D.B. Chase, n.d., [Cowboys with cattle], [Views of Old Mexico, Views of New Mexico, California Views, Colorado Views, Colored Comic Views], Stereoview, Ebay, LL/107747
Unidentified photographer (English?), n.d., A man, a woman and a girl holding a guitar, Daguerreotype, Ebay, LL/119383
Valentine & Sons, 1904, 9 April (posted), A Newhaven Fishwife, [Scottish Studies], Postcard, Ebay, LL/94544
Darius Kinsey, n.d., [Untitled], [Stereoscopic Views of Western Washington A Speciality.], Stereoview, Ebay, LL/125117
Pedro da Silveira (Rio de Janeiro), 1890s, Backmark for "Pedro da Silveira, Photographista da Casa Imperial, Successor de Cypriano & Silveira, 34 Rua Dos Ourives, Rio de Janeiro", Cabinet card, back, Ebay, LL/82362
Unidentified photographer, 1880 (ca), La Porte d'Aden, Yemen, Albumen print, Ebay, LL/57617
C.A. Spicer, n.d., Backmark for "Views in Appleton and Vicinity", Stereocard, back, Ebay, LL/124520
Alexander Brodie Melville, 1865, [Mystic Play, Ladak now Ladakh, Tibet], [Description of a Mystic Play, as Performed in Ladak, Zascar &c.], Albumen print, tipped-on, Ebay, LL/101484
Unidentified photographer, 1897, 13 December (before), Guiseppe Puda, [Death Row Prisoners Hanged in Connecticut 1894-1912], Photograph album page, Ebay, LL/45811
Unidentified artist, 1870-1900s, Painted background with two columns, one with flowering vine/creeper, framing a dark void in front of which the subject would be situated, Background, canvas, cropped, Ebay, LL/83646
Unidentified photographer, 1909, 24 February (before), Guiseppi Compagnolo, [Death Row Prisoners Hanged in Connecticut 1894-1912], Photograph album page, Ebay, LL/45819
Unidentified photographer, n.d., Described as a "Rare ambrotype color Native American Indian Chief full dress framed" the image is a copy of a 1950s postcard, Ambrotype (?), Ebay, LL/68857
Darius Kinsey, 1903 (copyright), 359. Felling Cedar 20 feet from ground., [Series 1903 Washington Stereoscopic Views.], Stereoview, Ebay, LL/125111
Unidentified photographer, 1860 (ca), Exterior of Kimball photo studio, Concord, New Hampshire, Stereocard, detail, Ebay, LL/107641
Unidentified photographer, 1904, 17 November (before), Joseph Watson, [Death Row Prisoners Hanged in Connecticut 1894-1912], Photograph album page, Ebay, LL/45805
G.P. Husted, n.d., Business card for "Compliments of G.P. Husted, Photographer, Front St., Owego, N.Y." - "We defy competition in instantaneous photography.", Business card, Ebay, LL/120014
Unidentified photographer, 1908, 24 July (before), Lorenzo Rossi alias Rossey & Lorenz Rossin, [Death Row Prisoners Hanged in Connecticut 1894-1912], Photograph album page, Ebay, LL/45816
Unidentified photographer, 1900, 20 July (before), Charles B. Cross, [Death Row Prisoners Hanged in Connecticut 1894-1912], Photograph album page, Ebay, LL/45803
Thomas Rodger Jr., n.d., Backmark for T. Rodger, St. Andrews [Scotland], Carte de visite, back, Ebay, LL/57584
Realistic Travels, n.d., From the upper tank, over the runways and lower tanks to the Arab town and Gulf of Aden, Stereoview, Ebay, LL/104187
Alexander Brodie Melville, 1865, [Mystic Play, Ladak now Ladakh, Tibet], [Description of a Mystic Play, as Performed in Ladak, Zascar &c.], Albumen print, tipped-on, Ebay, LL/101483
Fay Godwin, 1995, Book cover for Fay Godwin, 1995, The Edge of the Land, (Jonathan Cape Ltd), Book cover, Ebay, LL/55766
1973, Book cover for Keast Burke, 1973, Gold and Silver: Photographs from the Holtermann Collection, (Melbourne: William Heinemann), Book cover, Ebay, LL/76153
A. Jager, 1875 (ca), Wet stamp for "J. Casparus- Dreckmeier, Amsterdam", [Costumes des Pays-Bas [Costumes of the Low Countries]], Cabinet card, back, wet stamp, Ebay, LL/82352
John Castelli / Giovanni Castelli (Via Condotti, 30, Roma), n.d., Advertising card for "John Castelli, Fotografo, Via Condotti, 30, Roma", Advertising card, chromolithograph, back, Ebay, LL/95497
