Kristen Feilberg, 1867, Captain Bedingfield and men on HMS Wasp posed on Beach Street during the Penang Riots, [Album presented to Prince Alfred, Duke of Edinburgh by the Bishop of Penang in remembrance of his 1869 visit], Albumen print, The Royal Collection, LL/93057
Roger Fenton, 1854, 10 February, 'The Princess Royal and Princess Arthur as "Summer"'; Victoria, Princess Royal, later German Empress Frederick III (1840-1901) and Prince Arthur, later Duke of Connaught (1850-1942) dressed as Summer, Salted paper print, The Royal Collection, LL/91126
Kristen Feilberg, 1867, Street scene during the Penang Riots, [Album presented to Prince Alfred, Duke of Edinburgh by the Bishop of Penang in remembrance of his 1869 visit], Albumen print, The Royal Collection, LL/93060
Kristen Feilberg, 1867, Barricades during the Penang Riots, [Album presented to Prince Alfred, Duke of Edinburgh by the Bishop of Penang in remembrance of his 1869 visit], Albumen print, The Royal Collection, LL/93063
Unidentified photographer, 1861, The table belonging to the Little Writing Room upstairs. Frogmore Hous, Photograph, hand-painted, The Royal Collection, LL/91164
John Burke, 1878-1879, The Khan of Lalpura with his followers and Colonel Sir Robert Warburton, [Afghan War 1878-79 Peshawur Valley Field Force J. Burke.], Albumen print, The Royal Collection, LL/93638
Antonio Beato, 1860-1882, Lodge of Palace of Ramesses III, Medinet Habu, Egypt, [Album compiled by the Reverend J N Dalton (1839-1931) and presented to King George V], Albumen print, The Royal Collection, LL/93275
Antonio Beato, 1860-1882, Relief wall, Temple of Khonsu, Karnak, Egypt, [Album compiled by the Reverend J N Dalton (1839-1931) and presented to King George V], Albumen print, The Royal Collection, LL/93265
Kristen Feilberg, 1867, Group portrait on Beach Street during Penang Riots, [Album presented to Prince Alfred, Duke of Edinburgh by the Bishop of Penang in remembrance of his 1869 visit], Albumen print, The Royal Collection, LL/93054
T.R. Williams, 1855, June (taken) 1883 (copy), Soldiers from the 3rd Battalion Rifle Brigade who served in the Crimean War, Carbon print, The Royal Collection, LL/92150
John Burke, 1878-1879, A British military camp, taken from the Fort of Ali Masjid, [Afghan War 1878-79 Peshawur Valley Field Force J. Burke.], Albumen print, The Royal Collection, LL/93632
Franz Xaver Winterhalter (1805-1873) after, 1854-1857, Bracelet with photographs of royal children, Bracelet, The Royal Collection, LL/92940
Sachtler and Co, 1864-1870 (ca), Panorama taken from Fort Canning, Singapore, [Album presented to Prince Alfred, Duke of Edinburgh by the Bishop of Penang in remembrance of his 1869 visit], Albumen prints (3), The Royal Collection, LL/93081
Colnaghi & Co. (13/14, Pall Mall East., publisher), 1857, Photographs of the "Gems of the Art Treasures Exhibition," Manchester, 1857, Album page, The Royal Collection, LL/91153
Queen Alexandra (1844-1925), when Princess Alexandra of Wales, 1866-1869 (ca), Album of designs, incorporating photographs, Album, The Royal Collection, LL/93576
Kristen Feilberg, 1867-1870 (ca), View of a river, North Sumatra, [Album presented to Prince Alfred, Duke of Edinburgh by the Bishop of Penang in remembrance of his 1869 visit], Albumen print, The Royal Collection, LL/93068
Queen Alexandra (1844-1925), when Princess Alexandra of Wales, 1866-1869 (ca), Album of designs, incorporating photographs, Album, The Royal Collection, LL/93568
