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The Stereographs Project
The Stereographs Photographer Project
Information on stereo photographers is widely scattered and this project brings it together into a coherent series of datasets.
PLEASE NOTE: The names shown here are only for testing purposes and more complete listing will be added as soon as possible. If you have ANY datasets on stereo photographers please let me know: let's make this a collaborative project.
D & C - Paris, France:London, England, UK
D - Paris, France
D'Alessandri, Antonio SEE: Fratelli D'Alessandri - Roma (Rome), Italy:Napoli (Naples), Italy
D'Alessandri, Paolo Francesco SEE: Fratelli D'Alessandri - Roma (Rome), Italy:Napoli (Naples), Italy
D'Atri, F. - Roma (Rome), Italy
D'Elboux, Louis - Clifton, Gloucestershire, England, UK
D'Utassy SEE: Johnson & D'Utassy - New York City, NY, US:Delaware Water Gap, PA, US
D., Ch. SEE: ChD - Paris, France
D.E. Appleton & Co. SEE: Appleton & Co., D.E. - San Francisco, CA, US
D.R. Clark's Art Gallery SEE: Clark, D.R. - Indianapolis, IN, US:Lafayette, IN, US
DA SEE: Aleo & Davanne - Nice, France:Menton, France
DC SEE: Charnay, Désiré - Paris, France
DF - France
DJ - Paris, France
DS - France
DX - Paris, France
DaLee, A.G. - Lawrence, KS, US
Dabb - Le Mars, IA, US
Dabb, Jason V. - Mineral Point, WI, US
Dabb, R.I. SEE: Dabb - Le Mars, IA, US
Dabbs, B.L.H. - Allegheny City, PA, US
Dabbs, George - Pittsburgh, PA, US
Dabbs, L.H. - Pittsburgh, PA, US:Philadelphia, PA, US
Daft, Charles E. SEE: Clutter & Daft - Newton, IA, US
Daft, Leo - Troy, NY, US
Dagert SEE: Daggett, M.L. - Manchester, NH, US
Dages & Harman - UK
Dages & Harman SEE: Harman, Alfred - UK
Dages SEE: Dages & Harman - UK
Daggett, M.L. - Manchester, NH, US
Dahl, A.L. - De Forest, WI, US:Madison, WI, US
Dahl, Andrew Leonidas SEE: Dahl, A.L. - De Forest, WI, US:Madison, WI, US
Dahlbert, Anna - Falkenberg, Sweden
Dahlem, J. - Bingen am Rhein, Germany
Dahllof, Robert - Göteborg (Gothenburg), Sweden
Dahlquist, A. - Helsingborg, Sweden
Dailey, W.F. - Baltimore, MD, US
Daily, John - Altoona, PA, US:Lebanon, PA, US
Daintree, Richard - Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Daireaux, V. - Paris, France
Daireaux, Victor SEE: Daireaux, V. - Paris, France
Dake - Plainfield, WI, US
Dakin, Clarence L. - Bangor, ME, US
Dale, O.G. - Flatdal, Norway
Dales, G.S. - Akron, OH, US
Dales, George S. SEE: Dales, G.S. - Akron, OH, US
Dalsgaard Olsens Boghandel, J. - Esbjerg, Denmark
Dalsgaard Olsens Bookstore, J. SEE: Dalsgaard Olsens Boghandel, J. - Esbjerg, Denmark
Dalton - Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Daly, R.W. - New York City, NY, US
Dame, L. - Newburyport, MA, US
Dame, Luther SEE: Dame, L. - Newburyport, MA, US
Dame, W.H. - Picton, Ontario, Canada
Dammand, Robert Peterson SEE: Daugherty & Dammand - East Des Moines, IA, US
Damon, C.W. - Urbana, IL, US
Damoy, Julien - Paris, France
Damry - Liege, Belgium
Damry, Walter SEE: Damry - Liege, Belgium
Dana SEE: Nokes, Leda & Dana - CA, US
Dana - Pittsburgh, PA, US
Dana, G.B. - Olneyville, RI, US:Providence, RI, US
Dana, Gilbert B. SEE: Dana, G.B. - Olneyville, RI, US:Providence, RI, US
Dancer, J.B. SEE: Dancer, John Benjamin - Manchester, Lancashire, England, UK
Dancer, John Benjamin - Manchester, Lancashire, England, UK
Danforth, Charles H. - Cambridgeport, MA, US
Daniell, Frank H. - Franklin, NH, US
Daniels SEE: Dubar & Daniels, E. - Ostende, Belgium
Daniels, A.E. - Warren, MA, US
Daniels, Craig F. - Red Wing, MN, US
Daniels, J.L. - Putnam, CT, US
Daniels, W. - Woburn, Bedfordshire, England, UK
Danielson, Frank M. - Portland, ME, US:Portsmouth, NH, US
Danielson, Robt. C. - US
Danish Establishment for Stereoscopic views SEE: Dansk Etablissement for Stereoskopbillede - Copenhagen, Denmark
Danks SEE: Cox & Danks - New Guinea
Danks, Rev. W.W. SEE: Cox & Danks - New Guinea
Danley & Bryan - Macomb, IL, US
Danley & Bryan SEE: Danley, S.P. - Macomb, IL, US
Danley, S.P. SEE: Danley & Bryan - Macomb, IL, US
Danley, S.P. - Macomb, IL, US
Dansk Etablissement for Stereoskopbillede - Copenhagen, Denmark
Dantone, Fr. - Fassathal, Austria
Danzero, Domenico SEE: Danzero, Domino - Springfield, MO, US
Danzero, Domino - Springfield, MO, US
Dardel, G. - Mulhouse, France
Dare, D.D. - Cheyenne, WY, US
Dare, G.F. - Melrose, WI, US
Darlot & Cady - Paris, France
Darlot SEE: Darlot & Cady - Paris, France
Darnell, C.H. - Cumberland, MD, US
Darnell, Paul S. - Plano, TX, US
Darnell, T.L. - Cumberland, MD, US:Bedford, PA, US
Darnell, Thomas L. SEE: Darnell, T.L. - Cumberland, MD, US:Bedford, PA, US
Darrow, Erastus - Rochester, NY, US
Dart, C. - Bennington, VT, US
Darter, V.F. - Warm Springs, VA, US
Darwin, C.S. - Winnetka, IL, US
Date, James - UK
Datesman, P. - Burlington, IA, US:Eldora, IA, US
Datesman, Peter SEE: Datesman, P. - Burlington, IA, US:Eldora, IA, US
Datsiaro, Iosif Iosifovich SEE: Daziaro
Datsiaro, Iosif Khristoforovich SEE: Daziaro
Daugherty & Dammand - East Des Moines, IA, US
Daugherty, C.J. SEE: Baldwin & Daugherty - East Des Moines, IA, US
Daugherty, C.J. SEE: Daugherty & Dammand - East Des Moines, IA, US
Dauphin, J.W. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Dautez, G. - Gibraltar, Gibraltar
Dauvois, Charles SEE: ChD - Paris, France
Davanne & Aleo SEE: Aleo & Davanne - Nice, France:Menton, France
Davanne & Girard - Nice, France
Davanne, Louis-Alphonse SEE: Aleo & Davanne - Nice, France:Menton, France
Davanne, Louis-Alphonse SEE: Davanne & Girard - Nice, France
Davanne, Louis-Alphonse - Menton, France:Nice, France
Daveluy, V. - Bruges, Belgium
Davenport, James - St. Paul, MN, US
Davenport, R. - West Upton, MA, US
Davenport, Ranald SEE: Davenport, R. - West Upton, MA, US
