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The Stereographs Project
The Stereographs Photographer Project
Information on stereo photographers is widely scattered and this project brings it together into a coherent series of datasets.
PLEASE NOTE: The names shown here are only for testing purposes and more complete listing will be added as soon as possible. If you have ANY datasets on stereo photographers please let me know: let's make this a collaborative project.
QV SEE: Queval, J. - Paris, France
Quaas, Ed. - Berlin, Germany
Quaker Oats Co. - Chicago, IL, US
Quatermass & Co., Charles W. - Detroit, MI, US
Quatermass, Charles W. SEE: Quatermass & Co., Charles W. - Detroit, MI, US
Quayle & Gault - Hamilton, Bermuda
Quayle SEE: Quayle & Gault - Hamilton, Bermuda
Quayle, Minott W. - Grand Haven, MI, US:Otsego, MI, US
Queen & Co., Jas. W. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Queen, Jas. W. SEE: Queen & Co., Jas. W. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Queens Photo Art Co. - Belfast, Ireland
Queval, J. - Paris, France
Queval, Jules Hippolyte SEE: Queval, J. - Paris, France
Quick & Co. - Bath, Somerset, England, UK
Quick SEE: Hoeg & Quick - Cincinnati, OH, US
Quiggle & Johnson - Rapid City, DT, US
Quiggle & Johnson SEE: Johnson, C.W. - Mitchell, SD, US
Quiggle & Johnson SEE: Quiggle, H.F. - Doland, DT, US
Quiggle SEE: Quiggle & Johnson - Rapid City, DT, US
Quiggle, H.F. SEE: Quiggle & Johnson - Rapid City, DT, US
Quiggle, H.F. - Doland, DT, US
Quimby, R. - Foxcroft, ME, US
Quinby & Co. SEE: Quinby & Co., S.D. - Charleston, SC, US
Quinby & Co., S.D. - Charleston, SC, US
Quinby, S.D. SEE: Quinby & Co., S.D. - Charleston, SC, US
Quincy Stereopticon Co. - Boston, MA, US
Quinet, Achille - France
Quint, S.D. - Manchester, NH, US


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