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The Stereographs Project
The Stereographs Photographer Project
Information on stereo photographers is widely scattered and this project brings it together into a coherent series of datasets.
PLEASE NOTE: The names shown here are only for testing purposes and more complete listing will be added as soon as possible. If you have ANY datasets on stereo photographers please let me know: let's make this a collaborative project.
V SEE: Fraget & Viret - Paris, France
VF SEE: Fraget & Viret - Paris, France
VP - France
Vail & Elton - Palmyra, NY, US
Vail & Elton SEE: Vail, L.P. - Palmyra, NY, US
Vail & Summers - Waterloo, NY, US
Vail Bros. - Palmyra, NY, US
Vail Bros. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Vail Bros. SEE: Vail, L.P. - Palmyra, NY, US
Vail SEE: Vail Bros. - Palmyra, NY, US
Vail SEE: Vail & Elton - Palmyra, NY, US
Vail SEE: Vail & Summers - Waterloo, NY, US
Vail, J.G. SEE: Vail Bros. - Palmyra, NY, US
Vail, J.G. - Seneca, NY, US:Poughkeepsie, NY, US:Geneva, NY, US:Geneva, NJ, US
Vail, J.H. - Middletown, OH, US
Vail, J.P. - Geneva, NY, US
Vail, Joseph SEE: Vail, J.G. - Seneca, NY, US:Poughkeepsie, NY, US:Geneva, NY, US:Geneva, NJ, US
Vail, L.P. SEE: Vail Bros. - Palmyra, NY, US
Vail, L.P. SEE: Vail & Elton - Palmyra, NY, US
Vail, L.P. - Palmyra, NY, US
Vail, Nettie SEE: Vail, J.G. - Seneca, NY, US:Poughkeepsie, NY, US:Geneva, NY, US:Geneva, NJ, US
Vail, W. - Deposit, NY, US
Vale & Co., W.A. SEE: Vale, W.A. - San Bernadino, CA, US
Vale, W.A. - San Bernadino, CA, US
Vale, William Adams SEE: Vale, W.A. - San Bernadino, CA, US
Valecke, Jules SEE: Queval, J. - Paris, France
Valecke, Jules - Paris, France
Valentine & Sons SEE: Valentine, James
Valentine, James
Valentine, W.S. SEE: Putnam & Valentine - Los Angeles, CA, US
Vallee & Labelle - Quebec, Quebec, Canada
Vallee & Labelle SEE: Vallee, L.P. - Quebec, Quebec, Canada
Vallee SEE: Vallee & Labelle - Quebec, Quebec, Canada
Vallee, L.P. - Quebec, Quebec, Canada
Vallee, Louis-Prudent SEE: Vallee & Labelle - Quebec, Quebec, Canada
Vallee, Louis-Prudent SEE: Vallee, L.P. - Quebec, Quebec, Canada
Vallou de Villeneuve, Julien - Paris, France
Vallée, Louis-Prudent SEE: Vallee, L.P. - Quebec, Quebec, Canada
Van Aken, E.M. SEE: American Stereoscopic Exchange Club - Washington, DC, US
Van Aken, E.M. - Elmira, NY, US:Lowville, NY, US
Van Aken, Elisha M. SEE: Van Aken, E.M. - Elmira, NY, US:Lowville, NY, US
Van Alstine - Potsdam, NY, US
Van Alstine, C.W. - Potsdam, NY, US
Van Alstine, C.W. - Potsdam, NY, US
Van Arnam SEE: Hardy & Van Arnam - Troy, NY, US
Van Blarcom & Brown - Philadelphia, PA, US:Scranton, PA, US:Fort Blanchard, PA, US
Van Blarcom SEE: Van Blarcom & Brown - Philadelphia, PA, US:Scranton, PA, US:Fort Blanchard, PA, US
Van Buskirk SEE: Miller & Van Buskirk - Aberdeen, DT, US
Van Cort, L. Erik - Northampton, MA, US
Van Court, James E. - San Francisco, CA, US:Belmont, CA, US:Redwood City, CA, US
Van Deusen, Charles H. - Detroit, MI, US
