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Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics


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William England, 1850-1880 (ca), 200 Vue dans la Via Mala, Suisse, [Views of Switzerland], Stereoview, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/123199
William N. Hobbs, n.d., Back of "Stereoscopic Views of Hampton Beach, N.H.", Stereoview, back, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/123578
William England, 1850-1880 (ca), 211 L'Aiguille du Midi et le Glacier des Bossons, Savoie, [Views of Switzerland], Stereoview, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/123182
H.M. Crider, n.d., Business card for "H.M. Crider, 304 West Market St., York, PA." advertising "For the Latest and Best Photograph Marriage Certificates, always address the Originator and Publisher.", Business card, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/84979
Francis Frith, n.d., 398. View of the Tombs of the Memlook King at Cairo., Stereoview, glass, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/106075
A.V., n.d., No. 27. St Cloud, Place d'Arme, Vue prise du pont, route nationale - Clocher de l'Eglise., [Desastres de Paris 1870-71 / Siège de Paris 1870-1871.], Stereoview, back, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/123244
Unidentified photographer, n.d., Original Groups. 104. Stealing a Smoke, back, Stereoview, back, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/37830
Archambault, n.d., Advertising card for Archambault, Carte de visite, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/37870
Unidentified photographer, n.d., Untitled, [Puss in boots, Serie IV. - No. 1858], Stereoview, hand-coloured, back, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/118354
Unidentified photographer / artist, n.d., Count Leo Tolstoi, (1828-1910), Cabinet card, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/10975
H. Gordon, n.d., Art and Science Museum, Edinburgh, Stereocard, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/126889
Florida Club, The, n.d., Date Palm, St. Augustine [Handwritten], [St. Augustine Views, by the Florida Club], Stereoview, back, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/120021
H.C. White, n.d., 8282. The Home of Perfecscopes and Perfec-Stereographs. An Automatic Printing Machine, Stereograph Department., Stereoview, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/37820
Edward L. Wilson, n.d., The Sea of Galilee. 'Ain et-Tin. A possible site of Bethsaida, [Scenes in the Orient], Stereocard, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/90575
William England, 1850-1880 (ca), 175 Vue dans la Vallée de la Linth, Canton de Glarus, Suisse, [Views of Switzerland], Stereoview, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/123177
Adolphe Braun, n.d., A. Thiers, Cabinet card, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/37864
A.D. Hopper (Bleeker St., NY.), n.d., Civil War soldier with great American flag and 1851 Navy Colt Third Model (long barrel), Ambrotype, 1/6 plate, tinted, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/37874
William Henry Jackson, 1870, 621. Red Sandstones near Platte Canon., Carte de visite, detail, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/37871
William England, 1850-1880 (ca), 121 Château d'Ober-Ofen sur Le Lac de Thun, Suisse, [Views of Switzerland], Stereoview, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/123167
George H. Seeley, 1910, Autumn., [Camera Work, no. 29, pl. 02, George Henry Seeley], Photogravure, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/117652
D. Barnum, n.d., Untitled [Buldings on a river], Stereoview, hand-painted, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/120026
Byron H. Gurnsey, n.d., No. 109. R.C. Luesley's Burro Pack Train, [Gurnsey's Rocky Mountain Views], Stereoview, back, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/37785
J. Thurlow (Peoria, Ill.), n.d., A hunter displaying his catch of birds, Carte de visite, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/98362
Unidentified photographer, n.d., No. 387. Durham Terrace, Quebec, Stereoview, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/125644
Howlett & Downes, n.d., 10. View of the stern, showing after hawse-holes, box for screw, &c., [The Leviathan, Steam Ship], Stereoview, detail, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/37856
Francis Frith, n.d., 404.. Village of Aboo Gosh., Stereoview, glass, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/106094
Henry Peach Robinson, n.d., The Royal Hand-Bell Ringers, Cabinet card, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/90546
Alfred Hart, n.d., 342a. Shoshone Indians at 10-mile canyon, Stereocard, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/84960
