, US:Newton, MA, US:West Newton, MA, US
Collagan, Charles H. SEE: Collagan, C.H. - Boston, MA, US:Plymouth, MA, US:Newton, MA, US:West Newton, MA, US
Collamer & Stearns - Wilkes-Barre, PA, US
Collamer & Stearns SEE: Stearns & Co., E.I. - Honesdale, PA, US
Collamer & Stearns SEE: Collamer, G.W. - Danville, PA, US:Honesdale, PA, US:Pittston, PA, US:Wilkes-Barre, PA, US
Collamer, G.W. SEE: Collamer & Stearns - Wilkes-Barre, PA, US
Collamer, G.W. SEE: Condit & Collamer - Wilkes-Barre, PA, US
Collamer, G.W. - Danville, PA, US:Honesdale, PA, US:Pittston, PA, US:Wilkes-Barre, PA, US
Collard - France
Collection EH Paris SEE: EH - Paris, France
Collection JL SEE: Lamarsalle, J. - Villefranche, France
Collen, H. - St. Albans, Hertfordshire, England, UK
Collier & Park - Inverness, Inverness-shire, Scotland
Collier & Park SEE: Collier, J. - Inverness, Inverness-shire, Scotland, UK
Collier SEE: Dodge, Collier & Perkins - Boston, MA, US
Collier - Rockland, MA, US
Collier, C.T. SEE: Collier, Charles T. - Cohasset, MA, US:Bridgewater, MA, US:Los Angeles, CA, US:Riverside, CA, US
Collier, C.T. SEE: Collier - Rockland, MA, US
Collier, Charles T. - Cohasset, MA, US:Bridgewater, MA, US:Los Angeles, CA, US:Riverside, CA, US
Collier, J. SEE: Collier & Park - Inverness, Inverness-shire, Scotland
Collier, J. - Central City, CO, US:Denver, CO, US
Collier, J. - Inverness, Inverness-shire, Scotland, UK
Collier, Joseph M. SEE: Collier, J. - Central City, CO, US:Denver, CO, US
Collier, Robert - Denver, CO, US
Collier's Photo Studio SEE: Collier - Rockland, MA, US
Collin, A. Th. - Lyngby, Denmark
Collin, Nicolas-Pierre SEE: N-PC - Paris, France
Collings, C.H. - Georgetown, CO, US
Collings, J. - Cardiff, Glams.
Collins & Son, A.M. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Collins - Washington, DC, US
Collins, Alfred M. SEE: Collins & Son, A.M. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Collins, C.H. - Wyoming, IA, US
Collins, Cephas H. SEE: Collins, C.H. - Wyoming, IA, US
Collins, David C. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Collins, E.M. - Syracuse, NY, US:Oswego, NY, US
Collins, G.W. - Urbana, OH, US
Collins, G.W. - Chicago, IL, US
Collins, George E. - Bucksport, ME, US:Castine, ME, US:Portland, ME, US
Collins, George W. SEE: Collins, G.W. - Chicago, IL, US
Collins, I.A. - Worcester, MA, US:Lynn, MA, US:Leominster, MA, US:Portsmouth, NH, US
Collins, Ira Allen SEE: Collins, I.A. - Worcester, MA, US:Lynn, MA, US:Leominster, MA, US:Portsmouth, NH, US
Collins, Ira F. - Huntsville, AL, US
Collins, J.A. - Leominster, MA, US
Collins, John C. SEE: Collins - Washington, DC, US
Collins, M. - Boulder City, CO, US
Collins, M.M. - Portsmouth, NH, US
Collins, P.M. - Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, England, UK
Collins, T.P. - Philadelphia, PA, US:Springfield, MA, US:North Adams, MA, US:Westfield, MA, US
Collins, Thomas P. SEE: Collins, T.P. - Philadelphia, PA, US:Springfield, MA, US:North Adams, MA, US:Westfield, MA, US
Collins, Wm. - Neenah, WI, US
Collis, M.M. - Portsmouth, NH, US
Collis, W.A. - New Zealand
Collister & Kieg - Douglas, Isle of Man, England, UK
Collister & Kieg SEE: Collister, W. - Douglas, Isle of Man, England, UK
Collister, W. SEE: Collister & Kieg - Douglas, Isle of Man, England, UK
Collister, W. - Douglas, Isle of Man, England, UK
Colombier - Auxerre, France
Colorado Springs Co. - Colorado Springs, CO, US
Colorado Stereograph Co. - Boulder, CO, US
Colorado View Co. - Boulder, CO, US:Cheyenne, WY, US
Colorelief - France
Colorscope - Moline, IL, US
Colpas SEE: White & Colpas - Raton, NM, US
Colton, M. - Woodstock, IL, US
Colton, Morgan SEE: Colton, Morgan & Curtis - Woodstock, IL, US
Colton, Morgan SEE: Colton, M. - Woodstock, IL, US
Colton, Morgan & Curtis - Woodstock, IL, US
Colton, Morgan & Curtis SEE: Curtis, A.D. - Rockford, IL, US
Columbia Photograph Co. - Petersburg, VA, US
Columbia Stereoscopic Co. - Victoria, Australia
Colward, B. - Oostbury, WI, US
Comacho, A. - Funchal, Madeira, Portugal
Coman - Storm Lake, IA, US
Coman, Gerret S. SEE: Coman - Storm Lake, IA, US
Combs & Fowler - Sharon, PA, US
Combs SEE: Combs & Fowler - Sharon, PA, US
Combs, J. - Safe Harbor, PA, US
Comee, S.S. - Jefferson, WI, US
Comerio, Luca - Italy
Comic Series - New York City, NY, US
Compania de Vistas Hispano-Americana Historicas - Mexico City, Mexico
Comstock, A.B. - Waverly, NY, US
Conant Bros. - Portland, ME, US:Lewiston, ME, US
Conant, C.B. - Portland, ME, US:Lewiston, ME, US
Conant, J.F. - Stoneham, MA, US:Melrose, MA, US:New Bedford, MA, US:Falmouth, MA, US:Wareham, MA, US:Holmes Hole, MA, US:Sandwich, MA, US:Fall River, MA, US
Conant, Joseph F. SEE: Conant, J.F. - Stoneham, MA, US:Melrose, MA, US:New Bedford, MA, US:Falmouth, MA, US:Wareham, MA, US:Holmes Hole, MA, US:Sandwich, MA, US:Fall River, MA, US
Conant, S.F. - Skowhegan, ME, US
Concannon SEE: Elsey & Concannon - Eureka, AR, US
Concannon, T.M. - Osage, OK, US:Osage Mission, KS, US
Condit & Collamer - Wilkes-Barre, PA, US
Condit & Collamer SEE: Collamer, G.W. - Danville, PA, US:Honesdale, PA, US:Pittston, PA, US:Wilkes-Barre, PA, US
