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The Stereographs Project
The Stereographs Photographer Project
Information on stereo photographers is widely scattered and this project brings it together into a coherent series of datasets.
PLEASE NOTE: The names shown here are only for testing purposes and more complete listing will be added as soon as possible. If you have ANY datasets on stereo photographers please let me know: let's make this a collaborative project.
F SEE: Fraget & Viret - Paris, France
F.P.F. & S. L & L Succers. SEE: Ferrier père & fils & Soulier
F.P.F. & S. L & L Succers. SEE: Leon & Levy - Paris, France
F.T. SEE: Furne fils & Tournier - Paris, France
FAGG - Paris, France
FB - France
FEJ - London, England, UK
FPF & S - Paris, France
FPF & S SEE: Soulier, Charles - Paris, France
FPF & S SEE: Ferrier, Claude-Marie - Paris, France
FR - Roma (Rome), Italy
FR SEE: Rowell, Frank - Boston, MA, US
FRG - Paris, France
FS & Co., Collection - Paris, France
FT - France
FV SEE: Fraget & Viret - Paris, France
FW - Westmoreland, Westmoreland, England, UK
Faber & Friese - Norfolk, VA, US
Faber, A.H. - Vejle, Denmark
Faber, Joseph H. SEE: Faber & Friese - Norfolk, VA, US
Fabre & Gravel - Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Fabre SEE: Fabre & Gravel - Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Fabronius - Bruges, Belgium
Fabry SEE: Kaufman & Fabry - Chicago, IL, US
Fackler, Max - Tegernsee, Germany
Faerber, L. - Kempten, Germany
Fagersteen, G. SEE: Fagersteen, Gustavus - Merced, CA, US:Yosemite Valley, CA, US:Madera, CA, US:Fresno, CA, US
Fagersteen, Gustavus SEE: Walker & Fagersteen - Stockton, CA, US:Yosemite, CA, US
Fagersteen, Gustavus - Merced, CA, US:Yosemite Valley, CA, US:Madera, CA, US:Fresno, CA, US
Fahrenberg, Alberto - Monterrey, Mexico
Fair & Thompson - Reading, PA, US
Fair SEE: Fair & Thompson - Reading, PA, US
Fairbanks & Son, J.B. - Natick, MA, US
Fairbanks - Adrian, MI, US
Fairbanks, J.A. - Center Point, IA, US
Fairbanks, J.B. SEE: Fairbanks & Son, J.B. - Natick, MA, US
Fairbanks, James A. SEE: Fairbanks, J.A. - Center Point, IA, US
Fairbarn, W.W. - Alanson, MI, US
Fairchild Aerial Surveys - New York City, NY, US
Fairchild, A.B. - Berea, KY, US
Fairchild, E.N. - San Francisco, CA, US
Fairchild, F.E. SEE: Elite Studios - Calais, ME, US:Lubec, ME, US
Fairchild, F.E. - Calais, ME, US:Lubec, ME, US
Fairchild, W.D. - Greencastle, IN, US
Fairclough, P. - Newcastle-on-Tyne, Northumberland, England, UK
Fairleigh, A.E. - Mexico, MO, US
Falk, Ajanner - Karlshamn, Sweden
Falk, B.J. - Palm Beach, FL, US
Falk's Sunlight Studio SEE: Falk, B.J. - Palm Beach, FL, US
Falkenstein - Strasbourg, France
Falkenstein, Henri SEE: Falkenstein - Strasbourg, France
Falkner SEE: Spencer & Falkner - Malone, NY, US
Falkner - Lanark, IL, US
Fall, Thomas - London, England, UK
Fallert, Paul - Pittsburgh, PA, US
Fallon, Joseph P. - US
Falor, A.C. - Berea, OH, US
Fangel SEE: Fangel, Peter Lorens - Middelfart, Denmark
Fangel, P. SEE: Fangel, Peter Lorens - Middelfart, Denmark
Fangel, P.L. SEE: Fangel, Peter Lorens - Middelfart, Denmark
Fangel, Peter Lorens - Middelfart, Denmark
Fangel, Peter SEE: Fangel, Peter Lorens - Middelfart, Denmark
Fangel, R. - Copenhagen, Denmark
Farabaugh, Joseph - Carrollton, PA, US
Faraday, G.C. - MO, US
Farciot, Charles O. - Charleston, AZ, US
Fardon, G.R. SEE: Fardon, George Robinson - Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Fardon, George Robinson - Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Faris & Gray - New York City, NY, US
Faris & Gray SEE: Faris, T. - Cincinnati, OH, US:New York City, NY, US
Faris, T. SEE: Faris & Gray - New York City, NY, US
Faris, T. - Cincinnati, OH, US:New York City, NY, US
Faris, Thomas SEE: Faris & Gray - New York City, NY, US
Faris, Thomas SEE: Faris, T. - Cincinnati, OH, US:New York City, NY, US
Farmborough, W.H. - Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Farmer & Rogers - London, England, UK
Farmer SEE: Farmer & Rogers - London, England, UK
Farmer SEE: Fay & Farmer - Malone, NY, US
Farmer - Fairlee, VT, US
Farmer - Malone, NY, US
Farmer, G.T. - Three Rivers, Quebec, Canada
Farmer, Samuel - Phillips, ME, US
Farmer, W. - Hamilton, Ontario, Canada:Warkworth, Ontario, Canada
Farmer, William F. SEE: Farmer, W. - Hamilton, Ontario, Canada:Warkworth, Ontario, Canada
Farndell, Edward - Adelaide, South Australia, Australia
Farnham, J.A. - Alexandria, VA, US
Farnham, James A. SEE: Farnham, J.A. - Alexandria, VA, US
Farnham, S.H. - Oxford, NY, US
Farnsworth, George - Poughkeepsie, NY, US
Farr & Goodman - Prairie du Chien, WI, US
Farr & Goodman SEE: Farr, H.R. - Minneapolis, MN, US:Prairie du Chien, WI, US:Dubuque, IA, US
Farr, H.R. SEE: Farr & Goodman - Prairie du Chien, WI, US
Farr, H.R. - Minneapolis, MN, US:Prairie du Chien, WI, US:Dubuque, IA, US
Farrand, Cam. SEE: Farrand, Camillus - Quito, Ecuador
Farrand, Camillus - Quito, Ecuador
Farrar, C.A.J. - Jamaica Plain, MA, US
Farrar, Charles A.J. - Boston, MA, US:Jamaica Plain, MA, US
Farrar, Charles Alden John SEE: Farrar, Charles A.J. - Boston, MA, US:Jamaica Plain, MA, US
Farrar, E.Y. - Manchester, NH, US
Farrar, J.C. - Copenhagen, Denmark
Farrelly SEE: Robertson & Farrelly - Austin, IL, US
Farrington - Steelton, PA, US
Farrington, George P. - Salem, MA, US
Farrington, Maurice - Delhi, NY, US
Farrington, Theo - McGregor, IA, US
Farrington, Theodore SEE: Farrington, Theo - McGregor, IA, US
Farson, Tim - Chiang Mai, Thailand
Fasnacht - Philadelphia, PA, US
Fassathal, Fr. Dantone Gries SEE: Dantone, Fr. - Fassathal, Austria
Fassett, A.G. - Dexter, ME, US:Lewiston, ME, US
Fassett, S.M. - Chicago, IL, US
Fassett, Samuel M. SEE: Fassett, S.M. - Chicago, IL, US
