Luminous-Lint - for collectors and connoisseurs of photography Register
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1Introduction to art and photography
2Photography as an influence on art
Artists and photographers
3Artists at work
4The encounters between the London Daguerreotypist John Jabez Mayall and the artist John Turner (1847-1849)
5John Thomson: A Chinese portrait artist, Hong Kong
6Nineteenth century Japanese artists and colourists
7Honoré Daumier: Prints and cartoons
8Edward Linley Sambourne: Photographs as a source for cartoons and illustrations
9How artists have portrayed lanternists, photographers and photography
10Photographers and photography in Japan depicted in art
11Using grids to create art
Drawing and optical devices
12Drawing and optical devices
13Camera lucida: Design and use
14The camera lucida
15Camera obscura: Design and use
16Portable camera obscura
17Cliché verre
Associating photography with the arts
18Cartes de visite: Backs: Graphics that place photography with the arts
19Cabinet cards: Backs: Graphics that place photography with the arts
Publications that did, or said they did, use daguerreotypes as the basis for their illustrations
20The influence of the daguerreotype upon art
21Paris et ses Environs Reproduits par le Daguerrotype, Sous la Direction de M. Ch. Philipon (Paris: Chez Aubert et Cie, 1840)
22Noël Marie Paymal Lerebours: Excursions daguerriennes : vues et monuments les plus remarquables du globe (1842)
23Adolphe Duperly: Daguerian Excursions in Jamaica (ca 1844)
24Bruges, ses Monuments et ses Tableaux, edited by Daveluy (Bruges, Daveluy, 1855)
Using photography to copy two dimensional artworks
25Joseph Nicéphore Niépce: Cardinal d'Amboise
26Photographing art: Works on paper and canvas
27William Sterling: Annals of the Artists of Spain (1848)
28Charles Piazzi Smyth: Notice of an Illuminated Vellum Manuscript
Printing works for photographic reproductions
29Louis-Désiré Blanquart-Evrard: reproductions of works of art
30Adolphe Braun - A Continental Printing Establishment (1874)
Microphotographs of art
31Art and microphotographs
Copyright of photographs of artworks
32International Copyright of Photographs - Messrs. Braun and Co. (17 August 1888)
33International Copyright of Photographs - Messrs. Braun and Co. (24 August 1888)
34International Copyright of Photographs - Judgement - Messrs. Braun and Co. (21 September 1888)
Photographic art
35Cartes de visite: Art
Photographing sculpture
36Photographing art: Sculpture
Use of photography as an aid to art
37Hill & Adamson: Disruption of the Church of Scotland (1843)
38Oil paintings by Gustave Courbet based upon photographs
39Julien Vallou de Villeneuve: Étude d'après nature, modèle pour Les Baigneuses
40Alphonse Marie Mucha: Artist studies - Académies
41Académies and the use of artist studies of models to assist artists
42Artistic studies of nude women
43Eugène Durieu: Artist studies - Académies
44Vincenzo Galdi: Artist studies - Académies
45Artistic studies of nude men
46Jacques de Lalaing: Using photographs to create art
47Giraudon's artist: Rural studies
48Combining a daguerreotype with a miniature to create a painting (1848)
Painting on photographs
49Introduction to painting on photographs
Visual connections between art and photography
50Paintings and prints based on photographs or vice versa
51Photographs based on known paintings
52Painted photographs by known artists
54Thomas Eakins: The Swimming Hole
55Edgar Degas: After the Bath
56Georg Hendrik Breitner: Using photography as an aid to painting
57Photographs that are stylistically similar to paintings
58Dora Maar: Photo Report of the Evolution of Guernica (May - June 1937)
59Saul Leiter: Painted nudes
60Neil Folberg: The French Impressionists
61Robert Weingarten: Palettes (2004-2008)
Portraiture and art
62The "artistic" portrait
63Julia Margaret Cameron (1815-1879): Portraits
64Oscar Gustave Rejlander: Two Ways of Life
65Mimicing art within Pictorialism
Paints in tubes
66Preserving paint in collapsible tubes
The connections between photography and landscape art
67Paintings and prints based upon paintings or vice versa - The road to Chailly (Forests of Fontainebleau)
68Paintings and prints based upon photographs or vice versa - The Bodmer Oak (Forests of Fontainebleau)
Using Autochromes for early colour art photography
69Autochromes: Art
Artists of the twentieth century and photography
70Salvador Dali
71Photographers who have taken portrait series on artists
Photography as a means of documenting art
72Land art
73Conceptual photography
74Performance art
Looking at art
75Looking at art
76Exhibitions on the relationships between art and photography
77Conclusions to art and photography
Giuseppe Alinari (1836-1890), Leopoldo Alinari (1832-1865), Domenico Anderson (1854-1938), Peter Beard (1938-), Josef von Berres, Robert Bingham (1824-1870), Bisson frères, Charles Bodmer (1809-1893), Achille Bonnuit, Frank Brangwyn (1867-1956), Georg Hendrik Breitner (1857-1923), Leonida Caldesi (1823-1891), François-Rupert Carabin (1862-1932), Eugenio Cisterna (1862-1933), Chuck Close (1940-2021), Alvin Langdon Coburn (1882-1966), Calum Colvin, Thomas Demand (1964-), John Dugdale (1960-), Earle & Hawley , Alfred Ehrhardt (1901-1984), Peter Henry Emerson (1856-1936), Robert Farber, Bernard Faucon (1950-), Neil Folberg (1950-), Franco Fontana (1933-), Pablo Genovés (1959-), Paolo Gioli (1942-), Claus Goedicke (1966-), Hisaji Hara (1964-), Peter Hujar (1934-1987), Gertrude Käsebier (1852-1934), Ouka Lele (1957-), Alois Löcherer (1815-1862), Gustave Marissiaux (1872-1929), Barbara Morgan (1900-1992), Yasumasa Morimura (1951-), Alphonse Marie Mucha (1860-1939), Richard Pousette-Dart (1916-1992), Oscar Gustave Rejlander (1813-1875), Henry Peach Robinson (1830-1901), Georges Rousse (1947-), John Ruskin (1819-1900), Edward Linley Sambourne (1844-1910), Andres Serrano, Charles Sheeler (1883-1965), Cindy Sherman (1954-), Sandy Skoglund (1946-), Edward Steichen (1879-1973), Alfred Stieglitz (1864-1946), Clare Strand (1973-), Paul Strand (1890-1976), Stephen Thompson, Patrick Tosani (1954-), Horace Vernet (1789-1863), Andy Warhol (1928-1987), Boyd Webb (1947-), Isaac Augustus Wetherby (1819-1904), François Willème (1830-1905), Neil S. Winokur (1945-), David Wilkie Wynfield (1837-1887)
Subscribers have access to the seventy seven informative Fragments on this Theme, Online Exhibitions, Visual Indexes and References.