Condit & Hul SEE: Hull, S.S. - Wilkes-Barre, PA, US:Carbondale, PA, US:Scranton, PA, US
Condit & Hull - Wilkes-Barre, PA, US
Condit SEE: Condit & Collamer - Wilkes-Barre, PA, US
Condit SEE: Condit & Hull - Wilkes-Barre, PA, US
Condon, Mrs. Linnie SEE: Condon, Mrs. - Louisville, KY, US
Condon, Mrs. - Louisville, KY, US
Cone, J.C. - Lacon, IL, US
Cone, W.H. - Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Cone, William H. SEE: Cone, W.H. - Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Conery & Smyth - New Berlin, CT, US
Conery SEE: Conery & Smyth - New Berlin, CT, US
Conger, C.F. - Brookville, PA, US:Tionesta, PA, US
Conkey & Hultz - Glens Falls, NY, US
Conkey & Hultz SEE: Conkey, George W. - Glens Falls, NY, US
Conkey, G.W. SEE: Conkey, George W. - Glens Falls, NY, US
Conkey, George W. SEE: Conkey & Hultz - Glens Falls, NY, US
Conkey, George W. SEE: Crandell & Conkey - Glens Falls, NY, US
Conkey, George W. - Glens Falls, NY, US
Conkle Bros. - Middleton, OH, US
Conklin & Co. - Los Angeles, CA, US
Conklin & Kleckner - Atchison, KS, US
Conklin & Kleckner SEE: Kleckner, M.A. - Atchison, KS, US:Osborne, KS, US:Allentown, PA, US:Bethlehem, PA, US:Mauch Chunk, PA, US
Conklin & Stevenson - Atchison, KS, US
Conklin & Stevenson SEE: Stevenson, R. - Atchison, KS, US
Conklin SEE: Conklin & Kleckner - Atchison, KS, US
Conklin SEE: Conklin & Stevenson - Atchison, KS, US
Conklin, C.A. - Adrian, MI, US
Conklin, E. SEE: Conklin, Enoch - New York City, NY, US
Conklin, Enoch - New York City, NY, US
Conley & Son, D.L. - Celing, OH, US
Conley - Newton, NJ, US
Conley, D.L. SEE: Conley & Son, D.L. - Celing, OH, US
Conn - Salem, OR, US:Oregon City, OR, US
Connable, Ralph - Petoskey, MI, US
Conner - McKinney, TX, US:Sherman, TX, US
Conner, Henry T. SEE: Conner - McKinney, TX, US:Sherman, TX, US
Conner, S.S. - Westfield, MA, US
Conners - Clarinda, IA, US
Conners, W.J. SEE: Conners - Clarinda, IA, US
Connon, J.R. - Elora, Ontario, Canada
Connon, John Robert SEE: Connon, J.R. - Elora, Ontario, Canada
Connon, Thomas - Elora, Ontario, Canada
Conrad, Giorgio - Napoli (Naples), Italy
Conrad, J.R. - Shamokin, PA, US
Consolidated Land, Cattle Raising and Wool Growing Co. SEE: Consolidated Land, Cattle Raising and Wool… - US
Consolidated Land, Cattle Raising and Wool… - US
Constable, F.A. - New York City, NY, US
Constable, Frederick A. SEE: Constable, F.A. - New York City, NY, US
Constant & Moses - New Orleans, LA, US
Constant & Moses SEE: Constant, A. - New Orleans, LA, US
Constant & Moses SEE: Moses, L. - New Orleans, LA, US
Constant & Stephen - Matamoros, Mexico
Constant SEE: Constant & Moses - New Orleans, LA, US
Constant SEE: Constant & Stephen - Matamoros, Mexico
Constant, A. - New Orleans, LA, US
Constantin, D. SEE: Constantine, Dmitri - Athenai (Athens), Greece
Constantin, Demetre SEE: Constantine, Dmitri - Athenai (Athens), Greece
Constantin, Dimitrios SEE: Constantine, Dmitri - Athenai (Athens), Greece
Constantine, Dimitrios SEE: Constantine, Dmitri - Athenai (Athens), Greece
Constantine, Dmitri - Athenai (Athens), Greece
Constantine, Dmitris SEE: Constantine, Dmitri - Athenai (Athens), Greece
Constantinidis, Demetre SEE: Constantine, Dmitri - Athenai (Athens), Greece
Constantinou, Dimitrios SEE: Constantine, Dmitri - Athenai (Athens), Greece
Continent Stereoscopic Co. - New York City, NY, US
Continental Art Co. - US
Continental Stereoscope Co. - Hamburg, Germany:Altona, Germany
Continental View Co. - Brooklyn, NY, US
Contreras, V. - Guanajuato, Mexico
Converse, A.T. - Lyme, NH, US
Converse, J.O. - Morenci, MI, US
Cook & Friend - Gloucester, MA, US
Cook & Friend SEE: Friend, H. - Gloucester, MA, US:Boston, MA, US
Cook & Friend SEE: Cook, O.H. - Portsmouth, NH, US:Gloucester, MA, US:Salem, MA, US:Danvers, MA, US
Cook & Seely - Rockford, IL, US
Cook & Seely SEE: Seely, W.T. - Elmira, NY, US:Rockford, IL, US
Cook & Ward - Wilkes-Barre, PA, US
Cook & Ward SEE: Cook, C.F. - Luzerne Co., PA, US
Cook Bros. - Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada
Cook SEE: Cook & Seely - Rockford, IL, US
Cook SEE: Cornell & Cook - West Union, IA, US
Cook SEE: Douglas & Cook - Lewiston, ME, US
Cook - Richmond, VA, US
Cook - Delton, WI, US
Cook - Waterloo, IA, US
Cook - Onawa, IA, US
Cook, A.I. - Pitcher, NY, US
Cook, Andrew I. - Garnett, KS, US
Cook, B.A.K. - Merton Park, London, England, UK
Cook, C.E. - Seville, OH, US
Cook, C.F. SEE: Cook & Ward - Wilkes-Barre, PA, US
Cook, C.F. - Luzerne Co., PA, US
Cook, C.F. - Wilkes-Barre, PA, US
Cook, E.E. - Fort Smith, AR, US
Cook, E.T. - Troy, NY, US
Cook, E.W. - Albany, NY, US
Cook, F.A. - Winnemucca, NV, US
Cook, F.A. - Santa Cruz, CA, US:San Bernardino, CA, US:Gilroy, CA, US:Boise, ID, US:Idaho City, ID, US:Silver City, ID, US
Cook, F.R. - Randallstown, PA, US
Cook, Francis A. - Prescott, AZ, US
Cook, Francis Augustus SEE: Cook, F.A. - Santa Cruz, CA, US:San Bernardino, CA, US:Gilroy, CA, US:Boise, ID, US:Idaho City, ID, US:Silver City, ID, US
Cook, Frank - Laconia, NH, US