Van Doren, C.C. - Adrian, MI, US
Van Doren, Chester C. SEE: Van Doren, C.C. - Adrian, MI, US
Van Dyke & Son - Edinboro, PA, US
Van Dyke, W.H. SEE: Cox & Van Dyke - Edinboro, PA, US
Van Epps SEE: Evans, Van Epps & Co. - Cleveland, OH, US
Van Lennep, A.O. - New York, NY, US
Van Lier & Co. - New York, NY, US
Van Lint, E. SEE: Van Lint, Enrico - Pisa, Italy
Van Lint, Enrico - Pisa, Italy
Van Loo, L. SEE: Van Loo, Leon - Cincinnati, OH, US
Van Loo, Leon - Cincinnati, OH, US
Van Loo, William F. - Toledo, OH, US
Van Look & Trust - Toledo, OH, US
Van Look SEE: Van Look & Trust - Toledo, OH, US
Van Ness SEE: Tanner & Van Ness - Lynchburg, VA, US
Van Ness, J.H. - Charlotte, NC, US
Van Ness, J.J. - Lynchburg, VA, US
Van Ness, John Jan SEE: Tanner & Van Ness - Lynchburg, VA, US
Van Ness, John Jan SEE: Van Ness, J.J. - Lynchburg, VA, US
Van Orsdel, C.M. - Washington, DC, US:Wilmington, NC, US:Orangeburg, SC, US
Van Osdel - Toulon, IL, US
Van Patten & Tice - Great Barrington, MA, US
Van Patten, William H. SEE: Van Patten & Tice - Great Barrington, MA, US
Van Riper, D.W. - Columbus, GA, US
Van Riper, Daniel Wilson SEE: Van Riper, D.W. - Columbus, GA, US
Van Santen, Frederick - Charleston, SC, US
Van Sickle Bros. - Springfield, OH, US
Van Sickle SEE: Van Sickle Bros. - Springfield, OH, US
Van Slooten, Wim H. - Leiden, Netherlands
Van Slyke - Mason, MI, US
Van Stone, George S. - Iron Mountain, MI, US
Van Wagner - Nyack, NY, US
Van Wagner & Dyer - Baltimore, MD, US
Van Wagner & Dyer SEE: Dyer, W.T. - Putnam, CT, US
Van Wagner SEE: Van Wagner & Dyer - Baltimore, MD, US
Van Wagner, I.M. - Fishkill-on-Hudson:Nyack, NY, US
Van Wagonen, Simon - Rosendale, NY, US
Van de Wall, W.B. - Lancaster, WI, US
Van der Weyde, P.H. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Vanalstine SEE: Bradbeer & Vanalstine - Picton, Ontario, Canada
Vanalstine, Charles W. - Big Rapids, MI, US
Vance, George I. - Winona, MN, US
Vance, R.H. SEE: Vance, Robert H. - Boston, MA, US:San Francisco, CA, US:San Jose, CA, US:Sacramento, CA, US:Marysville, CA, US
Vance, Robert H. SEE: Kemp & Vance - Modesto, CA, US
Vance, Robert H. - Boston, MA, US:San Francisco, CA, US:San Jose, CA, US:Sacramento, CA, US:Marysville, CA, US
Vance, Robert SEE: Vance, Robert H. - Boston, MA, US:San Francisco, CA, US:San Jose, CA, US:Sacramento, CA, US:Marysville, CA, US
Vander Weyde, P.H. - PA, US
Vandergrift, J.A. - Burlington, NJ, US
Vanderwall, W.B. SEE: Van de Wall, W.B. - Lancaster, WI, US
Vanderwarker & Nally - Minneapolis, MN, US
Vanderwarker SEE: Vanderwarker & Nally - Minneapolis, MN, US
Vanderweyde - Uruguay
Vandyke & Brown - Liverpool, Lancashire, England, UK
Vandyke SEE: Vandyke & Brown - Liverpool, Lancashire, England, UK
Vandyke SEE: Van Dyke & Son - Edinboro, PA, US
Vandyke, Wm. H. SEE: Van Dyke & Son - Edinboro, PA, US
Vannerson, Julian - Washington, DC, US
Vansyckel SEE: Burr & Vansyckel - Philadelphia, PA, US
Vara & Lopez - Madrid, Spain
Vara SEE: Vara & Lopez - Madrid, Spain
