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1900Europe - France

Alphonse Marie Mucha, 1900, Study for the Bosnia-Hercegovina pavilion at the World Fair, Paris, Gelatin silver print, toned, Paul Cava Fine Art, LL/7730
The Exposition Universelle (International Exposition) opens in Paris 
1900Europe - Great Britain
Fred Holland Day organizes the Royal Photographic Society exhibition of The New School of American Photography held in London. This was the first showing in Europe of the immense progress that had been made in American pictorialist photography.
1900North America - USA
The First mass-marketed camera, the Brownie, costs $1. 
1901Europe - Great Britain
Guglielmo Marconi (1874-1937) transmits radio messages from England to Canada. 
1901Europe - France
Fred Holland Day shows the The New School of American Photography exhibition that had been shown in London in 1900 to the Photo Club de Paris.
1902North America - USA

Alvin Langdon Coburn, 1907, Alfred Stieglitz, Platinum print, Metropolitan Museum of Art, LL/45161
Alfred Stieglitz founds Camera Work.
1902Europe - France

Georges Mèliès, 1902, Le voyage dans la Lune #2, Gelatin silver print, AnamorFose, LL/8775
Georges Méliès shows his film A Trip to the Moon in Paris. 
1902North America - USA
Alfred Stieglitz founds the Photo-Secession movement in the USA.
1903North America - USA
The first flight of a Wright brothers powered airplane at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. 
1903North America - USA

Alfred Stieglitz, 1903, Front cover for Number I of Camera Work, MDCCCCIII, [Camera Work, no. 01], Front cover, Photoseed, LL/10822
Camera Work published under the editorship of Alfred Stieglitz is published.
1903North America - USA
National Geographic publishes its first halftone of a woman in a rice field in the Philippines. 
1903Europe - France

Unidentified photographer / artist, n.d., Microphotography of the Autochrome trichromatic selection mosaic, made of dyed potato starch grains (7000 grains / mm2), Photomicrograph, Institut Lumičre (The Lumiere Institute), LL/8865
The Autochrome is patented by the Lumière Brothers and when marketed in 1907 it becomes the first widely used color process.

Kilburn Brothers, n.d., 16511 the Siberian Sharp-shooters taking up their position at Liao Yang, Manchuria (Detail), Stereocard, Jefferson Stereoptics, LL/11883
Russo-Japanese War 
The International Society of Pictorial Photographers is founded with James Craig Annan as the first president. He is the son of Thomas Annan (1829-1887) and a contributor to Camera Work.
1904Europe - France
The early color Autochrome process is demonstrated to the Academy of Science
1905North America - USA

Unidentified artist, 1906 (published), Advertisement for the Photo-Secession and "Little Galleries" 291 Fifth Avenue, New York City, Advert, detail, Creative Commons - Wikipedia, LL/45069
Alfred Stieglitz opens the Little Galleries of the Photo-Secession at 291 Fifth Avenue in New York. Through a series of galleries Stieglitz exhibits photography and fine art to the American public. He champions the connections between photography and the accepted fine arts of sculpture and painting by exhibiting the works of Pablo Picasso, Henri Matisse, Paul Cezanne, Auguste Rodin.
1905North America - USA
The first cinema, the Nickelodeon, opens in Pittsburgh. 
1906North America - USA

W.C. Mendenhall, 1906, Apr 20, San Francisco, California, Earthquake April 18, 1906. Phelan Building, United States Geological Service, LL/6619
An earthquake destroys San Francisco and the resulting fires devastate the city. It is photographed by Edward Rodgers (San Francisco Morning Call), George Parmenter (San Francisco Examiner), George Haley (Chronicle) and a number of commercial photographers including Arnold Genthe take memorable pictures.
1906Europe - Spain

Unidentified photographer / artist, n.d., After the explosion to [sic] Madrid, Stereocard, Paul Frecker, LL/12001
Attempted assassination of Alfonso XIII (1886-1941) and Princess Victoria-Eugenie of Battenburg in Madrid with a bomb on their wedding day. 
1907Europe - France