Cook, G.L.C. - Charleston, SC, US
Cook, H. - Sandy Hook, NJ, US
Cook, I.N. - Davenport, IA, US
Cook, J. SEE: Cook & Seely - Rockford, IL, US
Cook, J.A. - Rochester, MN, US
Cook, J.C. - Webster City, IA, US:Rochester, MN, US
Cook, J.J. - San Francisco, CA, US
Cook, J.N. - Ravenna, OH, US
Cook, John C. SEE: Cook, J.C. - Webster City, IA, US:Rochester, MN, US
Cook, John Jay SEE: Cook, J.J. - San Francisco, CA, US
Cook, Joseph R. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Cook, Joseph SEE: Cook - Waterloo, IA, US
Cook, L. Wallace SEE: Cook, L.W. - Salem, MA, US:Lynn, MA, US:Boston, MA, US:Weymouth, MA, US
Cook, L.W. - Salem, MA, US:Lynn, MA, US:Boston, MA, US:Weymouth, MA, US
Cook, Lemuel Wallace SEE: Stiff & Cook - Danvers, MA, US
Cook, Lemuel Wallace SEE: Cook, L.W. - Salem, MA, US:Lynn, MA, US:Boston, MA, US:Weymouth, MA, US
Cook, N.G. - Ames, IA, US
Cook, Newton Gaston SEE: Cook, N.G. - Ames, IA, US
Cook, O.H. - Portsmouth, NH, US:Gloucester, MA, US:Salem, MA, US:Danvers, MA, US
Cook, Oliver H. SEE: Cook & Friend - Gloucester, MA, US
Cook, Oliver H. SEE: Cook, O.H. - Portsmouth, NH, US:Gloucester, MA, US:Salem, MA, US:Danvers, MA, US
Cook, W.A. - Croghan, NY, US
Cook, W.H. - Youngstown, OH, US
Cook, W.H. - Greensburg, PA, US
Cooke & Loucks - Dolgeville, NY, US
Cooke & Son, H.T. - Warwick, Warwickshire, England, UK
Cooke SEE: Cooke & Loucks - Dolgeville, NY, US
Cooke, A.A. - Gas City, IN, US
Cooke, Edward J. - Jenolan Caves, New South Wales, Australia
Cooke, H.T. SEE: Cooke & Son, H.T. - Warwick, Warwickshire, England, UK
Cooke, Henry T. SEE: Cooke & Son, H.T. - Warwick, Warwickshire, England, UK
Cooke, Miss M.E. - Sandwich, MA, US
Cooke, Wesley - Hanover, NH, US
Cookingham, J.V. - Jackson, MI, US
Cooledge SEE: Coolidge & Haskins - Zumbrota, MN, US
Cooley Bros. SEE: Cooley, A.A. - Cooperstown, NY, US
Cooley, A.A. - Cooperstown, NY, US
Cooley, C.I. - Springfield, MA, US
Coolidge & Haskins - Zumbrota, MN, US
Coolidge SEE: Coolidge & Haskins - Zumbrota, MN, US
Coombs SEE: Von Nieda & Coombs - York, PA, US
Coombs, I.A. - Wiscasset, ME, US
Coombs, Philip - Newburyport, MA, US
Coombs, W.N. - Hartford, CT, US
Coon, Dr. J.V.D. - Olean, NY, US
Coon, S.H. - Victor, IA, US:Charles City, IA, US:Malcom, IA, US
Coon, Samuel H. SEE: Coon, S.H. - Victor, IA, US:Charles City, IA, US:Malcom, IA, US
Coonley & Wolfersberger - Savannah, GA, US:Philadelphia, PA, US
Coonley & Wolfersberger SEE: Coonley, J.F. - Savannah, GA, US:Memphis, TN, US
Coonley SEE: Coonley & Wolfersberger - Savannah, GA, US:Philadelphia, PA, US
Coonley, J. Frank SEE: Coonley & Wolfersberger - Savannah, GA, US:Philadelphia, PA, US
Coonley, J.F. - Savannah, GA, US:Memphis, TN, US
Coonley, Jacob F. SEE: Coonley, J.F. - Savannah, GA, US:Memphis, TN, US
Coonley, Jacob Frank SEE: Coonley, J.F. - Savannah, GA, US:Memphis, TN, US
Coonrod, A.E. - Lewis, NY, US:Elizabethtown, NY, US
Coonrod, Arthur Emery SEE: Coonrod, A.E. - Lewis, NY, US:Elizabethtown, NY, US
Cooper & Co. - Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Cooper & Cottrell - Williamson, NY, US
Cooper SEE: Cooper & Cottrell - Williamson, NY, US
Cooper SEE: Siegal, Cooper & Co. - Chicago, IL, US
Cooper - Warsaw, IL, US
Cooper - Groton, NY, US
Cooper, B.S. - Waverly, MO, US
Cooper, C.S. - Zanesville, OH, US
Cooper, C.S. - Clyde, NY, US
Cooper, E.L. - Danville, NY, US
Cooper, J. - London, Ontario, Canada:St. Thomas, Ontario, Canada
Cooper, John SEE: Cooper, J. - London, Ontario, Canada:St. Thomas, Ontario, Canada
Cooper, P.F. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Cooper, Peregrine F. SEE: Cooper, P.F. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Cooper, T.C. - Indiana, PA, US
Cooper, T.G. - Miami, FL, US
Cooper, W.A. - Toronto, Ontario, Canada:London, Ontario, Canada:St. Thomas, Ontario, Canada
Cooper, W.S. - Winooski Falls, VT, US
Cooper, William A. SEE: Cooper, W.A. - Toronto, Ontario, Canada:London, Ontario, Canada:St. Thomas, Ontario, Canada
Cooper's Studio SEE: Cooper, T.G. - Miami, FL, US
Cooperative View Co., The - Brooklyn, NY, US
Cope & Day - Norristown, PA, US
Cope Bros. - Lyons, IA, US:Clinton, IA, US
Cope SEE: Cope & Day - Norristown, PA, US
Cope, F.S. - Hamburg, PA, US
Cope, J.L. SEE: Dougherty & Cope - Norristown, PA, US
Cope, J.L. - Norristown, PA, US
Cope, Joseph A. SEE: Cope Bros. - Lyons, IA, US:Clinton, IA, US
Cope, Thomas SEE: Cope Bros. - Lyons, IA, US:Clinton, IA, US
Copeland & Fleming - Pithole, PA, US
Copeland & Son - Chicago, IL, US
Copeland SEE: Copeland & Fleming - Pithole, PA, US
Copeland - West Lebanon, ME, US
Copeland, C.F. - Brockton, MA, US
Copeland, G.T. - Gloversville, NY, US
Copeland, J.H. - Pleasantville, PA, US
Copeland, O.H. - New Market, NH, US
Copeland, Oliver H. SEE: Copeland, O.H. - New Market, NH, US
Copelin & Hine - Chicago, IL, US
Copelin & Hine SEE: Copelin, T.C. - Chicago, IL, US
Copelin & Hine SEE: Hine, T. - Manitou Springs, CO, US:Chicago, IL, US
Copelin & Melander - Chicago, IL, US
Copelin & Melander SEE: Copelin, A.J. - Chicago, IL, US
Copelin & Melander SEE: Melander, L.M. - Chicago, IL, US