Fassina, F. - Milano (Milan), Italy
Fassitt, E. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Fassitt, F.T. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Fassitt, Francis T. SEE: Fassitt, F.T. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Fatsinger, A.W. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Fatsinger, Alfred W. SEE: Fatsinger, A.W. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Fauchery & Daintree SEE: Daintree, Richard - Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Faul, Henry - Central City, CO, US:Denver, CO, US
Faulhaber, G.L. - Sedalia, MO, US
Faulkner - Plymouth, IN, US
Faulkner, F.D. - Chippewa Falls, WI, US
Faulkner, M.M. - Niles, MI, US
Faulkner's Gallery SEE: Faulkner - Plymouth, IN, US
Faux, George Egbert SEE: Fowx, E.G. - Baltimore, MD, US:Washington, DC, US
Favorite - What Cheer, IA, US
Favre, L. SEE: L & F - Paris, France
Fay & Farmer - Malone, NY, US
Fay & Farmer SEE: Fay, C.R. - Malone, NY, US
Fay & Farmer SEE: Farmer - Malone, NY, US
Fay & Ferris - Malone, NY, US
Fay & Ferris SEE: Fay, C.R. - Malone, NY, US
Fay & Ferris SEE: Ferris, T.R. - Albany, NY, US
Fay, Alexis - Paris, France
Fay, C.R. SEE: Fay & Farmer - Malone, NY, US
Fay, C.R. SEE: Fay & Ferris - Malone, NY, US
Fay, C.R. - Malone, NY, US
Fay, E.B. - New York City, NY, US
Fay, W.D. - Joliet, IL, US
Fay, William D. SEE: Fay, W.D. - Joliet, IL, US
Faylor, A.C. - Berea, OH, US
Faze, W.A. - Portsmouth, OH, US:Painesville, OH, US
Fearon & Batchelder - Minneapolis, MN, US
Fearon & Batchelder SEE: Fearon, R.N. - Minneapolis, MN, US
Fearon, R.N. SEE: Fearon & Batchelder - Minneapolis, MN, US
Fearon, R.N. - Minneapolis, MN, US
Feeser, John G. - Hanover, PA, US
Fehrenbach SEE: Fehrenlach - London, England, UK
Fehrenlach - London, England, UK
Feiger, E.F. - Poonerey, OH, US
Feis, Jer. B. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Felisch, A. - St. Petersburg, Russia
Felischm SEE: Felisch, A. - St. Petersburg, Russia
Fell & Son - Sandy Creek, NY, US
Fell SEE: Fell & Son - Sandy Creek, NY, US
Fell, A.W. SEE: Bartley & Fell - Salinas City, CA, US
Fell, S.B. - Morrisburg, Ontario, Canada
Fell, Stephen B. SEE: Fell, S.B. - Morrisburg, Ontario, Canada
Fellow, Herman T. - Albany, NY, US
Fellows & Graves - Philadelphia, PA, US
Fellows & Graves SEE: Graves, C.H. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Fellows & Graves SEE: Fellows, Charles T. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Fellows Studio - San Diego, CA, US
Fellows - Mirror Lake, CA, US
Fellows, Charles T. SEE: Fellows & Graves - Philadelphia, PA, US
Fellows, Charles T. SEE: Roberts & Fellows - Philadelphia, PA, US
Fellows, Charles T. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Fellows, Charles T. SEE: The Fellows Photographic Co. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Fellows, E.G. - Vinton, IA, US
Fellows, Elisha G. SEE: Fellows, E.G. - Vinton, IA, US
Fellows, George E.C. - Claremont, NH, US:Lyme, NH, US:South Royalton, VT, US:White River Junction, VT, US
Felt, Peter A. - Chicago, IL, US
Felt, S.W. - Chicago, IL, US
Fenn, Dr. A.H. - Meriden, CT, US
Fennemore & Keeler - Philadelphia, PA, US
Fennemore & Keeler SEE: Keeler, F.S. - Boyerstown, PA, US:Philadelphia, PA, US
Fennemore & Suddards - Philadelphia, PA, US
Fennemore SEE: Fennemore & Keeler - Philadelphia, PA, US
Fennemore SEE: Fennemore & Suddards - Philadelphia, PA, US
Fennemore SEE: Keeler, Suddards & Fennemore - Philadelphia, PA, US
Fennemore, G.H. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Fennemore, J. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Fennemore, James SEE: Fennemore, Jas. - Beaver, UT, US:St. George, UT, US:Salt Lake City, UT, US
Fennemore, Jas. - Beaver, UT, US:St. George, UT, US:Salt Lake City, UT, US
Fenner & Co. - Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Fenner, J.B. - Lisle, NY, US
Fenner, T.W. SEE: Fenner & Co. - Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Fenno - Worcester, MA, US
Fenno, J.W. - Titusville, PA, US
Fenton & Rosenkrantz - Jamestown, NY, US
Fenton & Rosenkrantz SEE: Fenton, E.A. - Jamestown, NY, US
Fenton & Wendell - Mackinaw, MI, US
Fenton SEE: Fenton & Wendell - Mackinaw, MI, US
Fenton, A.F. - Chester-le-Street, County Durham, England, UK
Fenton, E.A. SEE: Fenton & Rosenkrantz - Jamestown, NY, US
Fenton, E.A. - Jamestown, NY, US
Fenton, F. - Amsterdam, NY, US
Fenton, J. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Fenton, Joseph SEE: Fenton, J. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Fenton, R.N. - Minneapolis, MN, US
Fenton, Roger - London, England, UK
Fenwick, Richard - Bloomington, IL, US
Feranti - Liverpool, Lancashire, England, UK
Ferdinand - Paris, France
Fergus, J. - Largs, Ayrshire, Scotland, UK
Ferguson, M.M. - Georgetown, TX, US:Goliad, TX, US
Ferguson, W. - Keswick, Cumbria, England, UK
Ferguson, W.F. - Marengo, IL, US
Fernald, C.S. - NH, US
Fernald, E.C. - Thomaston, ME, US:Boston, MA, US:Medford, MA, US
Fernald, J.M. - Lewiston, ME, US
Fernandez, A.N. - Madrid, Spain
Ferrando - Roma (Rome), Italy:
Ferrez, Marc - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Ferrier & Soulier & Levy - France
Ferrier & Soulier & Levy SEE: Soulier, Charles - Paris, France
Ferrier & Soulier & Levy SEE: Levy, J. - Paris, France
Ferrier & Soulier SEE: Ferrier père & fils & Soulier
Ferrier & Soulier - Paris, France
Ferrier & Soulier SEE: Ferrier, Claude-Marie - Paris, France
Ferrier Pere-Fils et Soulier SEE: FPF & S - Paris, France
Ferrier Père-Fils et Soulier SEE: Ferrier père & fils & Soulier
Ferrier Père-Fils et Soulier SEE: Ferrier, Claude-Marie - Paris, France
Ferrier fils SEE: Ferrier père & fils & Soulier
Ferrier pere & fils & Soulier