Davenport, S.R. SEE: Davenport, S.T. - West Upton, MA, US
Davenport, S.T. - West Upton, MA, US
Davenport, Seth T. SEE: Davenport, S.T. - West Upton, MA, US
Davenport, W.M. - Nassau, Bahamas:New York City, NY, US
Davey, William - Detroit, MI, US
David, Dr. C.L. SEE: Rubenstein & David - New York, NY, US
Davids & Bishop - Hudson, WI, US
Davids SEE: Davids & Bishop - Hudson, WI, US
Davidson Bros. - Salem, OR, US:Portland, OR, US
Davidson SEE: Coddington & Davidson - Warsaw, NY, US
Davidson, A.H. - Morenci, AZ, US
Davidson, Arthur H. SEE: Davidson, A.H. - Morenci, AZ, US
Davidson, D. - Duns, Berwickshire, England, UK:Berwick, Berwickshire, England, UK
Davidson, E.M. - Visalia, CA, US:Cloverdale, CA, US
Davidson, Geo. - Blyth, Ontario, Canada
Davidson, I.G. SEE: Schuster & Davidson - Salem, OR, US
Davidson, I.G. - Salem, OR, US:Portland, OR, US:Tacoma, WA, US
Davidson, Isaac Grundy SEE: Davidson, I.G. - Salem, OR, US:Portland, OR, US:Tacoma, WA, US
Davidson, Isaac SEE: Davidson, I.G. - Salem, OR, US:Portland, OR, US:Tacoma, WA, US
Davidson, J.H.M. - South Australia, Australia
Davidson, John E. - Alma, MI, US
Davidson, N.R. - Healdsburg, CA, US:Eureka, CA, US:Santa Rosa, CA, US
Davidson, Norval Rice SEE: Davidson, N.R. - Healdsburg, CA, US:Eureka, CA, US:Santa Rosa, CA, US
Davidson, W.W. - Amherstburg, Ontario, Canada
Davidson, William W. - Cheboygan, MI, US
Davie, C.L. - Bolivar, NY, US
Davies - Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Davies, O.B. - Woolwich, London, England, UK
Davies, T.J. - Indianapolis, IN, US
Davis & Co. - Boston, MA, US
Davis & Page - Oil City, PA, US
Davis Bros. - San Francisco, CA, US
Davis Bros. - Hammond, LA, US
Davis Bros. - Portsmouth, NH, US
Davis Hamish SEE: Naramore, D.H. - Hackettstown, NJ, US:Tioga, PA, US:Wellsboro, PA, US
Davis Machine Shop - Santa Cruz, CA, US
Davis SEE: Davis & Page - Oil City, PA, US
Davis SEE: Lewis and Davis - Charlestown, NH, US
Davis SEE: Moffitt & Davis - Springfield, MA, US
Davis SEE: Setley & Davis - Reading, PA, US
Davis SEE: Smith & Davis - Greenville, ME, US
Davis - Pittsburgh, PA, US
Davis - Grass Valley, CA, US
Davis - Deposit, NY, US
Davis - Ellenville, NY, US
Davis SEE: Sheldon & R.F. Davis, H.K. - Kingston, Ontario, Canada
Davis, A.R. - Biddeford, ME, US
Davis, Albert J. - Springfield, NH, US
Davis, Albert R. SEE: Davis, A.R. - Biddeford, ME, US
Davis, B.W. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Davis, Benjamin W. SEE: Davis, B.W. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Davis, Charles Brewster SEE: Davis Bros. - Portsmouth, NH, US
Davis, D.R. - Painesville, OH, US
Davis, E.C. - Henniker, NH, US
Davis, E.G. - Leominster, MA, US
Davis, E.R. - New York City, NY, US
Davis, Edmund G. SEE: Davis, E.G. - Leominster, MA, US
Davis, Ellwood - Philadelphia, PA, US
Davis, F. - Worcester, MA, US
Davis, Frank SEE: Davis, F. - Worcester, MA, US
Davis, G.W. SEE: Davis, J.W. & G.W. - Richmond, VA, US
Davis, George W. - Kingston, Jamaica
Davis, Guy B. - Burlington, VT, US
Davis, H. - Cadiz, OH, US
Davis, H.A. - Moscow, ID, US
Davis, H.J. - Turners Falls, MA, US:Boston, MA, US:Worcester, MA, US:Greenfield, MA, US
Davis, Henry J. SEE: Horton & Davis - Greenfield, MA, US
Davis, Henry J. SEE: Davis, H.J. - Turners Falls, MA, US:Boston, MA, US:Worcester, MA, US:Greenfield, MA, US
Davis, J.F. - Grand Rapids, MI, US
Davis, J.G. - AR, US
Davis, J.R. - Dallas, TX, US:Denton, TX, US
Davis, J.W. & G.W. - Richmond, VA, US
Davis, J.W. SEE: Davis, J.W. & G.W. - Richmond, VA, US
Davis, James M. - Philadelphia, PA, US:New York City, NY, US:St. Louis, MO, US:Liverpool, Great Britain
Davis, James R. SEE: Davis, J.R. - Dallas, TX, US:Denton, TX, US
Davis, James SEE: Caddy & Davis - Johnstown, PA, US
Davis, James - Johnstown, PA, US
Davis, L. - Muncie, IN, US
Davis, L.G. - Portsmouth, NH, US
Davis, Lewis Garrett SEE: Davis Bros. - Portsmouth, NH, US
Davis, Lewis Garrett SEE: Davis, L.G. - Portsmouth, NH, US
Davis, N.S. - Somerville, MA, US:Somerset, MA, US
Davis, O.A. - St. Joseph, MO, US
Davis, Ovinus - Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland, UK
Davis, Philemon SEE: Davis & Co. - Boston, MA, US
Davis, Ray V. - Carlsbad Caverns, NM, US
Davis, Richard F. SEE: Sheldon & R.F. Davis, H.K. - Kingston, Ontario, Canada
Davis, Robert M. - Denver, CO, US:Silverton, CO, US
Davis, S. - Niagara, NY, US
Davis, Samuel P. SEE: Wilson & Davis - Bridgeport, CT, US
Davis, Samuel P. - Bridgeport, CT, US:Danielson, CT, US
Davis, Samuel - Manchester, MI, US
Davis, Saul SEE: Davis, S. - Niagara, NY, US
Davis, T.W. - New York City, NY, US
Davis, W.B. - Union, OR, US
Davison - Fremont, IN, US
Davy SEE: Caswell & Davy - Duluth, MN, US:Fargo, DT, US
Davy - Stonehouse, Gloucestershire, England, UK
Dawson SEE: Dobler & Dawson - Beloit, KS, US
Dawson, R.W. - Little Rock, AR, US
Day SEE: Cope & Day - Norristown, PA, US
Day SEE: Wheeler & Day - Oxford, Oxfordshire, England, UK
Day - Phelps, NY, US
Day, E. - Waltham, MA, US
Day, E.M. - North Platte, NE, US:Ogallala, NE, US
Day, Edwin SEE: Day, E. - Waltham, MA, US
Day, G. - Norristown, PA, US
Day, G.W. - Rushville, OH, US
Day, J.M. - Alliance, OH, US
Day, R. SEE: Wheeler & Day - Oxford, Oxfordshire, England, UK
Day, R. - Oxford, Oxfordshire, England, UK
Day, Y. - Memphis, TN, US
Daymon, W.D. - Mamaroneck, NY, US
Dayton & Rockwell - Towanda, PA, US
Dayton SEE: Dayton & Rockwell - Towanda, PA, US
Daziaro, F. SEE: Daziaro
Daziaro, Giacomo SEE: Daziaro
Daziaro, Giuseppe (Joseph) SEE: Daziaro
Daziaro, Giuseppe SEE: Daziaro
Daziaro, J. SEE: Daziaro
Daziaro, Joseph SEE: Daziaro
De La Motte, Philip H. SEE: Delamotte, Philip Henry - Oxford, Oxfordshire, England, UK