Copelin & Son - Chicago, IL, US
Copelin - Chicago, IL, US
Copelin, A. & T. - Chicago, IL, US
Copelin, A. SEE: Copelin, A. & T. - Chicago, IL, US
Copelin, A.J. SEE: Copelin & Melander - Chicago, IL, US
Copelin, A.J. SEE: Copelin & Son - Chicago, IL, US
Copelin, A.J. - Chicago, IL, US
Copelin, T. SEE: Copelin, A. & T. - Chicago, IL, US
Copelin, T.C. SEE: Copelin & Hine - Chicago, IL, US
Copelin, T.C. - Chicago, IL, US
Copeman, R.W. - Ashley Down, Bristol, Gloucestershire, England, UK
Copeman, Robert William SEE: Copeman, R.W. - Ashley Down, Bristol, Gloucestershire, England, UK
Copp, E.J. - Nashua, NH, US
Copp, George W. - Fryeburg, ME, US
Copsey, A. - Long Melford, Suffolk, England, UK:Sudbury, Suffolk, England, UK
Copsey, Ambrose SEE: Copsey, A. - Long Melford, Suffolk, England, UK:Sudbury, Suffolk, England, UK
Corbin, J.R. - Louisville, KY, US
Cord, R.E. - Boston, MA, US
Corell & Eldred - Rixford, PA, US
Corell & Eldred SEE: Corell, H.J. - Ebensburg, PA, US:Edinburgh, PA, US:Eldred, PA, US
Corell Bros. - Ripley, NY, US
Corell, H.J. - Ebensburg, PA, US:Edinburgh, PA, US:Eldred, PA, US
Corell, Harry J. SEE: Corell & Eldred - Rixford, PA, US
Corell, Harry J. SEE: Corell, H.J. - Ebensburg, PA, US:Edinburgh, PA, US:Eldred, PA, US
Corkhill, W.H. - Washington, DC, US
Corley SEE: Croft & Corley - Allegheny, PA, US
Corley, D.B. - Abilene, TX, US:Sherman, TX, US
Corlies & Fisher - Philadelphia, PA, US
Corlies & Fisher SEE: Fisher, Louis C. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Corlies & Fisher SEE: Corlies, S. Fisher - Philadelphia, PA, US
Corlies, S. Fisher - Philadelphia, PA, US
Corlies, Samuel Fisher SEE: Corlies & Fisher - Philadelphia, PA, US
Corlies, Samuel Fisher SEE: Corlies, S. Fisher - Philadelphia, PA, US
Corliss, Mrs. Albert E. - Newbury, VT, US
Cormany, M.L. - Augusta, GA, US
Cornaby, J.S. - Llandudno, Caernarfonshire, Wales, UK
Cornelisse - Bruges, Belgium
Cornelius, J. Wesley - Lewisburg, PA, US
Cornelius, S.C. - Columbia, MO, US
Cornelius' Sun Gallery SEE: Cornelius, S.C. - Columbia, MO, US
Cornell & Cook - West Union, IA, US
Cornell SEE: Cornell & Cook - West Union, IA, US
Cornell, C.L. & N.L. - Randolph, NY, US
Cornell, C.L. - Randolph, NY, US
Cornell, C.S. - Stamford, NY, US
Cornell, H.R. - Ligonier, IN, US
Cornell, Mr. & Mrs. C.V.D. - Waterloo, NY, US
Cornell, Mr. C.V.D. SEE: Cornell, Mr. & Mrs. C.V.D. - Waterloo, NY, US
Cornell, Mrs. C.V.D. SEE: Cornell, Mr. & Mrs. C.V.D. - Waterloo, NY, US
Cornell, N.L. - Randolph, NY, US
Cornell, S.S. - Stamford, NY, US
Corning, N.A. SEE: Samson & Corning - Osage, IA, US
Corning, N.A. - Osage, IA, US
Corning, Nathaniel A. SEE: Corning, N.A. - Osage, IA, US
Cornish, J.J. - Del Norte, CO, US:Chromo, CO, US
Cornish, Jr., W. - Brighton, East Sussex, England, UK
Cornwall, J.P. - Watervliet, NY, US
Cornwell, C.T. - Coldwater, MI, US
Cornwell, Charles Titus SEE: Cornwell, C.T. - Coldwater, MI, US
Correa, L.P.S. - Fayal, Azores, Portugal
Corte-Scope Co. - Cleveland, OH, US
Corwin & Clark - Ottawa, KS, US
Corwin & Clark SEE: Corwin, E.H. - Ottawa, KS, US
Corwin SEE: Corwin & Clark - Ottawa, KS, US
Corwin SEE: Shreves & Corwin - Bushnell, IL, US
Corwin, E.H. SEE: Corwin & Clark - Ottawa, KS, US
Corwin, E.H. - Ottawa, KS, US
Cory, H.C. - Holly Springs, MS, US
Cosand & Moser - Caldwell, KS, US
Cosand SEE: Cosand & Moser - Caldwell, KS, US
Cosmos Co., The - New York City, NY, US
Cosmos Series, The - New York City, NY, US
Coss & Smith - Springfield, OH, US
Coss & Smith SEE: Coss, J. - Springfield, OH, US
Coss, J. SEE: Coss & Smith - Springfield, OH, US
Coss, J. - Springfield, OH, US
Costello, A.B. - St. Louis, MO, US
Costello, Alfred B. SEE: Costello, A.B. - St. Louis, MO, US
Costello, J.F. - Jersey City, NJ, US
Costello, J.K. - Carthage, MO, US
Coster, R.G. - Elizabeth, NJ, US
Cote, E.W. - Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Cottage Gallery - Los Angeles, CA, US
Cottard, Eugène
Cotter - New Canaan, CT, US
Cotton, J.G. - St. Louis, MO, US
Cotton, Rose - Santa Ana, CA, US
Cotton, Walter S. - Santa Ana, CA, US
Cottrell SEE: Cooper & Cottrell - Williamson, NY, US
Cottrell - Dunlap, IA, US
Couch & Beach - Delaware, OH, US
Couch & Beach SEE: Beach, T.A. - Delaware, OH, US
Couch, C.M. - Concord, NH, US
Couch, J.T. - Landisburg, PA, US
Couch, Professor SEE: Couch & Beach - Delaware, OH, US
Coughlin & Co. - Lowell, MA, US
Coughlin & Naeff - Conneaut, OH, US
Coughlin & Naeff SEE: Coughlin - Conneaut, OH, US
Coughlin SEE: Coughlin & Naeff - Conneaut, OH, US
Coughlin - Conneaut, OH, US
Cougny - Paris, France
Coules & McBride - Deadwood, DT, US
Coules SEE: Coules & McBride - Deadwood, DT, US
Country-side Stereographs - London, England, UK
Couppier, Jules - France
Courret Hermanos SEE: Courret, Eugenio - Lima, Peru: La Paz, Bolivia
Courret, E. SEE: Courret, Eugenio - Lima, Peru: La Paz, Bolivia
Courret, Eugenio - Lima, Peru: La Paz, Bolivia
Courteau SEE: Kertson & Courteau - Sauk Center, WI, US
Courtellemont, Gervais - France
Courtney & Appleton - Middletown, OH, US:Millersburg, OH, US