William England, 1850-1880 (ca), 103 Chute du Staubbach, Vallée de Lauterbrunnen, [Views of Switzerland], Stereoview, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/123168
C. Eckenrath, n.d., [Untitled], [Hansel & Gretel], Stereoview, hand-tinted, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/113930
Francis Frith, n.d., 311. Gip?, one of the principal towns of Upper Egypt., Stereoview, glass, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/106104
Kilburn Brothers, n.d., No. 89. Moths and Butterflies, Stereoview, detail, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/37775
JR, n.d., [Untitled], [Siege de Paris], Stereoview, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/123216
Unidentified photographer, 1880 (or later, patents), James L. Howard & Co., Hartford, Conn. - Hurricane Lamps for Street Cars, Cabinet card, back, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/101676
Unidentified photographer, n.d., Long-haired woman, Tintype, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/6243
Abraham Bogardus, n.d., Portrait of a young woman, Porcelain portrait, in velvet case, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/62765
Unidentified photographer, n.d., 126-An Encampment Extraordinary, Stereoview, detail, hand-tinted, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/37832
Edward L. Wilson, n.d., Caesarea Philippi. The Castle; another view, [Scenes in the Orient], Stereocard, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/90640
William England, 1850-1880 (ca), 51 Le Tunnel de la Tête Noir, près de Martigny, Savoie, [Views of Switzerland], Stereoview, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/123154
F. Robbins, 1875, 10 September, No. 82. Burning of the Imperial Refinery, [Views of the Penna. Oil Region], Stereoview, detail, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/37848
B.D. Jackson, 1884, February, Cincinnati Flood, Scene near the Gas Works; Front Street, Looking West February 1884, Albumen print, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/10938
Camillus Farrand, n.d., View within the Crater of Pinchincha. Looking down from the head of a ravine, 1050 feet below the top, and 1410 feet above the bottom, the entire depth being 2460 feet., [Views in "El Ecuador" (The Equator.)], Stereoview, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/118283
G.H. Nickerson, n.d., Engineers of the Fire Department, [Cape Cod Scenery], Stereocard, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/98099
Unidentified photographer, 1856, Child with dog with blue-tinted blanket, Daguerreotype, 1/6 plate, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/10955
O.D. Finch, 1863, Bivouac of the 45th Illinois near the Shirley House, Carte de visite, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/45552
Francis Frith, n.d., 2363. Avene des Spinx et les magnifiques Propylees Ptolemeens, pres Karnak, no. 1., Stereoview, glass, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/106088
Charles Waldack, n.d., No. 12. Wandering Willie's Spring, [Magnesium Light Views in Mammoth Cave], Stereoview, back, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/52680
Charles Waldack, n.d., No. 4. Out for the Last Time, [Magnesium Light Views in Mammoth Cave], Stereoview, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/52677
Unidentified photographer, n.d., Original Groups. 104. Stealing a Smoke, Stereoview, detail, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/37829
John P. Soule, 1870, No. 1252. Views on Mirror Lake., [California - Yo-Semite Valley], Stereocard, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/86696
George H. Seeley, 1910, The White Screen., [Camera Work, no. 29, pl. 03, George Henry Seeley], Photogravure, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/117653
William England, 1850-1880 (ca), 140 Vue de La Rivière Reuss, Lucerne, Suisse, [Views of Switzerland], Stereoview, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/123186
M. Nowack, n.d., Untitled [Photographer's dark tent is set-up on the boat.], Stereoview, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/37805
L. Hensel, n.d., Backlist for "The Beautiful Scenery of Pike County, Pa., Photographed and published by L. Hensel of Port Jervis, N.Y.", Stereoview, back, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/120028
McDonald (South Bend, Ind.), n.d., Advertising Cabinet Card for Storm Sign Co., South Bend, Ind. Pat'd Mar. 21, 1876. News and Stationery., Cabinet card, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/10966
Standard Series, n.d., Centennial Parade, New York City., Stereoview, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/123595