Ferrier pere SEE: Ferrier père & fils & Soulier
Ferrier pere SEE: Ferrier, Claude-Marie - Paris, France
Ferrier père & fils & Soulier SEE: Ferrier & Soulier - Paris, France
Ferrier père & fils & Soulier SEE: Ferrier, Alexandre - Paris, France
Ferrier SEE: Ferrier & Soulier & Levy - France
Ferrier, Alexander SEE: FPF & S - Paris, France
Ferrier, Alexandre - Paris, France
Ferrier, C.M. SEE: Ferrier, Claude-Marie - Paris, France
Ferrier, Claude Marie SEE: Ferrier, Claude-Marie - Paris, France
Ferrier, Claude-Marie SEE: FPF & S - Paris, France
Ferrier, Claude-Marie SEE: Ferrier père & fils & Soulier
Ferrier, Claude-Marie - Paris, France
Ferrier, J.F. - Paris, France
Ferrier, Jacques-Alexandre SEE: Ferrier père & fils & Soulier
Ferrier, Jacques-Alexandre SEE: Ferrier, Alexandre - Paris, France
Ferris, C. - Malone, NY, US
Ferris, T.R. SEE: Annesley & Ferris - Albany, NY, US
Ferris, T.R. SEE: Fay & Ferris - Malone, NY, US
Ferris, T.R. - Albany, NY, US
Ferte, E.P. - Livingston, MT, US
Ferwerda, Jacobus G. - Netherlands
Fescourt, F. - Nîmes, France
Fescourt, Félix SEE: Fescourt, F. - Nîmes, France
Fessenden, C.P. - Redwood City, CA, US:Antioch, CA, US:San Diego, CA, US
Fessenden, Charles Pierce SEE: Fessenden, C.P. - Redwood City, CA, US:Antioch, CA, US:San Diego, CA, US
Fetter, H.G. - Logansport, IN, US
Fetzer, J. - Ragaz, Switzerland
Few SEE: Disbrow & Few - Albion, NY, US
Fey & Braunig - Cuero, TX, US:Hallettsville, TX, US
Fey, Pius SEE: Fey & Braunig - Cuero, TX, US:Hallettsville, TX, US
Feyen, Paul - Kassel, Germany
Fickes, D. - Steubenville, OH, US
Fickes, J.C. - Steubenville, OH, US
Fiddler, F.F. - Ardmore, PA, US
Fiddler, Jas. - Joplin, MO, US
Fiddler's Grand Gallery SEE: Fiddler, F.F. - Ardmore, PA, US
Fiedler, H. - Prague, Austria
Field SEE: Field, Lighter & Co. - Chicago, IL, US
Field, G. - Toledo, OH, US
Field, J. Hampton - Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Field, James C. - Tampa, FL, US
Field, Lighter & Co. - Chicago, IL, US
Fields - Toledo, OH, US
Fields, A.S. - Lake City, FL, US
Fields, George SEE: Beck & Fields - Toledo, OH, US
Fields, George SEE: Fields - Toledo, OH, US
Fields, J.P. - Harrisonville, MO, US
Fields, Margaret J. SEE: Fields, Mr. & Mrs. - Burlington, IA, US:Lyons, IA, US
Fields, Mr. & Mrs. - Burlington, IA, US:Lyons, IA, US
Fields, William B. SEE: Fields, Mr. & Mrs. - Burlington, IA, US:Lyons, IA, US
Fields, William B. SEE: Fields, Wm.B. - Burlington, IA, US:Morris, IL, US:Fulton City, IL, US
Fields, Wm.B. - Burlington, IA, US:Morris, IL, US:Fulton City, IL, US
Fierlants, F. - Bruges, Belgium
Fietta, Edouard - Strasbourg, France
Fifield, A.G. - Franklin Falls, NH, US
Fifield, H.S. - New Hampton, NH, US:Lincoln, NH, US
Fifield, Henry S. SEE: Fifield, H.S. - New Hampton, NH, US:Lincoln, NH, US
Fignes, F.G. - Aurora, IL, US
Filkins, G.G. - Poughkeepsie, NY, US
Filley, M.A. - New Haven, CT, US:Concord, NH, US
Filley, Myron A. SEE: Filley, M.A. - New Haven, CT, US:Concord, NH, US
Fillmore, L.H. - Ticonderoga, NY, US:Whitehall, NY, US
Filson & Son SEE: Filson, D. - Steubenville, OH, US
Filson, D. - Steubenville, OH, US
Finch, E. - Alvarado, TX, US:Waxahatchie, TX, US
Finch, P.F. - Lebanon, OH, US
Fincham, P. - West Dulwich, London, England, UK
Findlay, W.W. - Kansas City, MO, US
Findlow, A. - Warwick, Warwickshire, England, UK
Fine Art Photographers Publishing Co., The - US
Fine Arts Gallery - Delaware, OH, US
Fine Arts Photo Co. - Chicago, IL, US
Finkbinder, J.A. - Bellefonte, PA, US
Finley & Sons - Canandaigua, NY, US
Finley, G.W. - Jeffersonville, IN, US
Finley, H. Marshall SEE: Finley, H.M. - Canandaigua, NY, US
Finley, H.M. - Canandaigua, NY, US
Finley, Rebecca - Canandaigua, NY, US
Finney, Richard - Los Angeles, CA, US
Finsterlin, F. - München (Munich), Germany
Finsterlin, Ferd. SEE: Finsterlin, F. - München (Munich), Germany
Firmin, J.P. - Eaton, Nottinghamshire, England, UK
Firth, W.T. - Adelaide, South Australia, Australia
Fischer & Bro. - Baltimore, MD, US
Fischer & Mathis - Switzerland
Fischer & Mathis SEE: Mathis - Switzerland
Fischer SEE: Fischer & Bro. - Baltimore, MD, US
Fischer SEE: Fischer & Mathis - Switzerland
Fischer, Thorvald - Roskilde, Denmark
Fisher & Corlies SEE: Corlies & Fisher - Philadelphia, PA, US
Fisher & Howe - Franklin, MA, US
Fisher Bros. - Boston, MA, US
Fisher Bros. SEE: McCallum & Fisher - Boston, MA, US
Fisher View Co. - Pittsburgh, PA, US
Fisher SEE: Fisher & Howe - Franklin, MA, US
Fisher SEE: Willis & Fisher - Milford, MA, US:Woonsocket, RI, US
Fisher, A.J. - New York City, NY, US
Fisher, Alfred J. SEE: Fisher, A.J. - New York City, NY, US
Fisher, Alfred J. - Towanda, PA, US
Fisher, C. - Claremont, NH, US:Hinsdale, NH, US
Fisher, C.H. - Bryan, TX, US:Calvert, TX, US
Fisher, C.V. - Hyde Park, MA, US
Fisher, Edward P. SEE: Fisher Bros. - Boston, MA, US
Fisher, Edward P. SEE: McCallum & Fisher - Boston, MA, US
Fisher, Edwin C. SEE: Fisher, C. - Claremont, NH, US:Hinsdale, NH, US
Fisher, Emory P. SEE: Fisher Bros. - Boston, MA, US
Fisher, Emory P. SEE: McCallum & Fisher - Boston, MA, US
Fisher, F.A. - Milford, NH, US
Fisher, G. - Waterloo, IA, US:Vinton, IA, US:Clarksville, IA, US
Fisher, George C. SEE: Fisher, G. - Waterloo, IA, US:Vinton, IA, US:Clarksville, IA, US
Fisher, J. Harold - Lansdale, PA, US
Fisher, J.A. - Jefferson, WI, US
Fisher, J.R. - Fremont, PA, US
Fisher, Louis C. SEE: Corlies & Fisher - Philadelphia, PA, US
Fisher, Louis C. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Fisher, R.G. SEE: Fisher, R.G. & Foster, G.F. - Milford, NH, US
Fisher, S.R. - Norristown, PA, US
Fisher, Samuel A. SEE: Willis & Fisher - Milford, MA, US:Woonsocket, RI, US
Fisher, Samuel Ritter SEE: Fisher, S.R. - Norristown, PA, US
Fisher, W.T. - Filey, York.