Varady & Cie., A. - Basel, Switzerland
Varady & Co., A. SEE: Varady & Cie., A. - Basel, Switzerland
Varady, A. SEE: Varady & Cie., A. - Basel, Switzerland
Varela, A.C. - Los Angeles, CA, US
Varela, Adam C. SEE: Varela, A.C. - Los Angeles, CA, US
Varenne, J. - Bruges, Belgium
Varkin & Enos - Denison, TX, US
Varkin SEE: Varkin & Enos - Denison, TX, US
Varney & McCulloch - Sioux Falls, DT, US
Varney SEE: Varney & McCulloch - Sioux Falls, DT, US
Varrell, J.S. - Gardiner, ME, US
Varroquier & Cie., A. - Paris, France
Varroquier, A. SEE: Varroquier & Cie., A. - Paris, France
Varroquier, Armand SEE: Varroquier & Cie., A. - Paris, France
Vars, Nathan H.D. - Westerly, RI, US:Norwich, CT, US
Vaugh, W.E. - Roanoke, VA, US
Vaughan & Co. - Mazatlan, Mexico
Vaughan SEE: Vaughan & Co. - Mazatlan, Mexico
Vaughan, Hector W. - San Francisco, CA, US
Vaughn - Ogden, UT, US
Vaughn, John William SEE: Vaughn's Photo Gallery - Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Vaughn, W.E. - MA, US
Vaughn's Photo Gallery - Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Vaury & Cie. - Paris, France
Vaury SEE: Vaury & Cie. - Paris, France
Veeder, A. - Albany, NY, US:Philadelphia, PA, US
Veeder, Aaron SEE: Veeder, A. - Albany, NY, US:Philadelphia, PA, US
Veitch, J. - Jedburgh, Roxburghshire, Scotland, UK
Velox Images - New York, NY, US
Venable, Chas. H. - Washington, DC, US
Venables - Folkestone, Kent, England, UK
Ventouillac, Guy - Louviers, France
Verkius, Paul - Mexia, TX, US:Denison, TX, US:Galveston, TX, US
Verlag der Wiener Photographen - Association SEE: Wiener Photographen - Association, Verlag der - Wien (Vienna), Austria
Verlag von Bruno Hentschel SEE: Hentschel, Bruno - Leipzig, Germany
Verlag von J.F. Lehmann SEE: Lehmann, Verlag von J.F. - München (Munich), Germany
Vermont Stereoscopic Co. - St. Albans, VT, US
Vermont View Co. - Castleton, VT, US
Verner SEE: Harman & Verner - Bay City, MI, US
Verneuil - Paris, France
Vernon Studio - Bridgeport, CT, US
Verrill, A.E. - New Haven, CT, US
Verzaschi, E. - Roma (Rome), Italy
Verzaschi, Enrico SEE: Verzaschi, E. - Roma (Rome), Italy
Viale, Joseph - Nice, France
Vianelli Bros. - Venezia (Venice), Italy
Vianelli, Giuseppe SEE: Vianelli Bros. - Venezia (Venice), Italy
Vianelli, Luigi SEE: Vianelli Bros. - Venezia (Venice), Italy
Viaud, G. - France
Vibosio, Fritz - Knittelfeld, Austria:Judenburg, Austria
Vick, B.S. - Marlborough, PA, US
Vick, B.S. - Alliance, OH, US
Vick, W. - Ipswich, E. Suffolk, England, UK
Vick, William SEE: Vick, W. - Ipswich, E. Suffolk, England, UK
Vickery, D.A. - Lowell, MA, US:Haverhill, MA, US
Vickery, J.D. - Bath, NY, US
Victoire - Lyon, France
Victor Views - Mt. Pleasant, PA, US
Victoria Gallery - Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Vidal, Léon
Viers & Dunlap - Erie, PA, US
Viers SEE: Viers & Dunlap - Erie, PA, US
View-Master - Portland, OR, US
Views in Abyssinia - London, England, UK
Viking View Co. - Edgerton, WI, US
Viking View Co. - Sioux Falls, SD, US:Minneapolis, MN, US
