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HomeContentsVisual indexesRufus P. Anson

Rufus P. Anson 
Large display case with Ambrotypes and Daguerreotypes 
Display case with photographs 
Larry Gottheim, Be-hold, Inc 
Courtesy of Larry Gottheim - Be-Hold (50 / 9) 
The unusual case opens to reveal a 1/2 plate ambrotype of three sisters in the center. In the left panel there are two 1/6 plate daguerreotypes. One is a lovely image of a mother holding a tiny baby. (There is dust on the underside of the glass.) Below that is a 1/6 plate daguerreotype of a woman, by Anson. Possibly she is the mother of the first image. The right panel has, on top, a superb 1/6 plate by Anson, a close portrait of a girl in ringlets, with bows on her dress tinted red. Beneath is another 1/6 plate in a stippled octagonal mat, of a woman in a bonnet holding a case. This again could be the mother.
All the images are sealed into the velvet-covered surface. The back of the case has a "stand" that lets the frame stand open to reveal all the plates. 

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