Herbert G. Ponting, n.d., With Capt. Scott in the Antarctic - Mr Herbert G. Ponting. F.R.G.S., [British Antarctic Expedition 1910-1913 (led by Scott on the "Terra Nova")], Publicity, L'Atelier d'Artistes, LL/41328
Herbert G. Ponting
Born: Herbert George Ponting Other: Herbert Ponting
Born: 1870, 21 March - England, Salisbury Died: 1935, 7 February - England, London Gender: Male Active: Great Britain / Japan / Antarctica
British photographer, photojournalist, and filmmaker. He photographed in Japan (1902-1905) and was the photographer for two of Captain R.F. Scott expeditions to Antarctica (1909, 1910-1912).
Genealogy of Herbert G. Ponting
If you are related to this photographer and interested in tracking down your extended family we can place a note here for you to help. It is free and you would be amazed who gets in touch.
Herbert G. Ponting, n.d., With Capt. Scott in the Antarctic - Mr Herbert G. Ponting. F.R.G.S., [British Antarctic Expedition 1910-1913 (led by Scott on the "Terra Nova")], Publicity, L'Atelier d'Artistes, LL/41328
Unidentified photographer, 1911-1913, Herbert Ponting showing slides during his lecture on Japan [Taken in the Cape Evans Hut during the Terra Nova Expedition, 1910-13], Black and white photograph, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/91858