1960 | North America - USA
| Irving Penn publishes Moments Preserved. |
1960 | Asia - Japan
| Inejiro Asanuma (Chairman of Japan's Socialist Party) is assassinated in the Hibiya Hall in Tokyo by a right wing student. Yasushi Nagao, working for the Tokyo daily newspaper Mainichi photographs the stabbing. |
1960 | Africa - South Africa
 Unidentified photographer - Keystone / Staff, 1960, 22 March, Aftermath of the Sharpeville massacre, Photograph, Creative Commons - Wikipedia, LL/52711 | At least 180 black Africans are injured and 69 killed when South African police open fire on demonstrators protesting the pass laws in Sharpeville. |
1961 | North America - USA
| Alan Shepard makes the first American space flight. |
1961 | North America - USA
| Joseph Heller publishes Catch-22. |
1961 | North America - Cuba
| The Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba by American backed forces ends in catastrophe. |
1961 | Europe - Great Britain
 Bill Brandt, 1961, Book cover for "Perspective of Nudes" (London: the Bodley Head), Book cover, Private collection, LL/12547 | Bill Brandt publishes Perspective of Nudes. |
1961 | Asia - Vietnam
| Vietnam War |
1962 | North America - USA
| Andy Warhol paints his Campbell's Soup Cans. |
1962 | North America - USA
 Frederick Sommer, 1962, Book cover for Frederick Sommer, 1962, Frederick Sommer 1939-1962 Photographs, (New York: Aperture), Book cover, Arcana: Books on the Arts, LL/52725 | Frederick Sommer publishes Frederick Sommer 1939-1962 Photographs |
1962 | Africa - Algeria
| Algeria gains independence from France |
1963 | North America - USA
| Bob Dylan records Blowin' in the Wind |
1963 | Asia - Japan
 Eikoh Hosoe, 1963, Book cover for Eikoh Hosoe "Ba-Ra-Kei [Killed by Roses]" (Tokyo, Shuei-sha, 1963), Book cover, Swann Galleries - New York, LL/25414 | Eikoh Hosoe and the novelist Yukio Mishima publish Killed by Roses. The ardent nationalist Mishima commits suicide by seppuku on 25 November 1970. |
1963 | North America - USA
| President Kennedy assassinated |
1963 | Asia - Vietnam
| Thich Quang Doc, a Buddhist priest, burns himself to death as a protest over religious freedom on a street in Saigon. Malcolm Browne (AP) photographs the protest. |
1963 | North America - USA
| Jack Ruby assassinates Lee Harvey Oswald - the supposed killer of President John F. Kennedy who had died two days earlier. Robert Jackson (Dallas Times-Herald) photographs the exact moment of the shooting and is awarded the 1964 Pulitzer Prize. |
1964 | North America - USA
 Harry Callahan, 1964, Book cover for "Photographs: Harry Callahan" (Santa Barbara, California: El Mochuelo Gallery, 1964), Book cover, Swann Galleries - New York, LL/33444 | Harry Callahan publishes Photographs. |
1965 | North America - USA
 Peter Beard, 1965, Book cover for Peter Beard, 1965, The End of the Game: The Old Africa and the New, (New York: The Viking Press), Book cover, Ader Nordmann, LL/43381 | Peter Hill Beard publishes The End of the Game which uses a scrapbook style linking his photographs to the destruction of African wildlife. |
1965 | North America - USA
| Emmet Gowin publishes Concerning America and Alfred Stieglitz, and Myself. |
1965 | Asia - Japan
| Kikuji Kawada publishes The Map. |
1965 | North America - USA
 Helen Levitt, 1965, Book cover for Helen Levitt "A Way of Seeing. Text by James Agee" (New York: the Viking Press, 1965), Book cover, Christie's - New York, LL/28399 | Helen Levitt publishes A Way of Seeing. |
1965 | Europe - Great Britain
| Helmut Gernsheim & Alison Gernsheim publish A Concise History of Photography with the first edition published by Thames and Hudson in the UK and Grosset & Dunlap in the USA. |
1966 | North America - USA
 Walker Evans, 1966, Book cover for Walker Evans & James Agee (introduction), 1966, Many Are Called, (Boston: Houghton Mifflin), Book cover, The Manhattan Rare Book Company, LL/52726 | Walker Evans publishes Many Are Called which includes his subway portraits taken with a concealed camera. |
1966 | North America - USA
 Edward Ruscha, 1971, Book cover for Ed Ruscha "Every Building on the Sunset Strip" (Hollywood: Self-published, Printed by Cinema Center Printing Co., [1971), Book cover, in slipcase, Swann Galleries - New York, LL/36899 | Edward Ruscha publishes Every Building on the Sunset Strip. |
1966 | North America - USA
| A meeting is held in the home of Willis Stockdale to found the Antique Photographic Society of Rochester. In May 1968 it changes its name to The Photographic Historical Society which is still active. |
1967 | North America - USA
| The film The Graduate is released. |
1967 | South America - Columbia
| Gabriel García Márquez publishes One Hundred Years of Solitude |
1967 | North America - USA
 Ugo Mulas, 1967, Book cover for Ugo Mulas "New York: the New Art Scene. Text by Alan Solomon" (New York: Holt, Rinehart, Winston, 1967), Book cover, Christie's - New York, LL/28402 | Ugo Mulas publishes New York: The New Art Scene. |