Viking View Co. SEE: Anderson, E.J. - Minneapolis, MN, US
Villeneuve, J.V. de SEE: Vallou de Villeneuve, Julien - Paris, France
Villiers & Sons - Newport, Gloucestershire, England, UK
Vimard, E. - Paris, France
Vindex View Co. - Virginia, MN, US
Viret SEE: Fraget & Viret - Paris, France
Virginia Centennial Co. - Richmond, VA, US
Virginia Centennial Views - Richmond, VA, US
Viron, P. - Lourdes, France
Visconti - Nice, France
Visser, R. - L‚opoldville, Belgian Congo
Visual Merchandising Corporation - Chicago, IL, US
Vive Camera Co. - Chicago, IL, US
Voelker & Staffeldt - Buffalo, NY, US
Voelker SEE: Voelker & Staffeldt - Buffalo, NY, US
Vogel & Dienstbach - Göteborg (Gothenburg), Sweden
Vogel & Dienstbach SEE: Dienstbach - Göteborg (Gothenburg), Sweden
Vogel SEE: Vogel & Dienstbach - Göteborg (Gothenburg), Sweden
Vogel - Germany
Vogelsanger, S. - Köln (Cologne), Germany:Berlin, Germany
Vogt, Aug. F. W. SEE: Vogt, August Frederik Willem
Vogt, August Frederik Willem
Vogt, H. - Berlin, Germany
Vokoum, Lorraine - Doners Grove, IL, US
Voland, Henri - Paris, France
Volkmann, J.A. - Graz, Austria
Vollenweider & Co., M. - Bern (Berne), Switzerland
Vollenweider, M. SEE: Vollenweider & Co., M. - Bern (Berne), Switzerland
Von Bosch - Bad Nauheim, Germany
Von Gottschalk, William - Providence, RI, US
Von Hasseln SEE: Mains & Von Hasseln - Comptonville, CA, US
Von Herff, B. - Raleigh, NC, US
Von Neida, D.S. - Shaefferstown, PA, US:Adamstown, PA, US:Ephrata, PA, US:York, PA, US
Von Nieda & Coombs - York, PA, US
Von Nieda & Coombs SEE: Von Neida, D.S. - Shaefferstown, PA, US:Adamstown, PA, US:Ephrata, PA, US:York, PA, US
Von Nieda SEE: Von Nieda & Coombs - York, PA, US
Von Nieda, D.S. SEE: Von Nieda & Coombs - York, PA, US
Von Zongraf & Zinsler - Budapest, Hungary
Von Zongraf & Zinsler SEE: Zinsler - Budapest, Hungary
Von Zongraf SEE: Von Zongraf & Zinsler - Budapest, Hungary
Voorhis, I.H. - Springfield, IL, US
Vorbeck, A.H. - Holstebro, Denmark
Vorbeck, Adolph Hermann SEE: Vorbeck, A.H. - Holstebro, Denmark
Vorland SEE: Kofler & Vorland - Brunek, Austria
Voronets, Emanuel Dmitrievich
Vosburgh, M.H. - Osage, IA, US:Charles City, IA, US
Vosburgh, Martin H. SEE: Vosburgh, M.H. - Osage, IA, US:Charles City, IA, US
Vose & Paul - Skowhegan, ME, US
Vose & Paul SEE: Paul, C.A. - Skowhegan, ME, US:Eden (Bar Harbor), ME, US
Vose & Paul SEE: Vose, S.S. - Skowhegan, ME, US
Vose & Son SEE: Vose, S.S. - Skowhegan, ME, US
Vose & Son, S.S. SEE: Vose, S.S. - Skowhegan, ME, US
Vose SEE: Vose & Paul - Skowhegan, ME, US
Vose, A.S. - Bethel, VT, US:Windsor, VT, US:Rochester, VT, US
Vose, S.S. SEE: Vose & Paul - Skowhegan, ME, US
Vose, S.S. - Skowhegan, ME, US
Vose, Sebastian S. SEE: Vose, S.S. - Skowhegan, ME, US
Vose, T.D. - Canton, ME, US:Buckfield, ME, US
Voyage en Russie
Voyle, J. - Selma, AL, US:Tuscaloosa, AL, US
Vreeland Studio - Alva, OK, US
Vroman, A.C. SEE: Vroman, Adam Clark - Pasadena, CA, US
Vroman, Adam Clark - Pasadena, CA, US


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