John P. Soule, n.d., No. 483. Interior of City Hall, [Ruins of the Great Fire in Portland Me, July 4th, 1866], Stereoview, detail, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/37834
Unidentified photographer / artist, n.d., Chauncey L. Moore & Co., Springfield, Mass., Cabinet card, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/10964
John P. Soule, 1870, 1235. No. Dome and Washington Column (3725 & 2400 feet high) from Glacier Cascade., [California - Yo-Semite Valley], Stereocard, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/86689
William England, 1850-1880 (ca), 41 L'Aiguille du Dru prise du Montanvert, Chamounix, Savoie, [Views of Switzerland], Stereoview, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/123196
Unidentified photographer, n.d., Backlist for "Canada Scenery", Stereoview, back, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/125639
S.K. Krauss' Photographic Studio (Lima, O.), n.d., S.K. Krauss' Photographic Studio, Limo, O. Self-portrait CDV of photographer with camera. (Detail), Carte de visite, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/10974
J.H. Ford, n.d., [Untitled], [Canadian views, Popular Series], Stereoview, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/126865
William Henry Jackson, 1870, 621. Red Sandstones near Platte Canon., Carte de visite, detail, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/37872
W.J. Bell, n.d., Backmark with a list of views taken by "W.J. Bell, Landscape and Portrait Photographer, the Leading City Artist, Sault Ste. Marie, Mich.", Boudoir card, back, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/86616
Edward L. Wilson, n.d., The river Hasbany, one of the Jordan tributaries, and bridge, [Scenes in the Orient], Stereocard, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/90543
Unidentified photographer / artist, n.d., [Two hunters], Cabinet card, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/6252
William Henry Jackson, n.d., 104. Rocks near Platte Canyon., [Hayden Geological Survey of the Territories], Stereoview, detail, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/37789
M. Nowack, n.d., Back of a stereoview providing details on M. Nowack, Stereoview, back, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/37807
Edward Anthony, n.d., No. 204. Broadway from Barnum's Museum., Stereoview, back, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/37796
Marius De Zayas, 1910, Mrs. Brown Potter., [Camera Work, no. 29, pl. 04, Marius De Zayas], Photogravure, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/117662
J.W. & J.S. Moulton, n.d., View in Central Park, New York., [New Series, American Views], Stereoview, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/123589
Unidentified photographer / artist, n.d., Photographer's dark wagon with black boy standing by its side, Stereoview, hand-tinted, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/37800
O.H. Copeland, n.d., Grapery of Clement March, Garland NH., Stereoview, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/123573
Charles Waldack, n.d., No. 30. Bandit Hall, [Magnesium Light Views in Mammoth Cave], Stereoview, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/52683
Francis Frith, n.d., 417. Jerusalem taken from the south-east, from a spot a little to the left of En Rogel., Stereoview, glass, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/106099
JR, n.d., [Untitled], [Ruines De Paris], Stereoview, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/123215
Florida Club, The, n.d., Orange Tree, Loaded with Fruit, Flowers and Buds., [St. Augustine Views, by the Florida Club], Stereoview, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/120018
A.D. Vanderbilt (Barlow Block, Sing Sing, N.Y.), n.d., Wet stamp for A.D. Vanderbilt, Tintype, wet stamp, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/60345
Centennial Photographic Co., 1876 (ca), M. B. Main Ave. From E. End, [International Exhibition. 1876], Stereoview, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/118364
A.V., n.d., No. 37. St. Cloud Place de l'hospice de l'Eglise., [Desastres de Paris 1870-71 / Siège de Paris 1870-1871.], Stereoview, back, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/123236
William England, 1850-1880 (ca), 180 Stachelberg, Vallée de la Linth, Canton de Glarus, Suisse, [Views of Switzerland], Stereoview, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/123169
J. Martial, n.d., [Unidentified lady], Cabinet card, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/6251
Jose Mora, n.d., Card showing 162 photographs available from the Mora studio in New York, Albumen print, on card, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/90560
1983, Front cover for The Photograph Collector - 1983 Autumn Auction Sale", Auction catalog, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/91311