L.A. Huffman, 1882, January, Buffalo Range Jan 82 - 194 - A Sioux Warriors Grave., Stereoview, Ebay, LL/107923
Shapurjee Hormusjee and Co, n.d., Backmark for "Shapurjee Hormusjee, 45 Kalbadevi Road, Bombay", Cabinet card, back, cropped, Ebay, LL/82358
Friedrich Müller (munich), 1909 (ca), L/L.M.M. Le Roi et la Reine des Belgres [King Albert 1 and Queen Elisabeth of Belgium], Photograph, Ebay, LL/117853
Platt D. Babbitt, 1853, July (taken) 1864-1866 (copy, revenue stamp), Goat Island & Rapids above American Falls. Man on log who was carried over falls afterwards [Handwritten on back], Carte de visite, Ebay, LL/76997
W. Hammerschmidt, n.d., Portrait of a woman with a hookah, Carte de visite, hand-coloured, Ebay, LL/54541
A. Jager, 1875 (ca), Orpheline Bourgeoise d'Amsterdam {An orphan girl of Amsterdam), [Costumes des Pays-Bas [Costumes of the Low Countries]], Cabinet card, hand-painted, Ebay, LL/82351
Darius Kinsey, 1902 (copyright), 272. Pan American Office Log, diameter 16 feet., [Series 1902; Western Washington Stereoscopic Views.], Stereoview, Ebay, LL/125103
Darius Kinsey, 1902 (copyright), 275. Undercut in Fir Tree 16 feet in diameter, 350 feet high., [Series 1902; Western Washington Stereoscopic Views.], Stereoview, Ebay, LL/125112
W.H. Lockhart (Bryan, O.), n.d., Copying and Enlarging. I have a Solar Camera and can make you a picture as large as your face will measure in inches and color it natural., Printed card, Ebay, LL/104409
Stewart & Co (217 and 219 Bourke Street East,, Melbourne, Australia), 1880s (ca), Sitter guidelines, Carte de visite, back, Ebay, LL/77204
Darius Kinsey, 1902 (copyright), 273. Rather a Large Obstacle, 45 feet circomference., [Series 1902; Western Washington Stereoscopic Views.], Stereoview, Ebay, LL/125094
Darius Kinsey, n.d., 127. Scene on a logging Ry.; Skagit R., [Stereoscopic Views of Western Washington A Speciality.], Stereoview, Ebay, LL/125100
Paris-Stéréo, 1900 (ca), Packages for stereoviews of Timgad [Algeria], Packaging, Ebay, LL/93825
J.F. Guimaraes, 1890s, Backmark for "J.F. Guimaraes, 3 Condecoracoes, Rio de Janeiro", Cabinet card, back, detail, Ebay, LL/82363
Tavares Sobrinho (Rio de Janeiro), 1890s, Student portrait of a young girl, Cabinet card, Ebay, LL/82360
Unidentified photographer, 1899, 6 September (before), Frederick Max Brockhaus, [Death Row Prisoners Hanged in Connecticut 1894-1912], Photograph album page, Ebay, LL/45802
H.H. Bennett, n.d., 313. Looking through the Ferris Wheel, near the top., [Wanderings Among the Wonders and Beauties of Western Scenery], Stereoview, Ebay, LL/107761
Darius Kinsey, 1902 (copyright), 284. Landing. Largest fir log 10 feet diameter, [Series 1902; Western Washington Stereoscopic Views.], Stereoview, Ebay, LL/125109
Unidentified photographers, 1900-1909, Two lithographed stereoviews on a single misaligned stereoview, Stereograph, Ebay, LL/112151
Unidentified photographer, 1947, 9 April (album), Album title page, [Death Row Prisoners Hanged in Connecticut 1894-1912], Photograph album, title page, Ebay, LL/45796
Kodak Dry Plate & Film Co., 1884, 14 October (patent) 1888-1889 (film), Kodak Film, Packaging, Ebay, LL/67894
Kosh Del (a.k.a. Cassius M. Coolidge), 1874, December, Caricature showing man riding donkey cart with cat, Tintype, Ebay, LL/80649
Unidentified photographer, 1905, 18 May (before), Gershon Marx, [Death Row Prisoners Hanged in Connecticut 1894-1912], Photograph album page, Ebay, LL/45807
E.L. Allen, n.d., Showroom of photographs and photographic equipment of E.L. Allen, Boston, MA., Stereocard, Ebay, LL/61490
R. Newell, n.d., R. Newell, Landscape Photographer, Carte de visite, Ebay, LL/82373
