Born: 1936, 22 February - US, NY, The Bronx Died: 2007, 7 March - Spain, Granada Gender: Male Active:
His series of erotic images "Pas de Deux" provoked an outcry and his arrest on 29 October 1970 by security guards on the campus of Towson State College. Fined and forced to serve two years probation for a case that went all the way to the American Supreme Court that declined to hear the case. His work was appropriated by German artist Wolf Vostell for his work "Heuschrecken" ("Locusts") who justified his use by saying that they were "found objects."
Richard Kirstel
If you have a portrait of this photographer or know of the whereabouts of one we would be most grateful.
Genealogy of Richard Kirstel
If you are related to this photographer and interested in tracking down your extended family we can place a note here for you to help. It is free and you would be amazed who gets in touch.