De LaMater, R.S. SEE: Delamater, R.S. - Wethersfield, CT, US:Windsor, CT, US:Talcott Mountain, CT, US:Farmington, CT, US:Unionville, CT, US:Bolton, CT, US:Hartford, CT, US
De Lamater, R.S. SEE: Delamater, R.S. - Wethersfield, CT, US:Windsor, CT, US:Talcott Mountain, CT, US:Farmington, CT, US:Unionville, CT, US:Bolton, CT, US:Hartford, CT, US
De Luca Bros. - Napoli (Naples), Italy:Sorrento, Italy
De Planque, Louis SEE: DePlanque, Louis - Corpus Christi, TX, US:Matamoros, Mexico
De Rham, C. - Cold Spring, NY, US
De Rham, Charles SEE: De Rham, C. - Cold Spring, NY, US
De Torres - Lourdes, France
De Vries SEE: De Vries, Ibarra & Co. - Boston, MA, US
De Vries, Ibarra & Co. - Boston, MA, US
De Young - Philadelphia, PA, US
De Young's Palace Dollar Store SEE: De Young - Philadelphia, PA, US
De la Rue, Warren - London, England, UK
DeCamp, G.W. - Newark, NJ, US
DeCharley - Renaison, France
DeCroix, L.N. - Boulogne-sur-Mer, France
DeLaRue SEE: Turton & DeLaRue - Pensacola, FL, US
DeLamater, Richard S. SEE: Delamater, R.S. - Wethersfield, CT, US:Windsor, CT, US:Talcott Mountain, CT, US:Farmington, CT, US:Unionville, CT, US:Bolton, CT, US:Hartford, CT, US
DeLamos SEE: Delemos, Albert - Bridgeport, CT, US:Richmond, VA, US
DeLano, E.E. - Waterloo, WI, US
DeLong & Robie - Cooperstown, NY, US
DeLong SEE: DeLong & Robie - Cooperstown, NY, US
DeLong, W.W. - Sioux City, IA, US:Yankton, DT, US
DeMorat, A.J. - Philadelphia, PA, US
DeMorat, Alexander J. SEE: DeMorat, A.J. - Philadelphia, PA, US
DeMorat, O.B. - Philadelphia, PA, US
DeMorat, Oliver B. SEE: DeMorat, O.B. - Philadelphia, PA, US
DePlanque, Louis - Corpus Christi, TX, US:Matamoros, Mexico
DeSilva, Abraham M. - New Haven, CT, US
DeVergilio, Samuel - Escondido, CA, US
DeVoe - Urbana, OH, US
DeVoe - New York City, NY, US
DeWaal SEE: Mitchell & DeWaal - Jacksonville, FL, US
DeWaal - Jacksonville, FL, US
DeWaal, Charles N. SEE: Mitchell & DeWaal - Jacksonville, FL, US
DeWaal, Charles N. SEE: DeWaal - Jacksonville, FL, US
DeWitt SEE: Chase & DeWitt - Portland, ME, US
Dean & Larrabee - Lincoln, ME, US
Dean SEE: Dean & Larrabee - Lincoln, ME, US
Dean SEE: Hardesty & Dean - St. Louis, MO, US
Dean, Arthur - Keswick, Cumbria, England, UK
Dean, C.W. - Chicago, IL, US
Dean, Dr. J. - Boston, MA, US
Dean, Dr. John SEE: Dean, Dr. J. - Boston, MA, US
Dean, F.A.W. - Waverly, NY, US
Dean, Frank E. - Gunnison, CO, US:Crested Butte, CO, US:Grand Junction, CO, US:Lake City, CO, US
Dean, George A. - Douglas, Isle of Man, England, UK
Dean, H.L. - Chattanooga, TN, US:Griffin, GA, US
Dean, R.A. - Bethel, VT, US
Dean, William P. - Colebrook, NH, US:Milo, ME, US:Lincoln, ME, US:Mattawamkeag, ME, US:Brownville, ME, US:Katahdin Iron Works, ME, US
Deane Bros. - Kansas City, MO, US
Deane - Dallas, TX, US
Deane SEE: Dean, H.L. - Chattanooga, TN, US:Griffin, GA, US
Deane, John W. - Independence, VA, US
Deane's Picture Palace SEE: Deane, John W. - Independence, VA, US
Deans SEE: Deans, Brow & Godfrey - Detroit, MI, US
Deans, W.R. - Montrose, PA, US
Deans, Brow & Godfrey - Detroit, MI, US
Dear, J.G. - Baldock, Hertfordshire, England, UK
Dearborn, C.A. - Baraboo, WI, US
Debenham, Arthur - Ryde, Isle of Wight, England, UK
Debenham, W.E. - London, England, UK
Debenham, Wm. Elliott SEE: Debenham, W.E. - London, England, UK
Debitte & Herve - Paris, France
Debitte SEE: Debitte & Herve - Paris, France
Decagny, A. - Paris, France
Dechamps - Bruges, Belgium
Deck, P.W. - Kenton, OH, US
Decker & Wilber - Cleveland, OH, US
Decker SEE: Decker & Wilber - Cleveland, OH, US
Decker, E. SEE: North & Decker - Cleveland, OH, US
Decker, E. - Cleveland, OH, US
Declercq, Louis SEE: de Clercq, Louis - France
Decr Freres - Nantes, France
Dedrick, Moses - Slaterville, NY, US
Deering, Amos - Rolla, MO, US
Deeteer, I.B. - Windsor Mills, OH, US
Degand, E. - Nice, France
Degoix, C. - Genoa (Genova), Italy
Degoix, Celestino SEE: Degoix, C. - Genoa (Genova), Italy
Degotardi, J. - Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Deibert, H.S. - Schuylkill Haven, PA, US
Deibert, S.F. - Dry Run, PA, US:McAllisterville, PA, US
Deighton, G. - Worcester, Worcestershire, England, UK
Deitz Photo Studio - Hood River, OR, US
Delamater, R.S. - Wethersfield, CT, US:Windsor, CT, US:Talcott Mountain, CT, US:Farmington, CT, US:Unionville, CT, US:Bolton, CT, US:Hartford, CT, US
Delamotte, P.H. SEE: Delamotte, Philip Henry - Oxford, Oxfordshire, England, UK
Delamotte, Philip Henry - Oxford, Oxfordshire, England, UK
Deland & Bracey - Dover, NH, US
Deland SEE: Deland & Bracey - Dover, NH, US
Deland, E.J. - Great Falls, NH, US:Somersworth, NH, US
Delang & Osterlind - Chicago, IL, US
Delang SEE: Delang & Osterlind - Chicago, IL, US
Delavan, W. - San Francisco, CA, US
Delemos, Albert SEE: Bronson & Delemos - Bridgeport, CT, US
Delemos, Albert - Bridgeport, CT, US:Richmond, VA, US
Delepert, Edouard - Paris, France
Delius, William - Waterbury, CT, US
Delius, Wm. SEE: Delius, William - Waterbury, CT, US
Dell, H.B. - Phillips, ME, US
Della Torre & Co - Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada:St. John, New Brunswick, Canada
Della Torre & Co., C.& W. SEE: Della Torre & Co - Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada:St. John, New Brunswick, Canada
Della Valle, G. - Roma (Rome), Italy
Delling, G.W. SEE: Palmer & Delling - St. James, MN, US:Madelia, MN, US
Delling, G.W. - Madelia, MN, US
Delling, George W. SEE: Delling, G.W. - Madelia, MN, US
Dellinger, S.L. - Marietta, PA, US
Delon, Eugène - Toulouse, France
Delondre, P. - France
Delondre, Paul SEE: Delondre, P. - France
Delton, Jean - Paris, France
Demay, E. - Aix-les-Bains, France:Hyeres, France