John P. Soule, 1870, No. 1212. Vernal Fall (350 feet high), and Cap of Liberty (4600 feet above valley)., [California - Yo-Semite Valley], Stereocard, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/86686
Mansfield, 1864 (or later), The Albino, or White Negro Girl, Carte de visite, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/120410
A.V., n.d., No. 111. Fort d'Issy - Panorama du Fort, [Desastres de Paris 1870-71 / Siège de Paris 1870-1871.], Stereoview, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/123223
John P. Soule, 1870, 1273. Grizzly Giant, circum. 101 ft., the largest Tree known. - Mariposa Co., [California - Yo-Semite Valley], Stereocard, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/86687
William N. Hobbs, n.d., [Hampton Beach, N.H.], [Stereoscopic Views of Hampton Beach, N.H.], Stereoview, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/123577
Jose Mora, n.d., Card showing 162 photographs available from the Mora studio in New York, detail, Albumen print, on card, detail, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/90557
J.S. Thompson, n.d., Backmark for "James Gall, Myrtle Bank, Kingston", "Photographed by J.S. Thompson", [A Souvenir of Jamaica], Carte de visite, back, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/63079
Unidentified photographer, n.d., No. 215 - Catawissa Island., [A Trip on the Catawissa], Stereocard, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/126894
Jose Mora, n.d., Card showing 162 photographs available from the Mora studio in New York, detail, Albumen print, on card, detail, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/90558
William Henry Jackson, n.d., The Old Acqueduct at Queretaro, Albumen print, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/10942
Francis Frith, n.d., 401. Sampson's Gateway, Gaza., Stereoview, glass, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/106093
Francis Frith, n.d., 399. View of the Tombs of the Memlook Kings at Cairo., Stereoview, glass, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/106107
Warren De la Rue, 1865 (after), Steroscopic views of the Phenomena of lunar Eclipses formed by combining Photographs of the Eclipses of Febr. 1858 and Octbr. 1865., [Lunar Photographs], Stereocard, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/59124
Kempe & Gates, 1865, 17 March (or soon after), [The Great Flood in Rochester, NY, St. Patrick's Day, Friday, March 17, 1865], Stereoview, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/124742
Vignos & Harford (Canton, Ohio), n.d., A banner lady for T.E. Vickers with lots of buttons on her top, Cabinet card, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/87082
Anderson (New York), n.d., Myra Goodwin, female banjo player, Cabinet card, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/10959
W.H. Cushing, n.d., "Yankees" on Ocklawaha Steamboat, Stereoview, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/37790
Bogardus & Bendann Brothers, n.d., Morse, Cabinet card, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/87083
Stolze & Co., n.d., 58. Bertha Walter, Stereocard, tinted, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/59126
Edward L. Wilson, n.d., Jericho - The Plains, [Scenes in the Orient], Stereocard, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/90571
Felice Beato, 1864, September, The captured Choshu Gun Battery at Shimonoseki with the Royal Navy landing party, Carte de visite, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/6261
D. Appleton & Co., 1860 (ca), Interior view of the D. Appleton & Co. Stereoscopic Emporium, 346 and 348 Broadway, New York. Dealer in every kind of Stereoscopic Views & Instruments, Domestic & Imported, Stereocard, hand-coloured, detail, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/65168
Unidentified photographer, n.d., Untitled, [Puss in boots, Serie IV. - No. 1858], Stereoview, hand-coloured, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/118353
Unidentified photographer / artist, n.d., "Entrance to Gallery," over door., Stereoview, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/37808
A.V., n.d., No. 59. St. Cloud, le Château - Grande galerie. Salon de réception., [Desastres de Paris 1870-71 / Siège de Paris 1870-1871.], Stereoview, back, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/123230
Giorgio Sommer, n.d., The Spaghetti Eaters, Carte de visite, back, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/65402
Henry T. Hiester, n.d., Backmark for "Hiester's Views of the Great Southwest", [Hiester's Views of the Great Southwest], Stereoview, back, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/102981
L.C. Grosvenor, n.d., 22. Great Heads, from the South., [Mt. Desert Island, Maine.], Stereoview, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/123571