1Introduction to art and photography
2Photography as an influence on art
Artists and photographers
3Artists at work
4The encounters between the London Daguerreotypist John Jabez Mayall and the artist John Turner (1847-1849)
5John Thomson: A Chinese portrait artist, Hong Kong
6Nineteenth century Japanese artists and colourists
7Honoré Daumier: Prints and cartoons
8Edward Linley Sambourne: Photographs as a source for cartoons and illustrations
9How artists have portrayed lanternists, photographers and photography
10Photographers and photography in Japan depicted in art
11Using grids to create art
Drawing and optical devices
12Drawing and optical devices
13Camera lucida: Design and use
14The camera lucida
15Camera obscura: Design and use
16Portable camera obscura
17Cliché verre
Associating photography with the arts
18Cartes de visite: Backs: Graphics that place photography with the arts
19Cabinet cards: Backs: Graphics that place photography with the arts
Publications that did, or said they did, use daguerreotypes as the basis for their illustrations
20The influence of the daguerreotype upon art
21Paris et ses Environs Reproduits par le Daguerrotype, Sous la Direction de M. Ch. Philipon (Paris: Chez Aubert et Cie, 1840)
22Noël Marie Paymal Lerebours: Excursions daguerriennes : vues et monuments les plus remarquables du globe (1842)
23Adolphe Duperly: Daguerian Excursions in Jamaica (ca 1844)
24Bruges, ses Monuments et ses Tableaux, edited by Daveluy (Bruges, Daveluy, 1855)
Using photography to copy two dimensional artworks
25Joseph Nicéphore Niépce: Cardinal d'Amboise
26Photographing art: Works on paper and canvas
27William Sterling: Annals of the Artists of Spain (1848)
28Charles Piazzi Smyth: Notice of an Illuminated Vellum Manuscript
Printing works for photographic reproductions
29Louis-Désiré Blanquart-Evrard: reproductions of works of art
30Adolphe Braun - A Continental Printing Establishment (1874)
Microphotographs of art
31Art and microphotographs
Copyright of photographs of artworks
32International Copyright of Photographs - Messrs. Braun and Co. (17 August 1888)
33International Copyright of Photographs - Messrs. Braun and Co. (24 August 1888)
34International Copyright of Photographs - Judgement - Messrs. Braun and Co. (21 September 1888)
Photographic art
35Cartes de visite: Art
Photographing sculpture
36Photographing art: Sculpture
Use of photography as an aid to art
37Hill & Adamson: Disruption of the Church of Scotland (1843)
38Oil paintings by Gustave Courbet based upon photographs
39Julien Vallou de Villeneuve: Étude d'après nature, modèle pour Les Baigneuses
40Alphonse Marie Mucha: Artist studies - Académies
41Académies and the use of artist studies of models to assist artists
42Artistic studies of nude women
43Eugène Durieu: Artist studies - Académies
44Vincenzo Galdi: Artist studies - Académies
45Artistic studies of nude men
46Jacques de Lalaing: Using photographs to create art
47Giraudon's artist: Rural studies
48Combining a daguerreotype with a miniature to create a painting (1848)
Painting on photographs
49Introduction to painting on photographs
Visual connections between art and photography
50Paintings and prints based on photographs or vice versa
51Photographs based on known paintings
52Painted photographs by known artists
54Thomas Eakins: The Swimming Hole
55Edgar Degas: After the Bath
56Georg Hendrik Breitner: Using photography as an aid to painting
57Photographs that are stylistically similar to paintings
58Dora Maar: Photo Report of the Evolution of Guernica (May - June 1937)
59Saul Leiter: Painted nudes
60Neil Folberg: The French Impressionists
61Robert Weingarten: Palettes (2004-2008)
Portraiture and art
62The "artistic" portrait
63Julia Margaret Cameron (1815-1879): Portraits
64Oscar Gustave Rejlander: Two Ways of Life
65Mimicing art within Pictorialism
Paints in tubes
66Preserving paint in collapsible tubes
The connections between photography and landscape art
67Paintings and prints based upon paintings or vice versa - The road to Chailly (Forests of Fontainebleau)
68Paintings and prints based upon photographs or vice versa - The Bodmer Oak (Forests of Fontainebleau)
Using Autochromes for early colour art photography
69Autochromes: Art
Artists of the twentieth century and photography
70Salvador Dali
71Photographers who have taken portrait series on artists
Photography as a means of documenting art
72Land art
73Conceptual photography
74Performance art
Looking at art
75Looking at art
76Exhibitions on the relationships between art and photography
77Conclusions to art and photography

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