Fisher, Walter T. SEE: Fisher, W.T. - Filey, York.
Fisher, R.G. & Foster, G.F. - Milford, NH, US
Fisherview Scientific Materials Co. - Pittsburgh, PA, US
Fisk & Reitmeyer - Troy, NY, US
Fisk SEE: Fisk & Reitmeyer - Troy, NY, US
Fisk, A.D. - New York City, NY, US
Fisk, Alfred S. - Woodbridge, E. Suffolk, England, UK
Fisk, Bert - North Freedom, W
Fitch, Col. H. - Eureka Springs, AR, US
Fitch, Herbert R. - San Diego, CA, US
Fitch, J.E. - Venango, PA, US
Fitton & Rice - Worcester, MA, US
Fitton & Rice SEE: Fitton, W.H. - Worcester, MA, US
Fitton, W.H. - Worcester, MA, US
Fitton, William H. SEE: Fitton & Rice - Worcester, MA, US
Fitton, William H. SEE: Fitton, W.H. - Worcester, MA, US
Fitzgerald & Co. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Fitzgerald, J.C. - LeRoy, NY, US
Fitzgibbon, Dr. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Fitzgibbon, J.H. - St. Louis, MO, US
Fitzgibbon, John H. SEE: Fitzgibbon, J.H. - St. Louis, MO, US
Fizeau, Armand Hippolyte Louis SEE: Fizeau, Armand Hippolyte - France
Fizeau, Armand Hippolyte - France
Fizeau, Armand-Hippolyte-Louis SEE: Fizeau, Armand Hippolyte - France
Fizeau, Hippolyte SEE: Fizeau, Armand Hippolyte - France
Flach SEE: Roesler & Flach - Königsberg, Germany
Flach, G.A. - Alameda, CA, US
Flagg, C.F. - Ovid, NY, US
Flagg, G.V. - Ovid, NY, US
Flagg, J. - Fair Haven, VT, US
Flaglor & Durose - San Francisco, CA, US
Flaglor & Durose SEE: Flaglor, A.P. - San Francisco, CA, US:Eureka, CA, US:Jacksonville, OR, US
Flaglor, A.P. - San Francisco, CA, US:Eureka, CA, US:Jacksonville, OR, US
Flaglor, Amasa Plummer SEE: Flaglor & Durose - San Francisco, CA, US
Flaglor, Amasa Plummer SEE: Flaglor, A.P. - San Francisco, CA, US:Eureka, CA, US:Jacksonville, OR, US
Flalten SEE: Flaten & Skrivseth - Moorhead, MN, US
Flalten, O.E. SEE: Flaten & Skrivseth - Moorhead, MN, US
Flanagan, J.H. - Waterville, ME, US
Flanagin, H.H. - Woodstown, NJ, US
Flanders & Godfrey - Los Angeles, CA, US
Flanders & Godfrey SEE: Flanders, D.P. - San Francisco, CA, US:Truckee, CA, US:Los Angeles, CA, US:Prescott, AZ, US:Tucson, AZ, US
Flanders & Godfrey SEE: Godfrey, W.M. - Los Angeles, CA, US
Flanders & Penlon - Prescott, AZ, US
Flanders & Penlon SEE: Flanders, D.P. - San Francisco, CA, US:Truckee, CA, US:Los Angeles, CA, US:Prescott, AZ, US:Tucson, AZ, US
Flanders, C.M. - Humeston, IA, US:Corydon, IA, US:Glenwood, IA, US
Flanders, Charles M. SEE: Flanders, C.M. - Humeston, IA, US:Corydon, IA, US:Glenwood, IA, US
Flanders, D.P. - San Francisco, CA, US:Truckee, CA, US:Los Angeles, CA, US:Prescott, AZ, US:Tucson, AZ, US
Flanders, Dudley P. SEE: Flanders & Godfrey - Los Angeles, CA, US
Flanders, Dudley P. SEE: Flanders & Penlon - Prescott, AZ, US
Flanders, Dudley P. SEE: Flanders, D.P. - San Francisco, CA, US:Truckee, CA, US:Los Angeles, CA, US:Prescott, AZ, US:Tucson, AZ, US
Flanders, Gideon - Morris, NY, US
Flanders, W.C. - Lansingburgh, NY, US
Flaten & Skrivseth - Moorhead, MN, US
Flaten & Skrivseth SEE: Flaten, O.E. - Moorhead, MN, US
Flaten, O.E. - Moorhead, MN, US
Fleeming, Elphinstone SEE: Hawarden, Lady Clementina - UK
Flegeltaub, Aaron - Ballarat, Victoria, Australia
Fleischer, A.H. - Pittston, PA, US
Fleischner, Philip - Philadelphia, PA, US
Fleming Brothers - Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Fleming SEE: Copeland & Fleming - Pithole, PA, US
Fleming, E.G. - Wausau, WI, US
Fletcher Bros. - Birmingham, Warwickshire, England, UK
Fletcher SEE: Crandall & Fletcher - Duluth, MN, US
Fletcher - Nelson, NY, US
Fletcher, Eben - Woodstock, VT, US
Fletcher, M.M. - Massilon, OH, US
Fletcher, W.H. - Los Angeles, CA, US
Fletcher, William H. SEE: Fletcher, W.H. - Los Angeles, CA, US
Flewelling, Charles - St. John, New Brunswick, Canada
Flexner SEE: Godshaw & Flexner - Louisville, KY, US
Flickinger & Bates - Mechanicsburg, PA, US
Flickinger & Bates SEE: Bates - Philadelphia, PA, US
Flickinger & Bates SEE: Flickinger - Bethlehem, PA, US
Flickinger SEE: Flickinger & Bates - Mechanicsburg, PA, US
Flickinger - Bethlehem, PA, US
Flinn & Breneman - Lancaster, PA, US
Flinn SEE: Flinn & Breneman - Lancaster, PA, US
Flint - New York City, NY, US
Flint, B.W. - New Haven, CT, US
Flint, Byron W. SEE: Flint, B.W. - New Haven, CT, US
Flocks, Franklin J. - Palo Alto, CA, US
Flodquist - Christiania, Norway
Flood, O.D. - Leominster, MA, US
Floriani, Pietro - Riva, Italy
Florida Club, The - St. Augustine, FL, US
Florida Photographic Printing & Publishing Co. - Jacksonville, FL, US
Florida Photographic View Co. - Jacksonville, FL, US
Florida Scenery - US
Florida Winter Home & Improvement Co. - Winter Park, FL, US:Boston, MA, US
Flower & Hawkins - Minneapolis, MN, US:St. Paul, MN, US
Flower SEE: Flower & Hawkins - Minneapolis, MN, US:St. Paul, MN, US
Flowers, B.G. - Chambersburg, PA, US
Floyd & Power - Minneapolis, MN, US
