1832 | Europe - Great Britain
 Charles Wheatstone, 1864 (published), Fig. 119 Stéréoscope a miroirs de M. Wheatstone, Engraving, Google Books, LL/34355 | Sir Charles Wheatstone builds a non-photographic reflecting mirror stereoscope. The word stereoscope comes from the Greek for "solid figures". |
1834 | Europe - Great Britain
 John Moffat, n.d., Henry Fox Talbot, Carte de visite, National Gallery of Canada / Musée des beaux-arts du Canada, LL/6723 | Henry Fox Talbot experiments with "photogenic drawings". He coats paper with a salt solution, allows it to dry and then adds a silver nitrate solution. Objects such as botanical specimens and lace placed on the paper and exposed to sunlight leave a permanent image. (Any clarification on the date of the first recorded "photogenic drawing" would be appreciated.) |
1835 | Africa - Northern Africa
| School of Arts and Design opens in Cairo. |
1835 | Europe - Great Britain
 Henry Fox Talbot, 1835, August, Latticed Window at Lacock Abbey, Photogenic drawing, Creative Commons - Wikipedia, LL/33075 | The first still existing photograph by Henry Fox Talbot showing the oriel window of the south gallery of his house at Laycock Abbey is taken. The village of Laycock is near Chippenham in Wiltshire and includes the Fox Talbot Museum that commemorates the life of Henry Fox Talbot (1800-77). The original photograph is at the National Media Museum (Bradford, UK). |
1836 | Europe - France
| The Arc de Triomphe is unveiled at the Place d'Étoile in Paris |
1836 | Africa - Southern Africa
| The Great Trek - Boer settlers move north out of Cape Colony in South Africa as the British impose control. |
1837 | Europe - Great Britain
| Queen Victoria ascends to the throne of Great Britain. |
1837 | Europe - France
 Jean-Baptiste Sabatier-Blot, n.d., Daguerre, Daguerreotype, Société Française de Photographie, LL/35588 | Louis Jacques Mandé Daguerre creates his first daguerreotype. |
1838 | Europe - Great Britain
 n.d., Professor Charles Wheatstone, Engraving, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/55446 | The Professor of Experimental Philosophy at King's College (London) Sir Charles Wheatstone gives an address on Contributions to the Physiology of Vision. Part the First. On some remarkable, and hitherto unobserved, Phenomena of Binocular Vision to the Royal Society of Arts in London. He proposes a device called a stereoscope that could be used to provide the illusion of depth and solidity. |
1839 | Asia - Afghanistan
| First Anglo-Afghan War |
1839 | Europe - France
 François Arago, 1839, 10 August (event) 1864 (published), Fig. 12 Arago annonce la découverte de Daguerre, Engraving, Google Books, LL/34344 | Details of the photographic process for creating Daguerreotypes is announced in France by François Arago, a widely respected member of the Académie des Sciences, at a meeting in Paris revealing the work of Louis-Jacques-Mande Daguerre and his inventions. In exchange for a state pension to Daguerre and the son of Niépce the process is given freely to the world. The process is taken up with enthusiasm and the period of Daguerreotypomania begins. |
1839 | Europe - Great Britain
 John Herschel, 1864 (published), Fig. 21. John Herschell [sic.], Engraving, Google Books, LL/34347 | Sir John Frederick William Herschel (1792-1871) presents his paper Note on the art of Photography, or The Application of the Chemical Rays of Light to the Purpose of Pictorial Representation to the Royal Society and this is the first time the word photography is used. |
1839 | North America - USA
 Samuel F.B. Morse, n.d., Morse Daguerreotype Camera, National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution, LL/6633 | The American inventor Samuel Morse (1791-1872) meets with Louis Jacques Mandé Daguerre in Paris and learns the Daguerreotype process. After returning to the USA he promotes the process and trains people including Mathew Brady (1823-1896) who becomes one of the most important American portrait photographers and records the American Civil War (1861-1865). |
1839 | Europe - Great Britain
 Antoine Claudet, 1844 (ca), William Henry Fox Talbot, Daguerreotype, British Library, LL/37233 | Henry Fox Talbot submits his paper Some account of the Art of Photogenic Drawing, or the process by which natural objects may be made to delineate themselves without the aid of the artist's pencil at the Royal Society in London. |
1839 | North America - USA
| D.W. Seager takes the first successful Daguerreotype in North America - the subject is St Paul's Church, New York. |
1839 | Europe - Great Britain
| Francis West, a London optician, advertises the first camera on sale to the public. |
1839 | Europe - France
 Hippolyte Bayard, 1847, [Self-Portrait in the Garden], Salted paper print, J. Paul Getty Museum, LL/50653 | Hippolyte Bayard holds the world's first exhibition of photographic prints when he displayed thirty of his works. |
1839 | North America - USA
| The transatlantic steamer Great Western docks in New York at 7 a.m., Sept. 10, 1839 bringing the French and English newspapers that announce the Daguerreotype and include the first instructions for their production. |
1839 | Europe - UK
| Mechanic's Magazine (vol. 32, no. 847, pp. 77-78) reprints an article from The Atheneum on "Patenting of M. Daguerre's Process in England". Louis-Jacques-Mande Daguerre patented his discovery in England but it was free to use elsewhere. |
1839 | Africa - Egypt
 Frédéric Goupil-Fesquet, 1839 (taken) 1842 (engraving), Harem de Mehmet-Ali at Alexandria, [Excursions daguerriennes: Vues et monuments les plus remarquables du globe], Engraving, based on daguerreotype, Internet - Original source ill-defined, LL/61476 | The first group to visit Egypt with a camera, supplied by Lerebours, were the painters Horace Vernet and Frédéric Goupil-Fesquet who made daguerreotypes. |
1839 | Europe - France
| Gazette de France publishes the first announcement of the invention of photography. |
1839 | Europe - France
 C. Barth, 1840 (ca), François Arago, Lithograph, Archive Farms, LL/55196 | François Arago (1786-1853) gives a brief announcement of the discovery of Louis Jacques Mandé Daguerre of the daguerreotype at the Académie des Sciences in Paris. The work of Joseph Nicéphore Niépce is not credited in the announcement but this is rectified in the following days by Francis Bauer. |
1839 | Europe - France
 Louis Jacques Mandé Daguerre, 1822 (or later), Vue de Chateau d'Eau prise du Boulevard St. Martin, Lithograph, Private collection of Carlos Gabriel Vertanessian, LL/120680 | The diorama in Paris of Louis Jacques Mandé Daguerre is destroyed by fire at the same time as he is showing his photographic discoveries to Samuel F.B. Morse. |