1967 | North America - USA
| Andy Warhol publishes Andy Warhol's Index (Book) |
1967 | Middle East
| Six Day War between Israel and the forces of Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Iraq. |
1967 | North America - USA
| The New Documents exhibition at MoMA in New York shows the works of Diane Arbus, Lee Friedlander and Garry Winogrand. The curator John Szarkowski selected three photographers who were more edgy that those previously shown. The show was a conscious break from the old masters of photography and the rather sentimental humanist approach that had developed with the 1955 Family of Man exhibition also held in MoMA. |
1968 | North America - USA
 Danny Lyon, 1966, Crossing the Ohio near Louisville, Gelatin silver print, Etherton Gallery, LL/22177 | Danny Lyon publishes The Bikeriders. |
1968 | Europe - Czechoslovakia
| Soviet Invasion of Czechoslovakia |
1968 | Europe - Great Britain
| Aaron Scharf publishes Art and Photography and it is one of the first academic studies to highlight the connections between the two media. |
1968 | Asia - Vietnam
 Eddie Adams, 1968, Street execution of a Viet Cong prisoner, Saigon, Gelatin silver print, Monroe Gallery Of Photography, LL/30409 | Eddie Adams (Associated Press) photographs Colonel Nguyen Loan (Chief of the South Vietnam National Police) executing a suspect on a Saigon street during the Tet Offensive. |
1968 | North America - USA
| Martin Luther King, Jr. is assassinated. |
1968 | North America - USA
| The First Conference and Workshop of Photographic Collectors of North America is held at Ohio State University. Organized by Walter Johnson it is the first national meeting for those interested in the history of photography. |
1968 | Europe - Czechoslovakia
 Josef Koudelka, 1968, August, Warsaw Pact tanks invade Prague, [Invasion 68 Prague], Gelatin silver print, Aperture, LL/29987 | Tanks from the Warsaw Pact invade Prague to crush a short-lived period of political freedom in Czechoslovakia - the Prague Spring. Josef Koudelka documents the invasion and the photographs are widely published in the West although the name of the photographer is not given. In 1969 Robert Capa Gold Medal Award was awarded anonymously but it was not until sixteen years later that the identity of the photographer is acknowledged. On the fortieth anniversary of the invasion in 2008 Aperture publishes the book Invasion 68: Prague containing two hundred and fifty of the photographs Koudelka took. |
1969 | North America - USA
| The Woodstock Music Festival |
1969 | North America - USA
| Garry Winogrand publishes The Animals. |
1969 | North America - USA
 Unidentified photographer / artist, 1969, Earthrise sequence - Earth rises over lunar horizon, NASA, LL/7969 | American astronauts (Neil Armstrong and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin) from Apollo 11 land on the moon whilst Michael Collins looks after the ship. |
1970 | North America - USA
| Shootings of students by the National Guard at an antiwar demonstration at Kent State University in Ohio. |
1970 | Europe - Germany
| Bernd & Hilla Becher publish Anonyme Skulpturen |
1970 | North America - USA
| Bruce Davidson publishes East 100th Street. |
1970 | North America - USA
| Lee Friedlander publishes Self Portrait. |
1970 | North America - USA
| Jacques-Henri Lartigue publishes Diary of a Century. |
1970 | North America - USA
| The first PhotoHistory Symposia is held at George Eastman House, Rochester, New York. This has been held every three years since 1970 and is indicative of increasing scholarly interest in the history of photography. |
1971 | Asia - Japan
| Nobuyoshi Araki publishes Sentimental Journey. |
1971 | North America - USA
| Larry Clark publishes Tulsa. |
1971 | North America - USA
 Danny Lyon, 1968, Prisoner suffering from heat exhaustion, Ellis Prison Farm, Texas, [Conversations with the Dead], Gelatin silver print, Source requested, LL/6293 | Danny Lyon publishes Conversations with the Dead. |
1971 | North America - USA
| Lucas Samaras publishes Samaras Album. |
1971 | North America - USA
| Diane Arbus publishes Diane Arbus. |
1972 | Europe - Germany
| Pierre Molinier and Peter Gorsen publish Pierre Molinier, lui-même. |
1972 | Asia - Japan
| Daido Moriyama publishes Bye, Bye Photography, Dear. |
1973 | North America - USA
| Michael Lesy publishes Wisconsin Death Trip. |
1973 | North America - USA
| Bill Owens publishes Suburbia. |
1973 | Middle East
| Yom Kippur War between the armies of Syria and Egypt against those of Israel |
1973 | North America - USA
| Fairchild Semiconductor releases a 100 x 100 cell CCD chip and this is the forerunner of all digital image capture devices. |
1974 | North America - USA
| Robert Adams publishes The New West. |
1974 | North America - USA