Demers, J.L. - Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Demers, James Louis SEE: Demers, J.L. - Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Deming & Webber - Oil City, PA, US
Deming SEE: Deming & Webber - Oil City, PA, US
Deming, A.D. SEE: American Stereoscopic Exchange Club - Washington, DC, US
Deming, A.D. - Oil City, PA, US
Deming, C.W. - Amboy, IL, US
Deming, W.M. - West Winsted, CT, US
Deming, W.M. - Oil City, PA, US
Dempsie, G.M. - Elkader, IA, US:Sioux City, IA, US:Clayton, IA, US:Strawberry Point, IA, US:Garnavillo, IA, US
Dempsie, George M. SEE: Dempsie, G.M. - Elkader, IA, US:Sioux City, IA, US:Clayton, IA, US:Strawberry Point, IA, US:Garnavillo, IA, US
Demuenynck, J. - Ostende, Belgium
Denaut, E.E. - Danville, Quebec, Canada
Dengler, I.J. - Lancaster, PA, US
Dengler, S.S. - Slatington, PA, US
Denier, Heinrich, Heinrich - St. Petersburg, Russia
Denison SEE: Churchill & Denison - Albany, NY, US
Denison SEE: Hardy, Denison, & Robertson - Fergus Falls, MN, US
Denison, Daniel SEE: Churchill & Denison - Albany, NY, US
Denison, H.H. - Elgin, IL, US
Dennie - Salem, OR, US:Portland, OR, US
Dennie, A. - Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, UK
Dennington - Meadville, PA, US
Dennis, A.W. - Colorado Springs, CO, US:Canon City, CO, US:Glenwood Springs, CO, US
Dennis, E.G. - Waverly, IA, US
Dennis, John - Portland, OR, US
Dennis, Mendenhall John SEE: Diness, Mendel - Jerusalem, Israel and Palestine:Cincinnati, OH, US
Dennis, P. - UK
Dennis, R.W. - Pelham Manor, NY, US
Dennison, J - Cleveland, OH, US:Wooster, OH, US
Denny, Oliver - Marysville, CA, US
Densmore, Jay - Niles, MI, US:Three Rivers, MI, US
Denton, B.F. - Newton, KS, US
Denton, B.L. - Rutland, VT, US:New York City, NY, US
Denton, Benjamin L. SEE: Denton, B.L. - Rutland, VT, US:New York City, NY, US
Depeyre, Henri - Tarascon (Ariege), France
Deplangue, Jules - Paris, France
Deroche & Heyland - Milano (Milan), Italy
Deroche SEE: Deroche & Heyland - Milano (Milan), Italy
Deroche, Hippolyte SEE: Deroche & Heyland - Milano (Milan), Italy
Deroche, Victor SEE: Deroche & Heyland - Milano (Milan), Italy
Derry, E.T. - US
Derstine, C.W. - Lewistown, PA, US
Derwent, George - Winchester, VA, US
Desarbais, E. - Boufarik, Algeria
Deshler, P.W.H. - Allentown, PA, US
Desjardins - Sorel, Quebec, Canada
Desmaison, E. - Paris, France
Desmaisons, Émilien SEE: Desmaison, E. - Paris, France
Desmarais, F. - Paris, France
Desmarais, L.E. - Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Desmarais, O. - Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Desmond, R. - India
Destot, Dr. - Lyon, France
Dethan, E. SEE: JM & ED - Paris, France
Detlor & Dow - Bradford, PA, US
Detlor & Dow SEE: Dow - Bradford, PA, US
Detlor & Waddell - Bradford, PA, US
Detlor SEE: Detlor & Dow - Bradford, PA, US
Detlor SEE: Detlor & Waddell - Bradford, PA, US
Detrich - Altoona, PA, US
Detroit Stereograph Co. - Detroit, MI, US
Detroit View Co. - Detroit, MI, US
Detterly, Charles - Berwick, PA, US
Dettra SEE: Andre & Dettra - Pottstown, PA, US
Detweiler - Canton, MO, US
Deulofen, A. - Madrid, Spain
Deutsches Leben Series - Germany
Devendorf - Oswego, NY, US:Herkimer, NY, US
Devendorf, D.J. SEE: Devendorf - Oswego, NY, US:Herkimer, NY, US
Deveny, William - Judsonia, AR, US:Ulysses, KS, US
Devereux & Butler - New York City, NY, US
Devereux & Butler SEE: Butler, Howard R. - New York City, NY, US:Deposit, NY, US
Devereux & Butler SEE: Devereux, W.B. - New York City, NY, US
Devereux, W.B. SEE: Devereux & Butler - New York City, NY, US
Devereux, W.B. - New York City, NY, US
Deveze, E. - Milano (Milan), Italy
Devinay, S.C. - Coshocton, OH, US
Devine & Co. - Charlestown, MA, US
Devine, John M. SEE: Devine & Co. - Charlestown, MA, US
Devoe, A.J. - Sextonville, WI, US
Dewey SEE: Whitehead & Dewey - Hamilton, OH, US
Dewey, B.F. - Hopkinton, MA, US
Dewey, Nathaniel S. - Jonesville, MI, US
Dewey, R.H. - Pittsfield, MA, US:Plymouth, MA, US
Dewey, Rodney H. SEE: Dewey, R.H. - Pittsfield, MA, US:Plymouth, MA, US
Dewitt, G.H. - Madison, NY, US
Dewitt, H.P. - Lima, Peru
Dexter Bros. - US
Dexter - Lowell, MA, US
Dexter - Providence, RI, US
Dexter, George C. SEE: Dexter - Lowell, MA, US
Dexter, Stephen A. SEE: Dexter - Providence, RI, US
Deyo, P. - Schoharie, NY, US
Diamond H Series - New York City, NY, US
Diamond, Hugh Welch
Diaz & Spencer - Santiago, Chile
Diaz & Spencer SEE: Spencer - Valparaiso, Chile
Diaz SEE: Diaz & Spencer - Santiago, Chile
Dibble Studio, The - Jefferson, NY, US
Dick, W. - Three Mile Bay, NY, US
Dick, Wm. SEE: Dick, W. - Three Mile Bay, NY, US
Dickens, A.W.M. - Finchley, London, England, UK
Dickerman, A.E. - Trinidad, CO, US:Pueblo, CO, US
Dickerman, Allen E. SEE: Dickerman, A.E. - Trinidad, CO, US:Pueblo, CO, US
Dickerson - UT, US
Dickerson - Silver Plume, CO, US
Dickerson, A.C. - Idaho Springs, CO, US
Dickerson, A.E. - Coshocton, OH, US:St. Paul, MN, US
Dickerson, A.S. - Ticonderoga, NY, US
Dickinson & Beecher - West Chester, PA, US
Dickinson & Beecher SEE: Dickinson, B. - West Chester, PA, US
Dickinson, B. SEE: Dickinson & Beecher - West Chester, PA, US
Dickinson, B. - West Chester, PA, US
Dickinson, W. - New Richmond, OH, US
Dickinson's Bazar - Minneapolis, MN, US
Dicks, A.E. - Larned, KS, US
Dickson - Cannonsburg, PA, US
Dickson, M. SEE: Dickson, Menzies - Honolulu, HI, US
Dickson, Menzies - Honolulu, HI, US
Dickson, W. - Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland, UK
Diebolt & Clippinger - Akron, OH, US
Diebolt SEE: Diebolt & Clippinger - Akron, OH, US
Dieckhoff - Lucerne, Switzerland
Dieckhoff, A. SEE: Dieckhoff - Lucerne, Switzerland
Diehl, H.P. - Little Rock, AR, US
Dienstbach SEE: Vogel & Dienstbach - Göteborg (Gothenburg), Sweden
Dienstbach - Göteborg (Gothenburg), Sweden
Dietloff - Berlin, Germany