Alexander Brodie Melville, 1865, [Mystic Play, Ladak now Ladakh, Tibet], [Description of a Mystic Play, as Performed in Ladak, Zascar &c.], Albumen print, tipped-on, Ebay, LL/101489
Unidentified photographer, n.d., 26. Implements of Warfare used at Gettysburg, now at the State House, Harrisburg, Pa., [Gettysburg Battle-field Views], Stereocard, half, Ebay, LL/72955
Darius Kinsey, 1902 (copyright), 277. Cedar Bark Cabin, Shingle Bolts., [Series 1902; Western Washington Stereoscopic Views.], Stereoview, Ebay, LL/125104
Unidentified photographer, 1904, 17 November (before), Joseph Watson, [Death Row Prisoners Hanged in Connecticut 1894-1912], Photograph album page, Ebay, LL/45806
S. Slater (Llandudno), n.d., Backmark for "S. Slater,Art Photographer, Portrait Painter, Mostyn Street, Llandudno", Cabinet card, back, Ebay, LL/82346
n.d., Super Fulgur, Guilleminot, Packaging, Ebay, LL/33654
Unidentified photographer, 1880 (ca), [Studio portrait of an Indian woman with a water vessel], Albumen print, Ebay, LL/93827
Unidentified photographer, 1900-1914 (ca), Billy Francis, Cmedy Juggler - Ciomedy Talking Juggler - Watch the Ball, Photograph, Ebay, LL/119635
Unidentified photographer (15 Sq. Photo-Section), 1918 (ca), Show result of enemy bombs on Doullens Citadel Hospital May 1918, Stereoview, Ebay, LL/123539
Wanderer, n.d., Backmark for "Wanderer", Carte de visite, back, Ebay, LL/108034
H.C. White & Co., 1902, Great Bell Market in the Fair Nijni-Novgorod, Russia., Stereoview, half, Ebay, LL/99189
Shapurjee Hormusjee and Co, n.d., Backmark for "S. Hormusjee, Kalbadevi Road, Bombay", Cabinet card, back, Ebay, LL/82355
Darius Kinsey, 1903 (copyright), 294. The undercut complete; 12-foot cedar., [Series 1903 Western Washington Stereoscopic Views.], Stereoview, Ebay, LL/125096
John Plumbe Jr., 1841, Back cover for [Plumbe], 1841 Instructions for using Plumbe's Patent Improved Daguerreotype Apparatus, manufactured by the patentee at Plumbe's Daguerreotype Depot, United States Photographic Institute, Boston., (Boston: S.N. Dickenson), Book cover, back, Ebay, LL/93506
Nadar, n.d., Backmark for "Nadar", Carte de visite, back, Ebay, LL/119355
Darius Kinsey, 1903 (copyright), 289. Spruce Logs in Washington Woods, diameter 12 feet., [Series 1903 Washington Stereoscopic Views.], Stereoview, Ebay, LL/125110
n.d., Plaques au Gelatino-Bromure, MM. E. Graffe et J. Jougla, Packaging, Ebay, LL/33657
A. Hing, n.d., Three sailors on deck, Hong Kong, Cabinet card, Ebay, LL/120460
Unidentified photographer, 1898, 30 December (before), Benjamin R. Willis, [Death Row Prisoners Hanged in Connecticut 1894-1912], Photograph album page, Ebay, LL/45801
Unidentified photographer (English?), n.d., Portrait of a woman, Daguerreotype, Ebay, LL/119384
Jose Mora, n.d., Catherine Lewis. (c. 1853-1942) Comic Opera Actress & Singer. In nautical attire, standing in studio prop ship's mast, Cabinet card, hand-painted, Ebay, LL/82354
Dieckhoff, 1860 (ca), [The Lion of Lucerne], Stereoview, Ebay, LL/125844
N. Dominy (New York), 1852 (ca), Broadside advert for "N. Dominy, Daguerrian Artist,…", Broadside, Ebay, LL/125414
C. Portier, 1860s-1870s (ca), Portrait of two women taken in Algiers, Carte de visite, Ebay, LL/82369
Unidentified artist, 1850s 9ca), Portrait of a woman, Painting, or hand-painted photograph, Ebay, LL/82295
Unidentified photographer, 19th century, Italian CDV purporting to show local characters, Carte de visite, Ebay, LL/93823
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1846, 1 June, Page layout for The Art Union with a tipped-in print by Henry Fox Talbot supplied to accompany the article "The Talbotype - Sun Pictures", Page layout, with tipped-in print, Ebay, LL/61530
Unidentified photographer, n.d., A photographer in his studio working on a camera, Tintype, detail, Ebay, LL/120791
Darius Kinsey, 1902 (copyright), 257. Tunnel through a Cedar Tree, [The Kinsey Views of Washington], Stereoview, Ebay, LL/125095