Courtney & Appleton SEE: Appleton - Millersburg, OH, US
Courtney & Appleton SEE: Courtney - Canton, OH, US
Courtney SEE: Courtney & Appleton - Middletown, OH, US:Millersburg, OH, US
Courtney SEE: Smith & Courtney - Canton, OH, US
Courtney - Battle Creek, MI, US
Courtney - Canton, OH, US
Courtney, Chas. W. - Canada
Cousin & Churchley - Salem, OR, US
Cousin & Churchley SEE: Churchley - Salem, OR, US
Cousin & Churchley SEE: Cousin - Salem, OR, US
Cousin SEE: Cousin & Churchley - Salem, OR, US
Cousin - Salem, OR, US
Cousins, Frank - Salem, MA, US
Couton, Claudius - Vichy, France:Clermont-Ferrand, France
Couttet et Fils SEE: Couttet, Aug. - Chamonix, France
Couttet, Aug. - Chamonix, France
Couttet, Auguste SEE: Couttet, Aug. - Chamonix, France
Couvee, M.M. - 's Gravenhage (The Hague), Netherlands
Couvens, J.W. - Waverly, IA, US
Covell, F.M. - Rock Creek, OH, US
Covey, Jack - Wichita, KS, US
Cowee, W.H. - West Gardner, MA, US
Cowee, William H. SEE: Cowee, W.H. - West Gardner, MA, US
Cowell, D.T. - New Haven, CT, US
Cowell, Daniel T. SEE: Cowell, D.T. - New Haven, CT, US
Cowell, W. Wilson - New York City, NY, US
Cowen, W.E. - Portsmouth, VA, US
Cowey, T.W. - Cannonsburg, PA, US
Cowey, W.T. - Brookville, IN, US
Cowley, W. - Cleveland, OH, US
Cowper & Harding - Harrisburg, PA, US
Cowper SEE: Cowper & Harding - Harrisburg, PA, US
Cowpher, R.A. - Syracuse, NY, US
Cox & Danks - New Guinea
Cox & Van Dyke - Edinboro, PA, US
Cox & Van Dyke SEE: Cox - Greenville, PA, US
Cox & Ward - Baltimore, MD, US
Cox & Ward SEE: Cox, William A. - St. Augustine, FL, US:Baltimore, MD, US
Cox SEE: Bird & Cox - Minneapolis, MN, US
Cox SEE: Cox & Danks - New Guinea
Cox SEE: Cox & Van Dyke - Edinboro, PA, US
Cox SEE: Cox & Ward - Baltimore, MD, US
Cox - Greenville, PA, US
Cox, Harry SEE: Country-side Stereographs - London, England, UK
Cox, Harry - UK
Cox, J.R. SEE: Cox, Mr. & Mrs. J.R. - Sterling, IL, US
Cox, John - Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Cox, L.D. - Ludlow, VT, US
Cox, Latham D. SEE: Cox, L.D. - Ludlow, VT, US
Cox, Mr. & Mrs. J.R. - Sterling, IL, US
Cox, Mr. J.R. SEE: Cox, Mr. & Mrs. J.R. - Sterling, IL, US
Cox, Mrs. J.R. SEE: Cox, Mr. & Mrs. J.R. - Sterling, IL, US
Cox, Rev. W.H. SEE: Cox & Danks - New Guinea
Cox, Samuel P. SEE: Bird & Cox - Minneapolis, MN, US
Cox, Samuel P. - Minneapolis, MN, US
Cox, W. - Northampton, Northamptonshire, England, UK
Cox, W.H. - Cynthiana, KY, US
Cox, William A. SEE: Cox & Ward - Baltimore, MD, US
Cox, William A. - St. Augustine, FL, US:Baltimore, MD, US
Coxhead, Frank A. - Dunedin, New Zealand
Coy, Francis - Cork, Ireland
Coyle, F.A. - Monticello, IA, US
Coyle, Frank A. SEE: Coyle, F.A. - Monticello, IA, US
Cozad, Dudley A. - Cleveland, OH, US
Crabbe, Geo. - Kirkcaldy, Fife, Scotland, UK
Craftsmen's Guild - Hollywood, CA, US
Crahan Manufacturing Co. - Seattle, WA, US
Craig & Solin - Kalgoorlie, West Australia, Australia:North Freemantle, West Australia, Australia
Craig & Solin SEE: Solin, P.O. - Kalgoorlie, West Australia, Australia:Perth, West Australia, Australia
Craig SEE: Craig & Solin - Kalgoorlie, West Australia, Australia:North Freemantle, West Australia, Australia
Craig, J.T. - Scotland, DT, US
Craig, V. - Waulynn, IL, US
Cramb, John - Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland, UK
Cramer, A.L. - Scranton, PA, US:Carbondale, PA, US
Cramer, C.L. SEE: Bayley & Cramer - San Francisco, CA, US
Cramer, C.L. - San Francisco, CA, US
Cramer, Charles Lake SEE: Cramer, C.L. - San Francisco, CA, US
Cramer, P.S. - Nürnberg (Nuremberg), Germany
Cramer's California Gallery, C.L. SEE: Cramer, C.L. - San Francisco, CA, US
Crandall & Fletcher - Duluth, MN, US
Crandall SEE: Crandall & Fletcher - Duluth, MN, US
Crandall - Pasadena, CA, US
Crandall SEE: Crandell, W.D. - Canandaigua, NY, US
Crandell & Conkey - Glens Falls, NY, US
Crandell & Conkey SEE: Conkey, George W. - Glens Falls, NY, US
Crandell & Conkey SEE: Crandell, W.D. - Canandaigua, NY, US
Crandell, W.D. SEE: Crandell & Conkey - Glens Falls, NY, US
Crandell, W.D. - Canandaigua, NY, US
Crandon & Co. - Boston, MA, US
Crane & Baldwin - Ogdensburg, NY, US
Crane & Baldwin SEE: Crane, F.M. - Ogdensburg, NY, US
Crane & Baldwin SEE: Baldwin, G.W. - Port Henry, NY, US:Ausable, NY, US:Ogdensburg, NY, US:Malone, NY, US:Keeseville, NY, US
Crane & Moss - Alexandria, VA, US
Crane SEE: Crane & Moss - Alexandria, VA, US
Crane, Arch McL - Chicago, IL, US
Crane, C.S. - Chambersburg, PA, US
Crane, F.C. - Newark, NJ, US
Crane, F.M. SEE: Crane & Baldwin - Ogdensburg, NY, US
Crane, F.M. - Ogdensburg, NY, US
Crane, J.A. - Boston, MA, US:Hyde Park, MA, US:Holyoke, MA, US
Crane, J.S. - Cohoes, NY, US
Crane, James Danforth SEE: Crane, J.A. - Boston, MA, US:Hyde Park, MA, US:Holyoke, MA, US
Crane, O.D. - Blossburg, PA, US
Crane, T.F - Newark, NJ, US
Crane's Gallery SEE: Crane, J.S. - Cohoes, NY, US
Cranfield, Thomas - Dublin, Ireland
Cranston, W.H. - Corry, PA, US
Crapser, R.A. - Kingston, NY, US
Crater & Bill - Chicago, IL, US
Crater & Bill SEE: Crater, I. - Chicago, IL, US
Crater & Bill SEE: Bill, Oscar J. - Chicago, IL, US
