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Photo outlets
Throckmorton Fine Art, Inc.
The Hammacher Schlemmer Building, 145 East 57th Street 3rd Floor
New York City, NY 10022
Tel: 212 223 1059
Fax: 212 223-1937

Some random images from this collection.
Lightbox > Examples
Milton Miller, 1860s (ca), Mandarin Portrait of Woman and Man, Albumen print, Throckmorton Fine Art, Inc., LL/7977
John Thomson, 1880 (ca), Itinerant Barbers, Albumen print, Throckmorton Fine Art, Inc., LL/7976
, 1930-1939, Macchu Picchu, Peru, Throckmorton Fine Art, Inc., LL/7979
Lai Afong, 1880s (ca), A Group of Japanese Women, Albumen print, Throckmorton Fine Art, Inc., LL/7978

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