D. Appleton & Co., n.d., Interior view of the D. Appleton & Co. Stereoscopic Emporium, 346 and 348 Broadway, New York., Stereoview, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/37824
Geo. H. Johnson, n.d., R.R. Gridley and That Sanitary Rack of Flour, Carte de visite, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/95923
Pierre-Henri-Amand Lefort, n.d., [A door-to-door knife sharpener], Stereoview, tissue view, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/125634
J.H. Ford, n.d., 246. The Thames at Greenwich., [European Views], Stereoview, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/126864
Lloyd (Troy, NY), n.d., Chair [Possibly a sample], Cabinet card, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/6250
Heywood, n.d., Interior of the Church of Immaculate Conception., [Views of Boston and Vicinity], Stereoview, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/126848
Centennial Photographic Co., 1876 (ca), Untitled, [International Exhibition. 1876], Stereoview, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/118359
Keystone View Company, 1950, 20 February, Show them the Way to La Grange., [Mid Century Photorama, G.M. Chicago Reception], Stereocard, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/10950
JR, n.d., [Untitled], [Ruines De Paris], Stereoview, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/123214
A.D. Vanderbilt (Barlow Block, Sing Sing, N.Y.), n.d., Two women with elaborate studio set with window, Tintype, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/60343
C. Eckenrath, n.d., [Untitled], [Hansel & Gretel], Stereoview, hand-tinted, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/113935
Centennial Photographic Co., 1876 (ca), M. B. From N. E. Tower, [International Exhibition. 1876], Stereoview, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/118360
Charles Weitfle, n.d., No. 2-The Parade, Stereoview, detail, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/37780
Jose Mora, n.d., Card showing 162 photographs available from the Mora studio in New York, detail, Albumen print, on card, detail, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/90563
Unidentified photographer, n.d., A topless Japanese musician, Cabinet card, hand-coloured, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/91500
H. Osterhout, n.d., H. Osterhout, Middletown, NY., Cabinet card, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/10970
E.H. Hart, 1877, 25 January, His Imperial Highness, the Grand Duke Alexis. The Grand Duke Constantine. Admiral Boutakoff and Officers of the Russian Frigate Svetlana, in Norfolk Harbor, Stereoview, back, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/37863
D. Appleton & Co., n.d., Interior view of the D. Appleton & Co. Stereoscopic Emporium, 346 and 348 Broadway, New York. Dealer in every kind of Stereoscopic Views & Instruments, Domestic & Imported., Stereoview, hand-tinted, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/37810
William England, 1850-1880 (ca), 240 Cascade dans la Gorge de l'Eau Noire près Martigny, Suisse, [Views of Switzerland], Stereoview, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/123201
A.V., n.d., No. 17. Pont de Sèvres - Arche détruite., [Siège de Paris 1870-1871.], Stereoview, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/123231
F. Jay Haynes, 1878, Backlist for "Northern Pacific Views", [Northern Pacific Views], Stereoview, back, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/37846
C. Eckenrath, n.d., [Untitled], [Hansel & Gretel], Stereoview, hand-tinted, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/113933
P.F. Weil, 1875, 2 June, Masonic Procession, Broadway, June 2, 1875., [New York City Views.], Stereoview, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/123587
Francis Frith, n.d., 2377. Les colosses de la plaine, les celebres statues de Memnon a Thebes., Stereoview, glass, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/106090
Unidentified photographer, n.d., Revere House (handwritten on back), [Descriptive Series. Boston and Neighborhood], Stereoview, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/126850
Unidentified photographer, n.d., Multiple portraits, Daguerreotype, 1/2 plate, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/59917
W.H. Barritt, 1876, Cement & Brick Test, So. Framingham B.W.W., [Boston Water Works], Stereoview, detail, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/37777
Charles Weitfle, n.d., No. 2-The Parade, back, Stereoview, back, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/37782
Stereoscopic Gems, n.d., Eye and Ear Infirmary 23rd St. & 4th Ave. N.Y., [New York & Vicinity.], Stereoview, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/123585