Floyd & Power SEE: Floyd, G.W. - Minneapolis, MN, US
Floyd, F.G. - Paola, KS, US
Floyd, G.W. SEE: Floyd & Power - Minneapolis, MN, US
Floyd, G.W. SEE: Secret Order of Scientific Photographers - Minneapolis, MN, US
Floyd, G.W. - Minneapolis, MN, US
Floyd, J.W. SEE: Floyd, J.W.L. - Lock Haven, PA, US
Floyd, J.W.L. - Lock Haven, PA, US
Floyd, S.C. - Hong Kong, China
Fluke, S.B. - Martinsburg, PA, US:Woodbury, PA, US
Flury, Alexander - Pontresina, Switzerland
Fly, C.S. SEE: Fly, Camillus S. - Tombstone, AZ, US:Bisbee, AZ, US:Phoenix, AZ, US:San Francisco, CA, US
Fly, Camillus S. - Tombstone, AZ, US:Bisbee, AZ, US:Phoenix, AZ, US:San Francisco, CA, US
Fly, Camillus Sidney SEE: Fly, Camillus S. - Tombstone, AZ, US:Bisbee, AZ, US:Phoenix, AZ, US:San Francisco, CA, US
Fly, William M. SEE: Fly, Wm. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Fly, Wm. - Philadelphia, PA, US
Flynn, J.P. - Salem, NJ, US
Foedisch, Charles - Honesdale, PA, US
Fogg SEE: Hoyt, Fogg & Donham - Portland, ME, US
Fogg, C.G. - Salem, MA, US
Fogg, Charles G. - Salem, MA, US
Folb, Martin - Los Angeles, CA, US
Foley Bros. - Mackinac, MI, US
Foley, E. - Mackinac Island, MI, US
Foley, Edward P. SEE: Foley Bros. - Mackinac, MI, US
Foley, Edward P. - Mackinac, MI, US
Foley, John R. SEE: Foley Bros. - Mackinac, MI, US
Foley, Reuben P. SEE: Foley Bros. - Mackinac, MI, US
Foley, S.H. - Hackensack, NJ, US
Folimarino SEE: Olivetti, Folimarino & Co. - New York City, NY, US
Foljambe, C. - Cleveland, OH, US
Foljambe, J.C. - Cleveland, OH, US
Folkstone, Chas. - Milwaukee, WI, US
Follansbee, E.K. - East Canaan, NH, US
Folsom Bros. - Brewster, NY, US
Folsom - Lake Mahopac, NY, US
Folsom, A.H. - Roxbury, MA, US:Boston, MA, US:CT, US
Folsom, Augustus H. SEE: Folsom, A.H. - Roxbury, MA, US:Boston, MA, US:CT, US
Folsom, E.S. - Katonah, NY, US
Folsom, J.H. - Waterbury, CT, US:Danbury, CT, US
Folsom, Joseph H. SEE: Folsom, J.H. - Waterbury, CT, US:Danbury, CT, US
Foltz & Weston - Bedford, PA, US
Foltz & Weston SEE: Foltz, F.H. - Bedford, PA, US
Foltz, Adam B. - PA, US
Foltz, E.K. - Ardmore, PA, US
Foltz, F.H. SEE: Foltz & Weston - Bedford, PA, US
Foltz, F.H. - Bedford, PA, US
Foltz, W.E. - Akron, OH, US
Fontayne & Porter SEE: Porter, William Southgate - Cincinnati, OH, US:Louisville, KY, US
Fontayne, C.H. - Roanoke, VA, US
Foote, D.A. - Wolcott, NY, US
Foote, David A. SEE: Foote, D.A. - Wolcott, NY, US
Forbes - White River Junction, VT, US
Forbes, M.D. - Rochester, NY, US
Ford Gallery, The - Lyndon, KS, US
Ford SEE: Wheat & Ford - Lincoln, NE, US
Ford, F.B. - Kendallville, IN, US
Ford, George - Leamington, Ontario, Canada:Pembroke, Ontario, Canada
Ford, H. - Burlington, KS, US
Ford, Harry SEE: Ford, H. - Burlington, KS, US
Ford, J.H. - Belleville, Ontario, Canada
Ford, James M. - San Francisco, CA, US:San Jose, CA, US
Ford, Lindley J. - Mason, MI, US
Fordice, W.H. - Council Grove, KS, US
Fordinck, G. - Carling, WI, US
Forell - McPherson City, KS, US
Forest & Co., F. - Holyoke, MA, US
Forhead, E. - Ventnor, Isle of Wight, England, UK
Forney - Abilene, KS, US
Forrell, C. SEE: Forell - McPherson City, KS, US
Forrest & Lozo - Belleville, Ontario, Canada:Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Forrest SEE: Forrest & Lozo - Belleville, Ontario, Canada:Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Forrest, James A. - Liverpool, Lancashire, England, UK
Forrester, Joseph James Baron de SEE: Forrester, Joseph James - Portugal
Forrester, Joseph James Baron SEE: Forrester, Joseph James - Portugal
Forrester, Joseph James barão de SEE: Forrester, Joseph James - Portugal
Forrester, Joseph James - Portugal
Forshew, Frank - Hudson, NY, US
Forster - Dublin, Ireland
Forsyth & Wilson - Kingston, NY, US
Forsyth SEE: Forsyth & Wilson - Kingston, NY, US
Forsyth, N.A. - Butte, MT, US
Forsyth, Norman A. SEE: Forsyth, N.A. - Butte, MT, US
Forthmesser, Hanna - Aby, Sweden:Engelholm, Sweden:Helsingborg, Sweden
Fortier, B. - Berlin, NH, US
Fortier, James - Inverness, Quebec, Canada
Fortin, J. - Alton, IL, US
Fortin, Joseph SEE: Fortin, J. - Alton, IL, US
Fortino, L.B. - San Jos‚ Costa Rica
Fortney, J.G. - Lancaster, PA, US
Fortney, James G. SEE: Fortney, J.G. - Lancaster, PA, US
Forwood, J. - Baltimore, MD, US:Cumberland, MD, US
Forwood, John S. SEE: Forwood, J. - Baltimore, MD, US:Cumberland, MD, US
Foslide, John - Buckley, WA, US
Fosnot & Hunter - Keosauqua, IA, US
Fosnot & Hunter SEE: Fosnot, L.C. - Keosauqua, IA, US
Fosnot, L.C. - Keosauqua, IA, US
Fosnot, Lewis C. SEE: Fosnot & Hunter - Keosauqua, IA, US
Fosnot, Lewis C. SEE: Fosnot, L.C. - Keosauqua, IA, US
Foss & Hickox - San Francisco, CA, US
Foss & Hickox SEE: Hickox, A.A. - San Francisco, CA, US
Foss & Hickox SEE: Foss, O. - San Francisco, CA, US
Foss - Quebec, Quebec, Canada
Foss, E.J. - Boston, MA, US:Malden, MA, US