Unidentified photographer / artist, n.d., Microphotography of the Autochrome trichromatic selection mosaic, made of dyed potato starch grains (7000 grains / mm2), Photomicrograph, Institut Lumičre (The Lumiere Institute), LL/8865
Louis Lumière (1864–1948) markets the first commercial three color photography process - Autochrome Lumière. The process had been patented in 1904 but it was only in 1907 that the plates were available from their factory at Lyon.
Alfred Stieglitz, wrote in a letter from Munich (July 1907) "All are amazed at the remarkably truthful color rendering; the wonderful luminosity of the shadows…, the endless range of grays; the richness of the deep colors. In short, soon the world will be color-mad, and Lumière will be responsible."
In an article published in the October 1907 issue of Camera Work, Stieglitz wrote: "Color photography is an accomplished fact. The seemingly everlasting question whether color would ever be within the reach of the photographer has been definitely answered. The answer the Lumières, of France, have supplied. For fourteen years, it is related, they have been seeking it. Thanks to their science, perseverance, and patience, practical application and unlimited means, these men have finally achieved what many of us had looked upon practically as unachievable…."
1907North America - USA

Edward S. Curtis, 1905, Oasis in the Badlands, Orotone, Galerie Sonia Zannettacci, LL/7167
Edward Sheriff Curtis publishes The North American Indian: Being a Series of Volumes Picturing and Describing the Indians of the United States and Alaska, Volume One. It is the most sumptuous study of any ethnic group ever produced and between 1907 and 1930 twenty volumes are published largely funded by the banker J.P. Morgan and his estate.
Dr Arthur Korn sends picture facsimiles between London, Paris and Berlin. 
1908North America - USA
The Ford Model T motor car is sold. 
1908North America - USA
Five years after the first flight of the secretive Wright Brothers photographer Jimmy Hare and writer Arthur Ruhl take the first news photograph of the plane in powered flight for Collier‘s. The plane covers two miles in two minutes and fifty seconds.
1908North America - USA

Lewis W. Hine, 1908, 30 November, Sadie Pfeifer, 48 inches high, has worked half a year. One of the many small children at work in Lancaster Cotton Mills, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/8633
Lewis W. Hine begins a series of photographs for the National Child Labor Committee. These images of small children performing dangerous factory work and other jobs led to congressional legislation to enforce child labor laws.
1908Europe - France
Gabriel Lippmann awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics for his method of reproducing colors in photography, based on the interference phenomenon.
Louis Blériot (1872-1936) flies across the English Channel in his plane. 
1909Europe - Great Britain

Alvin Langdon Coburn, n.d., London, Book cover, Lee Gallery, LL/12959
Alvin Langdon Coburn publishes London.
1910North America - USA
Photographic show at the Albright Art Gallery (Buffalo, NY, USA) is one of the first where photographs are shown as art in an Art Gallery. The gallery also purchased 12 pictures for the collection.
 Alfred Stieglitz wrote to Ernst Juhl (6 January 1911):
"This exhibition was without doubt the most important that has been held anywhere so far. We won't be seeing anything like it in the near future. Only very select prints, in most cases the best of their kind that exist, and with the exception of 20 gravures which are in their way originals, only original prints" [were shown].
1910North America - USA
William Warnecke photographs the shooting of New York Mayor William Gaynor by J.J. Gallagher on the SS Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse. 

Herbert G. Ponting, 1911 (taken) 1914 (print), The 'Terra Nova' Icebound in the Pack, [British Antarctic Expedition 1910-1913 (led by Scott on the "Terra Nova")], Carbon print, green-toned, Swann Galleries - New York, LL/21784
Herbert Ponting accompanies Captain Scott's second South Pole expedition.
1911North America - USA

Brown Brothers, 1911, Triangle Fire Victims Awaiting Identification, Gelatin silver print, Swann Galleries - New York, LL/35578
Fire at the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory in New York kills 145 employees. 
1912Asia - Japan
The Aiyu Photography Club is founded in Nagota. 
1913North America - USA