Dietrich, Dr. Kurt - Germany
Dietrich, W.A. SEE: Patton & Dietrich - Reading, PA, US
Dietrich, W.A. - Kutztown, PA, US
Dighton, R. - Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, England, UK
Dignum, W.H. - Rochester, NY, US
Dignum, William Harvey SEE: Dignum, W.H. - Rochester, NY, US
Dill, H.P. - Phillips, ME, US
Dill, Harry P. - Phillips, ME, US
Dille, J.A. - Goshen, IN, US
Dillon SEE: Cremer & Dillon - Philadelphia, PA, US
Dillon SEE: Rothengatter & Dillon - Philadelphia, PA, US
Dillon, J.W. - Fond du Lac, WI, US
Dillon, Luke C. - Washington, DC, US
Dilts, Kermit - Newark, OH, US
Dimore, H. - Carlisle, PA, US
Dimore, Harry SEE: Dimore, H. - Carlisle, PA, US
Diness, M.J. SEE: Diness, Mendel - Jerusalem, Israel and Palestine:Cincinnati, OH, US
Diness, Mendel J. SEE: Diness, Mendel - Jerusalem, Israel and Palestine:Cincinnati, OH, US
Diness, Mendel John SEE: Diness, Mendel - Jerusalem, Israel and Palestine:Cincinnati, OH, US
Diness, Mendel - Jerusalem, Israel and Palestine:Cincinnati, OH, US
Dingman Bros. - Picton, Ontario, Canada
Dinsmore, D.C. - Dover, ME, US:Anson, ME, US:N. Anson, ME, US
Dinsmore, W. - Baltimore, MD, US
Dinsmore, Walter SEE: Dinsmore, W. - Baltimore, MD, US
Dion, C. - Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Dion, Charles SEE: Dion, C. - Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Direct Photographs From Life Co. - US
Dirian, Gregory - Palaiseau, France
Dirksen, S.M. - Chatham, VA, US
Dirr SEE: Herrick & Dirr - Vicksburg, MS, US
Dirr - Vicksburg, MS, US:Natchez, MS, US
Disbrow & Few - Albion, NY, US
Disbrow & Few SEE: Disbrow, H. - Albion, NY, US
Disbrow, H. SEE: Disbrow & Few - Albion, NY, US
Disbrow, H. - Albion, NY, US
Disderi & Cie SEE: D & C - Paris, France:London, England, UK
Disderi, Andre-Adolphe-Eugene SEE: D & C - Paris, France:London, England, UK
Diss - UK
Diston, A. - Leven, Dumb.
Ditts - Eagle Grove, IA, US
Dix SEE: Bailey, Dix & Mead - Fort Randall, DT, US
Dixon & Son SEE: Dixon, Henry
Dixon SEE: Callander & Dixon - Whitehaven, Westmoreland, England, UK
Dixon, George B. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Dixon, Henry
Doane, H.R. - Delavan, WI, US
Doane, T.C. SEE: Doane, Thomas Coffin - Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Doane, Thomas Coffin - Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Dobbie, A.W. - Adelaide, South Australia, Australia
Dobbins, A.N. SEE: Florida Photographic View Co. - Jacksonville, FL, US
Dobler & Dawson - Beloit, KS, US
Dobler SEE: Dobler & Dawson - Beloit, KS, US
Dobson, Margaret - London, England, UK
Dobyns, T.J. - New Orleans, LA, US
Dobyns, Thomas Jefferson SEE: Dobyns, T.J. - New Orleans, LA, US
Docker, Ernest Brougham - Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Docker, Joseph - Thornthwaite, New South Wales, Australia
Dockweiler, M. - Shenandoah, PA, US:Plymouth, PA, US:Pottsville, PA, US:Mt. Gretna, PA, US
Dockweiler, Michael SEE: Dockweiler, M. - Shenandoah, PA, US:Plymouth, PA, US:Pottsville, PA, US:Mt. Gretna, PA, US
Dodd & Neiler - Sharon, PA, US
Dodd & Neiler SEE: Dodd, L.N. - Sharon, PA, US
Dodd, J.N. - Warren, OH, US
Dodd, L.N. SEE: Dodd & Neiler - Sharon, PA, US
Dodd, L.N. - Sharon, PA, US
Dodds Bros. - Manchester, NY, US
Dodge & Co. - Plymouth, Devon, England, UK
Dodge SEE: Dodge, Collier & Perkins - Boston, MA, US
Dodge, G. - US
Dodge, L.A. - Sunapee, NH, US
Dodge, Collier & Perkins - Boston, MA, US
Dodgson, Charles Lutwidge SEE: Carroll, Lewis - Oxford, Oxfordshire, England, UK
Dodgson, Rev. Charles SEE: Carroll, Lewis - Oxford, Oxfordshire, England, UK
Dodgson, Reverend Charles SEE: Carroll, Lewis - Oxford, Oxfordshire, England, UK
Dodson, J.M. - Goldsboro, NC, US
Doebereiner, P. - Caledonia, Ontario, Canada
Doebereiner, Philip SEE: Doebereiner, P. - Caledonia, Ontario, Canada
Doerr & Jacobson - San Antonio, TX, US
Doerr & Jacobson SEE: Doerr, Henry A. - San Antonio, TX, US
Doerr & Winther - San Antonio, TX, US
Doerr & Winther SEE: Doerr, Henry A. - San Antonio, TX, US
Doerr & Winther SEE: Winther, N. - San Antonio, TX, US:San Marcos, TX, US:New Braunfels, TX, US
Doerr SEE: Doerr & Jacobson - San Antonio, TX, US
Doerr SEE: Doerr & Winther - San Antonio, TX, US
Doerr, Henry A. SEE: Doerr & Jacobson - San Antonio, TX, US
Doerr, Henry A. SEE: Doerr & Winther - San Antonio, TX, US
Doerr, Henry A. - San Antonio, TX, US
Does, P. - Bern (Berne), Switzerland
Doggett, J.R. - Carlisle, PA, US
Dolamor SEE: Dolamore & Bullock - London, England, UK
Dolamore & Bullock - London, England, UK
Dole & Wight - Bangor, ME, US
Dole & Wight SEE: Dole, A.K. - Bangor, ME, US
Dole & Wight SEE: Wight, E.N. - Waldoboro, ME, US:Belfast, ME, US
Dole SEE: Dole & Wight - Bangor, ME, US
Dole SEE: Trask & Dole - Bangor, ME, US
Dole, A.K. SEE: Dole & Wight - Bangor, ME, US
Dole, A.K. SEE: Trask & Dole - Bangor, ME, US
Dole, A.K. - Bangor, ME, US
Dolen, J.O. - Lake Mills, IA, US
Dolen, John O. SEE: Dolen, J.O. - Lake Mills, IA, US
Dolf, O.A. - Morgan, OH, US
Doll, B. - Leavenworth, IN, US
Dolph Brothers - Erie, PA, US
Domege, O. - Perigueux, France
Dominion Photograph Co. - Belleville, Ontario, Canada
Dominion Stereoscopic Co. - London, Ontario, Canada
Domschke, C. - Berlin, Germany
Donahue SEE: Donahue, Henneberry & Co. - Chicago, IL, US
Donahue, Henneberry & Co. - Chicago, IL, US
Donahue, Henneberry & Co. SEE: Henneberry - Chicago, IL, US
Donald & Kline - Huntingdon, PA, US
Donald & Kline SEE: Kline, L.B. - Huntingdon, PA, US
Donald SEE: Donald & Kline - Huntingdon, PA, US
Donaldson - Adrian, MI, US
Donaldson, S.J. - Dexter City, OH, US
Donham SEE: Hoyt, Fogg & Donham - Portland, ME, US
Donnell & Hannum - Kennett Square, PA, US
Donnell SEE: Donnell & Hannum - Kennett Square, PA, US