| Lewis Baltz publishes The New Industrial Parks near Irvine, California. |
1974 | North America - USA
| Ralph Eugene Meatyard publishes The Family Album of Lucybelle Crater. |
1974 | North America - USA
| The Watergate Affair - President Nixon resigns |
1975 | North America - USA
 W. Eugene Smith, 1975, Book cover for W. Eugene Smith and Aileen M. Smith "Minamata" (New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1975), Book cover, Private collection, LL/25924 | W. Eugene Smith publishes Minamata. |
1975 | North America - USA
| Stanley Forman (Boston Herald American) photographs nineteen year-old Diana Bryant and three-year-old Tiara Jones falling from a fire escape during an apartment fire. |
1975 | North America - USA
 Lewis Baltz, 1974, West Wall, the Ted Pella Company, Space W 109, The Esplande V, 3001 Redhill, Costa Mesa, [New Industrial Parks], Gelatin silver print, Barry Singer Gallery, LL/2731 | The influential exhibition New Topographics: Photographs of a Man-Altered Landscape curated by William Jenkins opens at the International Museum of Photography at George Eastman House in Rochester, New York. The works of Robert Adams, Lewis Baltz, Bernd and Hilla Becher, Joe Deal, Frank Gohlke, Nicholas Nixon, John Schott, Stephen Shore and Henry Wessel Jr. all shifted the way that landscape photography is conceived to preserve and record the actual landscape of buildings, suburbs and urbanization rather than pristine views. |
1976 | Europe - Great Britain
| The single Anarchy in the U.K. by the Sex Pistols attacks middle class attitudes of commercialism and punk rock influences music and fashion. |
1976 | North America - USA
 William Eggleston, 2004, Book cover for "William Eggleston's Guide" by William Eggleston & John Szarkowski, Book cover, Arcana: Books on the Arts, LL/1061 | William Eggleston publishes William Eggleston's Guide. |
1976 | North America - USA
 Lee Friedlander, 1976, Book cover for Lee Friedlander, 1976, The American Monument, (New York: Eakins Press), Book cover, Private collection, LL/48345 | Lee Friedlander publishes The American Monument. |
1976 | North America - USA
 Susan Meiselas, 2008, Book cover for Susan Meiselas "Carnival Strippers", 2nd revised edition (Steidl, 2008), Book cover, Amazon - USA, LL/47274 | Susan Meiselas publishes Carnival Strippers. |
1976 | North America - USA
| The Photographic Resource Center (PRC) opens at Boston University. |
1976 | North America - USA
| William Eggleston has a landmark show of his color photographs at MoMA. This events marks the curatorial acceptance of color photography as art in North America. Work by other color photographers including Stephen Shore and Joel Sternfeld increasingly gains recognition. |
1977 | North America - USA
| The film Star Wars is released. |
1977 | North America - USA
| Mike Mandel and Larry Sultan publish Evidence. |
1977 | Europe - UK
| The Photographic Collectors Club of Great Britain is formed by a group of collectors interested in meeting to discuss early equipment. |
1977 | North America - USA
 Peter Hujar, 1975, Susan Sontag, Fraenkel Gallery, LL/4262 | Susan Sontag publishes On Photography. |
1977 | Europe - UK
| The Magic Lantern Society of Great Britain is founded and shortens its name to The Magic Lantern Society in 1991. |
1977 | North America - USA
| Grant Romer organizes an exhibition of Contemporary Daguerreotypes at George Eastman House, Rochester, NY. This initial exhibition is one of the key events that encourages the resurgence of experimentation into early photographic techniques and processes. |
1979 | North America - USA
 Lisette Model, 1979, Book cover for "Lisette Model" (S.l. [New York], Aperture, 1979), Book cover, Artcurial, LL/27319 | Lisette Model publishes Lisette Model. |
1979 | Asia - Afghanistan
| Afghanistan Wars |
1979 | Europe - UK
| Peter Mitchell has the exhibition "A New Refutation of Viking 4 Space Mission" at the Impressions Gallery in York showing his color photographs of Leeds (UK). This is one of the first showings of color photography in a UK gallery. |
1979 | Europe - Sweden
| The Erna and Victor Hasselblad Foundation is established to promote research and academic teaching in the natural sciences and photography. The foundation also gives an awarding each year to "photographer recognized for major achievement".
Award winners: 1980 Lennart Nilsson, 1981 Ansel Adams, 1982 Henri Cartier-Bresson, 1984 Manuel Alvarez Bravo, 1985 Irving Penn, 1986 Ernst Haas, 1987 Hiroshi Hamaya, 1988 Edouard Boubat, 1989 Sebastião Salgado, 1990 William Klein, 1991 Richard Avedon, 1992 Josef Koudelka, 1993 Sune Jonsson, 1994 Susan Meiselas, 1995 Robert Häusser, 1996 Robert Frank, 1997 Christer Strömholm, 1998 William Eggleston, 1999 Cindy Sherman, 2000 Boris Mikhailov, 2001 Hiroshi Sugimoto, 2002 Jeff Wall, 2003 Malick Sidibé, 2004 Bernd and Hilla Becher, 2005 Lee Friedlander, 2006 David Goldblatt, 2007 Nan Goldin. |