Monsieur X was an amateur Parisian photographer of the 1920s and 30s. He produced an astounding body of erotic and fetishistic imagery for his own pleasure. Luckily, his photographs were not destroyed in one of those family auto-dafés so frequent in other cases. Some twenty years ago this octogenarian, feeling he was not getting any younger, decided to sell the entire body of his photographic work to a Parisian bookshop owner chosen for his discretion and taste for erotica. Monsieur X then threw the original glass negatives into the Seine. Several thousand of his 18 x 24 cm silver prints are known and a few hundred in a 6 x 13 cm stereoscopic format.
Dupony, Alexandre, Collection Privee de Monsieur X: L'oeuvre Inedite D'un Photographe Anonyme Des Annees 30 Astarte Paris, 1996.
[Contributed by Muse XX, October 2007]
Monsieur X
If you have a portrait of this photographer or know of the whereabouts of one we would be most grateful.
Genealogy of Monsieur X
If you are related to this photographer and interested in tracking down your extended family we can place a note here for you to help. It is free and you would be amazed who gets in touch.