Donnell, S.B. - Huntingdon, PA, US
Donner SEE: Friedgen & Donner - Columbus, IN, US
Doolittle - Cazenovia, NY, US
Doolittle, A.P. - Lanark, IL, US:Columbus Junction, IA, US
Doolittle, Alonzo P. SEE: Doolittle, A.P. - Lanark, IL, US:Columbus Junction, IA, US
Doolittle, F.M. - West Winsted, CT, US:Thomaston, CT, US
Doolittle, G.W. - Tunkhannock, PA, US:Montrose, PA, US
Doonan & Co. - NJ, US:Trenton Falls, NY, US
Doornick SEE: Doornik, P. - Zeeland, MI, US
Doornik, P. - Zeeland, MI, US
Dopp SEE: Moulton & Dopp - Rome, NY, US
Doremus SEE: Doremus, J.P. - Paterson (Patterson), NJ, US
Doremus, J.P. - Paterson (Patterson), NJ, US
Dorey & Nice - Jersey Shore, PA, US
Dorey & Nice SEE: Dorey, Charles - Lock Haven, PA, US
Dorey & Nice SEE: Nice, J.F. - Williamsport, PA, US
Dorey, Charles SEE: Dorey & Nice - Jersey Shore, PA, US
Dorey, Charles - Lock Haven, PA, US
Dorizi, F. - Avignon, France
Dorris, C.A. - Danville, VA, US
Dorward, W.J. - Madison, WI, US
Dorwin, C.T. - Decatur, IN, US
Dotey, R.W. - Albany, NY, US
Dotterer SEE: Strong & Dotterer - Madison, NJ, US:Philadelphia, PA, US
Dotterer, Abner Frich SEE: Strong & Dotterer - Madison, NJ, US:Philadelphia, PA, US
Dotterer, Rev. A.F. SEE: Strong & Dotterer - Madison, NJ, US:Philadelphia, PA, US
Dotterer, Reverend A.F. SEE: Strong & Dotterer - Madison, NJ, US:Philadelphia, PA, US
Doubleday SEE: Doubleday, Page & Co. - New York City, NY, US
Doubleday, Page & Co. - New York City, NY, US
Dougall, Wm. - Invercargill, New Zealand
Doughan, S.J. - Jacksonville, FL, US:Gainesville, FL, US
Dougherty & Cope - Norristown, PA, US
Dougherty & Cope SEE: Cope, J.L. - Norristown, PA, US
Dougherty SEE: Dougherty & Cope - Norristown, PA, US
Dougherty, H. - Waterloo, IA, US
Dougherty, Homer SEE: Dougherty, H. - Waterloo, IA, US
Doughty, J.G. & T.M.V. - Winsted, CT, US
Doughty, J.G. & T.M.V. SEE: Doughty, John G. - Winsted, CT, US
Doughty, J.G. & T.M.V. SEE: Doughty, T.M.V. - Winsted, CT, US
Doughty, John G. SEE: Doughty, J.G. & T.M.V. - Winsted, CT, US
Doughty, John G. - Winsted, CT, US
Doughty, T.M.V. - Winsted, CT, US
Doughty, Thomas M.V. SEE: Doughty, J.G. & T.M.V. - Winsted, CT, US
Doughty, Thomas M.V. SEE: Doughty, T.M.V. - Winsted, CT, US
Douglas & Cook - Lewiston, ME, US
Douglas & White - KS, US
Douglas Talking Machine Co. - Chicago, IL, US
Douglas SEE: Douglas & Cook - Lewiston, ME, US
Douglas SEE: Douglas & White - KS, US
Douglas - Waverly, IA, US
Douglas - Evansville, IN, US
Douglas, J. - Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland, UK:Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland, UK:Quebec, Quebec, Canada
Douglas, James SEE: Douglas, J. - Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland, UK:Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland, UK:Quebec, Quebec, Canada
Douglas, M. - Helena, MT, US
Douglas, O.F. - New London, CT, US
Douglas, R. - Washington, DC, US:Livingston, NJ, US:Lowell, MA, US:West Gardiner, MA, US
Douglas, Ranald SEE: Douglas, R. - Washington, DC, US:Livingston, NJ, US:Lowell, MA, US:West Gardiner, MA, US
Douglas, Robert - Chicago, IL, US
Douglass Postcard & Machine Co. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Douglass, J. SEE: Douglas, J. - Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland, UK:Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland, UK:Quebec, Quebec, Canada
Douglass, S.W. - Marietta, OH, US
Douglass, Wm. F. SEE: Morgan & Douglass - New London, CT, US
Douglass, Wm. F. - New London, CT, US:Stonington, CT, US
Doust, I.V. - Syracuse, NY, US
Doust, Isaac V. SEE: Doust, I.V. - Syracuse, NY, US
Douwes Bros. SEE: Douwes, Gebr. - Amsterdam, Netherlands
Douwes, Gebr. - Amsterdam, Netherlands
Douzaine, R.P. - Winchester, VA, US
Dow & Wilson - Ogdensburg, NY, US
Dow & Wilson SEE: Dow, J.M. - Ogdensburg, NY, US
Dow SEE: Detlor & Dow - Bradford, PA, US
Dow - Bradford, PA, US
Dow, H.P. - Plattsburgh (Plattsburg), NY, US
Dow, J.M. SEE: Dow & Wilson - Ogdensburg, NY, US
Dow, J.M. - Ogdensburg, NY, US
Dowe, L. - Concord, NH, US:Sycamore, IL, US:Petaluma, CA, US:San Francisco, CA, US
Dowe, Lewis SEE: MacDonald & Dowe - San Francisco, CA, US
Dowe, Lewis SEE: Dowe, L. - Concord, NH, US:Sycamore, IL, US:Petaluma, CA, US:San Francisco, CA, US
Dowing, John R. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Downes & Cundall SEE: Cundall & Downes - Kensington, London, England, UK
Downes, Cundall & SEE: Downes, George - London, England, UK
Downes, George SEE: Cundall & Downes - Kensington, London, England, UK
Downes, George SEE: Howlett & Downes - London, England, UK
Downes, George - London, England, UK
Downey, Daniel SEE: Downey, W. & D. - London, England, UK:Newcastle-on-Tyne, Northumberland, England, UK
Downey, W. & D. - London, England, UK:Newcastle-on-Tyne, Northumberland, England, UK
Downey, William SEE: Downey, W. & D. - London, England, UK:Newcastle-on-Tyne, Northumberland, England, UK
Downie - Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland, UK
Downing, G. - Topeka, KS, US
Downing, George SEE: Downing, G. - Topeka, KS, US
Downing, Jos. H. Henry SEE: Downing, Rea & Rauscher - Santa Rosa, CA, US
Downing, Jos. H. - Healdsburg, CA, US
Downing, Joseph Henry SEE: Downing, Rea & Rauscher - Santa Rosa, CA, US
Downing, Joseph Henry SEE: Downing, Jos. H. - Healdsburg, CA, US
Downing, Rea & Rauscher - Santa Rosa, CA, US
Downing, Rea & Rauscher SEE: Downing, Jos. H. - Healdsburg, CA, US
Downing, Rea & Rauscher SEE: Rea, T.L. - Santa Rosa, CA, US:Healdsburg, CA, US:Santa Barbara, CA, US
Downs, E.S. - Lebanon, NH, US
Draffin - UK
Dragon Optical Co. - Japan
Drake SEE: Calhoun & Drake - Farmer City, IL, US
Drake SEE: Ingalton & Drake, Ltd. - Eton, Bucks.