Crater, I. - Chicago, IL, US
Crater, Isaac W. SEE: Crater & Bill - Chicago, IL, US
Crater, Isaac W. SEE: Crater, I. - Chicago, IL, US
Craven, C.E. - Brookville, PA, US:Kane, PA, US
Craven, Charles E. SEE: Craven, C.E. - Brookville, PA, US:Kane, PA, US
Craven, W.E. - Memphis, TN, US
Crawford & Orville, J.G. - Harrisburg, OR, US:Albany, OR, US
Crawford & Orville, J.G. SEE: Crawford, J.G. - Harrisburg, OR, US
Crawford & Paxton - Harrisburg, OR, US:Albany, OR, US:Harnish, OR, US
Crawford & Paxton SEE: Crawford, J.G. - Harrisburg, OR, US
Crawford & Wheeler - Fort Worth, TX, US
Crawford & Wheeler SEE: Crawford, L.W. - Fort Worth, TX, US
Crawford SEE: Crawford & Paxton - Harrisburg, OR, US:Albany, OR, US:Harnish, OR, US
Crawford SEE: Crawford & Orville, J.G. - Harrisburg, OR, US:Albany, OR, US
Crawford - Stamford, CT, US
Crawford, E.L. - Georgetown, CA, US
Crawford, Ellison Lassell SEE: Crawford, E.L. - Georgetown, CA, US
Crawford, Ellison SEE: Crawford, E.L. - Georgetown, CA, US
Crawford, J.G. SEE: Crawford & Paxton - Harrisburg, OR, US:Albany, OR, US:Harnish, OR, US
Crawford, J.G. SEE: Crawford & Orville, J.G. - Harrisburg, OR, US:Albany, OR, US
Crawford, J.G. - Harrisburg, OR, US
Crawford, James H. - Morris, IL, US
Crawford, James S. SEE: Crawford - Stamford, CT, US
Crawford, L.W. SEE: Crawford & Wheeler - Fort Worth, TX, US
Crawford, L.W. - Fort Worth, TX, US
Crawford, R. Clay - Chestertown, MD, US
Craycraft, A.B. - Vincennes, IN, US
Creager, R.C. - Kansas City, MO, US
Cree, W.R. - Carrollton, MO, US
Creifelds Jr., T. SEE: Creifelds Jr., Theodore - Nürnberg (Nuremberg), Germany:Köln (Cologne), Germany
Creifelds Jr., Theodore - Nürnberg (Nuremberg), Germany:Köln (Cologne), Germany
Creifelds, Th. SEE: Creifelds Jr., Theodore - Nürnberg (Nuremberg), Germany:Köln (Cologne), Germany
Creifelds, Theodore SEE: Creifelds Jr., Theodore - Nürnberg (Nuremberg), Germany:Köln (Cologne), Germany
Crellin, P. - London, England, UK
Cremer & Co. SEE: Cremer, James - Philadelphia, PA, US
Cremer & Dillon - Philadelphia, PA, US
Cremer & Dillon SEE: Cremer, James - Philadelphia, PA, US
Cremer, James SEE: Cremer & Dillon - Philadelphia, PA, US
Cremer, James - Philadelphia, PA, US
Cremiere & Hanfstaengel SEE: Crémière, Leon - France
Cremiere, Leon - France
Crescent City Studio - New Orleans, LA, US
Crescent Gallery, The SEE: Kelly, M.F. - Tacoma, WA, US
Crescent Photo Co., The - Syracuse, NY, US
Crespi, Felice - Milano (Milan), Italy
Cress, John D. - Upper Sandusky, OH, US
Cressey & Perkins - Bloomington, IL, US
Cressey SEE: Cressey, Adams & Co. - Chicago, IL, US
Cressey SEE: Cressey & Perkins - Bloomington, IL, US
Cressey SEE: McLeish & Cressey - St. Paul, MN, US
Cressey SEE: Miller & Cressey - MN, US
Cressey SEE: Scibird & Cressey - Bloomington, IL, US
Cressey, R.M. - Winona, MI, US
Cressey, Adams & Co. - Chicago, IL, US
Cressman, J. - Ogden, UT, US
Cresson, Charles M. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Cressy, R.M. - St. Paul, MN, US
Creutz Boghandel - Žrösköbing, Denmark
Creutz's Bookstore SEE: Creutz Boghandel - Žrösköbing, Denmark
Crevaro, Giovanni - Torino (Turin), Italy
Crew SEE: Phillips & Crew - Atlanta, GA, US
Crew, E. - Alliance, OH, US
Cribfeld SEE: Cripfeld, R.A. - Lincoln, IL, US
Crider & Bro. - York, PA, US
Crider SEE: Crider & Bro. - York, PA, US
Crider, H.M. SEE: Crider & Bro. - York, PA, US
Criley & Co., Frank - Pittsburgh, PA, US
Criley & Croft - Allegheny, PA, US
Criley SEE: Criley & Croft - Allegheny, PA, US
Criley, H.J. - Butler, PA, US
Cripfeld, R.A. - Lincoln, IL, US
Crisp, W.K. - Hampton, Nova Scotia, Canada:Paradise, Nova Scotia, Canada; Ste Croix Cove, Nova Scotia, Canada
Crisp, William Kendrick SEE: Crisp, W.K. - Hampton, Nova Scotia, Canada:Paradise, Nova Scotia, Canada; Ste Croix Cove, Nova Scotia, Canada
Crispell, T. - Battle Creek, MI, US
Crissman, Joshua - Ogden, UT, US:Bozeman, MT, US
Cristini, Giacomo - Gallarate, Italy
Critcherson, Dunmore & SEE: Critcherson, George P. - Leominster, MA, US:West Boylston, MA, US:Worcester, MA, US:Marlboro, MA, US
Critcherson, G.P. SEE: Critcherson, George P. - Leominster, MA, US:West Boylston, MA, US:Worcester, MA, US:Marlboro, MA, US
Critcherson, George P. - Leominster, MA, US:West Boylston, MA, US:Worcester, MA, US:Marlboro, MA, US
Crittenden & Hawes - Washington, DC, US
Crittenden & Hawes SEE: Crittenden, J.H. - New Bedford, MA, US:Fall River, MA, US
Crittenden, B.B. - Mason, MI, US
Crittenden, B.B. - Tacoma, WA, US
Crittenden, J.H. - New Bedford, MA, US:Fall River, MA, US
Crittenden, James H. SEE: Crittenden & Hawes - Washington, DC, US
Crittenden, James Henry SEE: Crittenden, J.H. - New Bedford, MA, US:Fall River, MA, US
Crocker & Co. - St. Louis, MO, US
Crocker Art Gallery - Miami, FL, US
Crocker, J.S. - Albany, NY, US
Crocker, M.N. - Perry, NY, US
Crocker, Merriam Nathan SEE: Crocker, M.N. - Perry, NY, US
Crockett, A.B. - Norway, ME, US
Crockett, E.G. - Rockland, ME, US
Crockett, Enos G. SEE: Crockett, E.G. - Rockland, ME, US
Crockett, F. - Norway, ME, US