A.W. Simon, n.d., 44. Panoramic View of Buffalo from City Hall, No. 8, Stereocard, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/63792
A.J. Russell, 1869, 10 May (taken), 540. Laying Last Rail., [Stereoscopic Views - Rocky Mountain Scenery], Stereocard, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/107374
Unidentified photographer, n.d., Carriage driver holding his buggy whip, Daguerreotype, 1/6 plate, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/10953
Camillus Farrand, n.d., Life on the River Guayas., [Views in "El Ecuador" (The Equator.)], Stereoview, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/118287
Unidentified photographer, n.d., R.R. Bridge, Cincinnati, Ohio., [American Views. Peoples' Series], Stereoview, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/37826
Unidentified photographer / artist, 1883, W.T.I. Faculty 1883, Cabinet card, composite, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/37868
H. Osterhout, n.d., Photographer with large camera on tripod holding lens cap, plates and case at his feet., Cabinet card, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/6247
Geo. H. Johnson, n.d., R.R. Gridley and That Sanitary Rack of Flour [Back], Carte de visite, back, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/95924
Francis Frith, n.d., 327. Wady Kardassy, in Nubia., Stereoview, glass, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/106086
William England, 1850-1880 (ca), 185 Entrée de la Gorge de Pfafers, Suisse, [Views of Switzerland], Stereoview, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/123200
W. Stuber & Bro., n.d., No. 5. Twelfth and Jefferson Streets-Baxter Park, [Tornado Views of Louisville, KY, March 27th, 1890], Stereoview, detail, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/37836
Edward L. Wilson, n.d., Jerusalem - Valley of Jehosphaphat, from Tomb of Absalom, [Scenes in the Orient], Stereocard, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/90572
1865, June, Advertisement for "Madame Le Pierre's Art of Painting Photographs", Advertisement, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/70130
William N. Hobbs, n.d., Back of "Rye Beach, N.H. - Out to Sea.", Stereoview, back, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/123576
Francis Frith, n.d., …?, taken from the Ancient Causeway?, Stereoview, glass, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/106091
Chr. Hansen (Odense, Denmark), n.d., [Woman holding treat out for her dog], Carte de visite, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/6245
A. Jager, n.d., Costumes des Pays-Bas. Hollande du Nord. Krommenie, Cabinet card, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/10957
Camillus Farrand, n.d., Water-Carriers of Quito., [Views in "El Ecuador" (The Equator.)], Stereoview, back, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/118286
Centennial Photographic Co., 1876 (ca), Main Building. Transept from N. Gallery., [International Exhibition. 1876], Stereoview, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/118357
A.J. Fisher, 1870-1880, Backmark for "A.J. Fisher's Stereoscopic Views", [A.J. Fisher's Stereoscopic Views], Stereoview, back, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/123584
Unidentified photographer (European), n.d., Multiple performers on the high wire., Stereoview, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/108368
Unidentified photographer / artist, n.d., An Hour's Search; or, Aunt Venus Hunting for Florida Fleas - Back, [Florida, The land of flowers and tropical scenery], Stereocard, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/10948
, n.d., 30. Essex Street (in Winter) ["First Horseless Carriage.", handwritten], Stereocard, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/126886
Ersly, 1876, 10-11 March (after), Born: John Schmitt, Freddy Hill, Leland Fay and Geo. Schmit, Carte de visite, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/89810
Brady's National Photographic Portrait Galleries (New York & Washington DC), 1865, Funeral car of the late beloved President Lincoln (Manuscript title on verso) [Detail], Carte de visite, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/10965
Kilburn Brothers, n.d., No. 89. Moths and Butterflies, Stereoview, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/37776
William England, 1850-1880 (ca), 102 Wengern Alpes, Lauterbrunnen, Suisse, [Views of Switzerland], Stereoview, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/123156
William England, 1850-1880 (ca), 208 Le Dôme et l'Aiguille du Gouté, Chamounix, [Views of Switzerland], Stereoview, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/123153
Unidentified photographer, 1880 (or later, patents), James L. Howard & Co., Hartford, Conn. - Hurricane Lamps for Street Cars, Cabinet card, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/101675