Foss, Eliphalet J. SEE: Foss, E.J. - Boston, MA, US:Malden, MA, US
Foss, Fred H. - Dover, NH, US
Foss, O. - San Francisco, CA, US
Foss, Oscar SEE: Foss & Hickox - San Francisco, CA, US
Foss, Oscar SEE: Perkins & Foss - San Francisco, CA, US
Foss, Oscar SEE: Foss, O. - San Francisco, CA, US
Fossett SEE: Fassett, A.G. - Dexter, ME, US:Lewiston, ME, US
Foster & Martin - Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Foster & Miles - Philadelphia, PA, US
Foster & Miles SEE: Foster, J. Preston - Philadelphia, PA, US
Foster SEE: Foster, Campbell & Co. - Richmond, VA, US
Foster SEE: Foster & Martin - Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Foster SEE: Lovejoy & Foster - Chicago, IL, US
Foster, A.K. SEE: Foster, John C. & A.K. - Monmouth, IL, US
Foster, B.F. - Milford, NH, US
Foster, E.H. - Jamestown, DT, US
Foster, F.D. - Norwalk, OH, US
Foster, G.F. SEE: Fisher, R.G. & Foster, G.F. - Milford, NH, US
Foster, Henry C. SEE: Lovejoy & Foster - Chicago, IL, US
Foster, J. Preston SEE: Foster & Miles - Philadelphia, PA, US
Foster, J. Preston - Philadelphia, PA, US
Foster, J.A. - Providence, RI, US
Foster, J.M. - Yellow Springs, OH, US
Foster, J.M. - South Boston, MA, US
Foster, J.P. - Concord, NH, US
Foster, James - Chicago, IL, US
Foster, John C. & A.K. SEE: Foster, John C. - Monmouth, IL, US
Foster, John C. & A.K. - Monmouth, IL, US
Foster, John C. - Monmouth, IL, US
Foster, John C. SEE: Foster, John C. & A.K. - Monmouth, IL, US
Foster, Joseph M. SEE: Foster, J.M. - South Boston, MA, US
Foster, Josre L. - New York City, NY, US
Foster, Julius A. - Adrian, MI, US
Foster, Peter Le Neve - Surrey, England, UK
Foster, R.M. - Cawker City, KS, US
Foster, Campbell & Co. - Richmond, VA, US
Fothergill, J.W. - PA, US
Fotografia Le Lieure SEE: LeLieure - Torino (Turin), Italy
Fotografia dell’Emilia SEE: Emilia - Bologna, Italy
Fotografia dell’Emilia SEE: Poppi, Pietro - Bologna, Italy
Fotografisk Special-Forretning - Aalborg, Denmark
Foucault, Jean Bernard Léon SEE: Foucault, Léon - Paris, France
Foucault, Léon - Paris, France
Fouch, J.H. - PA, US:Excelsior, MN, US:Lake Minnetonka, MN, US:Fort Keogh, MT, US
Fouch, John H. SEE: Fouch, J.H. - PA, US:Excelsior, MN, US:Lake Minnetonka, MN, US:Fort Keogh, MT, US
Foulk - Hillsboro, OH, US
Foultz, E.K. - Bessemer, AL, US
Foux SEE: Fowx, E.G. - Baltimore, MD, US:Washington, DC, US
Fowler & Co. - Lindsay, Ontario, Canada
Fowler & Minor - Waterville, NY, US
Fowler & Minor SEE: Fowler, S.J. - Auburn, NY, US
Fowler & Oliver - Lindsay, Ontario, Canada
Fowler & Seavy - Sharon, PA, US
Fowler SEE: Combs & Fowler - Sharon, PA, US
Fowler SEE: Fowler & Oliver - Lindsay, Ontario, Canada
Fowler SEE: Fowler & Seavy - Sharon, PA, US
Fowler, A.G. - Leura, New South Wales, Australia
Fowler, A.R. - Meadville, PA, US
Fowler, C. - Torquay, Devon, England, UK
Fowler, E.P. - Haverhill, MA, US
Fowler, Edward P. SEE: Fowler, E.P. - Haverhill, MA, US
Fowler, F.W. - Salisbury, MA, US
Fowler, Frederick W. SEE: Fowler, F.W. - Salisbury, MA, US
Fowler, H. - Indianapolis, IN, US
Fowler, J.A. - West Randolph, VT, US
Fowler, L.C. - Lancaster, PA, US:Myerstown, PA, US
Fowler, L.D. - Rochester, MN, US
Fowler, S.J. SEE: Fowler & Minor - Waterville, NY, US
Fowler, S.J. - Auburn, NY, US
Fowler, W.A. - Mitchell, Ontario, Canada
Fowx, E.G. - Baltimore, MD, US:Washington, DC, US
Fowx, Egbert G. SEE: Fowx, E.G. - Baltimore, MD, US:Washington, DC, US
Fowx, Egbert Guy SEE: Fowx, E.G. - Baltimore, MD, US:Washington, DC, US
Fowx, G.E. SEE: Fowx, E.G. - Baltimore, MD, US:Washington, DC, US
Fowx, Guy Egbert SEE: Fowx, E.G. - Baltimore, MD, US:Washington, DC, US
Fox & Gates - Rochester, NY, US
Fox & Gates SEE: Gates, Menzo E. - Rochester, NY, US
Fox & Symons - Salt Lake City, UT, US
Fox Lake View Co. - Fox Lake, WI, US
Fox SEE: Fox & Symons - Salt Lake City, UT, US
Fox SEE: Maull & Fox - London, England, UK
Fox SEE: Fowx, E.G. - Baltimore, MD, US:Washington, DC, US
Fox, A.J. - St. Louis, MO, US
Fox, Andrew J. SEE: Fox, A.J. - St. Louis, MO, US
Fox, C.B. - London, England, UK
Fox, E.H. - Danville, KY, US
Fox, Edward H. - Danville, KY, US
Fox, Edward - Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire, England, UK
Fox, J. Marsden SEE: Fox & Gates - Rochester, NY, US
Fox, J. - Chicago, IL, US
Fox, J.M. - Rochester, NY, US
Fox, J.V. - Louisville, KY, US
Fox, Wilson C. - Harrisburg, PA, US
Foxcroft, Frank - Bright, Victoria, Australia
Foy, Alfred - Osaugo, OR, US
Fradelle & Marshall - London, England, UK
Fradelle, Albert Eugene SEE: Fradelle & Marshall - London, England, UK
Fraehaufer, F. - Adamstown, PA, US
Fraget & Viret - Paris, France
Fraget SEE: Fraget & Viret - Paris, France
Frame, A.T. - Airdrie, Lanarkshire, Scotland, UK
Frampton & Work - Punxsutawney, PA, US
Frampton & Work SEE: Frampton, J.W. - Marion, PA, US
Frampton, J.W. SEE: Frampton & Work - Punxsutawney, PA, US