Henry Charles Heath, 1860, 19 October, Receipts issued by and to Henry Charles Heath for painting photographic miniatures, Business receipt, The Royal Collection, LL/92976
Frederick Dally, 1870 (ca), A First Nations Peoples Chieftain tomb : 'Indian Chiefs Tomb and effigy opposite Government House on the other side of the Fraser River at New Westminster', Albumen print, The Royal Collection, LL/105274
Charles Waldack, 1860 (ca), Application of the Photographic Art to Industral, Mechanical and Artistic Purposes, Salted paper print, back, The Royal Collection, LL/91102
Queen Alexandra (1844-1925), when Princess Alexandra of Wales, 1866-1869 (ca), Album of designs, incorporating photographs, Album, The Royal Collection, LL/93569
John Burke, 1878-1879, Certificate signed by English prisoners held in Kabul during the First Anglo-Afghan War, [Afghan War 1878-79 Peshawur Valley Field Force J. Burke.], Albumen print, The Royal Collection, LL/93624
Kristen Feilberg, 1867-1870 (ca), View of a river, Deli, [Album presented to Prince Alfred, Duke of Edinburgh by the Bishop of Penang in remembrance of his 1869 visit], Albumen print, The Royal Collection, LL/93065
Queen Alexandra (1844-1925), when Princess Alexandra of Wales, 1866-1869 (ca), Album of designs, incorporating photographs, Album, The Royal Collection, LL/93567
Édouard Baldus, 1855, Boulogne (Vue du Port), [Itineraires et Vues du Chemin de fer du nord - Visite de sa Majeste la Reine Victoria et de son Altesse Royale le Prince Albert 18-27 Aout 1855], Salted paper print, The Royal Collection, LL/93036
Henry Robertson 'Birdie' Bowers (1883-1912), 1912, 18 January, Forestalled. Amundsen's tent at the South Pole, Silver bromide print, The Royal Collection, LL/93548
Antonio Beato, 1860-1882, Combat of Ramases III, Medînet Hâbû, Egypt, [Album compiled by the Reverend J N Dalton (1839-1931) and presented to King George V], Albumen print, The Royal Collection, LL/93279
Oscar Gustave Rejlander, 1857, 13 August, Bill, with receipt, issued by Oscar Gustave Rejlander for three original prints of 'Two Ways of Life', per cheque received by Colonel Phipps, Bill with receipt, The Royal Collection, LL/95122
Unidentified photographer, 1861, The Apartments of Prince and Princess Frederick William of Prussia, Windsor Castle, Photograph, hand-painted, The Royal Collection, LL/91168
Sachtler and Co, 1864-1870 (ca), Commercial Square, Singapore, [Album presented to Prince Alfred, Duke of Edinburgh by the Bishop of Penang in remembrance of his 1869 visit], Albumen print, The Royal Collection, LL/93083
John Burke, 1878-1879, Map of the ground between Ali Musjid and Shahgai in the Khyber Pass, showing the position of British and Afghan forces on the 21st of November 1878 at 4.00pm, [Afghan War 1878-79 Peshawur Valley Field Force J. Burke.], Albumen print, The Royal Collection, LL/93657
August Sachtler, 1863-1870 (ca), Southern gateway to Shwedagon pagoda, Yangon, [Album presented to Prince Alfred, Duke of Edinburgh by the Bishop of Penang in remembrance of his 1869 visit], Albumen print, The Royal Collection, LL/93090
Unidentified photographer / Unidentified maker, 1861, Bracelet with a miniature of Victoria, Duchess of Kent (1786-1861), Bracelet, The Royal Collection, LL/92942
Sachtler and Co, 1860-1870 (ca), Church of St. Francis Xavier, Malacca, [Album presented to Prince Alfred, Duke of Edinburgh by the Bishop of Penang in remembrance of his 1869 visit], Albumen print, The Royal Collection, LL/93079