Unidentified photographer, 1913, Armory Show, View, Gelatin silver print, Source requested, LL/1939
The International Exhibition of Modern Art is held in New York and becomes known as the Armory Show taking the name from the Armory building. The exhibition introduces the American public to European trends in painting and sculpture. It is a revelation to those that see it and it impacts on photography by showing that copying the stylistic techniques and conventions of painting, as many of the pictorialists do, is no longer valid. 
First World War 
1914North America - Panama
Panama Canal completed 
1914Europe - Great Britain

1914, 20 June, Magazine cover for "Blast - Review Of the Great English Vortex", No. 1, Magazine cover, P4 Photography (formerly Potássio Quatro), LL/25204
The Vorticist Manifesto is published in their journal Blast

Frank Hurley, 1915, Endurance in the Ice, [Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition, 1914-1917 (led by Ernest Shackleton on the "Endurance")], Gelatin silver print, Afterimage Gallery, LL/1448
Frank Hurley accompanies Sir Earnest Shackleton's second Antarctic expedition.
1914North America - USA
The USS Mississippi drops anchor at Naval Shipyard Pensacola to survey the area for a Naval Aeronautical Station during the early days of flight. Walter Leroy Richardson, who joined the US Navy in 1911, takes the photographs and goes on to become the US Navy's first official photographer. 
1915Europe - Turkey
Armenian massacres 
1915North America - USA

Unidentified photographer, 1915, 24 July (on or after), [Eastland disaster, diver Harry Halvorsen standing on ladder near the overturned hull of the steamer]., Gelatin silver print, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LL/6521
The lake steamer Eastland rolls over in Chicago with the loss of 844 passengers and crew. 
1916Europe - Germany

Ruth Orkin, n.d., Einstein, Gelatin silver print, Fay Gold Gallery, LL/5349
Albert Einstein proposes the General Theory of Relativity. 
1916Europe - Great Britain
The Easter Rising in Dublin fails to free Ireland from British rule. 
1917North America - USA
The US enters the First World War on the Allied side. 
1917Europe - France

Alfred Stieglitz, 1917, Fountain by R. Mutt, Book page, Creative Commons - Wikipedia, LL/47495
Marcel Duchamp exhibits his surrealist work The Fountain using a upturned urinal. 
1917North America - USA

Paul Strand, 1917, Photograph - New York, [Camera Work, no. 49/50, pl. 06], Photogravure, Hand-pulled, Andrew Cahan: Bookseller, Ltd, LL/2022
The photographs of Paul Strand are published in Camera Work, Number XLIX, Number L.
1917North America - USA
Alfred Steiglitz publishes the last issue of Camera Work. During the years it was published (1903-1917) it was the most influential and well produced of any photographic magazine.
1917Europe - Russia
Russian Revolution 
1917Middle East
Balfour Declaration gives support for a Jewish homeland in Palestine 
1917Europe - Russia
Narkompros (the 'People's Commissariat for Education') is founded and puts publishing, media and dissemination under State control. 
1917Europe - Great Britain

Alvin Langdon Coburn, 1917, Vortograph, Gelatin silver print, Charles Isaacs Photographs, Inc, LL/4147
Alvin Langdon Coburn takes his Vortograph photographs that are among the first that play with light and are intentionally abstract.
Armistice is signed ending the First World War. 
1918Europe - Switzerland
Christian Schad starts making abstract photographs by placing objects directly on photographic paper and exposing it. Tristan Tzara, the founder of Dada, calls them Schadographs but they come under the general heading of photograms.
1918Europe - Germany
Following the First World War the German Empire collapses and the Weimar Republic is born. This initiates a period of political, social and artistic upheaval that stimulates new ideas in design, typography, art and photography. 
Treaty of Versailles is signed and settles, for a time, the issues raised by the First World War. 
1919Europe - Germany

Lucia Moholy, n.d., Walter Gropius, Musée de l'Elysée, LL/7918
Walter Gropius founds the Bauhaus school of design. 
1919Europe - France
The French film director Abel Gance (1889-1981) releases the anti-war film J'accuse!. In it he uses wounded actors to portray the ghosts of fallen men. In 1924 John Heartfield created the photomontage After ten years: fathers and sons in which he uses skeletons and marching soldiers to depict the futility of war.

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