Born: 1854, 12 July - US, NY, Waterville Died: 1932, 14 March Gender: Male Active: US
American inventor and businessman. Founder of Kodak. George Eastman House in Rochester NY has a collection of over 10,000 of his original photographs. The most complete biography is that by Elizabeth Brayer (1996) ‘George Eastman: A Biography‘ (Johns Hopkins University Press) .
Genealogy of George Eastman
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Lightbox > Portraits
Unidentified photographer / artist, n.d., George Eastman with camera, Source requested, LL/1899
Morrall (artist), n.d., Colored portrait of George Eastman, Oil painting, George Eastman Museum, LL/69988
George Eastman, 1900, George Eastman photographing his mother, California Trip, Negative, gelatin on nitrocellulose roll film, George Eastman Museum, LL/75339
George Eastman, 1964, Medal - Presented to F.T. "Sam" Cox in recognition of more than quarter century of loyal service with the Eastman Kodak Company 1964, Medal, John Bosko Archives, LL/84365