Crockett, F.H. SEE: Armbrust & Crockett - Rockland, ME, US
Crockett, F.H. - Rockland, ME, US
Croft & Corley - Allegheny, PA, US
Croft & Cusick - Arkansas City, KS, US
Croft & Martin - Allegheny, PA, US
Croft SEE: Criley & Croft - Allegheny, PA, US
Croft SEE: Croft & Cusick - Arkansas City, KS, US
Croft, C.H. SEE: Criley & Croft - Allegheny, PA, US
Croft, C.H. SEE: Croft & Corley - Allegheny, PA, US
Croft, C.H. SEE: Croft & Martin - Allegheny, PA, US
Crolard - Cancale, France
Crombie, George P. SEE: Permin & Crombie - Dunedin, New Zealand
Crombie, George P. - Dunedin, New Zealand
Cromwell, W.J. SEE: Train & Cromwell - Idaho City, ID, US
Cronenberg, C.W. - Bad Kissingen, Germany
Cronise, Tom - Salem, OR, US
Crookes, Wm. - Liverpool, Lancashire, England, UK
Crookham, M.E. - Osceola, NE, US:Sutton, NE, US
Crooks, William - UK
Crosbie, T.A. - Washington, DC, US
Crosbie, Theodore A. SEE: Crosbie, T.A. - Washington, DC, US
Crosby SEE: Barnes, Crosby & Co. - Chicago, IL, US
Crosby SEE: Crosbie, T.A. - Washington, DC, US
Crosby, A.B. SEE: Barnes & Crosby - Topsham, ME, US
Crosby, A.B. SEE: Curtis & Crosby - Lewiston, ME, US
Crosby, A.B. - Lewiston, ME, US
Crosby, G.L. - Hannibal, MO, US
Crosier, F. - Lake Pleasant, VT, US:Readsboro, VT, US
Cross & Kleckner - Mauch Chunk, PA, US
Cross & Kleckner SEE: Kleckner, M.A. - Atchison, KS, US:Osborne, KS, US:Allentown, PA, US:Bethlehem, PA, US:Mauch Chunk, PA, US
Cross & Kleckner SEE: Cross, S.E. - Mauch Chunk, PA, US
Cross, A.B. - Boston, MA, US:Lowell, MA, US:Salem, MA, US
Cross, D.H. - Hot Springs, SD, US
Cross, D.H. - Bennington, VT, US:Indianola, IA, US:Des Moines, IA, US
Cross, Daniel H. SEE: Cross, D.H. - Bennington, VT, US:Indianola, IA, US:Des Moines, IA, US
Cross, Frank C. - Norwich, CT, US
Cross, L.P. - Petrolia, PA, US
Cross, S.E. SEE: Cross & Kleckner - Mauch Chunk, PA, US
Cross, S.E. - Mauch Chunk, PA, US
Cross, W.R. - Niobrara, NE, US:Norfolk, NE, US:Hot Springs, DT, US
Cross, William R. SEE: Cross, W.R. - Niobrara, NE, US:Norfolk, NE, US:Hot Springs, DT, US
Cross, William Richard SEE: Cross, W.R. - Niobrara, NE, US:Norfolk, NE, US:Hot Springs, DT, US
Crossland, John - Burnley, Lancashire, England, UK
Crossman, B.P. - Rochester, NY, US
Crossman, Benjamin P. - Rochester, NY, US
Crossman, C.L. - Alton, IL, US
Crossmeyer, R.B. - South Bend, IN, US
Crossmon House Photographic Studio SEE: McIntyre, A.C. - Alexandria Bay, NY, US:Thousand Islands, Ont., Canada
Crosthwait, L.L. - US
Crouer SEE: Crouer, Lin & Weaver - Findlay, OH, US
Crouer, Lin & Weaver - Findlay, OH, US
Crouly, W.A. - Mt. Vernon, OH, US
Crow & Lussier - Salem, OR, US
Crow & Lussier SEE: Crow, S.B. - Salem, OR, US:Astoria, OR, US
Crow, S.B. SEE: Crow & Lussier - Salem, OR, US
Crow, S.B. - Salem, OR, US:Astoria, OR, US
Crowe & Rodgers - Stirling, Stirlingshire, Scotland, UK:Montrose, Angus, Scotland, UK
Crowe & Rodgers SEE: Crowe, Alexander - Stirling, Stirlingshire, Scotland, UK
Crowe & Rodgers SEE: Rodgers, W. - Montrose, Angus
Crowe SEE: Crowe & Rodgers - Stirling, Stirlingshire, Scotland, UK:Montrose, Angus, Scotland, UK
Crowe, A. SEE: Crowe & Rodgers - Stirling, Stirlingshire, Scotland, UK:Montrose, Angus, Scotland, UK
Crowe, Alexander SEE: Crowe & Rodgers - Stirling, Stirlingshire, Scotland, UK:Montrose, Angus, Scotland, UK
Crowe, Alexander - Stirling, Stirlingshire, Scotland, UK
Crowell SEE: Squire & Crowell - Tacoma, WA, US
Crowell SEE: Wager & Crowell - Erie, PA, US
Crowell - Erie, PA, US
Crowell - Tacoma, WA, US
Crowell, F.S. - Kokosing, NY, US:Fredericktown, OH, US:Mt. Vernon, OH, US
Crowell, R.W. - Byersville, NY, US
Crum & Sharp - Watkins Glen, NY, US
Crum & Sharp SEE: Sharp, J. - Glens Falls, NY, US
Crum & Sharp SEE: Crum, R.D. - Watkins, NY, US
Crum SEE: Crum & Sharp - Watkins Glen, NY, US
Crum, R.D. - Watkins, NY, US
Crum, Raymond - Poughkeepsie, NY, US
Crum, W.C. - Penn Yan, NY, US
Crum's Mexican Curiosity Bazaar - Santa Fe, NM, US
Cuccioni, R. - Roma (Rome), Italy
Cudding SEE: Brickell & Cudding - Olean, NY, US
Cudding, E.W. SEE: Brickell & Cudding - Olean, NY, US
Cudding, E.W. - Franklinville, NY, US
Cudlip & Co., C.S. - Washington, DC, US
Cudlip, C.S. SEE: Cudlip & Co., C.S. - Washington, DC, US
Cudlip, Charles S. SEE: Cudlip & Co., C.S. - Washington, DC, US
Cudlip, Lemuel - Washington, DC, US
Cuinter SEE: Bayley & Cuinter - San Francisco, CA, US
Culberton, Wm. - Greencastle, PA, US
Culler SEE: Cutter & Culler - Galva, IL, US
Cullingworth & Hermans - Tunkhannock, PA, US
Cullingworth SEE: Cullingworth & Hermans - Tunkhannock, PA, US
Culmer, C.W. - Flint, MI, US
Culmer, Charles W. SEE: Culmer, C.W. - Flint, MI, US
Culver, D.M. - Tonica, IL, US
Culver, Frank J. - Red Hook, NJ, US:Poughkeepsie, NY, US
Culver, J.M. - Pontiac, MI, US
Culver, W.W. - Lebanon, NH, US:White River Junction, VT, US:Royalton, VT, US
Cumine, J.A. - Belfast, Ireland
Cumming, Charles Menzies SEE: Caradine & Cumming - Corsicana, TX, US:Sherman, TX, US
Cumming, Charles Menzies SEE: Cumming, M. - Corsicana, TX, US:Dallas, TX, US
Cumming, M. - Corsicana, TX, US:Dallas, TX, US