Drake, Evander L. - Milletts, MI, US
Drake, H.S. - Franklin, MA, US:Framingham, MA, US:North Weymouth, MA, US:Boston, MA, US
Drake, Henry S. SEE: Drake, H.S. - Franklin, MA, US:Framingham, MA, US:North Weymouth, MA, US:Boston, MA, US
Draper & Husted - Philadelphia, PA, US
Draper & Husted SEE: Draper, E. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Draper SEE: Case & Draper - Sitka, AK, US
Draper, E. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Draper, Edmund SEE: Draper & Husted - Philadelphia, PA, US
Draper, Edmund SEE: Draper, E. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Draper, Henry - Boston, MA, US
Draper, J.W. SEE: Draper, John William - Boston, MA, US
Draper, John William - Boston, MA, US
Draper, John SEE: Draper, John William - Boston, MA, US
Drayson, C. Millington - Canterbury, Kent, England, UK
Dredge, J.J. - Monmouth, Monmouthshire, Scotland, UK:Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, England, UK
Dresler, J.F. - Aarhus, Denmark
Dresser, George H. - Independence, KS, US
Dresser, R. - Auburn, ME, US
Drew & Worthing - Boston, MA, US
Drew SEE: Drew & Worthing - Boston, MA, US
Drew, A.P. - Dover, NH, US
Drew, Alfred P. SEE: Drew, A.P. - Dover, NH, US
Drew, C. & G.H. - Boston, MA, US
Drew, C. - Jacksonville, FL, US
Drew, C. SEE: Drew, C. & G.H. - Boston, MA, US
Drew, G.H. - Boston, MA, US
Drew, George H. SEE: Drew, C. & G.H. - Boston, MA, US
Drew, George H. SEE: Drew, G.H. - Boston, MA, US
Drewett - Blackheath, Lancashire, England, UK
Dreyfus-Michel, L. - Anvers, Belgium
Drier - New York City, NY, US
Drinkwater & Turner - Hull, Yorkshire, England, UK
Drinkwater SEE: Drinkwater & Turner - Hull, Yorkshire, England, UK
Driscoll, W. - Richmond, VA, US
Drum, O. - Longhorn, KS, US
Drum, Oscar SEE: Drum, O. - Longhorn, KS, US
Drury, A.K. - LeRoy, NY, US
Drury, H. - Canterbury, Kent, England, UK
Drury, Hal SEE: Drury, H. - Canterbury, Kent, England, UK
Dryer SEE: Smith & Dryer - Indianapolis, IN, US
Drysdale & Co., W. - Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Drysel - Kalmar, Sweden
Du Camp, Maxime - Paris, France
DuBoce, Marcel A. - Mt. Pulaski, IL, US:Springfield, IL, US
DuBrey, N. - Port Elizabeth, South Africa
DuCamp, Maxime SEE: Du Camp, Maxime - Paris, France
DuVal, C.A. - Manchester, Lancashire, England, UK
Dubar & Daniels, E. - Ostende, Belgium
Dubar, E. SEE: Dubar & Daniels, E. - Ostende, Belgium
Dubell, Carl - Wien (Vienna), Austria
Dublin School of Photography - Dublin, Ireland
Dubois fils, J. - Compiegne, France
Dubois - Granada, Spain
Dubois, S.F. - Doylestown, PA, US
Duboscq & Soleil - Paris, France
Duboscq & Soleil SEE: Duboscq, Louis Jules - Paris, France
Duboscq, Jules SEE: Duboscq & Soleil - Paris, France
Duboscq, Louis Jules - Paris, France
Duboscq, Louis-Jules SEE: Duboscq, Louis Jules - Paris, France
Duboscq-Soleil, J. SEE: Duboscq, Louis Jules - Paris, France
Duboscq-Soleil, Louis Jules SEE: Duboscq, Louis Jules - Paris, France
Dubose SEE: DuBoce, Marcel A. - Mt. Pulaski, IL, US:Springfield, IL, US
Dubut - Angers, France
Duchesne, Rolland - Verrieres Buisson, France
Duchochois, P.C. - Albany, NY, US
Ducloz, F. - Moutiers, France:Brides, France
Ducommun, Jules - Mulhouse, France
Ducret - Genève (Geneva), Switzerland
Dudley, H.A. SEE: McLeish, Dudley & Co. - Syracuse, NY, US:Rochester, NY, US
Dudley, H.A. - Hamilton, NY, US
Dudrey SEE: Townsend & Dudrey - Kingston, NY, US
Duelle, L.C. - Lawrenceville, IN, US
Duffin & Caswell - Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Duffin & Co. - Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Duffin, Simon SEE: Duffin & Caswell - Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Duffin, Simon SEE: Duffin & Co. - Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Duffy & Moore - Curwensville, PA, US
Duffy & Moore SEE: Duffy - Clearfield, PA, US
Duffy SEE: Duffy & Moore - Curwensville, PA, US
Duffy - Clearfield, PA, US
Dugan - Old Orchard Beach, ME, US
Duganne & Callison - Gainesville, FL, US
Duganne & Callison SEE: Callison - Gainesville, FL, US
Duganne SEE: Duganne & Callison - Gainesville, FL, US
Duganne SEE: Pollock & Duganne - Deadwood, DT, US
Duhem & Bro. - Denver, CO, US
Duhem & Bro., C. SEE: Duhem & Bro. - Denver, CO, US
Duhem, C. SEE: Duhem & Bro. - Denver, CO, US
Duhem, Constant SEE: Duhem & Bro. - Denver, CO, US
Duhem, Victor M. SEE: Duhem & Bro. - Denver, CO, US
Duhling SEE: Stayner & Duhling - Edgar, NE, US:Fairfield, NE, US
Duke, J.G. - Chesterfield, VA, US
Dumas - Nîmes, France
Dunbar - Oswego Falls, NY, US
Dunbar, William Nugent SEE: Anderson, James - Roma (Rome), Italy
Duncan & Bro., W.G. - Wellsburg, WV, US
Duncan, J. - Minstorgates, Yorkshire, England, UK
Duncan, W.A. - Peirce City, MO, US
Dunham & Lathro SEE: Dunham, A.M. - San Francisco, CA, US:Hayward, CA, US:Elko, NV, US
Dunham & Lathrop - Oakland, CA, US:Reno, NV, US
Dunham, A.M. - San Francisco, CA, US:Hayward, CA, US:Elko, NV, US
Dunham, Allen Murray SEE: Dunham & Lathrop - Oakland, CA, US:Reno, NV, US
Dunham, Allen Murray SEE: Dunham, A.M. - San Francisco, CA, US:Hayward, CA, US:Elko, NV, US
Dunham, H.E. - Marshall, MI, US
Dunihue, W.J. - Sinclairville, NY, US
Duningham, T. - Walton on the Maze, Surrey, England, UK
Dunklee & Emery - Brattleboro, VT, US
Dunklee & Emery SEE: Dunklee, D.D. - Brattleboro, VT, US
Dunklee & Hosmer - Brattleboro, VT, US
Dunklee & Hosmer SEE: Dunklee, D.D. - Brattleboro, VT, US
Dunklee, D.D. SEE: Dunklee & Emery - Brattleboro, VT, US
Dunklee, D.D. SEE: Dunklee & Hosmer - Brattleboro, VT, US
Dunklee, D.D. - Brattleboro, VT, US
Dunlap & Mendenhall - Salem, OH, US
Dunlap & Mendenhall SEE: Mendenhall, E. - Cincinnati, OH, US:Cleveland, OH, US
Dunlap & Mendenhall SEE: Dunlap, M.V. - Salem, OH, US
Dunlap SEE: Viers & Dunlap - Erie, PA, US
Dunlap - Bloomfield, IA, US
Dunlap, M.V. SEE: Dunlap & Mendenhall - Salem, OH, US
Dunlap, M.V. - Salem, OH, US
Dunlap, Thomas A. SEE: Dunlap - Bloomfield, IA, US
Dunlap, W. - Chillicothe, MO, US
Dunmore & Critcherson SEE: Dunmore, John L. - Boston, MA, US
Dunmore, J.L. SEE: Dunmore, John L. - Boston, MA, US
Dunmore, John L. - Boston, MA, US
Dunn & Easton - Sioux Falls, DT, US
Dunn & Easton SEE: Easton, O.W. - Sioux Falls, DT, US
Dunn Brothers - Meadville, PA, US
Dunn SEE: Dunn & Easton - Sioux Falls, DT, US
Dunn SEE: Parsons & Dunn - St. Louis, MO, US
Dunn, Frank P. - New Brunswick, NJ, US
Dunn, Frederick SEE: Batchelder & Co. - Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Dunn, Geo. C. - Erie, PA, US
Dunn, J. - Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, England, UK
Dunn, J.D. - Meadville, PA, US
Dunn, J.G. - Lancaster, PA, US
Dunning, Henry - Usk, Mons.