W.A. Gurenius & P.C. Quist (Stockholm), n.d., Swedish regional costumes (10), Carte de visite, hand-tinted, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/6249
Jose Mora, n.d., Card showing 162 photographs available from the Mora studio in New York, detail, Albumen print, on card, detail, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/90562
Francis Frith, n.d., 378. The Temple Palace of Goorneh at Thebes., Stereoview, glass, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/106089
J. Queval, n.d., Barricade sur la place du Château-d'Eau., [Insurrection de Paris], Stereoview, back, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/123213
A.V., n.d., No. 149. Fort de Noisy - Caserne., [Desastres de Paris 1870-71 / Siege de Paris 1870-1871.], Stereoview, back, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/123220
E. & H.T. Anthony & Co., n.d., No. 2522. Soldiers' Graves, near the General Hospital, City Point, Va., [War Views], Stereoview, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/37850
1881, Marriage certificate with two tintypes, Matrimonial memento, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/54962
J.H. Ford, n.d., 161. Loch Lomond and Glensbury from Inversnaid Highlands, Scotland., [European Views], Stereoview, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/126862
Artistmade (Nippon), n.d., A young man holding a book standing by a hanging skeleton, Cabinet card, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/54156
Marius De Zayas, 1910, Madame Hanako., [Camera Work, no. 29, pl. 02, Marius De Zayas], Photogravure, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/117660
W.H. Barritt, 1876, Cement & Brick Test, So. Framingham B.W.W., [Boston Water Works], Stereoview, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/37778
Unidentified photographer, n.d., Returning from the field, [In the country, Serie VI - No. 1149], Stereoview, hand-coloured, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/118352
Ersly, 1876, 10-11 March (after), Born: John Schmitt, Freddy Hill, Leland Fay and Geo. Schmit, Carte de visite, back, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/89811
Unidentified photographer, n.d., R.R. Bridge, Cincinnati, Ohio., [American Views. Peoples' Series], Stereoview, detail, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/37827
William England, 1850-1880 (ca), 248 Le Mont Velan vu de la route du Grand St. Bernard, Suisse, [Views of Switzerland], Stereoview, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/123173
J.G. Parks, n.d., Wolfe's Monument, - Quebec, [Views of Quebec], Stereoview, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/125641
J. Queval, n.d., Les débris de la colonne Vendôme., [Insurrection de Paris], Stereoview, back, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/123218
Carl J. Hohenstein (Brooklyn, NY), 1880s, Promotional material and pricing, Tintype, back, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/59916
Unidentified photographer / artist, n.d., Buckeye, Cabinet card, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/54611
E. & H.T. Anthony & Co., 1860 (ca), Interior View. Anthony's Photographic and Stereoscopic Warehouse, Stereoview, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/34757
John P. Soule, 1870, No. 1190 South Dome, from Clouds' Rest. (Perpetual snow.), [California - Yo-Semite Valley], Stereocard, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/86688
H.C. White, n.d., 8281. The Home of Perfecscopes and Perfec-Stereographs. A Section of the Assembling Room, Stereoscope Department., Stereoview, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/37818
Unidentified photographer, n.d., Twitchell Estate, Framingham, Mass., Daguerreotype, 1/6 plate, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/11541
Alfred S. Campbell, n.d., Ladies Change - Back (Advert for HONEST the Best Long Cut Tobacco in the World.), Stereocard, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/10946
William England, 1850-1880 (ca), 228 La Cascade de Chede, Route de Chamounix, Savoie, [Views of Switzerland], Stereoview, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/123174
Grover's New York Gallery (Penn Yan, N.Y.), n.d., Backmark for "Grover's New York Gallery, Penn Yan, N.Y.", Carte de visite, back, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/86049
Unidentified photographer, n.d., Maj. C.W. Hobbs, 7 NY H.A. [American Civil War, medical photograph], Carte de visite, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/54613
Jose Mora, n.d., Card showing 162 photographs available from the Mora studio in New York, detail, Albumen print, on card, detail, Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics, LL/90559

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