Cummings & Good - York, PA, US
Cummings & Good SEE: Good, Jonathan - Trenton, NJ, US:Lancaster, PA, US
Cummings SEE: Cummings & Good - York, PA, US
Cummings, G.B. - Lancaster, PA, US
Cummings, George Byron SEE: Cummings, G.B. - Lancaster, PA, US
Cummings, J. - Baltimore, MD, US
Cummings, James S. SEE: Cummings, J. - Baltimore, MD, US
Cummings, T. & W. - Lancaster, PA, US
Cummings, T. SEE: Cummings, T. & W. - Lancaster, PA, US
Cummings, T.P - Stockton, County Durham, England, UK
Cummings, Thomas - York, PA, US:Lancaster, PA, US
Cummings, W. SEE: Cummings, T. & W. - Lancaster, PA, US
Cummins, Henry H. - Boston, MA, US
Cundall & Delamotte SEE: Delamotte, Philip Henry - Oxford, Oxfordshire, England, UK
Cundall & Downes - Kensington, London, England, UK
Cundall & Howlett SEE: Howlett, Robert - London, England, UK
Cundall Downes & Co SEE: Cundall & Downes - Kensington, London, England, UK
Cundall, Henry - Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada
Cundall, Joseph SEE: Cundall & Downes - Kensington, London, England, UK
Cunningham & Co. - Colorado Springs, CO, US
Cunningham SEE: Stanley & Cunningham - Taunton, MA, US
Cunningham - Leroy, KS, US
Cunningham, Alexander M. SEE: Cunningham & Co. - Colorado Springs, CO, US
Cunningham, D.J. - US
Cunningham, G. - Egremont St. Bees, Cumberland, England, UK
Cunningham, J.K. - Gouverneur, NY, US
Cunningham, Prof. SEE: Cunningham, D.J. - US
Cunningham, T.P. - Horley, Warwickshire, England, UK
Cunningham, W. - Lodi, OH, US
Cunningham, W.T.P. - Wood Green, London, England, UK
Currey, W. - Manchester, Lancashire, England, UK:Bolton, Lancashire, England, UK
Currey, William SEE: Currey, W. - Manchester, Lancashire, England, UK:Bolton, Lancashire, England, UK
Currie SEE: Bomar & Currie - Idaho City, ID, US
Currie, Isaac B. - Boise City, ID, US
Currie, J.W. - Aurora, IL, US
Currier & Jarvis - Omaha, NE, US
Currier & Jarvis SEE: Currier, Frank F. - Omaha, NE, US:Montpelier, VT, US
Currier & Jones - Amesbury, MA, US:Salisbury, MA, US
Currier, Frank F. SEE: Currier & Jarvis - Omaha, NE, US
Currier, Frank F. - Omaha, NE, US:Montpelier, VT, US
Currier, George - New London, NH, US
Currier, H.F. SEE: Currier & Jones - Amesbury, MA, US:Salisbury, MA, US
Currier, H.J. - Fisherville, NH, US:Hillsboro Bridge (Hillsborough Bridge), NH, US:Manchester, NH, US:New London, NH, US
Currier, Herman J. SEE: Currier, H.J. - Fisherville, NH, US:Hillsboro Bridge (Hillsborough Bridge), NH, US:Manchester, NH, US:New London, NH, US
Curry SEE: Currie, Isaac B. - Boise City, ID, US
Curry, I.B. - Boise, ID, US
Curtis & Co., G.E. SEE: Curtis, George E. - Niagara Falls, NY, US
Curtis & Crosby - Lewiston, ME, US
Curtis & Crosby SEE: Crosby, A.B. - Lewiston, ME, US
Curtis & Crosby SEE: Curtis, C.W. - Lewiston, ME, US
Curtis SEE: Gale & Curtis - Quincy, IL, US
Curtis SEE: Paul & Curtis - New York City, NY, US
Curtis, A.D. SEE: Colton, Morgan & Curtis - Woodstock, IL, US
Curtis, A.D. - Rockford, IL, US
Curtis, C.P. - Argos, IN, US
Curtis, C.W. SEE: Curtis & Crosby - Lewiston, ME, US
Curtis, C.W. - Lewiston, ME, US
Curtis, Charles C. - Traver, CA, US:Hanford, CA, US:Esperanza, CA, US:Porterville, CA, US
Curtis, Charles - Fox Lake, WI, US
Curtis, Chas. P. SEE: Curtis, C.P. - Argos, IN, US
Curtis, D.D. - Medfield, MA, US
Curtis, Edward S. SEE: Imperial Photograph Co. - Seattle, WA, US
Curtis, Geo E. SEE: Curtis, George E. - Niagara Falls, NY, US
Curtis, George E. - Niagara Falls, NY, US
Curtis, J. - Moricetown, British Columbia, Canada
Curtis, U.B. - OH, US
Curtiss, E.A. - Minneapolis, MN, US
Curtiss, Edward R - Madison, WI, US
Curtiss, Nathan S. SEE: Bonta & Curtiss - Syracuse, NY, US
Curtiss, Nathan S. - Syracuse, NY, US
Cushing & King - Woodstock, VT, US
Cushing & King SEE: King, W.A. - Newport, VT, US:Windsor, VT, US
Cushing SEE: Cushing & King - Woodstock, VT, US
Cushing, George - Skowhegan, ME, US
Cushing, H. - Woodstock, VT, US
Cushing, Henry SEE: Cushing, H. - Woodstock, VT, US
Cushing, W.H. SEE: Florida Club, The - St. Augustine, FL, US
Cushing, W.H. - Fall River, MA, US:Palatka, FL, US:St. Augustine, FL, US
Cushman - Bethel, VT, US
Cusick SEE: Croft & Cusick - Arkansas City, KS, US
Cutler - Mount Pleasant, IA, US
Cutler, Schuyler SEE: Cutler - Mount Pleasant, IA, US
Cutler, W.E. - Lisbon, NH, US:Hanover, NH, US
Cutter & Culler - Galva, IL, US
Cutter & Culler SEE: Cutter, W. - Galva, IL, US
Cutter SEE: Root & Cutter - Dubuque, IA, US
Cutter - Dubuque, IA, US
Cutter, Ephraim SEE: Cutter - Dubuque, IA, US
Cutter, W. SEE: Cutter & Culler - Galva, IL, US
Cutter, W. - Galva, IL, US
Cutting, C.P. - Lee, MA, US
Cutting, J.A. - Boston, MA, US
Cutting, James Ambrose SEE: Cutting, J.A. - Boston, MA, US
Cuyler, Ben SEE: McCann & Cuyler - Romeo, MI, US
Cuyler, Ben - Mt. Clements,MI, US:Romeo, MI, US
Czichna, C.A. - Innsbruck, Austria
Czichna, Carl Alfred SEE: Czichna, C.A. - Innsbruck, Austria
Czihak, A.F. - Wien (Vienna), Austria
Czurda, Anton SEE: Czurdain, Anton - Salzburg, Austria
Czurdain, Anton - Salzburg, Austria


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