Frampton, J.W. - Marion, PA, US
Frances, John - Ebrington, Worcestershire, England, UK
Francis, L.G. - Auburn, NY, US
Francis, William A. - Naracoorte, South Australia, Australia
Franck SEE: Franck, François - Paris, France
Franck, François - Paris, France
Franco-Suisse - Bern (Berne), Switzerland
Frank, George - Gateshead, County Durham, England, UK
Frank, M.D, Ira SEE: Beck & Frank - St. Louis, MO, US
Frankenstein - Strasbourg, France
Frankenstein, M. - Wien (Vienna), Austria
Frankenstein, Wilhelm - Wien (Vienna), Austria
Franklin & Co. - Washington, DC, US
Franklin Photo Co. - Franklin, MA, US
Franklin Photo Co. SEE: Adams, K. - Cambridge, MA, US:Franklin, MA, US
Franklin Photograph Studio SEE: Adams, K. - Cambridge, MA, US:Franklin, MA, US
Franklin, E.S. - Montour, IA, US
Franklin, M.J. SEE: Franklin & Co. - Washington, DC, US
Franklin, Milton - Philadelphia, PA, US
Franklin, O. - Poland, NY, US
Franklin, W.H. - Kingston, Ireland
Franks & Butler - The Dalles, OR, US
Franks SEE: Franks & Butler - The Dalles, OR, US
Franks - Philadelphia, PA, US
Frantzen, Fritz - Chicago, IL, US
Fraser & Freeland - Gladstone, MI, US
Fraser SEE: Fraser & Freeland - Gladstone, MI, US
Fraser, John A. SEE: Notman & Fraser - Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Fratelli Alinari SEE: Alinari - Firenze (Florence), Italy:Roma (Rome), Italy
Fratelli D'Alessandri - Roma (Rome), Italy:Napoli (Naples), Italy
Fratelli Vianelli SEE: Vianelli Bros. - Venezia (Venice), Italy
Fraticci, C. - Napoli (Naples), Italy
Frayser, W.G.R - Richmond, VA, US:Charlottesville, VA, US
Frazee SEE: Ranger & Frazee - Syracuse, NY, US
Frazee, Benjamin C. SEE: Ranger & Frazee - Syracuse, NY, US
Frazee, Benjamin C. - Syracuse, NY, US
Frazer, Mrs. - St. Genevieve, MO, US
Frazier, G.C. - Ithaca, NY, US
Frazier, Henry - Clarksville, AR, US
Frear, William - Ithaca, NY, US
Fredblom, B. - Göteborg (Gothenburg), Sweden
Frederic, J.D. - Waynesboro, PA, US
Frederick, Bruckmann SEE: Bruckmann, F. - München (Munich), Germany
Frederick, E.R. - Peningtonville, PA, US
Fredericks & Co. - Habana, Cuba
Frederics, J.D. - Waynesboro, PA, US
Fredricks & Co., C.D. SEE: Fredricks, Charles DeForest - New York City, NY, US
Fredricks & Weeks SEE: Fredricks, Charles DeForest - New York City, NY, US
Fredricks, C.D. SEE: Fredricks, Charles DeForest - New York City, NY, US
Fredricks, Charles DeForest - New York City, NY, US
Fredrickson, Ronald - Kenosha, WI, US
Freeborn, L.H. - Des Moines, IA, US
Freeborn, Lee H. SEE: Freeborn, L.H. - Des Moines, IA, US
Freedle, J.W. - Cleveland, OH, US
Freedle, James - Carlisle, PA, US
Freehafer, F. - Adamstown, PA, US
Freeland SEE: Fraser & Freeland - Gladstone, MI, US
Freeland - Milford, NJ, US
Freeland, G.W. - Milford, NY, US
Freeland, H.W. - Angmering, West Sussex, England, UK
Freeman & Co. - Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Freeman, Alfred - Dallas, TX, US:McKinney, TX, US:Sherman, TX, US
Freeman, C.H. - Wakefield, MA, US:Boston, MA, US:Westboro, MA, US:Montpelier, VT, US
Freeman, Charles H. SEE: Freeman, C.H. - Wakefield, MA, US:Boston, MA, US:Westboro, MA, US:Montpelier, VT, US
Freeman, F.A. - Boston, MA, US
Freeman, Frederick A. SEE: Freeman, F.A. - Boston, MA, US
Freeman, G.W. - Boston, MA, US:Charlestown, MA, US
Freeman, George W. SEE: Freeman, G.W. - Boston, MA, US:Charlestown, MA, US
Freeman, J. - New Bedford, MA, US:Nantucket, MA, US
Freeman, Josiah SEE: Freeman, J. - New Bedford, MA, US:Nantucket, MA, US
Frees, O.P. SEE: Gove & Frees - Tiffin, OH, US
Frees, O.P. - Tiffin, OH, US
Freid, G. - Toledo, OH, US
Fren, Maison - Paris, France
French & Co., Benj. SEE: French, B. - Boston, MA, US
French & Goodrich - North East, PA, US
French & Hemple - Philadelphia, PA, US
French & Hemple SEE: Hemple, A.H. - Philadelphia, PA, US
French & Sawyer - Keene, NH, US
French & Sawyer SEE: American Stereoscopic Exchange Club - Washington, DC, US
French & Sawyer SEE: French, J.A. - Keene, NH, US
French Canadian Mission Fund - Montreal, Quebec, Canada
French SEE: French & Sawyer - Keene, NH, US
French SEE: French & Goodrich - North East, PA, US
French SEE: French & Hemple - Philadelphia, PA, US
French SEE: LaRoche & French - Tacoma, WA, US
French, A. SEE: LaRoche & French - Tacoma, WA, US
French, B. - Boston, MA, US
French, Benjamin SEE: French, B. - Boston, MA, US
French, C.M. SEE: Holcomb & French - Garrettsville, OH, US
French, C.M. - Garrettsville, OH, US:Youngstown, OH, US
French, David - Meriden, CT, US:West Meriden, CT, US
French, F. - Lawrence, KS, US
French, Frank - Pecatonica, IL, US
French, J.A. - Keene, NH, US
French, J.C. - Binghampton (Binghamton), NY, US
French, Jotham A. SEE: French & Sawyer - Keene, NH, US
French, Jotham A. SEE: Peabody & French - Hanover, NH, US
French, Jotham A. SEE: French, J.A. - Keene, NH, US