Dunning, L.W. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Dunning, L.W. - Cleveland, OH, US
Dunning, Lloyd - US
Dunshee Bros. - Rochester, NY, US
Dunshee - Providence, RI, US
Dunshee, E.S. - Fall River, MA, US:New Bedford, MA, US:Lynn, MA, US:Boston, MA, US:Bristol, RI, US
Dunshee, Edward S. SEE: Dunshee, E.S. - Fall River, MA, US:New Bedford, MA, US:Lynn, MA, US:Boston, MA, US:Bristol, RI, US
Dunton, Jacob - US
Dunwick, W.H. - Fort Edward, NY, US
Dupee & Co. - Portland, ME, US
Duperly & Sons, A. SEE: Duperly, Adolphe - Kingston, Jamaica
Duperly, Adolphe - Kingston, Jamaica
Dupont - Liege, Belgium:Mons, Belgium
Dupre, A. - Compiegne, France
Duprez - Plymouth, Devon, England, UK
Duquet, J.N. - Quebec, Quebec, Canada
Durant, G.S. - Maryville, MO, US
Durbec, F.W. SEE: Osborn & Durbec - Charleston, SC, US
Durgan & Gooding - Portland, ME, US:Old Orchard Beach, ME, US
Durgan & Gooding SEE: Gooding, C.G. - Old Orchard Beach, ME, US:Sacarappa (Westbrook), ME, US:Yarmouth, ME, US
Durgan & Gooding SEE: Durgan, James O. - Norwich, CT, US:Brunswick, ME, US:Portland, ME, US:Old Orchard Beach, ME, US
Durgan, F. - Sacramento, CA, US
Durgan, Frank SEE: Durgan, F. - Sacramento, CA, US
Durgan, James O. SEE: Durgan & Gooding - Portland, ME, US:Old Orchard Beach, ME, US
Durgan, James O. - Norwich, CT, US:Brunswick, ME, US:Portland, ME, US:Old Orchard Beach, ME, US
Durgin, F. - Lewiston, ME, US
Durheim, Carl - Bern, Switzerland
Durheim, Charles SEE: Durheim, Carl - Bern, Switzerland
Durheim, Charles - Paxton, IL, US
Duriaux SEE: DX - Paris, France
Duriette & Romanet - Amiens, France
Duriette SEE: Duriette & Romanet - Amiens, France
Durieu, Eugène - Paris, France
Durieu, Jean-Louis-Marie-Eugène SEE: Durieu, Eugène - Paris, France
Durland - Lawrence, KS, US
Duroni, Alessandro - Milano (Milan), Italy
Durony and Mürer - Paris, France
Durony SEE: Durony and Mürer - Paris, France
Durose SEE: Flaglor & Durose - San Francisco, CA, US
Durrer, W.S. - Formosa, Ontario, Canada
Durrer, Walter S. SEE: Durrer, W.S. - Formosa, Ontario, Canada
Duryea, James - Brooklyn, NY, US
Duryea, T. - Adelaide, South Australia, Australia
Duryea, Townsend SEE: Duryea, T. - Adelaide, South Australia, Australia
Dusseau - Butte, MT, US
Dusseau, A.J. SEE: Dusseau - Butte, MT, US
Dutch - Christchurch, New Zealand
Duthie, A. - Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland, UK
Duthie, Andrew SEE: Duthie, A. - Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland, UK
Dutkiewicz SEE: Kloch & Dutkiewicz - Warsaw, Russia
Dutkiewicz - Warsaw, Russia
Dutro, Dan - MT, US
Dutton, J. & J. - Bath, Somerset, England, UK
Dutton, J. SEE: Dutton, J. & J. - Bath, Somerset, England, UK
Dutton, Thomas - Washington, DC, US
Duval & West - West Chester, PA, US
Duval & West SEE: Duval, C. - West Chester, PA, US
Duval SEE: Duval & West - West Chester, PA, US
Duval, C. SEE: Duval & West - West Chester, PA, US
Duval, C. - West Chester, PA, US
Dvorak, V.B. - Slanem, Austria
Dwight, F.E. - Oregon, IL, US
Dwight, T. - Beloit, WI, US
Dyball, Robert Henry - Notting Hill, London, England, UK
Dyer & Co. - Lawrence, MA, US
Dyer SEE: Butter & Dyer - London, England, UK
Dyer SEE: Van Wagner & Dyer - Baltimore, MD, US
Dyer, W.J.L. - Baltimore, MD, US
Dyer, W.T. - Putnam, CT, US
Dyer, Walter J.L. SEE: Van Wagner & Dyer - Baltimore, MD, US
Dyer, Walter J.L. SEE: Dyer, W.J.L. - Baltimore, MD, US
Dyer, William T. SEE: Dyer, W.T. - Putnam, CT, US
Dygert, J.A. - Port Plain, NY, US
Dyniewicz, W. - Chicago, IL, US
d'Allesandri SEE: Fratelli D'Alessandri - Roma (Rome), Italy:Napoli (Naples), Italy
d'Amerval - Paris, France
d'Harcourt, Theodorine - Paris, France
d'Hoy, C. - Gent, Belgium:Anvers, Belgium
d'Olivier et Cie, L. - Paris, France
de Brebisson, Alphonse - Falaise, France
de Clercq, Louis - France
de Rumine, G. SEE: Rumine, Gabriel de - Moskva (Moscow), Russia
de Villecholle, Francois Gobinet SEE: Franck, François - Paris, France
de Villecholles, François-Marie-Louis-Alexandre Gobinet SEE: Franck, François - Paris, France
de Villeneuve SEE: Vallou de Villeneuve, Julien - Paris, France
des-Islets, C.M. - Montreal, Quebec, Canada


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