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David Brewster
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David Brewster
John Moffat, 1864 (?), Sir David Brewster, Carte de visite, Private collection of Noel Chanan, LL/33040
David Brewster
Genealogy of David Brewster
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n.d., Sir David Brewster, Engraving, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/55447
Maull & Polyblank, n.d., Scottish Physicist, Sir David Brewster (1781-1868), inventor of the refracting stereoscope and the Kaleidoscope. He is also credited with inventing the first twin lens stereoscopic camera., Carte de visite, Stereographica - Antique Photographica, LL/31522
London Stereoscopic Company, n.d., Sir David Brewster, Stereocard, Private collection of Eric Bos Waaldijk, LL/68017
David Brewster, n.d., Cigar box label with a portrait of "David Brewster", Cigar box label, Private collection of Jack and Beverly Wilgus, LL/90489
Hugh Lyon Playfair, n.d., Sir David Brewster. He was a close friend of William Henry Fox Talbot, the inventor of the calotype, [Album of the Edinburgh Calotype Club, vol. 1], Calotype, National Library of Scotland, LL/49505
Unidentified artist (English, 19th century), n.d., Sir David Brewster, Principal of the University of Edinburgh, Stereocard, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, LL/96808
Hill & Adamson, 1843, Sir David Brewster, 1781 - 1868. Natural philosopher, Calotype print, National Galleries of Scotland, LL/56766
Unidentified photographer, 1845 (ca), Sir David Brewster, Calotype, St. Andrews University Library, Special Collections / The Photographic Collection, LL/40243
Nicolaas Henneman, 1849, 18 November, Portrait of Sir David Brewster, Salted Paper Print, Victoria and Albert Museum, LL/82206
Unidentified photographer (circle of John Dillwyn Llewelyn), 1850s (ca), [Calvert Richard Jones, Lady Brewster, Mrs Jones, Sir David Brewster and Miss Parnell (seated)], Uncertain type, National Library of Wales / Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru, LL/47199
John Adamson, 1855, Sir David Brewster, Calotype, Albumen print, from a wet collodion negative, National Museums Scotland, LL/68388
Antoine Claudet, 1855 (ca), Sir David Brewster, Albumen print, Archive Farms, LL/113019
Unidentified photographer, 1860 (ca), Sir David Brewster, Photographic print, St. Andrews University Library, Special Collections / The Photographic Collection, LL/40247
John Moffat, 1864 (?), Sir David Brewster, Carte de visite, Private collection of Noel Chanan, LL/33040
David Brewster, 1864 (published), Fig. 115 David Brewster, Engraving, Google Books, LL/34354
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