French, Robert - Dublin, Ireland
French, William SEE: Bartlett & French - Philadelphia, PA, US
French's Stereoscopic Views - Kansas City, MO, US
Frese, A. - Los Angeles, CA, US
Frese, Adolf SEE: Frese, A. - Los Angeles, CA, US
Frey, H. - Scranton, PA, US
Frey, Henry SEE: Frey, H. - Scranton, PA, US
Frey, J. Nevin - Hanover, PA, US
Frey, J.H. - Chicago, IL, US
Frey, M.F. - St. Marys, PA, US
Friden, E.H. - Poplar Bluff, MO, US
Friden, H.H. - Weirs, NH, US
Friedgen & Donner - Columbus, IN, US
Friedgen SEE: Friedgen & Donner - Columbus, IN, US
Friedrich, F. - Prague, Austria
Friend, Charles W. - Biddeford, ME, US
Friend, D.L. - Martinsville, MO, US
Friend, H. - Gloucester, MA, US:Boston, MA, US
Friend, Hervey SEE: Cook & Friend - Gloucester, MA, US
Friend, Hervey SEE: Friend, H. - Gloucester, MA, US:Boston, MA, US
Friese SEE: Faber & Friese - Norfolk, VA, US
Frink & Hazleton - Montrose, PA, US
Frink SEE: Frink & Hazleton - Montrose, PA, US
Frioux, Eugene - Lourdes, France
Frisbie - Sandusky, OH, US
Frith and Co., F. SEE: Frith, Francis - Reigate, Surrey, England, UK
Frith and Co., F. SEE: Good, Frank - London, England, UK:Phoenix Green, Hampshire, England, UK:Hartley Witney, Hampshire, England, UK
Frith, Francis - Reigate, Surrey, England, UK
Frith, T. - Hamilton, Bermuda
Frith, Thomas Tuzo SEE: Frith, T. - Hamilton, Bermuda
Fritsch, Charles - Pittston, PA, US
Fritsch, Dr. G. - Berlin, Germany
Fritz & Malnight - DT, US
Fritz SEE: Fritz & Malnight - DT, US
Fritz, Charles - Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Fritz, Frank Z. - Lambertville, NJ, US
Fritz, J.S. - Gutenburg, IA, US:Waverly, IA, US
Fritz, John S. SEE: Fritz, J.S. - Gutenburg, IA, US:Waverly, IA, US
Fritz, W. - Cleveland, OH, US
Fritz, W. - Utica, NY, US
Froelich, C. - Honesdale, PA, US
Froissart - Lyon, France
Froissart, Louis-Antoine SEE: Froissart - Lyon, France
From-Lovstrom, A. - Aalborg, Denmark
Fromhagen SEE: Gerlach & Fromhagen - Philadelphia, PA, US
Frommeyer, D.A. - Hanover, PA, US
Frommeyer, David A. SEE: Frommeyer, D.A. - Hanover, PA, US
Fronti SEE: Morse & Fronti - New York City, NY, US
Fronti - New York City, NY, US
Frost - Toledo, OH, US
Frost, B.G. - Portland, OR, US
Frost, C. - Manchester, NH, US
Frost, D.V. - Sherburne, NY, US
Frost, E.M. - Athens, PA, US
Frost, E.S. - Pasadena, CA, US
Frost, F.S. - Boston, MA, US
Frost, Francis S. SEE: Frost, F.S. - Boston, MA, US
Frost, L.G. - Sherburne, NY, US
Frot, E. - France
Frovarp, C.R. - Grafton, DT, US
Fry SEE: Gardner & Fry - Utica, NY, US
Fry - Hopkinton, IA, US:Clarinda, IA, US:Villisca, IA, US
Fry, Clarence Edmund SEE: Elliott & Fry - Liverpool, Lancashire, England, UK
Fry, Clarence SEE: Elliott & Fry - Liverpool, Lancashire, England, UK
Fry, H. - Scranton, PA, US
Fry, H. - UK
Fry, Owen - Allentown, PA, US
Fry, William D. SEE: Fry - Hopkinton, IA, US:Clarinda, IA, US:Villisca, IA, US
Frères, Vincent Abullah SEE: Abdullah frères - Constantinople, Turkey
Fuglister, W. - Urbana, IL, US
Fuhrman, R.H. - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Fulghan, J.M. - Sandersville, GA, US
Fulkerson, W.W. - Somerset, OH, US
Fullaway, J. - Stroud, Gloucestershire, England, UK
Fuller & Smith - Boston, MA, US
Fuller & Smith SEE: Smith, E.F. - Boston, MA, US:Lowell, MA, US
Fuller SEE: Fuller & Smith - Boston, MA, US
Fuller, Alfred SEE: Fuller & Smith - Boston, MA, US
Fuller, G.E. - Deerfield, MA, US:Boston, MA, US:Lynn, MA, US
Fuller, J.A. - Albert Lea, MN, US
Fuller, J.S. SEE: Fuller's Temple of Art and Stereoscopic Gallery - Madison, WI, US
Fuller's Temple of Art and Stereoscopic Gallery - Madison, WI, US
Fulmer, William A. - Chambersburg, PA, US
Fulton, D.M. - Lancaster, OH, US
Fumagalli & Bender - Napoli (Naples), Italy
Fumagalli SEE: Fumagalli & Bender - Napoli (Naples), Italy
Fun Palace Studio, The SEE: The Fun Palace Studio - Miami, FL, US
Funk, Will - Bangor, MI, US
Furlong SEE: Engle & Furlong - Tampa, FL, US:Fernandina, FL, US
Furlong, J.N. - Las Vegas, NM, US
Furlong, James N. SEE: Furlong, J.N. - Las Vegas, NM, US
Furman & Gray - Williamsburg, PA, US
Furman SEE: Furman & Gray - Williamsburg, PA, US
Furman, R.H. - Rochester, NY, US
Furnald, D.O. - Manchester, NH, US
Furne fils & Tournier - Paris, France
Furne fils & Tournier SEE: Tournier, H. - Paris, France
Furne, Charles-Paul SEE: Furne fils & Tournier - Paris, France
Furne, Jr. SEE: Furne fils & Tournier - Paris, France
Furne, Jr. - Cherbourg, France:Paris, France
Furst, Moritz - Göteborg (Gothenburg), Sweden
Furthmeher SEE: Nodermann & Furthmeher - Helsingborg, Sweden:Landskrona, Sweden
Fyler & Chandler - Eureka Springs, AR, US
Fyler & Chandler SEE: Fyler, F.F. - Eureka Springs, AR, US
Fyler, F.F. SEE: Fyler & Chandler - Eureka Springs, AR, US
Fyler, F.F. - Eureka Springs, AR, US


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