W. Hammerschmidt, n.d., Portrait of a man, Carte de visite, hand-coloured, Ebay, LL/54540
Edward M. Tyler (Providence, RI), 1860, Deed for the sale of goods and equipment between daguerreians, Edward M. Tyler and Stephen H. Waite, both of Providence, RI., Document, Ebay, LL/76651
Unidentified photographer, n.d., A Juggler, Carte de visite, Ebay, LL/119640
Eadweard Muybridge, 1870s (ca), 147 - Yosemite Studies, [Valley of the Yosemite], Stereoview, Ebay, LL/114630
1950 (ca), Leather firefighter's helmet with shield for "Photographer, Office of Fire Commissioner, Manitoba", Helmet, Ebay, LL/67976
Pun Lun, 1868 (handwritten), Backmark for "Pun Lun, Photographer & Ivory Painter, No. 56 Queens Road, upstairs. Opposite the Oriental Bank, Hong Kong", Carte de visite, back, Ebay, LL/82372
Unidentified photographer, 1897, 14 July (before), Thomas F. Kippie, [Death Row Prisoners Hanged in Connecticut 1894-1912], Photograph album page, Ebay, LL/45798
Unidentified photographer, 1909, 24 February (before), Raffael Carfaro, [Death Row Prisoners Hanged in Connecticut 1894-1912], Photograph album page, Ebay, LL/45821
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1846, 1 June, Bust, tipped-in print by Henry Fox Talbot supplied to accompany the article "The Talbotype - Sun Pictures", Salt print, tipped-in, Ebay, LL/61531
1839, Title page for The Art Union, Volume 1. For the year ending December 1839, Title page, Ebay, LL/61529
Unidentified photographer, n.d., A woman standing behind a wooden gate, Tintype, Ebay, LL/121655
Darius Kinsey, n.d., [Untitled], [The Kinsey Views of Washington], Stereoview, Ebay, LL/125118
American Stereoscopic Co., n.d., Backlist "Boston and Vicinity", [Boston and Vicinity], Stereoview, back, Ebay, LL/127080
Unidentified photographer, 1906, 9 January (before), Ephriam Sheronk alias Frank Sherrie, [Death Row Prisoners Hanged in Connecticut 1894-1912], Photograph album page, Ebay, LL/45808
Alexander Brodie Melville, 1865, [Mystic Play, Ladak now Ladakh, Tibet], [Description of a Mystic Play, as Performed in Ladak, Zascar &c.], Albumen print, tipped-on, Ebay, LL/101488
Michel Goldstein (Bucarest), n.d., Backmark for "Michel Goldstein, Bucarest", Carte de visite, back, Ebay, LL/82370
Unidentified photographer, 1908, 1 July (before), John Washelesky alias John Wiszneski, [Death Row Prisoners Hanged in Connecticut 1894-1912], Photograph album page, Ebay, LL/45815
n.d., Edwards' Trade XL Mark Isochromatic Plates, Packaging, Ebay, LL/33658
1956, Book cover for Mark Tryon, 1956, The Sinning Lens, (Berkley Books), Book cover, Ebay, LL/69533
Darius Kinsey, 1902 (copyright), 249. Felling a Sixteen-Foot Cedar., [The Kinsey Views of Washington], Stereoview, Ebay, LL/125097
Unidentified photographer (English?), n.d., Three men by a harbour, Daguerreotype, Ebay, LL/119382
Unidentified photographer, n.d., Purported American Civil War image, Tintype, modern, Ebay, LL/46944
Realistic Travels, n.d., From the upper tank, over the runways and lower tanks to the Arab town and Gulf of Aden, Stereoview, Ebay, LL/104129
Anthony Gruerio (artist, 1931-2010), n.d., Photographer, Print, Ebay, LL/66794
H.H. Long (St. Louis), n.d., Daguerreian gallery store card token for H.H. Long (St. Louis, Mo.), Token, Ebay, LL/82289
Neurdein Frères, 1889, "Souvenir de ma visite à la Tour-Eiffel", Cabinet card, Ebay, LL/115762
Neurdein Frères, 1889, "Souvenir de ma visite à la Tour-Eiffel", Cabinet card, Ebay, LL/115763
W.R. Cross, 1880s (ca), Scaffolds - Indian Dead Bodies, Stereoview, Ebay, LL/107925
Unidentified photographer (American), 1840d, Portrait of a young lady, Daguerreotype, Ebay, LL/54201
Louis Legrand, n.d., No. 32 Tour de pagode de Si-ka-Ouai, construite en 1175 par Tsu-fou-kin, grand general chinois, Stereocard, detail, Ebay, LL/54347