Eric Boutilier-Brown grew up in Halifax, NS, Canada. Involved with the arts from a young age, Eric began photographing at 17 prior to attending the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design from which he graduated in 1995. Since 1991, Eric has been pursuing his fine art photography and, in 1995, began displaying his work through his web site, Evolving Beauty He lives in Halifax.
Boutilier-Brown currently works with digital cameras (conventional and converted to infrared sensitivities), and has previously worked in a wide variety of film formats from 35mm to 12"x20" view cameras.
Eric Boutilier-Brown
If you have a portrait of this photographer or know of the whereabouts of one we would be most grateful.
Genealogy of Eric Boutilier-Brown
If you are related to this photographer and interested in tracking down your extended family we can place a note here for you to help. It is free and you would be amazed who gets in touch.